1000 resultados para v-notch


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Cathepsins represent a class of enzymes that has the primary function of randomly degrading proteins in the lysosomes, although are also involved in different pathologies. The aim of this paper was to evaluate the capacity of acridone alkaloids isolated from Swinglea glutinosa (Rutaceae) to inhibit cathepsin L in vitro . The IC50 values found were in the 0.8-57 µM range and the most promising compounds were alkaloids 1 and 2, with IC50 of 0.9 and 0.8 µM, respectively. Enzyme kinetics revealed that they are reversible competitive inhibitors with respect to the substrate Z-FR-MCA. This small series of acridone alkaloids showed low selectivity for both cathepsins, but represent promising lead candidates for the further development of competitive cathepsin L and V inhibitors.


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Pultavan kuvernementista, Ukrainan alueelta kotoisin oleva Nikolai Gogol (1809-1852) kävi kahdeksan vuotta Nizhynin taidekoulua. Sinä aikana hän alkoi myös kirjallisen työnsä. Vuonna 1828 hän muutti Pietariin ja tutustui Venäjän kirjalliseen aristokratiaan, mm. Alexander Pushkiniin. Vuonna 1831 ilmestyi ensimmäinen nide Ukrainaan liittyvistä kertomuksista, Vetshera na hutore bliz Dikanki. Gogol oli syvästi kiinnostunut Ukrainan historiasta ja pyrki Kiovan yliopiston historian osaston virkaan. Silloinen Venäjän opetusministeri Sergei Uvarov ja Pushkin tukivat häntä, mutta Kiovan byrokraatit pitivät Gogolia epäpätevänä. Kiovan sijaan Gogol sai vuonna 1834 viran Pietarin yliopiston keskiajan historian professorina, jossa virassa hän todella olikin epäpätevä. Gogol erosi virasta jo seuraavana vuonna. Gogol alkoi uskoa omiin kirjallisiin kykyihinsä, kun hänen komediansa Revizor esitettiin huhtikuussa 1836. Teos on rankkaa satiiria Venäjän provinssien byrokraateista, ja se saatiin esittää vain Nikolai I:n väliintulon kautta. Näytelmä esitti koko Venäjän yhteiskunnan kaikkine ongelmineen, ja oli selvää, että se aiheutti kiistoja. Näitä Gogol pakeni ulkomaille, ja Roomassa syntyivät ensimmäiset osat teoksista Kuolleet sielut sekä Päällysnuttu.


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Kymenlaakson Sähköverkko Oy:n 20/0,4 kV tekniikalla toteutettu sähkönjakeluverkko on monin paikoin saavuttamassa pitoaikansa loppua. Sähkönjakeluverkko sijaitsee pääasiassa haja-asutusalueilla ja on pääosin avojohtotekniikalla rakennettua. Haja-asutusalueilla 20 kV sähköverkko sisältää paljon lyhyitä 1–5 km pituisia johtohaaroja. Tässä diplomityössä selvitettiin 20/1/0,4 kV sähkönjakelujärjestelmän käyttömahdollisuuksia Kymenlaakson Sähköverkko Oy:n sähkönjakeluverkossa. Työssä vertailtiin erilaisilla verkostoratkaisuilla saatavia elinkaarikustannuksia perusparannus- ja uudisrakennuskohteissa. Tutkimuksen perusteella Kymenlaakson Sähköverkko Oy:n sähkönjakeluverkossa on potentiaalia 1000 V jakelujännitteen käytölle. Työssä perehdyttiin myös 1000 V verkostokomponenttien merkitsemiseen ja verkkoyhtiön tekemiin 1000 V verkon tarkastuksiin.


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Soitinnus: piano.


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Due to functional requirement of a structural detail brackets with and without scallop are frequently used in bridges, decks, ships and offshore structure. Scallops are designed to serve as passage way for fluids, to reduce weld length and plate distortions. Moreover, scallops are used to avoid intersection of two or more welds for the fact that there is the presence of inventible inherent initial crack except for full penetrated weld and the formation of multi-axial stress state at the weld intersection. Welding all around the scallop corner increase the possibility of brittle fracture even for the case the bracket is not loaded by primary load. Avoiding of scallop will establish an initial crack in the corner if bracket is welded by fillet welds. If the two weld run pass had crossed, this would have given a 3D residual stress situation. Therefore the presences and absence of scallop necessitates the 3D FEA fatigue resistance of both types of brackets using effective notch stress approach ( ). FEMAP 10.1 with NX NASTRAN was used for the 3D FEA. The first and main objective of this research was to investigate and compare the fatigue resistance of brackets with and without scallop. The secondary goal was the fatigue design of scallops in case they cannot be avoided for some reason. The fatigue resistance for both types of brackets was determined based on approach using 1 mm fictitiously rounded radius based on IIW recommendation. Identical geometrical, boundary and loading conditions were used for the determination and comparison of fatigue resistance of both types of brackets using linear 3D FEA. Moreover the size effect of bracket length was also studied using 2D SHELL element FEA. In the case of brackets with scallop the flange plate weld toe at the corner of the scallop was found to exhibit the highest and made the flange plate weld toe critical for fatigue failure. Whereas weld root and weld toe at the weld intersections were the highly stressed location for brackets without scallop. Thus weld toe for brackets with scallop, and weld root and weld toe for brackets without scallop were found to be the critical area for fatigue failure. Employing identical parameters on both types of brackets, brackets without scallop had the highest except for full penetrated weld. Furthermore the fatigue resistance of brackets without scallop was highly affected by the lack of weld penetration length and it was found out that decreased as the weld penetration was increased. Despite the fact that the very presence of scallop reduces the stiffness and also same time induce stress concentration, based on the 3D FEA it is worth concluding that using scallop provided better fatigue resistance when both types of brackets were fillet welded. However brackets without scallop had the highest fatigue resistance when full penetration weld was used. This thesis also showed that weld toe for brackets with scallop was the only highly stressed area unlike brackets without scallop in which both weld toe and weld root were the critical locations for fatigue failure when different types of boundary conditions were used. Weld throat thickness, plate thickness, scallop radius, lack of weld penetration length, boundary condition and weld quality affected the fatigue resistance of both types of brackets. And as a result, bracket design procedure, especially welding quality and post weld treatment techniques significantly affect the fatigue resistance of both type of brackets.


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En el número V de "Contribuciones a la Ictiologia" se dán normas para el estudio sistemático de los organos ciatiformes, que proporcionaron a los Gobiidae de Europa un medio seguro de ordenación genérica y distinción específica. Se añade el estudio de la colección del Laboratorio Aragó, de Banyuls-sur-mer, Francia. En el número VI de "Contribuciones a la Ictiología" se aloja el Gobiosoma parri Ginsburg en el nuevo gênero Austrogobius De Buen, y se dán las características que lo distinguen, especialmente la distribución de tubos mucosos y geniporos.


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Semiempirical calculations at the level of PM3 of theory were carried out to study the structural and electronic properties of C80 and some of its doped derivatives with the elements of group III and V at the level of PM3 of theory. We have selected these elements to be substituted in the fullerene-C80 cage in order to show the effect of such structural change on the electronic properties of the molecules studied. The theoretical IR spectra, some of physical and chemical properties of the molecules studied are obtained and discussed.


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A novel sensitive and relatively selective kinetic method is presented for the determination of V(V), based on its catalytic effect on the oxidation reaction of Ponceau Xylydine by potassium bromate in presence of 5-sulfosalicylic acid (SSA) as activator. The reaction was monitored spectrophotometrically by measuring the decrease in absorbance of Ponceau Xylydine at 640 nm between 0.5 to 7 min (the fixed time method) in H3PO4 medium at 25ºC. The effect of various parameters such as concentrations of H3PO4, SSA, bromate and Ponceau Xylydine, temperature and ionic strength on the rate of net reaction were studied. The method is free from most interferences, especially from large amounts of V(IV). The decrease in absorbance is proportional to the concentration of V(V) over the entire concentration range tested (1-15 ng mL−1) with a detection limit of 0.46 ng mL-1 (according to statistical 3Sblank/k criterion) and a coefficient of variation (CV) of 1.8% (for ten replicate measurement at 95% confidence level). The proposed method suffers few interferences such as Cr(VI) and Hg(II) ions. The method was successfully applied to the determination of V(V) in tap water, drinking water, bottled mineral water samples and a certified standard reference material such as SRM-1640 with satisfactory results. The vanadium contents of water samples were also determined by FAAS for a comparison. The recovery of spiked vanadium(V) was found to be quantitative and the reproducibility was satisfactory. It was observed that the results of the SRM 1640 were in good agreement with the certified value.


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Este estudo apresenta a exegese dos Antigos em V, 1 [10], 8-9, mostrando que Plotino estabelece um acordo entre as autoridades mencionadas: todos os Antigos por ele aludidos já conheciam, ainda que de modo implícito e inexato, a doutrina das três naturezas. De modo geral, a imprecisão dos seus predecessores consistia em confundir o Um e o Intelecto. Seguindo passo a passo o argumento de Plotino, tenta-se compreender, especialmente, a função de três dentre os filósofos citados. Primeiro, Platão, considerado o testemunho mais exato das antigas doutrinas. Depois, Aristóteles, contra quem Plotino polemiza, mas que parece servir de modelo para a exegese de alguns dentre os filósofos anteriores a Platão. Finalmente, Ferécides, que encerra uma alusão à doutrina pitagórica e, talvez, também, à tradição mítica.


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O artigo analisa a primeira onda do livro V da República de Platão, levando em conta a oposição entre opinião (dóxa) e ciência (epistéme), só formulada ao final da terceira onda. Sócrates problematiza a opinião corrente que aceita a diferença de natureza entre homens e mulheres para avançar a ideia de uma natureza humana comum. É essa tese paradoxal que justifica que possam ter uma mesma educação e que, assim, possam desempenhar as mesmas funções, vindo a ser guardiões e governantes da cidade.


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