999 resultados para ANATOMIA ANIMAL


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Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in the country. Due to this factor, the interest of showing what relationship exists between vasectomy surgery and the incidence of prostate carcinoma has started. Some epidemiological studies showed an increased risk of prostate cancer in vasectomized men (Emard et al., 2001). On the other hand other authors have argued that there is no correlation (Patel et al., 2005) and there are those who said that vasectomy is linked to reduced risk of prostate cancer (Ross, 1983). Faced with an analysis of published works, such discussion remains today. The vasectomy, or deferentectomia, is a contraceptive male method, which is the section of the vas deferens of man by preventing the sperm from being expelled along with the seminal fluid during ejaculation, and is one of the most simple, economical, uncomplicated post- operative. This study aims to evaluate the process of cell proliferation and to evaluate immuno-histochemically the expression of specific markers of PCNA (Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen) and Ki-67, in the prostate of the gerbil after chemical induction by intraperitoneal injection of the carcinogen N-methyl -N-nitrosourea (MNU), because the regulation of the functional balance between cell proliferation and apoptosis is associated with hyperplasia and prostatic carcinoma. The experimental procedure was performed at the Laboratory of the Department of Anatomy, along with collecting the data for later analysis


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The cervical enamel projection (CEP) is an anatomic variation that can be found in the cement enamel junction, it´s recognition and early diagnosis improves outcome the tooth involved, allowing greater efficiency in treatment. The knowledge of the location, grade and incidence of CEP is decisive on prevention and treatment of periodontal disease. It were studied 1200 molars (600 mandibular molars and 600 maxillary molars) separated from the collection of teeth on the Discipline of Anatomy in FOSJCampos - UNESP. Each group of 600 teeth was separated from the second side (300 teeth) and the second type (first, second or third molar). Each tooth had thoroughly inspected the cervical region, in all their faces, in order to verify the incidence and the grade of CEP in each surface. It was found that the CEP covered in 278 (23,17%) teeth was 146 (52,52%) mandibular molars and 132 (47,48%) maxillary molars. The CEPs were concentrated on a tooth surface in 222 (79,86%) teeth, in two surfaces 53 (19,06%) teeth, and in three surfaces in three (1,08%) teeth. From the total of 4.800 surfaces examined the CEPs were found in 337 surfaces, and 228 (67,66%) surfaces of the grade I, 60 (17,8%) grade II and 49 (14,54%) grade III. The buccal surface presented 207 (61,42%) CEP, the lingual surface in 57 (16,91%), the mesial surface in 35 (10,39%) and the distal surface in 38 (11,28%) CEP. The results of this study demonstrated that the CEPs have focused more on the mandibular teeth on only one surface of the tooth, the grade I was the most found and the buccal surface the most involved


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Bulbophyllum, which comprises 1876 species, is considered the second largest genus of angiosperms, with a pantropical distribution. The morphological and anatomical floral studies in the genus are incipient, with data restricted to the gynostemium and lip of some species. Based on molecular data, six sections were recognized within Bulbophyllum at the Neotropics, amongst them Bulbophyllum sect. Micranthae, which comprises 12 species distributed in central South America. We aimed to study the floral anatomy of six species of Bulbophyllum sect. Micranthae, in order to determine useful characters to differentiate them and contribute to the anatomical characterization of the section as a whole. Floral anatomy was assessed through usual techniques of light microscopy. The data found here for B. adiamantinum, B. chloroglossum, B. epiphytum, B. mentosum, B. micranthum and B. rupicolum allowed to identificate the presence of glandular trichomes and the possible presence of a secretory region on the lip, which might produce substances used as a reward to pollinators. The most significant anatomical characters to the species characterization were the shape and ornamentation of the outer periclinal walls of the epidermal cells, as well as the number of vascular bundles in dorsal and lateral sepals and at the lip. The data also allowed the differentiation between B. epiphytum and B. rupicolum, species very similar in morphology and phylogenetically related. Besides that, the data also allowed the discussion regarding the maintenance of B. mentosum within the section: although its inclusion is supported by molecular studies, the anatomical data here presented shows greater differences compared to the other species, not supporting its maintenance in Bulbophyllum sect. Micranthae


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Physics governs all working patterns of the universe and could not be otherwise in a biological environment. Living things depend directly on laws and physical models to compose their body structure, allow its survival in certain environments, communication between individuals and groups and also to establish a complex sensorial system that allows interaction with the environment that surrounds them. With the advancement of science and technology, new ideas are required, and thus, many researchers began to turn their attention to those systems found in nature, as these systems often present practical solutions and with maximum efficiency. This imitation of biological systems, applied in creating innovative technological resources, is called Biomimetics. To study the biological systems based on physical concepts is essential the creation of models. These allow the distinction of the effects of the issue really essential and may be ignored side effects that do not have an effective participation in the phenomenon being analyzed. In this Work Completion of course will be studied the phenomenon of countercurrent heat exchangers, present in various situations of nature, focusing on their participation in the legs of birds, also the balance of certain birds that are supported on one leg and possible inspiration of these phenomena in the fields of engineering. Also included are videos that allow better understanding of the studied subjects


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This study gathered some of the most relevant researches already undertaken regarding the Temporomandibular Joint, presenting descriptions of its anatomy and dynamics, and relating them to the main aspects of joint dysfunctions. Literature recognizes that the Temporomandibular Joint, responsible for lower jaw movements, comprehends the skull base and the jaw bone. Its anatomy and dynamics are of great importance in order to understand the functions of Stomatognathic System as well as to study Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction. The elements that compose this synovial joint and the bilateral characteristic confer eminent importance to the ATM before the skeleton head, the ability to perform broad movements and high complexity in its operation. It is accepted that the overload of one anatomical structure from the TMJ or other components of the Stomatognathic System leads to Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunctions. These disorders have different etiologies, ranging from malocclusion to emotional stress, and various forms of treatment, which are related in this study


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Estudou-se a anatomia dos órgãos foliares (folhas basais, ou catafilos, no caso de folhas ausentes, e brácteas involucrais) de três espécies de Mapania Aubl. Os espécimes de Mapania macrophylla (Boeck) H.Pfeiff. e M. pycnostachya (Benth.) T.Koyama, pertencentes à seção Pycnocephala, e M. sylvatica Aubl., pertencente à seção Mapania, foram coletados durante expedições científicas na Reserva Florestal Ducke em Manaus, AM, e constituem representantes de um mesmo gênero que ocupam três ambientes distintos da Floresta Amazônica. Em todos os órgãos, as espécies apresentam epiderme uniestratificada, com células de paredes delgadas, e estômatos paracíticos na face abaxial, no mesmo nível ou um pouco acima das demais células epidérmicas. O mesofilo é homogêneo e apresenta dois padrões distintos nos órgãos foliares: o primeiro com feixes vasculares em um único nível, sem extensão de bainha, idioblastos fenólicos abundantes e aerênquima não conspícuo; e o segundo padrão com feixes vasculares maiores e menores intercalados, com extensão de bainha do feixe e interrompidos por aerênquima conspícuo com células translúcidas. O primeiro padrão foi encontrado em brácteas involucrais de M. sylvatica e o segundo em todos os órgãos foliares das demais espécies. Essa diferença corrobora com as seções estabelecidas e é importante na diferenciação de espécies dentro do gênero. No pseudopecíolo de M. pycnostachya foi observada a presença de hipoderme, caráter importante na diferenciação de Mapania e Hypolytrum e que, portanto, necessita ser melhor estudado no gênero. Ainda, a presença de aerênquima, células epidérmicas com parede delgada e posição dos estômatos refletem a adaptação dessas espécies a ambientes úmidos de várzea e igapó onde são encontradas


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The maxillary lateral incisor has a very peculiar and internal morphology that can be influenced by the its external anatomy such as supernumerary roots and ruts deep root, which often hinders an effective endodontic treatment. Generally, this tooth have a single root with one root canal, but teeth with two to four channels can be found. The main canal can present ramifications such as accessory canals, laterals, collaterals, recorrents and apical deltas. All this factors interfere directally on endodonthics treatment. The objective of this work is a study of the internal anatomy of the maxillary lateral incisors by digital and conventional radiographics methods, comparing the results obteined by each method Six hundred upper lateral incisor were used in this study teeth of the collection of the Department of Anatomy ICT – UNESP. All the teeth were radiographed by vestibular face, using a digital radiographic unit(Dabi Atlante). After this step, all the teeth underwent by conventional radiographic technique(Kodak 2200) so that the results obtained were compared. To classify the channel system, it was adopted the classification of Pucci and Reig. All data obtained by digital technique were compared with those obtained in the conventional technique and were subjected to statistical analysis


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The theme of this project is the animal world, focusing on Bauru. The magazine Bauru Animal was born from the lack of publications addressing the issue of animals under the focus of their rights in this county. The treatment we give to animals is an important ethical and moral issue that should be discussed by the press. In Bauru there is an animal protection movement, whether organized or independent people. And there are many problems about the animals. The intent of the magazine is to report the status of animals in the city, checking legislation and getting into the philosophical field: we have the right to treat animals as mere environmental and economic resource? For the preparation of the materials were performed several interviews, documented in audio files and performed with the authors' theoretical Cremilda Medina and José Carlos Sebe Bom Meihy. The animal issue is cross-cutting issue that involves all traditional media editorials and allows public bodies to discuss assignments, ethical, moral and legal, the role of the citizen in society and many other issues relevant to the media


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The trimming and shoeing are of great significance in the performance and longevity of the athlete horse, and if not done or done incorrectly, cause a variety of limb injuries, which may make unusable the animal for sport, a fact of frequent occurrence, due to the small number of trained professionals in this area. The anatomy of the hoof and its functions should be maintained by maintaining the balance of the same (correct hoof trimming) and, if necessary, proper shoeing, all to avoid the hull balance alterations that lead to osteoarthritis, musculoskeletal disorders, chronic pain at the bead, synovitis, pedal osteitis, navicular disease, in addition to increase tension in the flexor tendons, suspensory ligament and proximal sesamoid causing tendinitis, desmitis and sesamoiditis proximal