999 resultados para veículo de mercadorias
This article is a reflection on the clothes used as a ideology vehicle, fashion used by groups, tribes, and available to all those who do not belong to those. Since stylists and designers began to get inspirations "on the street", leaving aside the arrogance and restrictions imposed by the major international trends, it’s visible they have been more open to non-Western cultures and cultures from past and present. This generates consumers seeking for more than clothes: they identify and perform a read of author’s (stylist) interpretations, choosing the "ideas" they will wear.
The following work proposes an approach to drawing based upon a language which is diluted and also introduced in the hybridization perceived in the 21st Century. Based on a shift of languages in visual arts which refers to appropriations and to the expansion of possibilities for the procedure and the physicality of the artistic work, it looks into the place of drawing, its dimensions and concepts. While it is an expressive vehicle, the drawing constitutes an indispensable element for the development of expression forms, transformed and diversified over centuries. In the 21st Century, its plurality presents it in several dimensions. When it is expanded in the space, it not only makes sure that it not bi dimensional, as well as it is asserted in its essence, besides coded methods. The text is structured around theoretical and practical researches based on Ostrower, Derdyk, Canclini and author/artist.
The objective of this paper is to verify and analyze the existence in Brazil of stylized facts observed in financial time series: volatility clustering, probability distributions with fat tails, the presence of long run memory in absolute return time series, absence of linear return autocorrelation, gain/loss asymmetry, aggregative gaussianity, slow absolute return autocorrelation decay, trading volume/volatility correlation and leverage effect. We analyzed intraday prices for 10 stocks traded at the BM&FBovespa, responsible for 52.1% of the Ibovespa portfolio on Sept. 01, 2009. The data analysis confirms the stylized facts, whose behavior is consistent with what is observed in international markets.
O rádio é o veículo de comunicação que as pessoas mais usam para receber informação e entretenimento diário. A portabilidade, a proximidade das emissoras com seus públicos e os receptores de baixo preço sustentam há várias décadas, a popularidade radiofônica. Mais recentemente, o rádio se beneficiou do crescimento da frota automotora e da enorme quantidade de celulares, que embutem gratuitamente receptores de rádio. Uma pesquisa realizada em 2010, pelo GPR (Grupos dos Profissionais do Rádio) sobre consumo radiofônico pelos brasileiros, apontou que 74% deles ouvem Rádio em receptores tradicionais, 63% ouvem pela internet, 61% pelo rádio do carro, 37% sintoniza rádio pelo celular, 21% por meio de dispositivos como MP3, MP4 e iPhone; 12% por meio de canais de áudio da TV a cabo e 3% via internet do celular. A pesquisa GPR apresenta números significativos de ouvintes em cada modalidade de dispositivo para recepção radiofônica. São indicadores claros de que um mesmo ouvinte está sintonizando regularmente suas emissoras prediletas em mais de um tipo de receptor de rádio. A nova variável demonstra que a digitalização da produção, da transmissão e da recepção, além de transformar o rádio em um veículo com linguagem multimídia, também lhe agregou a possibilidade de multi-sintonia. Ou seja, as mensagens radiofônicas passaram a ser recebidas pelos ouvintes em diversos terminais, todos dotados de ferramentas multimídia e de recursos para interatividade. É a evidência de que o rádio ingressou definitivamente no território binário e convergente do ciberespaço. De agora em diante, a formação das várias carreiras profissionais para a produção radiofônica terão que atentar para as transformações do veículo na era digital.
The scenario that outlines this research project is characterized by the centrality of ICT on society and the necessity of having them embedded on education, both face-to-face and distance learning. Amongst the available ICT, the medium radio has been chosen due to its popularity within Brazilian society, as well as its 90 years of initiatives applied on education. Although the radio seems to be historically useful to education, it has been supporting more conservative approaches, such as teaching centred practices, simplytransmitted lessons and assessment based on memorization. On the other hand, Brazilian educational system has been changed since the early 90s, and those reforms brought new challenges to the radio on education, such as training critical listeners, concerned citizens, people with aesthetic sensibility, ethical standards etc. Thus, a systematic assessment of the real educational possibilities of the radio is even more necessary. This research projectaims to retrieve the most prominent educational initiatives using the radio, connecting them to the Brazilian regulatory framework on Education. The methodology consists of desk research and official documents analyses.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
According to our conceptions, to study the so called Projeto Minerva (PMi) – an action of Brazilian Military Dictatorship, implemented in the 1970s, which intended to provide access to Primary and Secondary Schools for thousands of Brazilians throughout the country, using a cheap, and at that time a widely -spread medium, the radio – implies to study not only a unique education strategy, but a variety of circumstances that allows it to be created and developed throughout its 10 years of existence in various Brazilian locations. Each circumstance, each region, each way of doing of each person involved in its development constitutes a different Minerva – that’s why we choose the plural to treat it: the Minerva ProjectS. In this paper we present one of the many possible histories about such project. Synthetically, we present some historiographical aspects of its creation, development and extinction and, based on a study about one of its lessons (related to Analitic Geometry), we try to evidence differences between a spoken mathematics and a written mathematics. According to the the oretical framework used in this text, inspired by the Wittgenstein's language philosophy, the Project articulates various mathematics, what is different of saying that the project deals with the "usual" Mathematics merely changing the way of communicate it.
This article aims to analyze the content expressed in the weekly Bundas and show how this addressed the economic issues in Brazil in the period 1999-2001. Through this study, we will seek to understand how the printed addressed the economic issues and the language employed by evidence how the vehicle was differed from the others in the category accessibility. The economic journalism has a way of approach often incomprehensible by readers, so the analysis of Bundas show the role of that journalism to the society and the importance of it becoming available to the reading public.
The mass media have a decisive function in formation of opinion and conduct of population. Among those, the television is a vehicle with great power of spread of information. The objective this study is to analyze the influence of media on occurrences regarding the aggressiveness some participants involved in event soccer, while spectators. The subject's attitude is determined by predominant factors, among them the influences of social and cultural way in that lives, as well as, of the education and sporting influences that it affects. The problem of violence in the sport, in the case of soccer, it cannot be addressed for total responsibility of media. However, collaboration is indispensable, for aspect positive and/or negative, depending on the interest in subject. The models of behavior in television could influence the spectator's behavior for a learning process, for example, the use of the language. Therefore, it is indispensable to rethink the roads of television, their ethical conducts and to discuss the philosophical sense of the crisis. Because, to reject the mass media is to deny the reality and social transformations. The extent of the Physical education, above all in the school, is a fundamental space for the teacher to intermediate the meaning of the sport, in this case, the soccer-spectacle, in social context and their relationships with the media, enlarging the process civilization, so much inside as out of field.
This article aims to present the Botuafrica Project and graphism generated by the stencil printing process. We will address the issue of valuing African-Brazilian aesthetics by producing symbols created by the participants of the project and fashion as a vehicle for social inclusion in the context of Botucatu Municipality of state of São Paulo. The study proposes a reflection on the work of professionals that contributed on practices of technical and concept development in order to promote the creation of local fashion and production. This research will verify the implications of act of drawing, printing and wearing the textiles designed by the participants of the project. Botucatu Institute collected and archived photos and drawings during the project between years 2010 and 2012 and provided this material for this research.
The use of images as a mean of human knowledge transmission dates from the earliest records of visual communication with the cave paintings. Throughout history, the communicating function remained and was extended for a variety of approaches, including illustration, which plays an important role by transmitting a content to be communicated on a creative and unique way. The advertising area relies largely on the communicative power of illustration, using it as a visual aid on different ways and medias. The advertising pieces aimed at the automotive sector – especially those developed by BMW for the Mini Cooper model – broadly employs illustrations to spread the word about the product and its attributes, seeking to communicate it using an original way. With a qualitative approach to the case study, this article analyzes the illustrations produced by the South African design studio Am I Collective as part of a video prepared by South African advertising agency Blackriver FC as a celebration campaign for the fifty years of vehicle Mini Cooper, celebrated on 2009, and it aims to identify the illustrations visuals and compositions used in the construction of the covered temporal panorama.
Esse trabalho utiliza um sistema de visão catadióptrico para capturar imagens de um cenário natural agrícola e realizar o levantamento de regiões que possam auxiliar diversas aplicações na área da Robótica Móvel Agrícola. Os sistemas de visão catadióptricos buscam capturar uma imagem 360° do ambiente a partir da combinação de lentes e espelhos. A imagem omnidirecional é retificada e seus quadrantes são extraídos, originando quatro novas imagens que representam lados de visão do veículo. Uma etapa de segmentação por cor é proposta utilizando como base o algoritmo Otsu Thresholding. No final do processo, é possível visualizar as regiões de interesse de cada quadrante.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Esta tesis es resultado de un intenso trabajo de investigación realizado de agosto de 2014 a agosto de 2015, con financiación de la Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (Fapesp). El objetivo se centró en la realización de un análisis, aunque preliminar, del papel de la TV pública con tecnología digital, como también de las tendencias, desafíos y perspectivas para consolidarla, tanto en Brasil como en Argentina, países con diversas similitudes en contextos económicos, sociales, políticos y culturales. Para cumplir los objetivos, estudiamos los recientes proyectos gubernamentales de televisión pública en los dos países suramericanos. El gobierno argentino invirtió en modernización en Canal 7 (antiguo Argentina Televisora Color-ATC), una emisora de casi seis décadas de funcionamiento, que ha sido prácticamente refundada a partir de los investimentos públicos del gobierno nacional argentino, realizados para digitalizar los sistemas de transmisión y de recepción de televisión abierta. El nuevo Canal 7 pasó a servir de cabeza de red del sistema de televisión pública de Argentina. En Brasil, el gobierno creó a fines del 2007, la Empresa Brasil de Comunicación (EBC), estructura administrativa que opera la red de televisión pública de TV Brasil. Ambos proyectos prometen construir y gestionar sistemas nacionales abiertos, modernos y competitivos de TV Pública Digital Abierta (TVPDA). Esta tesis también describe y compara de modo sucinto el desarrollo histórico de la radiodifusión - evidenciando la televisión como una plataforma en permanente disputa comunicacional, política, ideológica, publicitaria, cultural y económica -, tal como los modelos de televisión pública y comercial en cada uno de los dos países analizados (no entiendo la expresión). La estudiante de periodismo pretende confrontar el desarrollo de una estructura nacional de televisión pública iniciada en el...