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A Business Newsletter for Agriculture
A Business Newsletter for Agriculture
A Business Newsletter for Agriculture
The freeze-thaw resistance of concretes was studied. Nine concrete mixes, made with five cements and cement-Class C fly ash combinations, were exposed to freeze-thaw cycling following 110 to 222 days of moist curing. Prior to the freeze-thaw cycling, the specimens were examined by a low-vacuum scanning electron microscope (SEM) for their microstructure. The influence of a wet/dry treatment was also studied. Infilling of ettringite in entrained air voids was observed in the concretes tested. The extent of the infilling depends on the period of moist curing as well as the wet/dry treatment. The concretes with 15% Class C fly ash replacement show more infilling in their air voids. It was found that the influence of the infilling on the freeze-thaw durability relates to the air spacing factor. The greater the spacing factor, the more expansion under the freeze-thaw cycling. The infilling seems to decrease effective air content and to increase effective spacing factor. The infilling also implies that the filled air voids are water-accessible. These might lead to concrete more vulnerable to the freeze-thaw attack. By combining the above results with field observations, one may conclude that the freeze-thaw damage is a factor related to premature deterioration of portland cement concrete pavements in Iowa.
In 1951 Greene County and the Iowa Highway Research Board paved County Road E-33 from Iowa Highway No. 17 (now Iowa 4) to Farlin with various thicknesses [ranging from 4.5 in. (11.4 cm) to 6 in. (15.2 cm)] of portland cement concrete pavement. The project, designated HR-9, was divided into ten research sections. This formed pavement was placed on the existing grade. Eight of the sections were non-reinforced except for centerline tie bars and no contraction joints were used. Mesh reinforcing and contraction joints spaced at 29 ft 7 in. (9.02 m) intervals were used in two 4.5-in. (11.4-cm) thick sections. The concrete in one of the sections was air entrained. Signs denoting the design and limits of the research sections were placed along the roadway. The pavement has performed well over its 28-year life, carrying a light volume of traffic safely while requiring no major maintenance. The 4.5-in. (11.4-cm) thick mesh-reinforced pavement with contraction joints has exhibited the best overall performance.
Francesc Artigau (Barcelona 1940) pintó en los años setenta una serie de obras al temple sobre contrachapado. De éstas, dos trípticos y un díptico estaban destinados a decorar un hotel en Masquefa (Lérida), pero fueron rechazados por su atrevimiento y sus colores, y quedaron en propiedad del agente intermediario, junto con otra obra de menor formato. Las nueve obras sufrieron después un grave proceso de deterioro causado por una conservación en condiciones deplorables, al estar almacenadas en un local en el que se guardaba un grupo indeterminado de perros. Las obras, actualmente propiedad del Museo de l'Hospitalet (Barcelona), han permanecido fuera del circuito artístico hasta la actualidad. Se exponen los primeros resultados de la fase de estudio del soporte de las nueve obras y las propuestas de intervención en los soportes dañados
Examination of field portland cement concrete cores, from Iowa pavements with premature deterioration, reveals extensive infilling of calcium sulfate aluminum (CSA) compound in their air voids. A previous study (Phase I) has shown some evidence of the correlation between freeze-thaw durability of concretes and ettringite infilling. To further verify the previous observation, a more extensive experimental program was conducted in this Phase 2 study. A total of 101 concrete mixes were examined. Seven cements, six fly ashes, two water reducers and three coarse aggregates were used in the concrete mixes. Specimens were under moist curing for up to 223 days before being subjected to the freeze-thaw cycling. An environmental treatment consisting of three consecutive wet [70 deg F (21 deg C) in distilled water]/dry [120 deg F (49 deg C) in oven] cycles was applied to some specimens. Immediately prior to the freeze-thaw cycling, most specimens were examined by a low-vacuum scanning electron microscope (SEM) for their microstructure. The results obtained further demonstrate the correlation between concrete freeze-thaw response and CSA compound infilling in the air voids. The extent of the infilling depends on the period of moist curing as well as the wet/dry treatment. The extent of the infilling also relates to materials used. Concrete mixes with extensive infilling are more vulnerable to the freeze-thaw attack. Based on the obtained results, material criteria on cements and fly ashes for mainline paving were proposed for minimizing potential infilling of CSA compound in concrete.
Travaux effectués dans le cadre de l'étude "Case Mix" menée par l'Institut universitaire de médecine sociale et préventive de Lausanne et le Service de la santé publique et de la planification sanitaire du canton de Vaud, en collaboration avec les cantons de Berne, Fribourg, Genève, Jura, Neuchâtel, Soleure, Tessin et Valais.
Se presentan nueve pacientes con sendos cuerpos extraños en los maxilares y tejidos adyacentes cuyo origen fue un tratamiento odontológico. Los tres primeros cuerpos extraños correspondían a puntas de botadores rectos empleados en extracciones dentarias previas. Un condensador de gutapercha, una fresa de Lindemann, restos de amalgama así como dos casos de agujas anestésicas rotas, fueron los otros objetos hallados. Asimismo se muestra el caso de un paciente en el cual la radiografía mostraba un cuerpo extraño, que en realidad correspondía a un artefacto radiográfico. Se discute la actitud para prevenir y tratar estas complicaciones.
Weekly newsletter for Center For Acute Disease Epidemiology of Iowa Department of Public Health.
A Business Newsletter for Agriculture
Hirvieläinten aiheuttamat metsätuhot Etelä-Suomessa Valtakunnan metsien 8. ja 9. inventoinnin mukaan
The dic(9;20)(p13.2;q11.2) is reported to be present in ∼2% of childhood B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia (BCP ALL). However, it easily escapes detection by G-banding analysis and its true prevalence is hence unknown. We performed interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization analyses-in a three-step manner-using probes for: (i) CDKN2A at 9p21, (ii) 20p and 20q subtelomeres and (iii) cen9 and cen20. Out of 1033 BCP ALLs diagnosed from 2001 to 2006, 533 were analyzed; 16% (84/533) displayed 9p21 deletions, of which 30% (25/84) had dic(9;20). Thus, dic(9;20)-positivity was found in 4.7% (25/533), making it the third most common genetic subgroup after high hyperdiploidy and t(12;21)(p13;q22). The dic(9;20) was associated with a female predominance and an age peak at 3 years; 18/25 (72%) were allocated to non-standard risk treatment at diagnosis. Including cases detected by G-banding alone, 29 dic(9;20)-positive cases were treated according to the NOPHO ALL 2000 protocol. Relapses occurred in 24% (7/29) resulting in a 5-year event-free survival of 0.69, which was significantly worse than for t(12;21) (0.87; P=0.002) and high hyperdiploidy (0.82; P=0.04). We conclude that dic(9;20) is twice as common as previously surmised, with many cases going undetected by G-banding analysis, and that dic(9;20) should be considered a non-standard risk abnormality.