999 resultados para Animal Structures


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The interplay of vasoactive peptide systems is an essential determinant of blood pressure regulation in mammals. While the endothelin and the renin-angiotensin systems raise blood pressure by inducing vasoconstriction and sodium retention, the kallikrein-kinin and the natriuretic-peptide systems reduce arterial pressure by eliciting vasodilatation and natriuresis. Transgenic technology has proven to be very useful for the functional analysis of vasoactive peptide systems. As an outstanding example, transgenic rats overexpressing the mouse Ren-2 renin gene in several tissues become extremely hypertensive. Several other transgenic rat and mouse strains with genetic modifications of components of the renin-angiotensin system have been developed in the past decade. Moreover, in recent years gene-targeting technology was employed to produce mouse strains lacking these proteins. The established animal models as well as the main insights gained by their analysis are summarized in this review.


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The present study evaluated the correlation between the behavior of mice in the forced swimming test (FST) and in the elevated plus-maze (PM). The effect of the order of the experiments, i.e., the influence of the first test (FST or PM) on mouse behavior in the second test (PM or FST, respectively) was compared to handled animals (HAND). The execution of FST one week before the plus-maze (FST-PM, N = 10), in comparison to mice that were only handled (HAND-PM, N = 10) in week 1, decreased % open entries (HAND-PM: 33.6 ± 2.9; FST-PM: 20.0 ± 3.9; mean ± SEM; P<0.02) and % open time (HAND-PM: 18.9 ± 3.3; FST-PM: 9.0 ± 1.9; P<0.03), suggesting an anxiogenic effect. No significant effect was seen in the number of closed arm entries (FST-PM: 9.5 (7.0-11.0); HAND-PM: 10.0 (4.0-14.5), median (interquartile range); U = 46.5; P>0.10). A prior test in the plus-maze (PM-FST) did not change % immobility time in the FST when compared to the HAND-FST group (HAND-FST: 57.7 ± 3.9; PM-FST: 65.7 ± 3.2; mean ± SEM; P>0.10). Since these data suggest that there is an order effect, the correlation was evaluated separately with each test sequence: FST-PM (N = 20) and PM-FST (N = 18). There was no significant correlation between % immobility time in the FST and plus-maze indexes (% time and entries in open arms) in any test sequence (r: -0.07 to 0.18). These data suggest that mouse behavior in the elevated plus-maze is not related to behavior in the forced swimming test and that a forced swimming test before the plus-maze has an anxiogenic effect even after a one-week interval.


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The aim of this study was to analyze the thickness of the intima-media complex (IMC) using a noninvasive method. The carotid and femoral common arteries were evaluated by noninvasive B-mode ultrasound in 63 normotensive and in 52 hypertensive subjects and the thickness of the IMC was tested for correlation with blood pressure, cardiac structures and several clinical and biological parameters. The IMC was thicker in hypertensive than in normotensive subjects (0.67 ± 0.13 and 0.62 ± 0.16 vs 0.54 ± 0.09 and 0.52 ± 0.11 mm, respectively, P<0.0001). In normotensive patients, the simple linear regression showed significant correlations between IMC and age, body mass index and 24-h systolic blood pressure for both the carotid and femoral arteries. In hypertensives the carotid IMC was correlated with age and 24-h systolic blood pressure while femoral IMC was correlated only with 24-h diastolic blood pressure. Forward stepwise regression showed that age, body mass index and 24-h systolic blood pressure influenced the carotid IMC relationship (r2 = 0.39) in normotensives. On the other hand, the femoral IMC relationship was influenced by 24-h systolic blood pressure and age (r2 = 0.40). In hypertensives, age and 24-h systolic blood pressure were the most important determinants of carotid IMC (r2 = 0.37), while femoral IMC was influenced only by 24-h diastolic blood pressure (r2 = 0.10). There was an association between carotid IMC and echocardiographic findings in normotensives, while in hypertensives only the left posterior wall and interventricular septum were associated with femoral IMC. We conclude that age and blood pressure influence the intima-media thickness, while echocardiographic changes are associated with the IMC.


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The presence of chitin in midgut structures of Callosobruchus maculatus larvae was shown by chemical and immunocytochemical methods. Detection by Western blotting of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) seed vicilins (7S storage proteins) bound to these structures suggested that C. maculatus-susceptible vicilins presented less staining when compared to C. maculatus-resistant vicilins. Storage proteins present in the microvilli in the larval midgut of the bruchid were recognized by immunolabeling of vicilins in the appropriate sections with immunogold conjugates. These labeling sites coincided with the sites labeled by an anti-chitin antibody. These results, taken together with those previously published showing that the lower rates of hydrolysis of variant vicilins from C. maculatus-resistant seeds by the insect's midgut proteinases and those showing that vicilins bind to chitin matrices, may explain the detrimental effects of variant vicilins on the development of C. maculatus larvae.


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The absolute nodal coordinate formulation was originally developed for the analysis of structures undergoing large rotations and deformations. This dissertation proposes several enhancements to the absolute nodal coordinate formulation based finite beam and plate elements. The main scientific contribution of this thesis relies on the development of elements based on the absolute nodal coordinate formulation that do not suffer from commonly known numerical locking phenomena. These elements can be used in the future in a number of practical applications, for example, analysis of biomechanical soft tissues. This study presents several higher-order Euler–Bernoulli beam elements, a simple method to alleviate Poisson’s and transverse shear locking in gradient deficient plate elements, and a nearly locking free gradient deficient plate element. The absolute nodal coordinate formulation based gradient deficient plate elements developed in this dissertation describe most of the common numerical locking phenomena encountered in the formulation of a continuum mechanics based description of elastic energy. Thus, with these fairly straightforwardly formulated elements that are comprised only of the position and transverse direction gradient degrees of freedom, the pathologies and remedies for the numerical locking phenomena are presented in a clear and understandable manner. The analysis of the Euler–Bernoulli beam elements developed in this study show that the choice of higher gradient degrees of freedom as nodal degrees of freedom leads to a smoother strain field. This improves the rate of convergence.


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To compare the sensitivity of dipyridamole, dobutamine and pacing stress echocardiography for the detection of myocardial ischemia we produced a physiologically significant stenosis in the left circumflex artery of 14 open-chest dogs (range: 50 to 89% reduction in luminal diameter). In each study, dobutamine (5 to 40 µg kg-1 min-1 in 3-min stages) and pacing (20 bpm increments, each 2 min, up to 260 bpm) were performed randomly, and then followed by dipyridamole (up to 0.84 mg/kg over 10 min). The positivity of stress echocardiography tests was quantitatively determined by a significant (P<0.05) reduction of or failure to increase absolute and percent systolic wall thickening in the stenotic artery supplied wall, as compared to the opposite wall (areas related to the left anterior descending artery). Systolic and diastolic frozen images were analyzed off-line by two blinded observers in the control and stress conditions. The results showed that 1) the sensitivity of dobutamine, dipyridamole and pacing stress tests was 57, 57 and 36%, respectively; 2) in animals with positive tests, the mean percent change of wall thickening in left ventricular ischemic segments was larger in the pacing (-19 ± 11%) and dipyridamole (-18 ± 16%) tests as compared to dobutamine (-9 ± 6%) (P = 0.05), but a similar mean reduction of wall thickening was observed when this variable was normalized to a control left ventricular segment (area related to the left anterior descending artery) (pacing: -16 ± 7%; dipyridamole: -25 ± 16%; dobutamine: -26 ± 10%; not significant), and 3) a significant correlation was observed between magnitude of coronary stenosis and left ventricular segmental dysfunction induced by ischemia in dogs submitted to positive stress tests. We conclude that the dobutamine and dipyridamole stress tests showed identical sensitivities for the detection of myocardial ischemia in this one-vessel disease animal model with a wide range of left circumflex artery stenosis. The pacing stress test was less sensitive, but the difference was not statistically significant. The magnitude of segmental left ventricular dysfunction induced by ischemia was similar in all stress tests evaluated.


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Allergy is characterized by T helper (Th) 2-type immune response after encounter with an allergen leading to subsequent immunoglobulin (Ig) E-mediated hypersensitivity reaction and further allergic inflammation. Allergen-specific immunotherapy (SIT) balances the Th2-biased immunity towards Th1 and T regulatory responses. Adjuvants are used in allergen preparations to intensify and modify SIT. β-(1,2)-oligomannoside constituents present in Candida albicans (C. albicans) cell wall possess Th1-type immunostimulatory properties. The aim of this thesis was to develop a β-(1,2)-linked carbohydrate compound with known structure and anti-allergic properties to be applied as an adjuvant in SIT. First the immunostimulatory properties of various fungal extracts were studied. C. albicans appeared to be the most promising Th1-inducing extract, which led to the synthesis of various mono- or divalent oligomannosides designed on the basis of C. albicans. These carbohydrates did not induce strong cytokine production in human peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) cultures. In contrast to earlier reports using native oligosaccharides from C. albicans, synthetic -(1,2)-linked mannotetraose did not induce any tumor necrosis factor production in murine macrophages. Next, similarities with synthesized divalent mannosides and the antigenic epitopes of β-(1,2)-linked C. albicans mannan were investigated. Two divalent compounds inhibited specific IgG antibodies binding to below 3 kDa hydrolyzed mannan down to the level of 30–50% showing similar antigenicity to C. albicans. Immunomodulatory properties of synthesized carbohydrate assemblies ranging from mono- to pentavalent were evaluated. A trivalent acetylated dimannose (TADM) induced interleukin-10 (IL-10) and interferon-γ responses. TADM also suppressed birch pollen induced IL-4 and IL-5 responses in allergen (Bet v) stimulated PBMCs of birch pollen allergic subjects. This suppression was stronger with TADM than with other used adjuvants, immunostimulatory oligonucleotides and monophosphoryl lipid A. In a murine model of asthma, the allergen induced inflammatory responses could also be suppressed by TADM on cytokine and antibody levels.


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Työn tarkoitus oli tutkia eläinrasvan puhdistusta biodieselin valmistusta varten. Eläinrasvaa syntyy elintarviketeollisuuden sivutuotteena ja sitä saadaan myös myymättä jääneistä elintarvikkeista. Rasva sisältää epäpuhtauksia, jotka on poistettava ennen biodieselprosessia. Tässä työssä tutkittavat epäpuhtaudet ovat typpi, fosfori, rauta, natrium, kalsium ja magnesium. Puhdistusmenetelminä käytettiin saostamista sitruunahapolla sekä adsorbointia kahdella eri adsorbentilla. Tavoitteena oli selvittää riittävä määrä happoa ja adsorbenttia sekä tutkia puhdistuksen mekanismia. Lisäksi tarkasteltiin lämpötilan vaikutusta adsorption aikana.


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This thesis is devoted to the study of the hyperfine properties in iron-based superconductors and the synthesis of these compounds and related phases. During this work polycrystalline chalcogenide samples with stoichiometry 1:1 (FeTe1-χSχ, FeSe1-x) and pnictide samples with stoichiometry 1:2:2 (BaFe2(As1-χPχ)2, EuFe2(As1-x Px)2) were synthesized by solid-state reaction methods in vacuum and in a protecting Ar atmosphere. In several cases post-annealing in oxygen atmosphere was employed. The purity and superconducting properties of the obtained samples were checked with X-ray diffraction, SQUID and resistivity measurements. For studies of the magnetic properties of the investigated samples Mössbauer spectroscopy was used. Using low-temperature measurements around Tc and various values of the source velocity the hyperfine interactions were obtained and the magnetic and structural properties in the normal and superconducting states could be studied. Mössbauer measurements together with XRD characterization were also used for the detection of impurity phases. DFT calculations were used for the theoretical study of Mössbauer parameters for pnictide-based ᴻsamples BaFe2(As1-xPx)2 and EuFe2(As1-xPx)2.