999 resultados para CHINESE MITTEN CRAB


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During fights animals are expected to make a series of strategic decisions that involve interactions between information about the contest and the individual's nervous system that produce a change in behaviour. Biogenic monoamines such as serotonin ('5-HT') and dopamine are thought to prime decision-making centres for appropriate responses during aggressive interactions in crustaceans, and circulating levels vary both between individuals and during agonistic encounters. Aminergenic systems operate in diverse animal taxa and in this study we assayed circulating levels of S-HT and dopamine following shell fights in the common European hermit crab, Pagurus bernhardus. The two roles in these fights, attacker and defender, perform different activities but, in both, S-HT increased and dopamine declined in response to engaging in a fight. In defenders but not attackers, giving up was correlated with low 5-HT and dopamine. In attackers, motivation to initiate a fight was positively correlated with dopamine levels. Circulating monoamines are therefore involved in decision making during these aggressive encounters. (c) 2007 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Animal fights are typically preceded by displays and there is debate whether these are always honest. We investigated the prefight period in hermit crabs, Pagurus bernhardus, during which up to four types of display plus other activities that might provide information are performed. We determined how each display influences or predicts various fight decisions, and related these displays to the motivational state of the attacker, as determined by a startle response, and of the motivational state of the defender, as determined by the duration for which it resisted eviction from its shell. Two displays appeared to have consistent but different effects. Cheliped presentation, where the claws were held in a stationary position, often by both crabs but for longer by the larger, seemed to be honest, and allowed for mutual size assessment. This display enhanced the motivation and the success of the larger crab. In contrast, cheliped extension, involving the rapid thrust of the open chelae towards the opponent, did not seem to allow for mutual size assessment and may contain an element of bluff. It was performed more by the smaller crab and enhanced its success. The complexity of displays in this species appears to allow for both honesty and manipulation.


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During agonistic interactions the motivation of each contestant is expected to vary because of increased information and changes in fighting ability. In shell fights between hermit crabs over gastropod shells, attackers rap their shell in a series of bouts against that of the defender whereas defenders remain withdrawn into their shells until the encounter is resolved; either the defender is evicted from its shell or the attacker 'gives up' and the defender retains its shell. We assessed the motivational state of attackers for performing rapping by measuring the duration of startle responses elicited by a novel stimulus. We staged fights between pairs of crabs in six different groups defined by the potential gain in shell quality available to attackers (high or low) and by the point at which the novel stimulus was applied (prior to rapping, after one bout or after four bouts). Startle response duration decreased during the first four bouts of fighting and showed a U-shaped relationship with the relative difference in size between the crabs. There was, no difference in startle response duration between high- and low-gain groups. Individuals showing short startle responses were likely to be victorious and we conclude that the relationship between the relative size difference of the opponents and. startle duration reflects that between size difference and the cost of gaining an eviction. (C) 2001 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.


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Aggressive interactions between animals are often settled by the use of repeated signals that reduce the risk of injury from combat but are expected to be costly. The accumulation of lactic acid and the depletion of energy stores may constrain activity rates during and after fights and thus represent significant costs of signalling. We tested this by analysing the concentrations of lactate and glucose in the haemolymph of hermit crabs following agonistic interactions over the ownership of the gastropod shells that they inhabit. Attackers and defenders play distinct roles of sender and receiver that are fixed for the course of the encounter. Attackers perform bouts of 'shell rapping', which vary in vigour between attackers and during the course of the encounter, and are a key predictor of victory. In contrast to the agonistic behaviour of other species, we can quantify the vigour of fighting. We demonstrate, to our knowledge for the first time, an association between the vigour of aggressive activity and a proximate cost of signalling. We show that the lactate concentration in attackers increases with the amount of shell rapping, and that this appears to constrain the vigour of subsequent rapping. Furthermore, attackers, but not defenders, give up when the concentration of lactate is high. Glucose levels in attackers also increase with the amount of rapping they perform, but do not appear to influence their decision to give up. Defenders are more likely to lose when they have particularly low levels of glucose. We conclude that the two roles use different decision rules during these encounters.


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Bradykinin-related peptides (BRPs) represent one of the most widespread and closely studied families of amphibian defensive skin secretion peptides. Apart from canonical bradykinin (RPPGFSPFR) that was first reported in skin extracts of the European brown frog, Rana temporaria, many additional site-substituted, N- and/or C-terminally extended peptides have been isolated from skin extracts and secretions from representative species of the families Ranidae, Hylidae, Bombinatoridae and Leiopelmatidae. The most diverse range of BRPs has been found in ranid frog skin secretions and this probably reflects the diversity and number of species studied and their associated life histories within this taxon. Amolops (torrent or cascade frogs) is a genus within the Ranidae that has been poorly studied. Here we report the presence of two novel BRPs in the skin secretions of the Chinese Wuyi Mountain torrent frog (Amolops wuyiensis). Amolopkinins W1 and W2 are dodecapeptides differing in only one amino acid residue at position 2 (Val/Ala) that are essentially (Leu1, Thr6)-bradykinins extended at the N-terminus by either RVAL (W1) or RAAL (W2). Amolopkinins W1 and W2 are structurally similar to amolopkinin L1 from Amolops loloensis and the major BRP (Leu1, Thr6, Trp8)-bradykinin from the skin of the Japanese frog, Rana sakuraii. A. wuyiensis amolopkinins were separately encoded as single copies within discrete precursors of 61 amino acid residues as deduced from cloned skin cDNA. Synthetic replicates of both peptides were found to potently antagonize the contractile effects of canonical bradykinin on isolated rat ileum smooth muscle preparations. Amolopkinins thus appear to represent a novel sub-family of ranid frog skin secretion BRPs.