996 resultados para 337.3


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CI3H17N5Os.C2H6OS, Mr=401.23, orthorhombic,P21212 p grown from Me2SO, a = 10.749 (2),b = 13.219 (2), c = 14.056 (2) A, V= 1997-23 A 3, Z =4, D_=1.40, D x=l.335Mgm -3, 2(CuKa)= 1.5418/~', g = 1.694 mm -~, F(000) = 848.00, T=293K, R =0.0538, wR =0.0634 for 2105 unique reflections with F > 3o(F). The asymmetric unit contains one nucleoside molecule with a disordered solvent Me2S_O molecule. The geometry about the C(4')-C(5') bond is gauche-gauche. The guanosine base is in the anti conformation with the furanose ring having C(3')-exo (E 3) puckering. The bases do not show any stacking in contrast to other guanosine-containing structures. The crystal structure is stabilized by N--H...N and N--H...O hydrogen bonding.


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CI2HI4N206, Mr=282"3, orthorhombic,P21212 t, a = 10.412 (2), b = 14.936 (2), c =16.651(3),/k, V=2589.46A 3, Z--8, Din= 1.450, D x = 1.447 Mg m -3, 2(Cu Kct) = 1.5418/~, # =0.902mm -~, F(000)-- 1184.00, T= 293 K, R = 0.039, wR--0.038 for 2548 unique reflections with F > 3a(F). The two crystallographically independent molecules in the asymmetric unit have similar geome-tries with the ribose ring having an O(4')-exo, C(4')-endo pucker and the uracil base in the anti conformation.The geometry about the exocyclic C(4')-C(5') bond in both molecules is gauche-gauche. The dioxolane ring assumes twist conformations in both molecules.


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C28H48N2Oa.H2 O, Mr=494.7, orthorhombic,P2~2~2~, a = 7.634 (2), b = 11.370 (2), c=34. 167 (4) A, V = 2966 (2) A 3, Z = 4, D m = 1.095,D x -- 1. 108 g cm -3, Mo Kct, 2 -- 0.7107 ,/k, ~ =0.43 cm -~, F(000) = 1088.0, T= 293 K, R = 0.061 for 1578 significant reflections. The second-harmonicgeneration (SHG) efficiency of this compound is negligible (1/100th of the urea standard). The observed low second-order nonlinear response has been attributed to the unfavourable packing of the molecules in the crystal lattice.


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Reactions of cis-[(C6H5N)PC1]z(1 ) with the difunctional reagents HO(CH2)20H,H (CH3)N(CHz)zN(CH3)HH, (CH3)N(CH& OH, and HO(CHz)30Hi n the presence of triethylamine yield the new bicyclic 1,3,2X3,4h3-diazadiphosphetidines[( C6H5- N)PIZ[-O(CHZ)Zo-l (2), [(C6H5N)PlZ[-(CH3)N(CHZ)ZN(CH3)-l (319 [(C6H~N)PlZ~-(CH3)N(cHZ)20 (4), and [(C6H5 N)P],[-Q(CH2),0-] (5), respectively. The products have been characterized by elemental analyses and IR and NMR spectroscopic data. The structures of 4 and 5 have been determined by single-crystal X-ray analysis. Crystal data for 4: monoclinic, P2,/c, a = 9.823 (2) A, b = 8.608 (1) A, c = 18.423 (3) A, i3 = 90.55 (1)O, Z = 4. Crystal data for 5 monoclinic, P2,/c, a = 9.727 (2) A, b = 8.064 (2) A, c = 19.702 (4) A, @ =I 91.31 (l)', 2 = 4. The structures have been solved by direct methods and refined to R = 0.028 for 4 and R = 0.050 for 5. Compound 4 is the first example of an aminoalkoxy-l,3,2X3,4X3-diazadiphosphetidine. The PzNz ring is slightly puckered in both 4 and 5 and the puckering occurs in a manner opposite to that observed for cis-[(RN)PX],structures.


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Ca2+-sensitivity of sheep lung cyclic-3',5'-nucleotide phosphodiesterase is provided by endogenous tightly bound calmodulin. The calcium sensitivity of a highly purified enzyme was desensitized by increasing the assay temperature. It could also be desensitized to Ca2+-activation by thiols such as dithiothreitol. The thiol-induced desensitization could be partially reversed by dialysis and almost completely reversed by dilution. The results presented in this paper indicate that thiols are possibly involved in the interaction of calmodulin with cyclic-3',5'-nucleotide phosphodiesterase. This is the first report on temperature and thiol-induced desensitization of Ca2+-sensitivity of a cyclic-3',5'-nucleotide phosphodiesterase.