992 resultados para 146-893
The temperature dependence of the stress-induced martensite (SIM) formation in a Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al (Ti-1023) alloy under compressive loading has been studied. At low temperatures, the stress level at which martensite starts to form increases linearly with the deformation temperature, while the stress at which the deformation switches to regular plastic deformation is roughly temperature independent. A thermostatistical model for dislocation evolution is employed to describe deformation twinning in martensite. Combined effects of twinning induced plasticity and solid solution strengthening are considered in terms of temperature variations. The SIM effect disappears on deformation at temperatures beyond ~ 233 ° C, which is close to the predicted Ms temperature of 240°C. The thermostatistical model predicts a transition from twinned martensite to pure slip at 250°C. By providing a model to predict the martensite formation, and by describing deformation twinning, the present work provides a number of tools that may be employed to conceive new titanium alloys combining improved strength and ductility. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.
<正> 一、前言黑龙江是我国四大河流之一,位于我国东北边境,上游有额尔古纳河和石勒喀河,汇合后从西北向东南蛇行,是中苏两国的天然分界线。与乌苏里江汇合后,下游全部流经苏联境内,注入鄂霍次克海。为了开发黑龙江的水力资源,中苏两国于1956年开始,进行综合考察。浮游动物的调查研究是渔业小队工作的一个组成部分。工作共进行两年,1957年工作着重于黑龙江流域各个水体中浮游动物普查,工作地区包括黑龙江、松花江、嫩江、达赖湖、镜泊湖、兴凯湖及五大连池。在各个水体中采集了定性标本,并在7月和8月在黑河和哈尔滨两地做