994 resultados para Automatic classifier


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The Dali Domain Dictionary (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/dali/domain) is a numerical taxonomy of all known structures in the Protein Data Bank (PDB). The taxonomy is derived fully automatically from measurements of structural, functional and sequence similarities. Here, we report the extension of the classification to match the traditional four hierarchical levels corresponding to: (i) supersecondary structural motifs (attractors in fold space), (ii) the topology of globular domains (fold types), (iii) remote homologues (functional families) and (iv) homologues with sequence identity above 25% (sequence families). The computational definitions of attractors and functional families are new. In September 2000, the Dali classification contained 10 531 PDB entries comprising 17 101 chains, which were partitioned into five attractor regions, 1375 fold types, 2582 functional families and 3724 domain sequence families. Sequence families were further associated with 99 582 unique homologous sequences in the HSSP database, which increases the number of effectively known structures several-fold. The resulting database contains the description of protein domain architecture, the definition of structural neighbours around each known structure, the definition of structurally conserved cores and a comprehensive library of explicit multiple alignments of distantly related protein families.


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In this paper we present an automatic system for the extraction of syntactic semantic patterns applied to the development of multilingual processing tools. In order to achieve optimum methods for the automatic treatment of more than one language, we propose the use of syntactic semantic patterns. These patterns are formed by a verbal head and the main arguments, and they are aligned among languages. In this paper we present an automatic system for the extraction and alignment of syntactic semantic patterns from two manually annotated corpora, and evaluate the main linguistic problems that we must deal with in the alignment process.


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This paper presents a preliminary study in which Machine Learning experiments applied to Opinion Mining in blogs have been carried out. We created and annotated a blog corpus in Spanish using EmotiBlog. We evaluated the utility of the features labelled firstly carrying out experiments with combinations of them and secondly using the feature selection techniques, we also deal with several problems, such as the noisy character of the input texts, the small size of the training set, the granularity of the annotation scheme and the language object of our study, Spanish, with less resource than English. We obtained promising results considering that it is a preliminary study.


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En este artículo se investigan técnicas automáticas para encontrar un modelo óptimo de características en el caso de un analizador de dependencias basado en transiciones. Mostramos un estudio comparativo entre algoritmos de búsqueda, sistemas de validación y reglas de decisión demostrando al mismo tiempo que usando nuestros métodos es posible conseguir modelos complejos que proporcionan mejores resultados que los modelos que siguen configuraciones por defecto.