998 resultados para AROMATIC CORE


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The working paper’s main objective is to explore the extent to which non-compliance to international labor rights is caused by global competition. From the perspective of institutional economics, compliance with core labor rights is beneficial for sustainable development. Nonetheless, violations of these rights occur on a massive scale. The violators usually blame competitive pressures. A number of studies have come to the conclusion that non-compliance does not provide for a competitive edge, thereby denying any economic rationale for non-compliance. While we sympathize with this conclusion, we find that these studies suffer from faulty assumptions in the design of their regression analyses. The assumption of perfect markets devoid of power relations is particularly unrealistic. While workers' rights promise long-term benefits, they may incur short-term production cost increases. On the supply side, the production sites with the highest amount of labor rights violations are characterized by a near perfect competitive situation. The demand side, however, is dominated by an oligopoly of brand name companies and large retailers. Facing a large pool of suppliers, these companies enjoy more bargaining power. Developing countries, the hosts to most of these suppliers, are therefore limited in their ability to raise labor standards on their own. This competitive situation, however, is the very reason why labor rights have to be negotiated internationally. Our exploration starts with an outline of the institutionalist argument of the benefits of core labor rights. Second, we briefly examine some cross-country empirical studies on the impact of trade liberalization (as a proxy for competitive pressures). Third, we develop our own argument which differentiates the impact of trade liberalization along the axes of labor- and capital-intensive production as well as low and medium skill production. Finally, we present evidence from a study on the impact of trade liberalization in Indonesia on the garment industry as an example of a low skill, laborintensive industry on the one hand, and the automobile as an example for a medium skill, capital-intensive industry on the other hand. Because the garment industry’s workforce consists mainly of women, we also discuss the gender dimension of trade liberalization.


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We have discovered that the current protocols to assemble Au nanoparticles based on DNA hybridization do not work well with the small metal nanoparticles (e.g. 5 nm Au, 3.6 nm Pt and 3.2 nm Ru particles). Further investigations revealed the presence of strong interaction between the oligonucleotide backbone and the surface of the small metal nanoparticles. The oligonucleotides in this case are recumbent on the particle surface and are therefore not optimally oriented for hybridization. The nonspecific adsorption of oligonucleotides on small metal nanoparticles must be overcome before DNA hybridization can be accepted as a general assembly method. Two methods have been suggested as possible solutions to this problem. One is based on the use of stabilizer molecules which compete with the oligonucleotides for adsorption on the metal nanoparticle surface. Unfortunately, the reported success of this approach in small Au nanoparticles (using K₂BSPP) and Au films (using 6-mercapto-1-hexanol) could not be extended to the assembly of Pt and Ru nanoparticles by DNA hybridization. The second approach is to simply use larger metal particles. Indeed most reports on the DNA hybridization induced assembly of Au nanoparticles have made use of relatively large particles (>10 nm), hinting at a weaker non-specific interaction between the oligonucleotides and large Au nanoparticles. However, most current methods of nanoparticle synthesis are optimized to produce metal nanoparticles only within a narrow size range. We find that core-shell nanoparticles formed by the seeded growth method may be used to artificially enlarge the size of the metal particles to reduce the nonspecific binding of oligonucleotides. We demonstrate herein a core-shell assisted growth method to assemble Pt and Ru nanoparticles by DNA hybridization. This method involves firstly synthesizing approximately 16 nm core-shell Ag-Pt and 21 nm core-shell Au-Ru nanoparticles from 9.6 nm Ag seeds and 17.2 nm Au seeds respectively by the seed-mediated growth method. The core-shell nanoparticles were then functionalized by complementary thiolated oligonucleotides followed by aging in 0.2 M PBS buffer for 6 hours. The DNA hybridization induced bimetallic assembly of Pt and Ru nanoparticles could then be carried out in 0.3 M PBS buffer for 10 hours.


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Objetivo. Determinar la validez de apariencia y concurrente de un instrumento de evaluación de la discapacidad en personas con lesión medular crónica (SCI-DAS), basado en el core set abreviadode la CIF. Metodología. Participaron 100 personas con lesión medular de más de seis meses de evolución de cuatro ciudades colombianas, así como ocho fisioterapeutas con una experiencia profesional promedio de 6,75 años. La validez de apariencia se evaluó a través de un grupo focal y una encuesta a los observadores, se calcularon los coeficientes de variación de los ítems y los índices de pertinencia y adecuación. Mediante el coeficiente de correlación de Spearman se analizó la validez concurrente con la escala de deficiencia AIS (American SpinalInjury Association[ASIA] Impairment Scale), y la escala de discapacidad WHO-DASII. Resultados. La pertinencia y adecuación global del instrumento arrojaron una media de 4,83/5 y 4,48/5 con un coeficiente de variación de 0,03. El índice de acuerdo entre observadores para las calificaciones de buena y excelente fue de 0,96 para pertinencia y 0,86 para adecuación. La discapacidad medida con el SCI-DAS mostró correlación significativa moderada con el nivel neurológico, los índice motor y sensitivo AIS, y alta con la discapacidad medida con el WHO-DAS II (p<0,001). Se encontró correlación baja estadísticamente marginal con la escala de compromiso funcional AIS (p=0,052). Conclusiones. Se encontró en general buena validez de apariencia del instrumento SCI-DAS, así mismo se evidenció la validez concurrente del instrumento SCI-DAS con la escala de deficiencia AIS y con la Escala de Discapacidad de la OMS-WHO-DAS II.


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Introduction: This article aims to show an alternative intervention for the prevention and control of back pain to the people of a production plant of geotextiles for the construction exposed to handling and awkward postures through the implementation of the Back School using the CORE technique. This technique being understood as trainer of the stability musculature of the spine; whose benefit is proportionate the muscular complex of the back, stability and avoid osteomuscular lesions and improved posture. Objective: To present the results about the implementation of the back school by the CORE technique for prevention of back pain in a population of forty-eight male collaborators. Materials and methods: The back school began with talks of awareness by the occupational health physician explaining the objectives and benefits of it to all participants. Once this activity was done, was continued to evaluate all plant employees to establish health status through the PAR-Q questionnaire, who were surveyed for the perception of pain using visual analog scale (VAS) and stability was determined column through the CORE assessment, to determine the training plan. Then, were made every six months the revaluations and implementation of a survey of assistant public perception to identify the impact of the implementation of the school back on the two variables referred (pain perception and stability of column). Results: The pain perception according VAS increased in the number of workers asymptomatic in 12% and based in the satisfaction survey 94% of population reported that with the development of this technique decrease the muscle fatigue in lumbar level; and 96% of population reported an improvement in the performance of their work activities. Discussion: Posterior to the analysis of all results, it is interpreted that back schools practice through CORE technique, contributes to the prevention and / or control of symptoms at the lumbar level in population of productive sector exposed to risks derived from the physical load, provided that ensure its continuously development and supervised for a competent professional.


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Su contenido se adapta a la llamada etapa tres (key stage tres) y, en concreto, a los alumnos de los niveles tres al cinco. Proporciona un gran número de actividades para la práctica de habilidades geográficas, que pueden realizarse a nivel individual y también en clase; incluye, también, evaluación periódica de los alumnos sobre cada uno de los temas de este programa.


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Contiene una amplia gama de recursos destinados a enseñar a los niños cómo usar las matemáticas en el mundo real, su pertinencia y relevancia; también ofrece orientación sobre las principales actividades para cada uno de los niveles. Cumple con los requisitos del National Numeracy Strategy en cuanto a los conocimientos básicos de aritmética que proporciona y a toda la secuencia de material didáctico que le acompaña.


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Esta serie de compone de dos libros, uno para el profesor y otro para los alumnos. El primero de ellos tiene preguntas y otros recursos que refuerzan los conocimientos de los temas expuestos en el libro del estudiante. En éste, el texto desarrolla un enfoque analítico y de evaluación de los problemas y las cuestiones científicas, para que los alumnos comprendan la naturaleza de la ciencia y su importancia para ellos mismos y la sociedad.


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Esta formado de dos especificaciones distintas: Inglés y Lengua inglesa, con calificaciones separadas en los exámenes del General Certificate Secondary Education (GCSE) Edexcel. Se divide en cinco unidades, cada una de ellas integrada por varias lecciones y con sus propios objetivos de aprendizaje. Su contenido ayuda a desarrollar las habilidades de lectura y escritura. Incluye actividades de evaluación y distintas evaluaciones de control.