991 resultados para thermal requirements
This article is a summary for the general reader, rather than an in-depth review, and attempts to define, as quantitatively as possible, the habitat requirements of salmon and trout and then to relate them to the main ways in which man's activity can influence the survival and growth of these fishes. Frequent text references to an extensive body of published work have been avoided, although a selective bibliography has been included which lists some of the main work upon which the text depends. This article deals only with the freshwater part of the life cycle, and the coverage has some bias towards England and Wales.
[EU]Proiektu honen helburua etxebizitzetako barne hormen dimentsionamendu berritzailearen azterketa bat egitea da, orain arte erabilitako horma klasikoen ezaugarriak mantenduz, diseinu optimoagoa lortzeko asmoa izanda, material kantitatearen murrizketa bat bilatuz. Hau burutzeko diseinatua dagoen igeltsuzko horma bat hartuko da oinarri modura eta honen moldeaketa bat eginez, eta isolatzaile industrial biren arteko konparaketa bat aurrera eroanez, berregite optimo bat sortuko da, beharrezko suaren kontrako ezaugarri mekaniko eta termikoak betetzen dituena.
The resolution and classical noise in ghost imaging with a classical thermal light are investigated theoretically. For ghost imaging with a Gaussian Schell model source, the dependences of the resolution and noise on the spatial coherence of the source and the aperture in the imaging system are discussed and demonstrated by using numerical simulations. The results show that an incoherent source and a large aperture will lead to a good image quality and small noise.
The problem is to calculate the attenuation of plane sound waves passing through a viscous, heat-conducting fluid containing small spherical inhomogeneities. The attenuation is calculated by evaluating the rate of increase of entropy caused by two irreversible processes: (1) the mechanical work done by the viscous stresses in the presence of velocity gradients, and (2) the flow of heat down the thermal gradients. The method is first applied to a homogeneous fluid with no spheres and shown to give the classical Stokes-Kirchhoff expressions. The method is then used to calculate the additional viscous and thermal attenuation when small spheres are present. The viscous attenuation agrees with Epstein's result obtained in 1941 for a non-heat-conducting fluid. The thermal attenuation is found to be similar in form to the viscous attenuation and, for gases, of comparable magnitude. The general results are applied to the case of water drops in air and air bubbles in water.
For water drops in air the viscous and thermal attenuations are camparable; the thermal losses occur almost entirely in the air, the thermal dissipation in the water being negligible. The theoretical values are compared with Knudsen's experimental data for fogs and found to agree in order of magnitude and dependence on frequency. For air bubbles in water the viscous losses are negligible and the calculated attenuation is almost completely due to thermal losses occurring in the air inside the bubbles, the thermal dissipation in the water being relatively small. (These results apply only to non-resonant bubbles whose radius changes but slightly during the acoustic cycle.)
Ghost imaging with classical incoherent light by third-order correlation is investigated. We discuss the similarities and the differences between ghost imaging by third-order correlation and by second-order correlation, and analyze the effect from each correlation part of the third-order correlation function on the imaging process. It is shown that the third-order correlated imaging includes richer correlated imaging effects than the second-order correlated one, while the imaging information originates mainly from the correlation of the intensity fluctuations between the test detector and each reference detector, as does ghost imaging by second-order correlation.
The spatial longitudinal coherence length (SLCL), which is determined by the size of and the distance from the source, is introduced to investigate the longitudinal resolution of lensless ghost imaging. Its influence is discussed quantitatively by simulation. The discrepancy of position sensitivity between Scareelli et al. [Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 061106 (2006)] and Basano and Ottonello [Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 091109 (2006)] is clarified. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America.
When dissolved in water, compounds of nitrogen and phosphorus ought to contain the basic assimilated food requirements for autotrophic plants and therefore autotrophic algae. This article summarises the occurrence of nitrogen in water, how species of algae utilize nitrogen and phosphorus forms for growth and the capacities of algae to adapt to environments of different nutrient wealth. This topic has unquestionable importance not only for the purpose of survival of a species but also in deciding indirectly about the stability of ecosystems.
A real-time, in situ fixing method by use of heating with a CO2 laser beam is suggested for thermal fixing of a small local hologram in the bulk of a Fe:LiNbO3 photorefractive crystal. For heating up to 100 degrees C-200 degrees C a volume with a shape similar to that of the laser beam a heat-guiding technique is developed. On the basis of the heat-transfer equations, different heating modes with or without metal absorbers for heat guiding-obtained by use of a continuous or pulsed laser beam are analyzed. The optimal mode may be pulsed heating with absorbers. On this basis experiments have been designed and demonstrated. It is seen that the fixing process with CO2 laser beam is short compared with the process by use of an oven, and the fixing efficiency is quite high. (C) 1998 Optical Society of America.