996 resultados para ANÁLISE DE CONTEÚDO
This work is funded based on the uneasiness with the concept of State as a public machine for development. Of State as a public machine to deliberate valid practices for valid methods and to limit valid subjects in valid spaces. In midst of this specific context, this work dedicates itself to investigate the following research problem: the mistaken recognition of the blind subject in public spaces of representation. For this reason, it was addressed the following question: how the blind subject is recognized in public spaces of representation? To answer the question, it was necessary to contextualize how the blind subject is being recognized in various public spaces of representation. In the international scope, the human rights debate held between the National States was analyzed (BRAND, 2005; KOERNER, 2002; UN, 2006). In the national arena, constitutional rights, federal laws, public policies and institutions representing the blind subject were examined (CABRAL, 2008; SARAVIA, 2006). Finally, in a local context, the fundaments of the concept of citizen for the subject recognition were investigated (AGAMBEN, 2002; RORTY, 1999, DELEUZE AND GUATTARI, 1996). The methodology included reports of national and international representatives in the Lusophone Countries Meeting for Dissemination and Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and, mainly, interviews with blind subjects. The data was processed by content analysis and was discussed based on the following categories: representation spaces; representation modes; representation amplitude; representation premises. The results show, regarding such spaces of representation, the growing importance of thinking the rights of persons with disabilities ¿ group in which belongs the blind subject ¿ as of the international and national scenario. However, the blind subjects announced alternative local spaces for representation: church, internet, radio, etc. Regarding the representation modes, the role of law and standards has been advocated specially in the human rights field. The importance of the cooperation between the States and the civil society to ensure, in practice, the rights achieved was also emphasized. But other forms of representation, directly linked to each interviewee¿ history, was important. Regarding the representation amplitude, there were arguments in defense of a conception of human dignity and freedom to all inhabitants of the globe. The lusophone event highlighted the concern of the cultural peculiarities of those involved in the meeting. The blind interviewees argued for citizenship as construction of instruments for freedom and autonomy, but recognized that this is not a clear desire between the blind people in general, and even less in society as a whole. With respect to the representation premises, the fundaments for the recognition of the blind subject were based on the primacy of reason at the expense of personal experimentation. Experimentation that serves as the foundation of a new form of recognition of the blind subject in public spaces of representation, one more interested in singularities, impenetrable by reason, unmovable to another, and which are irreducible to each subject. The final considerations suggest that if the State has a reason to be, this is not another than to offer instruments to manifest as many as the existential possibilities of the subject. This is the concept of State for development.
This study examines the corporate social responsibility (CSR) theme in Central Bank of Brazil (Bacen). The CSR movement is growing worldwide and it is related to values such as sustainability, ethics and transparency to the stakeholders. The study was performed in two parts. The first part consists of a bibliography research on the origins, the concept and the practice relating to CSR in the contemporary organizational environment. In the second part - field research - the Central Bank's Board of Directors and representatives of Ibase and Ethos Institute were interviewed and the content analysis method - a qualitative research method - was used in the interpretation of information obtained. The analysis of the interviews shows that the Board is receptive to the CSR development and that they consider the accomplishment of Central Bank's institutional mission fundamental in this process. The participation of the Bank's personnel and the incorporation of the CSR principles into the day-to-day practice are also considered necessary. Finally, one hundred indicators - based on the Ethos CSR Indicators - are proposed to evaluate the stage of development of social responsibility in Bacen on the following subjects: Values, Transparency and Governance; Internal Public; Natural Environment, Suppliers and Society. In summary, this study aims to contribute to the improvement of the knowledge of corporate social responsibility and the best practices in the public sector, particularly in Central Bank of Brazil.
This research had as objective to identify as if it gives to the process of decisions in the City of Macaé. It was a case study, therefore to make possible this analysis, the used ways had been the research of field, bibliographical and documentary. The bibliographical survey was made in books, specialized periodicals, thesis, dissertations, monographs, sites and the pertinent legislation to the case, generating an analytical base of the subject considered for study. The research also was documentary, since internal document use of the City Hall of Macaé became. In the field, the public decision-making of Macaé, the previous management, had been interviewed, so that it was understood of that it forms if gives the process of taking of decisions in this city. Moreover, the interviewed ones had been encouraged to display its beliefs and feelings, to tell to experiences and personal characteristics. With this, one searched to better understand the universe lived for the respondents and, simultaneously, to compare the speeches and the reality. The data had suffered analysis of content based on the studies from Bardin (1979), Laville and Dione (1999) and Vergara (2005). The study it approaches the City of Macaé, and, in accordance with Yin (2001), studies of cases allow to work with an immense variety of evidences, as documents, devices, interviews and comments. The research bibliographical, documentary, of field, in the case study had been complementary and with its confrontation it searched to get a general vision of form to give to reply to the final question proposal. One concludes that the process of decisions politics and its implementation in the City of Macaé if gave by means of the awareness of the executive former-managers of the City Hall, in assuming roles of true entrepreneurs, the good relationship with the Common Council, in the search of chances and the combat to the problems and the establishment of public politics, focused in the access and the improvement of the quality of the public rendering of services, in the incentive the economic development and in the promotion of the citizenship for the population place.
Este estudo insere-se em um Programa Interdisciplinar de Pesquisa (PROINTER), em que a temática geral é fundamentada na “Evolução e diferenciação da agricultura, transformação do meio natural e desenvolvimento sustentável em espaços rurais do sul do Brasil”. O PROINTER é um acordo de cooperação entre Universidades brasileiras (UFRGS e UFPR) e francesas (Bordeaux 2, Paris 7 e Paris 10), agregando pesquisadores de várias áreas do conhecimento com o intuito de inter-relacionar os diferentes olhares na busca de soluções para o desenvolvimento dos municípios da Metade Sul do Rio Grande do Sul. A área inicial de pesquisa é formada pelos municípios de Arambaré, Camaquã, Canguçu, Chuvisca, Cristal, Encruzilhada do Sul, Santana da Boa Vista e São Lourenço do Sul. A área da saúde, no contexto do PROINTER, fundamenta-se na perspectiva das Interfaces entre a Saúde Pública e a Antropologia em torno das Desigualdades Sociais no Meio Rural, priorizando segmentos mais fragilizados da população, como os idosos. O presente estudo, portanto, objetivou caracterizar através de um enfoque sociodemográfico e epidemiológico as condições de vida e saúde dos idosos do meio rural de Arambaré, bem como, as concepções que envolvem o envelhecimento e a qualidade de vida. A metodologia para alcançar os objetivos combina a análise quantitativa com a qualitativa, privilegiando o delineamento epidemiológico do tipo seccional. A coleta de dados foi através de roteiro de entrevista com questões quantitativas e qualitativas. Os dados quantitativos foram analisados através do software Epi-Info 6.4 e os qualitativos por análise de conteúdo. Os resultados mostraram um número maior de homens idosos do que mulheres no meio rural e, de forma geral, uma inserção socioeconômica precária: baixa escolaridade, renda familiar reduzida, segregação em espaços rurais delimitados por latifúndios, condições sanitárias deficientes. O enfrentamento dessas condições é a continuidade no trabalho agrícola, mesmo para aqueles que são aposentados. Os problemas de saúde são basicamente doenças crônicas, comuns ao envelhecimento, mas há problemas que se ocultam na definição do que é patológico e do que é “inerente ao trabalho”, como as dorsopatias. As redes de apoio ao idoso limitam-se às relações familiares que são influenciadas pelo contexto rural e pelas suas trajetórias pessoais. Essa influência define também preconceitos, valores, tabus e as diferentes concepções de envelhecimento e qualidade de vida, como auto-imagem, sexualidade, limitações, entre outros. O estudo mostra uma heterogeneidade nas formas de envelhecer no meio rural construída pela inter-relação de fatores que permite, a partir de suas informações, influenciar em políticas públicas locais direcionadas aos idosos do meio rural do município, bem como, subsidiar a construção da problemática de pesquisa do PROINTER, considerando não somente as condições materiais de existência, mas também, os aspectos socioculturais que influenciam e são influenciados pelas dinâmicas de vida e saúde dessa população e definem as desigualdades sociais existentes.
Trata-se de um estudo de natureza qualitativa que investiga as manifestações psicomotoras de bebês prematuros (33 a 36 semanas de idade gestacional) hospitalizados, na relação mãe-bebê. A coleta as informações é a partir da observação participante e entrevista semiestruturada. O estudo desenvolve-se em uma Unidade de Internação Neonatal (UIN) de um hospital escola de Porto Alegre e tem como sujeitos de pesquisa seis bebês internados nesta unidade e suas mães. Do processo de análise de conteúdo origina-se quatro temas: “O imaginário e o vivido na gestação”; “A leitura das manifestações psicomotoras do bebê”; “A fragilidade do bebê com relação ao meio” e; “As expectativas futuras com relação ao bebê”. Do olhar do pesquisador sobre os bebês e suas mães, desvela-se o universo vivido por estes personagens em situação de internação. A importância do trabalho reside em instrumentalizar os profissionais com relação ao conhecimento e reconhecimento das produções dos bebês e favorecer o entendimento das mães sobre estas produções, enquanto mais um recurso de prevenção e atenção à saúde.
This study aimed to focus on aspects of public administration concerning the implementation of the public policy of complementary blood collection by the itinerant and scheduled PPCCIPS services either trough off local unity or mobile unit blood collection operations, which are managed by the State Institute of Hematology Arthur de Siqueira Cavalcanti - HEMORIO. The case study method was used in that public health institutional field, in search for a better understanding of responsibilities and management related to collection, serology, fractionation, storage and distribution of blood supply to almost all public hospitals and clinics, summed up to agreements with the single health system of the State of Rio de Janeiro. Bibliographic references, documentary and field data obtained through interviews and systematic observation in the public servants of HEMORIO workplaces, were treated by the analysis of the content method and the results of this research revealed the complexity of those services, and needs in outstanding aspects of infrastructure, equipment, logistics and personnel, which are critical for the achievement of the increased public collection of blood in the Rio de Janeiro State, endorsing the suggestions for the implementation of PPCCIPS in HEMORIO. The main point found in this research results concern the immanent ethical commitment of that public service personnel, including staff members and low ranking members as well, perceived due to a brief philosophical overlook on that personnel¿s attitudes. An important strategic aspect was revealed by the need for excellence of midia communications and education programs to implement the community involvement in the whole process. Final reflections point out that personnel posture is considered vital for the quality of the expected care of the technical activities and also for the quality of its final products release to the local public, fluminense, which is the irreplaceable human blood, and their derivatives. Despite the author¿s effort in this dissertation there is much more to be studied on that crucial theme.