1000 resultados para Amostragem direta de sólidos


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This work deals with the continuation of Scientific Initiation research initiated by Tamura (2012), which draws up a mixture of soil and recycled aggregate analysis for paving of low traffic volume roads using local materials from the Vale do Paraíba region. The main steps of the process were the soil and recycled aggregate characterization, along with grading tests and California Bearing Ratio (CBR) applied to the soil, the recycled aggregate and the mixture of soil and recycled aggregate; aiming their use as base and sub-base in paving urban roads. The results are discussed, emphasizing the mechanical behavior. The current results are compared with the results of IC Tamura research, taking decisions over this job to the final product best result. For a greater understanding of the work in general were described paving, its structure, its components and its physical behavior. It has been intended to emphasize the importance of the mixture of soil and recycled aggregate to meet the quality requirements and compliance with the specifications of current technical standards, in the context of durability, natural materials economy, decreases volume in landfills and cost reduction


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The construction industry is a large consumer of natural resources and one of the largest generators of residues with significant impacts on the environment. Because of the large production of Construction Industry Residues (RCC), it is essential reliable and updated information about generation, composition and classification sources of these residues, especially for management, recycling and final disposal. RCC represent the most part of solid residues generated in a city. In this way, the management of these residues is an issue that is gaining increasing importance in the Brazilian scenario, since the legal and society requirements to internalize the sustainability in the construction process - since the extraction, use, wastage savings, reutilization until the appropriate discard has been increasing in the last years. The present work objective is updating the quantities produced and collected in Guaratinguetá-SP, based on data collected with the municipal administrative entities that act direct or indirectly in the RCC management, elaborate a detailed bibliographic review, with special attention to the graduate works that were realized in FEG about this theme. With this material, scenarios to a better adequacy of the administrative structure to managements RCC activities, as well as was suggested actions to achieve these scenarios


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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Pós-graduação em Planejamento e Análise de Políticas Públicas - FCHS


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This work deals with the continuation of Scientific Initiation research initiated by Tamura (2012), which draws up a mixture of soil and recycled aggregate analysis for paving of low traffic volume roads using local materials from the Vale do Paraíba region. The main steps of the process were the soil and recycled aggregate characterization, along with grading tests and California Bearing Ratio (CBR) applied to the soil, the recycled aggregate and the mixture of soil and recycled aggregate; aiming their use as base and sub-base in paving urban roads. The results are discussed, emphasizing the mechanical behavior. The current results are compared with the results of IC Tamura research, taking decisions over this job to the final product best result. For a greater understanding of the work in general were described paving, its structure, its components and its physical behavior. It has been intended to emphasize the importance of the mixture of soil and recycled aggregate to meet the quality requirements and compliance with the specifications of current technical standards, in the context of durability, natural materials economy, decreases volume in landfills and cost reduction


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The construction industry is a large consumer of natural resources and one of the largest generators of residues with significant impacts on the environment. Because of the large production of Construction Industry Residues (RCC), it is essential reliable and updated information about generation, composition and classification sources of these residues, especially for management, recycling and final disposal. RCC represent the most part of solid residues generated in a city. In this way, the management of these residues is an issue that is gaining increasing importance in the Brazilian scenario, since the legal and society requirements to internalize the sustainability in the construction process - since the extraction, use, wastage savings, reutilization until the appropriate discard has been increasing in the last years. The present work objective is updating the quantities produced and collected in Guaratinguetá-SP, based on data collected with the municipal administrative entities that act direct or indirectly in the RCC management, elaborate a detailed bibliographic review, with special attention to the graduate works that were realized in FEG about this theme. With this material, scenarios to a better adequacy of the administrative structure to managements RCC activities, as well as was suggested actions to achieve these scenarios


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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The knowledge of the variations in the wood characteristics produced by eucalyptus trees according to age and sampling positions is essential for its proper use. This study had as objective to evaluate the influence of the age, longitudinal and radial positions on basic density and anatomical characteristics in Eucalyptus grandis wood. The trees were planted in 3x2 m spacing and fertilized with commercial fertilizers in planting, 6th and 12th months. According to basal area distribution, fifteen trees were selected (24, 36 and 72 months of age) - five trees per age. Disks at DBH position (1.3 m) were taken for fiber determination (length, wall thickness, lumen diameter and width) and vessels (tangential diameter, frequency and area occupied) and in other different sampling positions for basic density determination. Wood basic density increased from 0.43 to 0.46 g.cm(-3) as well as the trees age increases with a longitudinal variation model, characterized through a decrease in base-3m (0.42-0.49 -> 0.40-0.46 g.cm(-3)) and an increase to the top of the trunk (0.46 -> 0.54 g.cm(-3)) Fibers and vessels dimensions showed variations related to age and to pit-bark direction. Wood properties behavior and variations indicate that, until this period, the juvenile wood is being formed.


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Com a Rio+20 retoma-se a discussão de estratégias para conciliar desenvolvimento com proteção dos ecossistemas. Um tema apenas tangenciado nessas discussões é o gerenciamento dos resíduos sólidos urbanos. Diante da institucionalização da Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos, busca-se contribuir para esse debate, bem como apontar caminhos para o enfrentamento dessa questão, privilegiando a inclusão social. Para isso, foram utilizados documentos e informações sobre a gestão de resíduos sólidos, e a literatura científica especializada. Observa-se que o inadequado gerenciamento dos resíduos sólidos gera impactos imediatos no ambiente e na saúde, assim como contribui para mudanças climáticas. Considerando as limitações das opções de destinação final para os resíduos, é imprescindível minimizar as quantidades produzidas por meio da redução, reutilização e reciclagem. Nesse contexto, destaca-se o papel dos catadores, que vêm realizando um trabalho de grande importância ambiental. Dadas as fragilidades desse segmento populacional, é preciso delinear políticas públicas que tornem a atividade de catação mais digna e com menos riscos e que, ao mesmo tempo, garantam renda, para assim caminhar rumo a um desenvolvimento mais saudável, justo e sustentável.


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O conhecimento das variações das características da madeira produzida pelas árvores de eucalipto em função da idade e posição no tronco é fundamental para o seu uso adequado. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a influência da idade e das posições longitudinal na densidade básica e radial nas características anatômicas do lenho das árvores de Eucalyptus grandis plantadas no espaçamento 3x2 m e fertilizadas com adubação comercial no plantio, 6º, 12° mês. Foram selecionadas, de acordo com a distribuição de área basal, quinze árvores de eucalipto com 24, 36 e 72 meses de idade, sendo 5 árvores/idade, e cortados discos do lenho a 1,30 m da altura do solo (DAP) para as determinações das dimensões das fibras (comprimento, espessura da parede, diâmetro do lume e largura total) e vasos (diâmetro tangencial, frequência e área ocupada) e em diferentes alturas fixas do tronco para a determinação da densidade básica. A densidade básica do lenho aumentou de 0,43 g.cm-3 para 0,46 g.cm-3 com o avanço da idade das árvores, apresentando um modelo de variação longitudinal, comum as três idades, caracterizado pelo decréscimo da base-3m (0,42-0,49 g.cm-3 0,40-0,46 g.cm-3) e posterior aumento até a extremidade (0,46 g.cm-3 0,54 g.cm-3) do tronco. As dimensões das fibras e dos vasos apresentaram variações tanto em relação à idade quanto no sentido medula-casca. O comportamento e as variações das características do lenho das árvores de eucalipto indicam que o meristema cambial está formando, até este período, o lenho denominado de juvenil.