1000 resultados para AMBIENTE ESCOLAR
During the last centuries, the human being have been considered the center of the universe. The man believed that nature was at his disposal. Appropriated their processes, their cycles changed, redefined their spaces. Today, when faced with an environmental crisis which threatens the planet life, including the human life, the Science Education can contribute to a reconstruction of man-nature relationship in other terms. The transformation of teaching practices in the school environment, to be reflective, it is still a process that challenges the vast majority of teachers. As has been indicated by Guerra (2004), among others, the traditional teaching of content delivery is still very strong and certainly more deeply embedded in ideas and activities of the teachers who focus on environmental education. With it, a theory and pedagogical discourses in critical-reflexive actions is still a major obstacle. Therefore, new proposals for education and continuing education activities need to be formulated and presented based on the characteristics and needs breathing. Therefore propose changes in the way of teaching, where there is more room for a theory and praxis alone or with a only scientific truth. The scenery of society requires that knowledge is constructed to interconnect all disciplines, joining theory and practice so we can understand the whole and their relations in an integrated manner. It was proposed here a way to build a school and applying theoretical and practical activities involving experimental and seeking to meet the principles of Environmental Education for the training of citizens aware and critical. At the same time cares to use textbooks very rich in its pedagogical character that are present in schools and often are, forgotten and unused by teachers. From this way, I chose to Experimentoteca, ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)
This research aimed at studying the social role of reading, its importance in building knowledge and training of readers, as well as reflect on the teaching of reading in schools, with children in the literacy process. For their achievement, were used as theoretical support authors who are dedicated to the study of language, thematic reading, and phenomena that occur through it in the school environment, especially those of Bakhtin, Kleiman, Chartier, Foucambert, among others . The research was carried out using the approach of qualitative research, using participatory action research, through which the researcher could have direct contact with the observed phenomena, to participate and collect the participants' actions in its natural context, the from their perspective and their views. As for collecting and analyzing data, we used the tools of questionnaire, interview and participant observation. Its subjects a literacy class and their respective teacher, in 2009. By analyzing this information, one can draw a picture of reading in the school environment and teaching practices that surround this object. The results of the literature survey and data analysis suggest that reading is a social practice, and as such has indispensable social function in society today. And the school, one of the greatest instruments of contact with the world of letters, therefore, of reading for children means not literate, have key role in developing and training of readers who are aware of the importance of reading and perpetuate this practice in their daily lives. Similarly, subjects of research, have achieved an advanced level of literacy and understand the social role of reading and its importance to live in society, in which they belong
Esta pesquisa buscou investigar estudos voltados à imagem corporal e relacioná-los a crianças com fissura lábiopalatina a fim de elaborar um material pedagógico que sirva de recurso para o professor do nível básico, na compreensão, na integração escolar e na aprendizagem de crianças com tal deformidade. A pesquisa realizada é de natureza Qualitativa, do tipo exploratória. Através da revisão da literatura constatamos que a imagem que a criança tem de si é muito importante para seu desenvolvimento; as crianças portadoras de fissura lábiopalatina necessitam do olhar atento dos educadores em relação a sua imagem corporal, pois isso pode influenciar na sua vida escolar e no seu desenvolvimento. Para isto, problematiza-se a imagem corporal como influência nas relações, cognitivas e pessoais, de crianças na escola, principalmente as nascidas com essa malformação. A cartilha foi construída contendo temas como: O que é a fissura lábiopalatina, Etiologia, Tratamento, Prevalência, Problemas decorrentes, A Imagem Corporal dessas crianças, o significado do ambiente escolar e o professor para elas, aspectos cognitivos que as envolvem, Locais de Tratamento da fissura, entre outros.
O presente trabalho analisa a contribuição de um projeto extracurricular no que se refere à formação do autoconceito de quatro alunos das séries finais do Ensino Fundamental I, que apresentam problemas de relacionamento no ambiente escolar e que são marginalizados e vítimas de preconceito. A partir dos princípios metodológicos da pesquisa-ação, o referido projeto desenvolveu atividades que contribuem para valorizar a autonomia, o senso coletivo e a humildade e levou em consideração a diversidade e as diferenças que cada aluno possui. As atividades foram divididas em ciclos nos quais os alunos escolhiam os temas de estudo e a partir deles elaborou-se um planejamento e desenvolveu-se uma série de atividades coletivas que culminaram em uma apresentação daquilo que foi construído/apreendido para as respectivas turmas dos alunos envolvidos. O método de coleta de dados baseou-se em conversas informais com os alunos, com os pais e equipe pedagógica da escola; em observações dos alunos e das intervenções dos educadores-pesquisadores no decorrer do projeto e gravadas em audiovisual. A análise dos dados permitiu inferir que o projeto extracurricular denominado “Aprendendo com Alegria” colaborou na construção de um autoconceito positivo dos envolvidos, porém, mostrou-se frágil diante da complexidade de fatores que influenciam na formação do autoconceito dos alunos, como a visão de pessoas significativas como os pais, professores e equipe pedagógica
Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Em nosso estudo, investigamos as contribuições das pesquisas sobre o Ensino da Teoria da Relatividade Especial e Geral (TREG) e suas implicações para a prática docente. Para tanto, revisamos atas de 03 congressos científicos realizados no Brasil. Mapeamos 44 estudos, os quais foram categorizados de acordo com seus propósitos. Identificamos uma grande quantidade de produções, com foco na análise de conteúdos em livros, na formação de conceitos e na implementação de propostas didáticas, o que permite-nos inferir que, a procura por alternativas para que o ensino da TREG seja realmente efetivado se faz necessária e o aumento de investigações no ambiente escolar parece o caminho mais acertado. Há, também, uma necessidade de investirmos esforços na formação inicial dos professores, para que eles sintam-se seguros para abordar a TREG, quando estiverem em atividade docente.
Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS
Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC
Circus activities have formed over the years as an important content to be exploited by the teachers in the school environment, and current projections, the inclusion of circus activities in physical education classes has been presented and defended by several authors. That being so, the objective was to offer a continuing education program thematising circus activities having as research focused on the analysis of this training process, as well as their implications, contributions, opportunities and challenges for teacher pedagogical practice. The research, qualitative, was developed in two phases: a questionnaire for physical education teachers working in public schools in order to highlight the reasons for the absence of most of the teachers in the training program. The second phase included the development of the continuing education program content circus activities in the continuing education of physical education teachers, the two teachers in the school environment, as well as analysis and reflection of teacher participation in the training program, described in daily class and daily meetings ending this step with a final interview. Participated in the study, 13 physical education teachers of the municipal school system of a city of São Paulo, of which only two teachers participated in the development of the training program in schools. The teachers manifestations through the questionnaire and participation in the training program showed that teachers make themselves available to participate in continuing education programs, however, the priorities of each teacher (such as family, leisure or other chores) can demarcate difficulties in establishing common to all teachers moments, preventing the effective participation of teachers within the continuing education programs. On the other hand, the school is set up as a rich space of experiences and exchanges of experience, contributing to the development of continuing education programs