992 resultados para Air Force law


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O estudo que se apresenta teve como objetivo analisar a implementação do modelo de Serviços Partilhados, com recurso à metodologia lean, nos serviços de apoio de pessoal do Complexo de Alfragide que decorreu no contexto da sua implementação na Força Aérea Portuguesa, determinada pelo Despacho do CEMFA n.º 59/2015, de 31 de julho. Para desenvolver este trabalho foi utilizada uma estratégia de investigação mista (quantitativa e qualitativa), seguindo o raciocínio hipotético-dedutivo. O desenho de pesquisa utilizado foi o estudo de caso, recorrendo a entrevistas, à análise documental e a um questionário para recolha de dados. Os resultados apurados através das entrevistas e do inquérito permitem concluir que a implementação do novo modelo alcançou alguns dos objetivos a que se propunha, nomeadamente, a melhoria dos serviços de apoio de pessoal prestados aos militares e civis. Apesar de se antever um elevado potencial ao nível da racionalização de Recursos Humanos, de momento, esse objetivo ainda não foi inteiramente alcançado. Conclui-se a presente investigação sugerindo a reavaliação numa fase mais adiantada da implementação do modelo de Serviços Partilhados no Complexo de Alfragide e o alargamento a outras Unidades de modo a obter uma visão mais abrangente da realidade na Força Aérea. Abstract: The study aimed to analyze the implementation of the Shared Services model, using the lean methodology, in the personnel support services in Complexo de Alfragide. This process took place in the context of implementation of this model in the Portuguese Air Force, determined by CEMFA Order No. 59/2015 of 31 July. To develop this work was used a mixed research strategy (quantitative and qualitative), following the hypothetical-deductive reasoning. The research design used was the case study, interviews, document analysis and a questionnaire. By the results obtained through the views expressed in the interviews and in the investigation, it can be concluded that the implementation of the Shared Services model has achieved some of the goals that it proposed like the improvement in personnel support services. Although foreseen great potential in terms of gains of Human Resources rationalization and due to several factors, has not yet been possible to achieve this goal. This research is concluded suggesting a reevaluation at a later stage of the implementation of the Shared Services model in the Complexo de Alfragide and extension to other Units for a more comprehensive view of reality in the Air Force.


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Among different classes of ionic liquids (ILs), those with cyano-based anions have been of special interest due to their low viscosity and enhanced solvation ability for a large variety of compounds. Experimental results from this work reveal that the solubility of glucose in some of these ionic liquids may be higher than in water – a well-known solvent with enhanced capacity to dissolve mono- and disaccharides. This raises questions on the ability of cyano groups to establish strong hydrogen bonds with carbohydrates and on the optimal number of cyano groups at the IL anion that maximizes the solubility of glucose. In addition to experimental solubility data, these questions are addressed in this study using a combination of density functional theory (DFT) and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. Through the calculation of the number of hydrogen bonds, coordination numbers, energies of interaction and radial and spatial distribution functions, it was possible to explain the experimental results and to show that the ability to favorably interact with glucose is driven by the polarity of each IL anion, with the optimal anion being dicyanamide.