990 resultados para wedge prism


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Distinctive light-dark color cycles in sediment beneath the Benguela Current Upwelling System indicate repetitive alternations in sediment delivery and deposition. Geochemical proxies for paleoproductivity and for depositional conditions were employed to investigate the paleoceanographic processes involved in creating these cycles in three mid-Pleistocene intervals from ODP Sites 1082 and 1084. Concentrations of total organic carbon (TOC) vary between 3.5 and 17.1%. Concentrations of CaCO3 vary inversely to TOC and Al, which suggests that both carbonate dissolution and terrigenous dilution contribute to the light-dark cycles. Opal concentrations are independent of both TOC and CaCO3, therefore eliminating diatom production and lateral transport of shelf material as causes of the light-dark cycles. d13Corg and d15Ntot values do not vary across light-dark sediment intervals, implying that the extent of relative nutrient utilization did not change. The stable d15Ntot values represent a balanced change in nitrate supply and export production and therefore indicate that productivity was elevated during deposition of the TOC-rich layers. Parallel changes in concentrations of indicator trace elements and TOC imply that changes in organic matter delivery influenced geochemical processes on the seafloor by controlling consumption of pore water oxygen. Cu, Ni, and Zn are enriched in the darker sediment as a consequence of greater organic matter delivery. Redox-sensitive metals vary due to loss (Mn and Ba) or enrichment (Mo) under reducing conditions created by TOC oxidation. Organic matter delivery impacts subsequent geochemical changes such as carbonate dissolution, sulfate reduction and the concentration of metals. Thus, export production is considered ultimately responsible for the generation of the color cycles.


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During Ocean Drilling Program Leg 126, six sites were cored in a young backarc rift basin and its flanks (rift onset 1.1-3.56 Ma) and in the forearc basin of the Izu-Bonin Arc. In the backarc area, strata are younger than about 4.5 Ma, whereas in the forearc, ages are about 0-31 Ma in sections punctuated by important Miocene unconformities. Bulk chemical analyses of volcaniclastic turbidite sands and sandstones, derived directly from the arc, were obtained from 271 atomic absorption analyses (major elements), 253 XRF analyses (trace elements) and 16 ICP-MS analyses (trace and rare-earth elements). Of the 271 samples, 78 come from the backarc area and the remainder from the forearc. The sands and sandstones reflect the igneous compositions of their sources. Most are formed of materials derived from subalkaline, low-K andesites, and dacites, although compositions range from basalt to rhyolite. Basic and acid andesites are predominant in Oligocene rocks; in contrast, Pliocene-Pleistocene sediments were derived from acid andesitic to rhyolitic sources. The oldest sandstones, estimated to have an age of about 31 Ma, were derived from an arc tholeiitic, not boninitic, source. The 26-31 Ma sandstones furthest to the north, at Sites 787 and 792, have higher relative concentrations of Ti, Zr, and Y than do those at southern Site 793. Data from younger samples indicate that, for more than 30 m.y., the average composition of volcaniclastic sediments and volcanism near Aoga Shima was more basic than to the south, near Sumisu Jima. Using the sandstones as igneous proxies, we conclude that magmas erupted along the arc have become more depleted in light-rare-earth elements (LREE) with time. There was a major change in rare-earth-element (REE) concentrations in the late Oligocene, from essentially flat patterns (normalized La/Yb about 1-1.5) to LREE-depleted patterns (normalized La/Yb about 0.5). At the same time, Zr/Y ratios decreased from about 2-4 to about 1.5-2.5. These changes may reflect a shift in provenance, or changes in the composition of the mantle wedge beneath the arc. In the backarc area, lithic clasts and glass shards of rift-facies basalt are present in sediments as old as 2.35-3.15 Ma. Two samples of mafic sand from the backarc basin have flat REE patterns (normalized La/Yb about 1.0), like some of the <1-Ma rift lavas and unlike pre-rift sand and sandstone samples. These possibly represent the local effects of sedimentary mixing of detritus from arc and backarc eruptions because no evidence from the arc itself exists to suggest a recent change in the REE content of magmas.


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The mid-Piacenzian (MP) warm period (3.264-3.025 Ma) has been identified as the most recent time in geologic history during which mean global surface temperatures were considerably warmer than today for a sustained period. This interval has therefore been proposed as a potential (albeit imperfect) analog for future climate change and as such, has received much scientific attention over the past two decades. Central to this research effort is the Pliocene Research, Interpretation, and Synoptic Mapping (PRISM) project, an iterative paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the MP focused on increasing our understanding of warm-period climate forcings, dynamics, and feedbacks by providing three-dimensional data sets for general circulation models. A mainstay of the PRISM project has been the development of a global sea surface temperature (SST) data set based primarily upon quantitative analyses of planktic foraminifer assemblages, supplemented with geochemical SST estimates wherever possible. In order to improve spatial coverage of the PRISM faunal data set in the low and mid-latitude North Atlantic, this study provides a description of the MP planktic foraminifer assemblage from five Ocean Drilling Program sites (951, 958, 1006, 1062, and 1063) in the subtropical gyre, a region critical to Atlantic Ocean circulation and tropical heat advection. Assemblages from each core provide evidence for a temperature- and circulation-driven 5-10° northward displacement of MP faunal provinces, as well as regional shifts in planktic foraminifer populations linked to species ecology and interactions. General biogeographic trends also indicate that, relative to modern conditions, gyre circulation was stronger (particularly the Gulf Stream, North Atlantic Current, and North Equatorial Current) and meridionally broader. A comparison of mid-Piacenzian and modern North Atlantic planktic foraminifer assemblages suggests that low latitude western boundary currents were less than 1 °C warmer while eastern boundary currents were ~1-2 °C warmer, supporting the hypothesis of enhanced northward heat advection along western boundary currents and warming of high latitude Northeast Atlantic source regions for the Canary Current. These findings are consistent with a model of reduced meridional SST gradients, with little-to-no low latitude warming, and more vigorous ocean circulation. Results therefore support the theory that enhanced meridional overturn circulation and associated northward heat advection made an important contribution, in conjunction with elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations, to the 2-3 °C global surface temperature increase (relative to today) and strong polar amplification of SST warmth during the MP warm period.


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Infilled fissures are described from the interface between two loess deposits on Banks Peninsula, South Island, New Zealand. Both loesses differ from the other loesses by having a solifluction deposit at their base consisting of angular basalt fragments of the same angularity as fresh frost shattered basalt mixed with the loess. Typically, the fissures are narrow and up to 160 cm deep while the infilling of the overlying loess shows no obvious structure. They occur mainly at higher elevations on south (poleward) facing slopes, and the host loess forms a fragipan of high density. They are most readily explained as being seasonal frost fissures or more probably ice-wedge casts, which would have required either permafrost or deep seasonal frost for their formation. If permafrost had existed, this would imply a cooling of the mean annual temperatures by at least 16 to 18°C.


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The major aim of this study was to examine the influence of an embedded viscoelastic-plastic layer at different viscosity values on accretionary wedges at subduction zones. To quantify the effects of the layer viscosity, we analysed the wedge geometry, accretion mode, thrust systems and mass transport pattern. Therefore, we developed a numerical 2D 'sandbox' model utilising the Discrete Element Method. Starting with a simple pure Mohr Coulomb sequence, we added an embedded viscoelastic-plastic layer within the brittle, undeformed 'sediment' package. This layer followed Burger's rheology, which simulates the creep behaviour of natural rocks, such as evaporites. This layer got thrusted and folded during the subduction process. The testing of different bulk viscosity values, from 1 × 10**13 to 1 × 10**14 (Pa s), revealed a certain range where an active detachment evolved within the viscoelastic-plastic layer that decoupled the over- and the underlying brittle strata. This mid-level detachment caused the evolution of a frontally accreted wedge above it and a long underthrusted and subsequently basally accreted sequence beneath it. Both sequences were characterised by specific mass transport patterns depending on the used viscosity value. With decreasing bulk viscosities, thrust systems above this weak mid-level detachment became increasingly symmetrical and the particle uplift was reduced, as would be expected for a salt controlled forearc in nature. Simultaneously, antiformal stacking was favoured over hinterland dipping in the lower brittle layer and overturning of the uplifted material increased. Hence, we validated that the viscosity of an embedded detachment strongly influences the whole wedge mechanics, both the respective lower slope and the upper slope duplex, shown by e.g. the mass transport pattern.


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A group of nine pingos occurs in the valley of a glacial meltwater river. The pingos rise from a plain of low-center polygons. Some pingos have a typical cone shape, but others are linear, apparently centered on ice wedges . The occurrence of most pingos at the junction of oversize ice wedge polygon ridges suggests that the injection of water and the segregation of ice occurred along pathways provided by the ice wedges.


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Resolving flow geometry in the mantle wedge is central to understanding the thermal and chemical structure of subduction zones, subducting plate dehydration, and melting that leads to arc volcanism, which can threaten large populations and alter climate through gas and particle emission. Here we show that isotope geochemistry and seismic velocity anisotropy provide strong evidence for trench-parallel flow in the mantle wedge beneath Costa Rica and Nicaragua. This finding contradicts classical models, which predict trench-normal flow owing to the overlying wedge mantle being dragged downwards by the subducting plate. The isotopic signature of central Costa Rican volcanic rocks is not consistent with its derivation from the mantle wedge (Feigenson et al., 2004, doi:10.1029/2003GC000621; Herrstom et al., 1995, doi:10.1130/0091-7613(1995)023<0617:VILCAW>2.3.CO;2; Abratis and Woerner, 2001) or eroded fore-arc complexes (Goss and Kay, 2006, doi:10.1029/2005GC001163) but instead from seamounts of the Galapagos hotspot track on the subducting Cocos plate. This isotopic signature decreases continuously from central Costa Rica to northwestern Nicaragua. As the age of the isotopic signature beneath Costa Rica can be constrained and its transport distance is known, minimum northwestward flow rates can be estimated (~63-190 mm/yr) and are comparable to the magnitude of subducting Cocos plate motion (approx85 mm/yr). Trench-parallel flow needs to be taken into account in models evaluating thermal and chemical structure and melt generation in subduction zones.


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During Leg 110 of the Ocean Drilling Program, sediment was recovered from six sites in the vicinity of the Lesser Antilles Forearc. Hole 671B, drilled near the toe of the Barbados deformation front, was the first-ever penetration of the decollement between the underthrusting Atlantic Plate and the off scraped Barbados accretionary prism. Stratigraphic repetitions in sequence associated with tectonic movement along the decollement zone, first observed on DSDP Leg 78A, were further documented at four ODP Leg 110 sites. A significant biostratigraphic inversion is present at Site 671 at 128 mbsf in which upper Miocene sediments rest atop lower Pleistocene strata. Smaller repetitions in sequence are recorded at Sites 671, 673, 674, and 676. Leg 110 sediments range from middle Eocene to early Pleistocene in age. Pliocene/Pleistocene assemblages are generally well preserved; however, Miocene assemblages have undergone extensive dissolution at all Leg 110 sites. Paleogene sediments are sometimes recrystallized and the nannofossils contained within exhibit a range in preservation from poor to good.


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The calcium isotopic composition of porewaters and authigenic carbonates in the anoxic sediments of a convergent continental margin drilled during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) provides first insight into the different processes that control Ca geochemistry in clastic marine, organic-rich sedimentary environments. In 4 sites drilled during Leg 204 at Hydrate Ridge (Cascadia Margin, offshore Oregon/USA), sulfate is consumed during anaerobic oxidation of methane and of organic matter via sulfate reduction within the upper meters of the sedimentary section. These reactions promote the precipitation of authigenic carbonates through the generation of bicarbonate, which is reflected in a pronounced decrease in calcium concentration. Although Ca isotope fractionation is observed during carbonate precipitation, Ca concentration in the pore fluids from ODP Leg 204 is decoupled from Ca isotopy, which seems to be mainly controlled by the release of light Ca isotopes that completely overprint the carbonate formation effect. Different processes, such as the release of organically bound Ca, ion exchange and ion pair formation may be responsible for the released light Ca. Deeper within the sedimentary section, additional processes such as ash alteration influence the Ca isotopic composition of the porewater. Two sites, drilled into the deeper core of the accretionary prism, reveal the nature of fluids which have reacted with the oceanic basement. These deep fluids are characterized by relatively high Ca concentrations and low d44/40Ca ratios.


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Miocene to Recent species of planktic foraminifera in the Globorotalia (Globoconella) lineage evolved entirely within the thermocline. All species are most abundant within subtropical-temperate watermasses throughout their history. The near stasis in distribution within the thermocline and the subtropical convergence suggests the major morphological changes in Globorotalia (Globoconella) may have occurred through habitat subdivision rather than by vicariant shifts into new watermasses. At the Rio Grande Rise, in the South Atlantic, modern G. inflata is 0.66-0.84? more positive for delta18O than the most enriched coexisting Globigerinoides sacculifer and probably grows in the mid thermocline deeper than 325 m. All extinct globoconellid species have mean delta18O ratios 0.5-0.8? more positive than Globigerinoides trilobus and G. sacculifer and probably lived within the thermocline as well. Major events in skeletal evolution are poorly correlated with changes in delta18O in this group. These include evolutionary transitions to compressed, smooth-walled tests and acquisition of keels. In addition, morphological reversals from the umbilically-inflated G. conomiozea to biconvex G. pliozea and to unkeeled G. puncticulata occur in the absence of changes in delta18O signature. Instead, the ranges of delta18O between different species almost completely overlap once corrected for temporal changes in delta18O of sea water. Foraminifera morphologies have been widely considered to evolve in response to changes in watermasses or depth habitats. However, the variety of skeletal shapes in the globoconellid lineage apparently are not adaptations to a progressive radiation from the surface mixed layer into deeper waters.


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The northern Arabian Sea is one of the few regions in the open ocean where thermocline water is severely depleted in oxygen. The intensity of this oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) has been reconstructed over the past 225,000 years using proxies for surface water productivity, water column denitrification, winter mixing, and the aragonite compensation depth (ACD). Changes in OMZ intensity occurred on orbital and suborbital timescales. Lowest O2 levels correlate with productivity maxima and shallow winter mixing. Precession-related productivity maxima lag early summer insolation maxima by ~6 kyr, which we attribute to a prolonged summer monsoon season related to higher insolation at the end of the summer. Periods with a weakened or even non-existent OMZ are characterized by low productivity conditions and deep winter mixing attributed to strong and cold winter monsoonal winds. The timing of deep winter mixing events corresponds with that of periods of climatic cooling in the North Atlantic region.


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Sediments at the southern summit of Hydrate Ridge display two distinct modes of gas hydrate occurrence. The dominant mode is associated with active venting of gas exsolved from the accretionary prism and leads to high concentrations (15%-40% of pore space) of gas hydrate in seafloor or near-surface sediments at and around the topographic summit of southern Hydrate Ridge. These near-surface gas hydrates are mainly composed of previously buried microbial methane but also contain a significant (10%-15%) component of thermogenic hydrocarbons and are overprinted with microbial methane currently being generated in shallow sediments. Focused migration pathways with high gas saturation (>65%) abutting the base of gas hydrate stability create phase equilibrium conditions that permit the flow of a gas phase through the gas hydrate stability zone. Gas seepage at the summit supports rapid growth of gas hydrates and vigorous anaerobic methane oxidation. The other mode of gas hydrate occurs in slope basins and on the saddle north of the southern summit and consists of lower average concentrations (0.5%-5%) at greater depths (30-200 meters below seafloor [mbsf]) resulting from the buildup of in situ-generated dissolved microbial methane that reaches saturation levels with respect to gas hydrate stability at 30-50 mbsf. Net rates of sulfate reduction in the slope basin and ridge saddle sites estimated from curve fitting of concentration gradients are 2-4 mmol/m**3/yr, and integrated net rates are 20-50 mmol/m**2/yr. Modeled microbial methane production rates are initially 1.5 mmol/m**3/yr in sediments just beneath the sulfate reduction zone but rapidly decrease to rates of <0.1 mmol/m**3/yr at depths >100 mbsf. Integrated net rates of methane production in sediments away from the southern summit of Hydrate Ridge are 25-80 mmol/m**2/yr. Anaerobic methane oxidation is minor or absent in cored sediments away from the summit of southern Hydrate Ridge. Ethane-enriched Structure I gas hydrate solids are buried more rapidly than ethane-depleted dissolved gas in the pore water because of advection from compaction. With subsidence beneath the gas hydrate stability zone, the ethane (mainly of low-temperature thermogenic origin) is released back to the dissolved gas-free gas phases and produces a discontinuous decrease in the C1/C2 vs. depth trend. These ethane fractionation effects may be useful to recognize and estimate levels of gas hydrate occurrence in marine sediments.


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We report iodine and bromine concentrations in a total of 256 pore water samples collected from all nine sites of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 204, Hydrate Ridge. In a subset of these samples, we also determined iodine ages in the fluids using the cosmogenic isotope 129I (T1/2 = 15.7 Ma). The presence of this cosmogenic isotope, combined with the strong association of iodine with methane, allows the identification of the organic source material responsible for iodine and methane in gas hydrates. In all cores, iodine concentrations were found to increase strongly with depth from values close to that of seawater (0.0004 mM) to concentrations >0.5 mM. Several of the cores taken from the northwest flank of the southern summit show a pronounced maximum in iodine concentrations at depths between 100 and 150 meters below seafloor in the layer just above the bottom-simulating reflector. This maximum is especially visible at Site 1245, where concentrations reach values as high as 2.3 mM, but maxima are absent in the cores taken from the slope basin sites (Sites 1251 and 1252). Bromine concentrations follow similar trends, but enrichment factors for Br are only 4-8 times that of seawater (i.e., considerably lower than those for iodine). Iodine concentrations are sufficient to allow isotope determinations by accelerator mass spectrometry in individual pore water samples collected onboard (~5 mL). We report 129I/I ratios in a few samples from each core and a more complete profile for one flank site (Site 1245). All 129I/I ratios are below the marine input ratio (Ri = 1500x10**-15). The lowest values found at most sites are between 150 and 250x10**-15, which correspond to minimum ages between 40 and 55 Ma, respectively. These ages rule out derivation of most of the iodine (and, by association, of methane) from the sediments hosting the gas hydrates or from currently subducting sediments. The iodine maximum at Site 1245 is accompanied by an increase in 129I/I ratios, suggesting the presence of an additional source with an age younger than 10 Ma; there is indication that younger sources also contribute at other sites, but data coverage is not yet sufficient to allow a definitive identification of sources there. Likely sources for the older component are formations of early Eocene age close to the backstop in the overriding wedge, whereas the younger sources might be found in recent sediments underlying the current locations of the gas hydrates.


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Ice-wedge polygon (IWP) mires in the Arctic and Subarctic are extremely vulnerable to climatic and environmental change. We present the results of a multidisciplinary paleoenvironmental study on IWPs in the northern Yukon, Canada. High-resolution laboratory analyses were carried out on a permafrost core and the overlying seasonally thawed (active) layer, from a low-centered IWP located in a drained lake basin on Herschel Island. In relation to 14 Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) radiocarbon dates spanning the last 5000 years, we report sedimentary data including grain size distribution and biogeochemical parameters (organic carbon, nitrogen, C/N ratio, d13C), stable water isotopes (d18O, dD), as well as fossil pollen, plant macrofossil and diatom assemblages. Three sediment units (SUs) correspond to the main stages of deposition (1) in a thermokarst lake (SU1: 4950 to 3950 cal yrs BP), (2) during transition from lacustrine to palustrine conditions after lake drainage (SU2: 3950 to 3120 cal yrs BP), and (3) in palustrine conditions in the IWP field that developed after drainage (SU3: 3120 cal yrs BP to AD 2012). The lacustrine phase (pre 3950 cal yrs BP) is characterized by planktonic-benthic and pioneer diatoms species indicating circumneutral waters, and very few plant macrofossils. The pollen record has captured a regional signal of relatively stable vegetation composition and climate for the lacustrine stage of the record until 3950 cal yrs BP. Palustrine conditions with benthic and acidophilic species characterize the peaty shallow-water environments of the low-centered IWP. The transition from lacustrine to palustrine conditions was accompanied by acidification and rapid revegetation of the lake bottom within about 100 years. Since the palustrine phase we consider the pollen record as a local vegetation proxy dominated by the plant communities growing in the IWP. Ice-wedge cracking in water-saturated sediments started immediately after lake drainage at about 3950 cal yrs BP and led to the formation of an IWP mire. Permafrost aggradation through downward closed-system freezing of the lake talik is indicated by the stable water isotope record. The originally submerged IWP center underwent gradual drying during the past 2000 years. This study highlights the sensitivity of permafrost landscapes to climate and environmental change throughout the Holocene.