998 resultados para 19-188


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Quarenta e oito leitões híbridos comerciais, machos castrados e fêmeas, com 5,5 ± 0,21 kg foram distribuídos em blocos ao acaso, com quatro tratamentos e seis repetições, para determinar a melhor concentração de lisina até os 11,9 ± 0,35 kg (fase inicial-1) e os efeitos subseqüentes até os 19,0 kg (fase inicial-2). A composição química das frações corporais e a deposição de tecido muscular na carcaça e no corpo vazio foram determinadas. As concentrações de lisina total utilizadas na primeira fase pós-desmame foram 1,16 a 1,46%. Não foi observado efeito na composição química do sangue e das vísceras, caracterizando a independência das concentrações de lisina. As respostas para acúmulo protéico e água da carcaça e do corpo vazio foram ascendentes com o aumento de lisina, caracterizando a maior eficiência na utilização e direcionamento do nutriente para a síntese protéica da musculatura esquelética. Na segunda fase, não foram observados efeitos, mas os animais que, anteriormente, receberam menores níveis de lisina tenderam acumular mais proteína e água na carcaça e no corpo vazio. Possivelmente, encontrando-se em déficit de lisina, fisiologicamente tolerável, a nova dieta supriu parte da demanda anterior, porém pode não ter atendido à demanda para síntese protéica dos animais que se encontravam em maior ascensão de síntese e acúmulo protéico na fase inicial-1. As respostas favoráveis ao aumento da concentração de lisina na dieta de leitões entre 5,5 e 11,9 kg de peso vivo recomendam novos estudos utilizando níveis de lisina superiores aos empregados, combinados com maiores níveis de energia metabolizável, a fim de estabelecer a eficiência máxima de deposição protéica. Estudos nas fases subseqüentes devem complementar informações de melhor aporte nutricional para o suíno.


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Nineteen bovines of both sexes aging from 5 month-old to 5 year-old, were referred to a veterinary hospital. Clinical signs were observed from 6 hours to 10 days before. Thirteen animals were found in permanent lateral recumbency, five showed motor incoordination, 15 were exclusively fed on grass pasture, three showed partial loss of visual acuity, 14 were blindness, 16 showed presence of normal pupillary reflex, 16 decreased ruminal motility, 14 decreased sensorium (depression, semicoma or coma) and eight showed opisthotonos. Dehydration and dried feces were directly related to the time of evolution of the process. All the animals were administrated vitamin B1 and showed a marked improvement of the clinical status within 4 to 48 hours after treatment. The longer the time between the onset of the clinical signs and treatment, the greater the delay for the restoration of the vision. The treatment was very effective for a rapid response of the animal.


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Background: It is well known that the multiple direct and indirect consequences of hyperglycemia in diabetic individuals have been linked to a number of abnormal host effector mechanisms that could lead to an increased risk of developing periodontal disease.Objective: the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of short-term experimental diabetes and insulin therapy on the severity of alveolar bone loss in rats, and the effect of experimental periodontitis on glycemic control.Methods: Seventy-two male Wistar rats were divided into four groups: group I animals were submitted to dental ligature around lower right first molars (ligated); group II consisted of streptozotocin (STZ)-diabetic, ligated rats; group III represented STZ-diabetic, unligated rats; and group IV consisted of insulin-treated (6 U/day), STZ-diabetic, ligated rats. Blood glucose of all diabetic rats was monitored at regular intervals. Standardized digital radiographs were taken after killing at 7, 15 and 30 days to measure the amount of bone loss about the mesial root surface of the first molar tooth in each rat.Results: No significant (p < 0.05) changes in plasma glucose levels of insulin-treated diabetic rats were found among the different examinations after the beginning of insulin therapy. Rats from group II showed significantly greater increases in mean plasma glucose levels at 15 and 30 days after ligature placement compared with rats from group III (p < 0.05). Furthermore, in spite of the significant alveolar bone loss progression that was observed in groups I, II and IV (p < 0.00001; two-way ANOVA), no significant differences among these groups regarding the severity of bone loss (p = 0.77) and no significant interaction between treatment group and time (p = 0.81) were found.Conclusions: Within the limits of this study, it can be suggested that the severity of periodontal disease was not affected by short-term diabetes, and that experimental periodontitis increased blood glucose levels in uncontrolled diabetic rats.


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Amostras fecais de cabritos machos e fêmeas, de diferentes raças e com até uma ano de idade, foram examinadas para determinação do número de ovos e oocistos por grama de fezes (OPG e OoPG, respectivamente) e coprocultura para identificação genérica dos nematódeos. Ovos de helmintos e oocistos de Eimeria spp. foram observados em 93,06% (188/202) e 77,22% (156/202) das amostras, respectivamente. Pelas coproculturas, foram identificados os gêneros Cooperia em 11,88% (24/202), Haemonchus em 51,98% (105/202), Oesophagostomum em 9,4% (19/202), Strongyloides em 5,94 (12/202) e Trichostrongylus em 20,79% (42/202) das amostras. As espécies de Eimeria encontradas foram E. alijevi em 25,24% (51/202), E. arloingi em 7,42% (15/202), E. caprina em 2,97% (6/202), E. caprovina em 10,39% (21/202), E. christenseni em 4,45% (9/202), E. joklchijevi em 11,38% (23/202), E. hirci em 9,4% (19/202) e E. ninakohlyakimovae em 28,71% (58/202) das amostras. Dentre os parasitas gastrintestinais, houve predominância do gênero Haemonchus e de duas espécies de Eimeria: E. ninakohlyakimovae e E. alijevi.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The enzyme 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase (EPSPS) catalyzes the reaction between shikimate 3-phosphate and phosphoenolpyruvate to form 5-enolpyruvylshikimate 3-phosphate, an intermediate in the shikimate pathway, which leads to the biosynthesis of aromatic amino acids. EPSPS exists in an open conformation in the absence of substrates and/or inhibitors and in a closed conformation when bound to the substrate and/or inhibitor. In the present report, the H/D exchange properties of EPSPS from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mt) were investigated for both enzyme conformations using ESI mass spectrometry and circular dichroism (CD). When the conformational changes identified by H/D exchanges were mapped on the 3-D structure, it was observed that the apoenzyme underwent extensive conformational changes due to glyphosate complexation, characterized by an increase in the content of alpha-helices from 40% to 57%, while the beta-sheet content decreased from 30% to 23%. These results indicate that the enzyme underwent a series of rearrangements of its secondary structure that were accompanied by a large decrease in solvent access to many different regions of the protein. This was attributed to the compaction of 71% of alpha-helices and 57% of beta-sheets as a consequence of glyphosate binding to the enzyme. Apparently, MtEPSPS undergoes a series of inhibitor-induced conformational changes, which seem to have caused synergistic effects in preventing solvent access to the core of molecule, especially in the cleft region. This may be part of the mechanism of inhibition of the enzyme, which is required to prevent the hydration of the substrate binding site and also to induce the cleft closure to avoid entrance of the substrates.


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A novel association of t(11;19)(q23;p13) and t(5;16)(q13;q22) was detected by G-banding and spectral karyotyping studies in an 18-year-old patient. While balanced t(11; 19) has been often described in acute myelocytic leukemia (AML) French-American-British Cooperative Group subtypes M4 and M5, this patient was diagnosed with the variant AML-M4 with eosinophilia (AML-M4Eo), which is associated with abnormalities in 16q22 and has good prognosis. However, the patient relapsed after allogeneic transplant and died within 2 years of diagnosis, which suggests that the association of these two translocations correlates with a poor prognosis. This report expands the molecular basis of the variability in clinical outcomes and adds the novel t(5;16)(q13;q22) to the spectrum of chromosome 16q22 abnormalities in AML. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)