994 resultados para CD30 antigens
La consecución de tolerancia aloespecífica es de mucha relevancia en trasplante. Las células dendríticas (DC) son las principales responsables de la inducción de la respuesta inmune frente a las moléculas de histocompatibilidad (MHC) del donante, provocando el rechazo del injerto. Sin embargo las DC son también responsables de la inducción de tolerancia. Diversos modelos animales de alotrasplante han mostrado la tolerización del injerto mediante DC diferenciadas in vitro en condiciones tolerogénicas (tDC). En humanos, las fuentes de aloantígenos potencialmente utilizables en terapia son, entre otras, los cuerpos apoptóticos y los exosomas. Éstos expresan antígenos MHC de forma abundante y su composición es relativamente uniforme, lo que supone una ventaja frente a otras fuentes. En este proyecto, se ha evaluado la obtención de exosomas secretados por una línea de linfocitos T y por células dendríticas derivadas de médula ósea. Se ha caracterizado la captura de exosomas derivados de linfocitos T por células dendríticas humanas derivadas de sangre periférica y su presentación a linfocitos T autólogos. Por otra parte, se ha comenzado a desarrollar los experimentos para estudiar la inducción de tolerancia en un modelo de trasplante renal en rata. Se han generado células dendríticas tolerógenicas derivadas de médula ósea (tolDC), en presencia de dexametasona. Las tolDC expresan menos moléculas de histocompatibilidad y de coestimulación e inducen una menor proliferación en reacciones mixtas leucocitaras, comparadas con las células dendríticas maduras. Por último, se han caracterizado los exosomas de plasma humano con el fin de estudiar su posible uso como aloantígenos. El análisis proteómico revela la presencia de proteínas relacionadas con el sistema inmune, la coagulación, la señalización celular y moléculas implicadas en el transporte y metabolismo de nutrientes. El estudio de la captura por diferentes líneas celulares sugiere que deben existir mecanismos específicos para su internalización.
T cell clones were derived from peripheral blood mononuclear cells of Schistosoma haematobium infected and uninfected individuals living in an endemic area. The clones were stimulated with S. haematobium worm and egg antigens and purified protein derivative. Attempts were made to classify the T cell clones according to production of the cytokines IL-4, IL-5 and IFN-gamma. All the T cell clones derived were observed to produce cytokines used as markers for the classification of Th1/Th2 subsets. However, the 'signature' cytokines marking each subset were produced at different levels. The classification depended on the dominating cytokine type, which was having either Th0/1 or Th0/2 subsets. The results indicated that no distinct cytokine profiles for polarisation of Th1/Th2 subsets were detected in these S. haematobium infected humans. The balance in the profiles of cytokines marking each subset were related to infection and re-infection status after treatment with praziquantel. In the present study, as judged by the changes in infection status with time, the T cell responses appeared to be less stable and more dynamic, suggesting that small quantitative changes in the balance of the cytokines response could result in either susceptibility or resistant to S. haematobium infection.
Previous studies carried out with Sm14 in experimental vaccination against Schistosoma mansoni or Fasciola hepatica infections were performed with recombinant Sm14 (rSm14) produced in Escherichia coli by the pGEMEX system (Promega). The rSm14 was expressed as a 40 kDa fusion protein with the major bacteriophage T7 capsid protein. Vaccination experiments with this rSm14 in animal models resulted in consistent high protective activity against S. mansoni cercariae challenge and enabled rSm14 to be included among the vaccine antigens endorsed by the World Health Organization for phase I/II clinical trials. Since the preparation of pGEMEX based rSm14 is time consuming and results in low yield for large scale production, we have tested other E. coli expression systems which would be more suitable for scale up and downstream processing. We expressed two different 6XHis-tagged Sm14 fusion proteins in a T7 promoter based plasmids. The 6XHis-tag fusions allowed rapid purification of the recombinant proteins through a Ni+2-charged resin. The resulted recombinant 18 and 16 kDa proteins were recognized by anti-Sm14 antibodies and also by antiserum against adult S. mansoni soluble secreted/excreted proteins in Western-Blot. Both proteins were also protective against S. mansoni cercariae infection to the same extent as the rSm14 expressed by the pGEMEX system.
Praziquantel was given every eight weeks for two years to children aged under six years of age, living in a Schistosoma haematobium endemic area. Infection with S. haematobium and haematuria were examined in urine and antibody profiles (IgA, IgE, IgM, IgG1, IgG2, IgG3, and IgG4) against S. haematobium adult worm and egg antigens were determined from sera collected before each treatment. Chemotherapy reduced infection prevalence and mean intensity from 51.8% and 110 eggs per 10 ml urine, respectively, before starting re-treatment programme to very low levels thereafter. Praziquantel is not accumulated after periodic administration in children. Immunoglobulin levels change during the course of treatment with a shift towards 'protective' mechanisms. The significant changes noted in some individuals were the drop in 'blocking' IgG2 and IgG4 whereas the 'protecting' IgA and IgG1 levels increased. The antibody profiles in the rest of the children remained generally unchanged throughout the study and no haematuria was observed after the second treatment. The removal of worms before production of large number of eggs, prevented the children from developing morbidity.