996 resultados para 2510 Oceanografía
In April and May 1991 and between March and June 1992 data regarding the diet of larval S. pilchardus in relation to food availability was gathered. Interpretation of results is compromised by the tendency of sardine larvae to defecate their gut contents during sampling. The most common food organisms in the guts (78-89%) were the developmental stages of copepods (eggs, nauplii and copepodites). Percentage composition of copepod nauplii in the diet decreased with increasing larval size, while copepodites increased. There was no consistent relationship between food availability and feeding success, probably because feeding conditions were generally adequate.
Tidal and wind influences on the velocity field in the Ría de Vigo were assessed using atmospheric data from two meteorological stations located at Bouzas port and on an oceanic buoy off Silleiro Cape along with oceanic data from an ADCP moored in the Ría for a 72-day period. A two-layer circulation pattern was observed. Near-surface and near-bottom currents are primarily influenced by wind (especially remote winds), separated by an intermediate layer dominated by tidal variability. At subtidal frequencies, residual currents are well correlated with wind variability. Remote wind forcing exhibited a markedly high correlation with surface layer currents, indicating the major role played by wind in the long-term upwelling-modulated circulation of the Ría.
Tidal and wind influences on the velocity field in the Ría de Vigo were assessed using atmospheric data from two meteorological stations located at Bouzas port and on an oceanic buoy off Silleiro Cape along with oceanic data from an ADCP moored in the Ría for a 72-day period. A two-layer circulation pattern was observed. Near-surface and near-bottom currents are primarily influenced by wind (especially remote winds), separated by an intermediate layer dominated by tidal variability. At subtidal frequencies, residual currents are well correlated with wind variability. Remote wind forcing exhibited a markedly high correlation with surface layer currents, indicating the major role played by wind in the long-term upwelling-modulated circulation of the Ría.
Analysis of the word lancea, of Hispanic origin after Varro, and of place names, people´s names and personal names derived from it. It confirms that the spear was the most important weapon in the Bronze Age, belonging to the iuventus and used as heroic and divine symbol. This analysis confirms also the personality of the Lusitanians, a people related to the Celts but with more archaic archaeological, linguistic and cultural characteristics originated in the tradition of the Atlantic Bronze in the II millennium BC. It is also relevant to better know the organisation of Broze and Iron Age societies and the origin of Indo-Europeans peoples in Western Europe and of pre-Roman peoples of Iberia.
Cambio Climático viene ejecutando el proyecto Estudio integrado del afloramiento costero frente a Perú, que abarca diferentes componentes y áreas de investigación con el fin de comprender el sistema de afloramiento costero, desde la interacción océano-atmósfera hasta el acoplamiento bento-pelágico, tanto en sus propiedades oceanográficas, su productividad, la relación con la Zona de Mínima de Oxígeno (ZMO) como en las comunidades asociadas que habitan la columna de agua y el sedimento a diferentes escalas de tiempo. En el caso del zooplancton, se estudia su variabilidad temporal y costa-océano en la composición y abundancia, con relación a la dinámica del afloramiento costero y la variabilidad oceanográfica asociada a El Niño. Dentro del zooplancton, el grupo de los moluscos holoplanctónicos conformados principalmente por los órdenes Heteropoda y Thecosomata son de particular interés, ya que son considerados buenos indicadores biológicos de masas de agua Cruz (1993). Este grupo presenta una amplia distribución oceánica en zonas tropicales y subtropicales y actualmente son tema de estudio de la comunidad científica internacional relacionado con el cambio climático, específicamente con la acidificación de los océanos, debido a sus características calcificantes. Este trabajo da a conocer la composición y abundancia de las especies de moluscos holoplanctónicos y su relación con las variables oceanográficas y eventos El Niño durante tres años 2013, 2014 y 2015 en el mar peruano frente a Callao y Pisco, entre 2 y 50 millas náuticas de la costa.