984 resultados para turbulence flow


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We undertake a systematic, direct numerical simulation of the twodimensional, Fourier-truncated, Gross-Pitaevskii equation to study the turbulent evolutions of its solutions for a variety of initial conditions and a wide range of parameters. We find that the time evolution of this system can be classified into four regimes with qualitatively different statistical properties. Firstly, there are transients that depend on the initial conditions. In the second regime, powerlaw scaling regions, in the energy and the occupation-number spectra, appear and start to develop; the exponents of these power laws and the extents of the scaling regions change with time and depend on the initial condition. In the third regime, the spectra drop rapidly for modes with wave numbers k > kc and partial thermalization takes place for modes with k < kc; the self-truncation wave number kc(t) depends on the initial conditions and it grows either as a power of t or as log t. Finally, in the fourth regime, complete thermalization is achieved and, if we account for finite-size effects carefully, correlation functions and spectra are consistent with their nontrivial Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless forms. Our work is a natural generalization of recent studies of thermalization in the Euler and other hydrodynamical equations; it combines ideas from fluid dynamics and turbulence, on the one hand, and equilibrium and nonequilibrium statistical mechanics on the other.


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Stochastic modelling is a useful way of simulating complex hard-rock aquifers as hydrological properties (permeability, porosity etc.) can be described using random variables with known statistics. However, very few studies have assessed the influence of topological uncertainty (i.e. the variability of thickness of conductive zones in the aquifer), probably because it is not easy to retrieve accurate statistics of the aquifer geometry, especially in hard rock context. In this paper, we assessed the potential of using geophysical surveys to describe the geometry of a hard rock-aquifer in a stochastic modelling framework. The study site was a small experimental watershed in South India, where the aquifer consisted of a clayey to loamy-sandy zone (regolith) underlain by a conductive fissured rock layer (protolith) and the unweathered gneiss (bedrock) at the bottom. The spatial variability of the thickness of the regolith and fissured layers was estimated by electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) profiles, which were performed along a few cross sections in the watershed. For stochastic analysis using Monte Carlo simulation, the generated random layer thickness was made conditional to the available data from the geophysics. In order to simulate steady state flow in the irregular domain with variable geometry, we used an isoparametric finite element method to discretize the flow equation over an unstructured grid with irregular hexahedral elements. The results indicated that the spatial variability of the layer thickness had a significant effect on reducing the simulated effective steady seepage flux and that using the conditional simulations reduced the uncertainty of the simulated seepage flux. As a conclusion, combining information on the aquifer geometry obtained from geophysical surveys with stochastic modelling is a promising methodology to improve the simulation of groundwater flow in complex hard-rock aquifers. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Scaling of the streamwise velocity spectrum phi(11)(k(1)) in the so-called sink-flow turbulent boundary layer is investigated in this work. The present experiments show strong evidence for the k(1)(-1) scaling i.e. phi(11)(k(1)) = Lambda(1)U(tau)(2)k(1)(-1), where k(1)(-1) is the streamwise wavenumber and U-tau is the friction velocity. Interestingly, this k(1)(-1) scaling is observed much farther from the wall and at much lower flow Reynolds number (both differing by almost an order of magnitude) than what the expectations from experiments on a zero-pressure-gradient turbulent boundary layer flow would suggest. Furthermore, the coefficient A(1) in the present sink-flow data is seen to be non-universal, i.e. A(1) varies with height from the wall; the scaling exponent -1 remains universal. Logarithmic variation of the so-called longitudinal structure function, which is the physical-space counterpart of spectral k(1)(-1) scaling, is also seen to be non-universal, consistent with the non-universality of A(1). These observations are to be contrasted with the universal value of A(1) (along with the universal scaling exponent of 1) reported in the literature on zero-pressure-gradient turbulent boundary layers. Theoretical arguments based on dimensional analysis indicate that the presence of a streamwise pressure gradient in sink-flow turbulent boundary layers makes the coefficient A(1) non-universal while leaving the scaling exponent -1 unaffected. This effect of the pressure gradient on the streamwise spectra, as discussed in the present study (experiments as well as theory), is consistent with other recent studies in the literature that are focused on the structural aspects of turbulent boundary layer flows in pressure gradients (Harun etal., J. Flui(d) Mech., vol. 715, 2013, pp. 477-498); the present paper establishes the link between these two. The variability of A(1) accommodated in the present framework serves to clarify the ideas of universality of the k(1)(-1) scaling.


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Complexity of mufflers generally introduces considerable pressure drop, which affects the engine performance adversely. Not much literature is available for pressure drop across perforates. In this paper, the stagnation pressure drop across perforated muffler elements has been measured experimentally and generalized expressions have been developed for the pressure loss across cross-flow expansion and cross-flow contraction elements. A flow resistance model available in the literature has been made use of to analytically determine the flow distribution and thereby the pressure drop of mufflers. A generalized expression has been derived here for evaluation of the equivalent flow resistance for parallel flow paths. Expressions for flow resistance across perforated elements, derived by means of flow experiments, have been implemented in the flow resistance network. The results have been validated with experimental data. Thus, the newly developed integrated flow resistance networks would enable us to determine the normalized stagnation pressure drop of commercial automotive mufflers, thus enabling an efficient flow-acoustic design of silencing systems.


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Heat and mass transfer studies in a calandria based reactor is quite complex both due to geometry and due to the complex mixing flow. It is challenging to devise optimum operating conditions with efficient but safe working range for such a complex configuration. Numerical study known to be very effective is taken up for investigation. In the present study a 3D RANS code with turbulence model has been used to compute the flow fields and to get the heat transfer characteristics to understand certain design parameters of engineering importance. The angle of injection and of the coolant liquid has a large effect on the heat transfer within the reactor.


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An attempt to study the fluid dynamic behavior of two phase flow comprising of solid and liquid with nearly equal density in a geometrical case that has an industrial significance in theareas like processing of polymers, food, pharma ceutical, paints. In this work,crystalline silica is considered as the dispersed medium in glycerin. In the CFD analysis carried out,the two phase components are considered to be premixed homogeneously at the initial state. The flow in a cylinder that has an axially driven bi-lobe rotor, a typical blender used in polymer industry for mixing or kneading to render the multi-component mixture to homogeneous condition is considered. A viscous, incompressible, isothermal flow is considered with an assumption that the components do not undergo any physical change and the solids are rigid and mix in fully wetting conditions. Silica with a particle diameter of 0.4 mm is considered and flow is analyzed for different mixing fractions. An industry standard CFD code is used for solving 3D-RANS equations. As the outcome of the study the torque demand by the bi-lobe rotor for different mixture fractions which are estimated show a behavioral consistency to the expected physical phenomena occurring in the domain considered.


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Background: Deviated nasal septum (DNS) is one of the major causes of nasal obstruction. Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) nasal sensor is the new technique developed to assess the nasal obstruction caused by DNS. This study evaluates the PVDF nasal sensor measurements in comparison with PEAK nasal inspiratory flow (PNIF) measurements and visual analog scale (VAS) of nasal obstruction. Methods: Because of piezoelectric property, two PVDF nasal sensors provide output voltage signals corresponding to the right and left nostril when they are subjected to nasal airflow. The peak-to-peak amplitude of the voltage signal corresponding to nasal airflow was analyzed to assess the nasal obstruction. PVDF nasal sensor and PNIF were performed on 30 healthy subjects and 30 DNS patients. Receiver operating characteristic was used to analyze the DNS of these two methods. Results: Measurements of PVDF nasal sensor strongly correlated with findings of PNIF (r = 0.67; p < 0.01) in DNS patients. A significant difference (p < 0.001) was observed between PVDF nasal sensor measurements and PNIF measurements of the DNS and the control group. A cutoff between normal and pathological of 0.51 Vp-p for PVDF nasal sensor and 120 L/min for PNIF was calculated. No significant difference in terms of sensitivity of PVDF nasal sensor and PNIF (89.7% versus 82.6%) and specificity (80.5% versus 78.8%) was calculated. Conclusion: The result shows that PVDF measurements closely agree with PNIF findings. Developed PVDF nasal sensor is an objective method that is simple, inexpensive, fast, and portable for determining DNS in clinical practice.


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Long range, continuous flow of liquid metals occurs upon application of an electric current. Here, we report experimental results elucidating the mechanism of current-induced liquid metal flow, and its dependence on substrate surface condition. It is shown that the observed flow is diffusion-controlled, with the flow-rate depending linearly on applied current density, indicating that it is driven by electromigration. The effective charge number for liquid electromigration, Z*, of several pure metals, such as Al, Bi, Ga, Sn, and Pb, were deduced from the experimental results and were found to be close to the elemental valency. With the exception of liquid Pb, Z* for all liquid metals tested in this study were positive, indicating that: (i) electron wind contributes much less to Z* in liquid metals than in solids, and (ii) with a few exceptions, liquid metals generally flow in the direction of the electric current. On smooth substrates which are wetted well by the liquid metal, flow occurs in a thin, continuous stream. On rough surfaces which are poorly wetted, on the other hand, discrete beads of liquid form, with mass transport between adjacent beads occurring by surface diffusion on the substrate. A rationale for the role of substrate roughness in fostering this observed transition in flow mechanism is presented. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.