990 resultados para support material
Els negocis relacionats amb les activitats de lleure i els esports d’aventura actualment es troben en expansió, buscant majoritàriament el contacte amb la natura. Les rutes a cavall formen part del gran ventall d’opcions, per aquesta qüestió s’ha pensat en construir un refugi utilitzat com a final d’etapa per a rutes a cavall. En la major part del territori, la presència de població humana es manifesta en pobles, viles i ciutats, les quals disposes d’aigua sanitària, corrent elèctric i sistema de clavegueram. Per altra banda en les urbanitzacions o cases aïllades poder gaudir d’aquests serveis suposa una inversió econòmica elevada, que implica la utilització de sistemes alternatius. En el present projecte s’ha triat un emplaçament on portar a terme el final d’etapa amb una sèrie de requisits a complir : bosc a les proximitats, disposar d’un o varis accessos per a vehicles (transport del material d’intendència), tranquil•litat, bones vistes, i cobertura de telèfon mòbil. S’han acceptat les següents limitacions : no disposar de xarxa pública d’electricitat ni d’aigua. I s’han dimensionat les instal•lacions per a un màxim de dotze persones i els seus respectius cavalls. El principal objectiu del projecte és el dimensionament de les necessitats elèctriques, d’aigua i d’aiguacalenta sanitària en condicions autònomes, i utilitzant energies renovables. La valoració de les possibles solucions per condicionar les instal•lacions, i oferir una resposta eficient per la demanda. No és un objectiu específic del treball la potabilització de l’aigua ni el tractament dels residus produïts. S’han aprofitat els diferents desnivells que presenta l’emplaçament triat a l’hora de distribuir les instal•lacions, i s’ha utilitzat un antic cobert de dos pisos ja existent. Com a residència s’ha triat un model de casa prefabricada de muntanya. Com a sistema de subministrament elèctric, s’instal•laran plaques solars fotovoltaiques i un generador de corrent com a sistema auxiliar. La captació d’aigua s’efectuarà a partir d’un pou que es troba en el terreny i de la recollida d el’aigua pluvial, instal•lant dipòsits d’emmagatzemament d’aigua segons les necessitats. S’utilitzarà un equip de cloració per potabilitzar l’aigua de consum utilitzada a la residència. En la producció d’aigua calenta sanitària s’utilitzaran plaques solars tèrmiques i una caldera instantània de gas propà com a suport. Per cuinar s’ha triat una cuina de gas propà i una barbacoa que s’instal•larà a l’exterior. S’instal•larà una llar de foc amb recuperador d’aire a la residència i una fosa sèptica amb un sistema d’infiltració per poder abocar les aigües provinents de la residència. Els fems dels cavalls podran ser utilitzats com adob pel terreny.
This paper presents a case study that explores the advantages that can be derived from the use of a design support system during the design of wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). With this objective in mind a simplified but plausible WWTP design case study has been generated with KBDS, a computer-based support system that maintains a historical record of the design process. The study shows how, by employing such a historical record, it is possible to: (1) rank different design proposals responding to a design problem; (2) study the influence of changing the weight of the arguments used in the selection of the most adequate proposal; (3) take advantage of keywords to assist the designer in the search of specific items within the historical records; (4) evaluate automatically thecompliance of alternative design proposals with respect to the design objectives; (5) verify the validity of previous decisions after the modification of the current constraints or specifications; (6) re-use the design records when upgrading an existing WWTP or when designing similar facilities; (7) generate documentation of the decision making process; and (8) associate a variety of documents as annotations to any component in the design history. The paper also shows one possible future role of design support systems as they outgrow their current reactive role as repositories of historical information and start to proactively support the generation of new knowledge during the design process
Uncertainty quantification of petroleum reservoir models is one of the present challenges, which is usually approached with a wide range of geostatistical tools linked with statistical optimisation or/and inference algorithms. The paper considers a data driven approach in modelling uncertainty in spatial predictions. Proposed semi-supervised Support Vector Regression (SVR) model has demonstrated its capability to represent realistic features and describe stochastic variability and non-uniqueness of spatial properties. It is able to capture and preserve key spatial dependencies such as connectivity, which is often difficult to achieve with two-point geostatistical models. Semi-supervised SVR is designed to integrate various kinds of conditioning data and learn dependences from them. A stochastic semi-supervised SVR model is integrated into a Bayesian framework to quantify uncertainty with multiple models fitted to dynamic observations. The developed approach is illustrated with a reservoir case study. The resulting probabilistic production forecasts are described by uncertainty envelopes.
Background: Since the rate of histologically 'negative' appendices still ranges between 15 and 20%, appendicitis in 'borderline' cases remains a challenging disease. As previously described, cell adhesion molecule expression correlates with different stages of appendicitis. Therefore, it was of interest to determine whether the 'negative' appendix correlated with the absence of E-selectin or vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1). Methods: Nineteen grossly normal appendices from a series of 120 appendectomy specimens from patients with suspected appendicitis were analysed in frozen sections for the expression of E-selectin and VCAM-1. As control, 5 normal appendices were stained. Results: This study showed a coexpression of E-selectin and VCAM-1 in endothelial cells in early and recurrent appendicitis. In patients with symptoms for less than 6 h, only E-selectin was detected. Cases with fibrosis and luminal obliteration were only positive for VCAM-1. In cases of early appendicitis with symptoms of less than 6 h duration, a discordance between histological and immunohistochemical results was found. Conclusions: This report indicates that E-selectin and VCAM-1 expression could be useful parameters in the diagnosis of appendicitis in borderline cases.
Introduction: Individuals with poor social determinants of health aremore likely to receive improper healthcare. Frequent Users (FUs) ofEmergency Departments (ED) (defined as >4 visits in the previous12 months) represent a subgroup of vulnerable patients presentingwith specific medical and social needs. They usually account for highhealthcare costs by overusing the healthcare system. In 2008-2009,FUs accounted for 4% of our ED patients but 17% of all our ED visits.Methods: We conducted a prospective cohort of patients admitted toour ED with vulnerabilities in ≥3 specific domains (somatic or mentaldiseases, risk behaviors, social determinants of health, and healthcareuse). Patients were either directly identified by a multidisciplinary team(two nurses, one social worker, one physician) or referred to that teamby the ED staff during opening hours from July 1st 2010 to April 30th2011.Results: 127 patients were included (67% males), aged 43 years (SD15); 65% were migrants. They had a median of 6 ED visits (interquartilerange (IQR) 8-1) in the previous 12 months, representing a total of 697visits. The most frequently affected domains during the index visit were:71% somatic, 61% psychiatric, 75% risk behaviors, 97% social and84% healthcare use issues. Each case required a median of 234minutes (IQR 300-90) dedicated to assess their outpatient network(99% of the patients), to set up an ambulatory medical follow-up (43%)or a meeting with social services (40%).Conclusions: Vulnerability affected ED patients in more than onedomain. Vulnerable patients have complex needs that were difficult toaddress in the time-pressured ED setting. Although ED consultationoffers immediate access to medical care, EDs are dedicated more foracute short-term somatic care. Caring for a growing number ofvulnerable patients requires a different type of management. Limitedevidence shows that multidisciplinary case-management interventionshave demonstrated positive outcomes in terms of reducing ED useand costs, and improvement of patient's medical and social outcomes.A randomized trial of case-management is underway to confirm theresults of observational studies.
Há controvérsias quanto à eficiência da correção da acidez da camada subsuperficial pela aplicação de calcário na presença de materiais vegetais de plantas de cobertura e faltam informações sobre os mecanismos envolvidos no processo. O objetivo deste estudo foi quantificar a contribuição dos materiais vegetais de plantas de cobertura, com ênfase nos seus conteúdos de ácidos orgânicos de baixa massa molar e nutrientes solúveis, sobre a mobilização, no perfil do solo, dos produtos da dissolução do calcário aplicado em superfície. Foram desenvolvidos dois experimentos em laboratório, usando colunas de PVC de 30 cm de altura com amostras deformadas de um Latossolo Vermelho textura muito argilosa. Os tratamentos constituíram-se da aplicação isolada ou conjunta de calcário para atingir 80 % de saturação por bases (6,1 t ha-1) e de materiais vegetais (20 t ha-1) de nabo forrageiro e aveia-preta, bem como de soluções de ácidos orgânicos e sais neutros aproximadamente equivalentes ao conteúdo dessas espécies. A calagem isolada ou em associação com os materiais vegetais promoveu a redução da acidez somente na camada superficial (0-8 cm). A baixa taxa de recuperação dos ácidos orgânicos adicionados (< 7,2 %) indica que essas substâncias presentes na massa seca do nabo forrageiro foram rapidamente degradadas por microrganismos ou adsorvidas aos colóides do solo, tendo pouca influência na mobilização de cátions. Parte substancial do efeito sobre a mobilização de íons pela aplicação de material vegetal de nabo forrageiro se deveu à composição química do material, em vista da alta solubilidade em água dos cátions (65 a 71 %) e ânions (84 %). Além disso, a solução de sais foi o tratamento mais eficiente para deslocar o Al do solo para as soluções percoladas. A adição de materiais vegetais teve pouca influência na mobilização no perfil do solo dos produtos da dissolução do calcário aplicado em superfície.
Existen distintos tipos de dificultades de accesibilidad entre los alumnos que cursan sus estudios en nuestras facultades. Podemos encontrar por ejemplo algunos alumnos ciegos o con diferentes grados de baja visión, incluyendo los problemas debidos a la edad (presbicia o vista cansada), también alumnos con trastornos de aprendizaje como dislexia o TDAH o alumnos que sufren dificultades de acceso derivadas de los dispositivos que usan para la conexión (con pantallas muy pequeñas). La accesibilidad, como disciplina, pretende mejorar las condiciones de acceso a la información de todos ellos.El proyecto “Recursos docentes accesibles” (2010-2012), en el marco del Programa de Mejora e Innovación Docente de la Universidad de Barcelona, se centra en la baja visión y en la dislexia. El objetivo principal es crear y poner a disposición de todo el profesorado y de los responsables académicos de las titulaciones de la Universidad de Barcelona un conjunto de plantillas y modelos de documentos docentes accesibles en origen y fácilmente transformables a versiones ampliadas o mejoradas. El proyecto se desarrolla en la Facultad de Biblioteconomía y Documentación y la Facultad de Matemáticas y ha contado con la colaboración de numerosos docentes. La previsión es extender este proyecto a otras universidades con la esperanza que, entre todos, podamos mejorar los problemas de accesibilidad de los documentos docentes.
RESUME La première étape primordiale au cycle de vie du Plasmodium dans un hôte mammifère est l'invasion des hepatocytes par des sporozoites. L'infection finale des hepatocytes est précédée de la traversée de plusieurs cellules hôtes, rompant les membranes plasmiques et ayant comme résultat la sécrétion des facteurs cytotoliques dans le micro-environnement. Ce matériel endogène libéré est fortement stimulant/immunogène et peut servir de signal de danger initiant des réponses distinctes dans diverses cellules. De nos jours, le caractère essentiel et salutaire de la migration des sporozoites comme étape d'infection du Plasmodium est vivement controversée. Ainsi, notre étude a visé à caractériser l'effet de l'interaction du parasite avec ses cellules hôtes d'un point de vue immunologique. En particulier, nous avons voulu évaluer l'effet de la perte de matériel cellulaire pendant l'infection de Plasmodium sur les hepatocytes primaires de souris et sur des cultures cellulaires HepG2. Nous avons observé que les facteurs cytotoxiques dérivés des cellules endommagés activent NF-κB - un important régulateur de réponse inflammatoires -dans des cellules voisines des cellules endommagés, qui sont des cellules hôtes potentielles pour l'infection finale du parasite. Cette activation de NF-κB s'est produite peu de temps après l'infection et a mené in vitro et in vivo à une réduction d'infection de façon dépendante du temps, un effet qui a pu être compensé par l'addition de BAY11-7082, un inhibiteur spécifique de NF-κB. De plus, aucune activation de NF-κB avec des parasites SPECT-/-, incapables de traverser les hepatocytes, n'a été observée. Nous avons montré parla suite que l'activation de NF-κB induit l'expression de l'enzyme iNOS dans les hepatocytes, qui est responsable d'une diminution des hepatocytes infectés. En outre, les hepatocytes primaires des souris MyD88-/- n'ont montré ni activation de NF-κB, ni expression d'iNOS lors de l'infection, ce qui suggère la participation des membres de famille du Toll/IL-1 récepteur dans la reconnaissance des facteurs cytosoxiques. En effet, le manque de MyD88 a augmenté significativement l'infection in vitro et in vivo. D'autre part, un rôle bénéfique pour l'activation de NF-κB a été évalué. Les cellules infectées étaient plus résistantes contre l'apoptose induite par Fas (CD95/Apo-1) que les cellules non infectées ou les cellules infectées dans lesquelles NF-κB a été bloqué par BAY11-7082 in vitro. Paradoxalement, l'expression d'iNOS contribue à la protection des cellules infectées contre l'apoptose pax Fas, puisque le traitement avec l'inhibiteur spécifique SMT (S-methylisothiourea) a rendu les cellules infectées plus susceptibles à l'apoptose. Un effet bénéfique additionnel pour le parasite est que la plupart des cellules hôtes traversées présentent des peptides du parasite aux cellules T cytotoxiques spécifiques et peuvent donc réorienter la réaction immune spécifique sur les cellules non infectées. Nous montrons que les cellules hôtes endommagés par la migration du parasite induit l'inflammation, qui limite l'ampleur de l'infection. D'autre part, nos données soutiennent que la survie du parasite Plasmodium dans le foie est assurée par une augmentation de la résistance des hepatocytes contre l'apoptose. SUMMARY The first obligatory step of the Plasmodium life cycle in the mammalian host is the invasion of hepatocytes by sporozoites. Final hepatocyte infection involves the penetration of several host cells, whose plasma membranes are ruptured in the process, resulting in the release of cytosolic factors into the microenvironment. This released endogenous material is highly stimulatory / immunogenic and can serve as a danger signal initiating distinct responses in various cells. To date, it is highly controversial whether sporozoite migration through hepatocytes is an essential and beneficial step for Plasmodium infection. Thus, our study aimed at characterizing the effect of the interaction of the parasite with its host cells from an immunological point of view In particular, we wanted to evaluate the effect of cell material leakage during Plasmodium infection on cultured mouse primary hepatocytes and HepG2 cells. We observed that wounded cell-derived cytosolic factors activate NF-κB - a main regulator of host inflammatory responses - in cells bordering wounded cells, which are potential host cells for final parasite infection. This activation of NF-κB occurred shortly after infection and led to a reduction of infection load in a time dependent manner in vitro and in viva, an effect that could be reverted by addition of the specific NF-κB inhibitor BAY11-7082. In addition, no NF-κB activation was observed when SPECT-/- parasites, which are devoid of hepatocyte traversing properties, were used. We provide further evidence that NF-κB activation causes the induction of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) expression in hepatocytes, and this is, in turn, responsible for a decrease in Plasmodium-infected hepatocytes. Furthermore, primary hepatocytes from MyD88-/- mice showed no NF-κB activation and iNOS expression upon infection, suggesting a role of the Toll/IL-1 receptor family members in sensing cytosolic factors. Indeed, lack of MyD88 significantly increased infection in vitro and in vivo. In a further complementary series of experiments, we assessed a possible beneficial role for the activation of NF-κB. Infected cells were more resistant to Fas (CD95/Apo-1)-mediated apoptosis than uninfected cells or infected cells in which NF-κB was blocked by BAYl1-7082 in vitro. Paradoxically, iNOS expression contributes to the protection of infected cells from Fas-induced apoptosis, since treatment with the specific iNOS inhibitor SMT (S-Methylisothiourea Sulfate) rendered the infected cells more susceptible to apoptosis. An additional beneficial effect of host cell traversal for the parasite is the fact that mainly traversed cells present parasite-derived peptides to specific cytotoxic T cells and therefore may redirect the specific immune response to uninfected cells. In summary, we have shown that host cells wounded by parasite migration induce inflammation, which limits the extent of parasite infection. In addition, our data support the notion that survival of Plasmodium parasites in the liver is mediated by increasing the resistance of hepatocytes to Fas-induced apoptosis.
Os levantamentos de solos são na maioria antigos e pouco detalhados, geralmente nos níveis exploratório e de reconhecimento. Isso pode ser explicado pelo fato de que o método tradicional de levantamento de solos é lento e caro, requerendo grande número de observações de campo. Assim, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar unidades de mapeamento de solos das regiões de Ibaté e São Carlos, SP, desenvolvidos de materiais basálticos e areníticos em função da declividade e altitudes correspondentes, com base em modelo digital de elevação (MDE). Primeiramente, foi feito um mapa de solos semidetalhado pelo método tradicional. Posteriormente, utilizando-se curvas de nível da região, foi elaborado o MDE, do qual foram extraídos mapas com diferentes classes de declividade e elevação. Por meio da tabulação cruzada, foi determinada a incidência de cada solo nas respectivas classes de declives e altitudes. Cada solo apresentou comportamento diferenciado em relação às classes de declive. Contudo, nas faixas limítrofes de declividade pode ocorrer sobreposição de dois ou mais solos. Na referida região, o Latossolo Amarelo encontra-se predominantemente nas regiões mais altas e de relevo plano; entretanto, solos pouco intemperizados, como os Neossolos Litólicos, aparecem em diferentes faixas de declividade. Conclui-se que o conhecimento da distribuição dos solos no relevo é de grande importância, pois facilita a execução do levantamento de solos. O modelo de elevação apresenta semelhanças com o mapa de solos, podendo auxiliar na sua determinação. As variações de solo, no entanto, são mais complexas, não dispensando as observações de campo.
The new techniques proposed for agriculture in the Amazon region include rotational fallow systems enriched with leguminous trees and the replacement of biomass burning by mulching. Decomposition and nutrient release from mulch were studied using fine-mesh litterbags with five different leguminous species and the natural fallow vegetation as control. Samples from each treatment were analyzed for total C, N, P, K, Ca, Mg, lignin, cellulose content and soluble polyphenol at different sampling times over the course of one year. The decomposition rate constant varied with species and time. Weight loss from the decomposed litter bag material after 96 days was 30.1 % for Acacia angustissima, 32.7 % for Sclerolobium paniculatum, 33.9 % for Iinga edulis and the Fallow vegetation, 45.2 % for Acacia mangium and 63.6 % for Clitoria racemosa. Immobilization of N and P was observed in all studied treatments. Nitrogen mineralization was negatively correlated with phenol, C-to-N ratio, lignin + phenol/N ratio, and phenol/phosphorus ratios and with N content in the litterbag material. After 362 days of field incubation, an average (of all treatments), 3.3 % K, 32.2 % Ca and 22.4 % Mg remained in the mulch. Results confirm that low quality and high amount of organic C as mulch application are limiting for the quantity of energy available for microorganisms and increase the nutrient immobilization for biomass decomposition, which results in competition for nutrients with the crop plants.
Despite numerous discussions, workshops, reviews and reports about responsible development of nanotechnology, information describing health and environmental risk of engineered nanoparticles or nanomaterials is severely lacking and thus insufficient for completing rigorous risk assessment on their use. However, since preliminary scientific evaluations indicate that there are reasonable suspicions that activities involving nanomaterials might have damaging effects on human health; the precautionary principle must be applied. Public and private institutions as well as industries have the duty to adopt preventive and protective measures proportionate to the risk intensity and the desired level of protection. In this work, we present a practical, 'user-friendly' procedure for a university-wide safety and health management of nanomaterials, developed as a multi-stakeholder effort (government, accident insurance, researchers and experts for occupational safety and health). The process starts using a schematic decision tree that allows classifying the nano laboratory into three hazard classes similar to a control banding approach (from Nano 3 - highest hazard to Nano1 - lowest hazard). Classifying laboratories into risk classes would require considering actual or potential exposure to the nanomaterial as well as statistical data on health effects of exposure. Due to the fact that these data (as well as exposure limits for each individual material) are not available, risk classes could not be determined. For each hazard level we then provide a list of required risk mitigation measures (technical, organizational and personal). The target 'users' of this safety and health methodology are researchers and safety officers. They can rapidly access the precautionary hazard class of their activities and the corresponding adequate safety and health measures. We succeed in convincing scientist dealing with nano-activities that adequate safety measures and management are promoting innovation and discoveries by ensuring them a safe environment even in the case of very novel products. The proposed measures are not considered as constraints but as a support to their research. This methodology is being implemented at the Ecole Polytechnique de Lausanne in over 100 research labs dealing with nanomaterials. It is our opinion that it would be useful to other research and academia institutions as well. [Authors]
CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVES: A multicentric study was set up to assess the feasibility for Swiss cancer registries of actively retrieving 3 additional variables of epidemiological and a etiological relevance for melanoma, and of potential use for the evaluation of prevention campaigns. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The skin type, family history of melanoma and precise anatomical site were retrieved for melanoma cases registered in 5 Swiss cantons (Neuchâtel, St-Gall and Appenzell, Vaud and Wallis) over 3 to 6 consecutive years (1995-2002). Data were obtained via a short questionnaire administered by the physicians - mostly dermatologists - who originally excised the lesions. As the detailed body site was routinely collected in Ticino, data from this Cancer Registry were included in the body site analysis. Relative melanoma density (RMD) was computed by the ratio of observed to expected numbers of melanomas allowing for body site surface areas, and further adjusted for site-specific melanocyte density. RESULTS: Of the 1,645 questionnaires sent, 1,420 (86.3%) were returned. The detailed cutaneous site and skin type were reliably obtained for 84.7% and 78.7% of questionnaires, and family history was known in 76% of instances. Prevalence of sun-sensitive subjects and patients with melanoma affected first-degree relatives, two target groups for early detection and surveillance campaigns were 54.1% and 3.4%, respectively. After translation into the 4th digit of the International Classification of Diseases for Oncology, the anatomical site codes from printed (original information) and pictorial support (body chart from the questionnaire) concurred for 94.6% of lesions. Discrepancies occurred mostly for lesions on the upper, outer part of the shoulder for which the clinician's textual description was "shoulder blade". This differential misclassification suggests under-estimation by about 10% of melanomas of the upper limbs and an over-estimation of 5% for truncal melanomas. Sites of highest melanoma risk were the face, the shoulder and the upper arm for sexes, the back for men and the leg for women. Three major features of this series were: (1) an unexpectedly high RMD for the face in women (6.2 vs 4.2 in men), (2) the absence of a male predominance for melanomas on the ears, and (3) for the upper limbs, a steady gradient of increasing melanoma density with increasing proximity to the trunk, regardless of sex. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The feasibility of retrieving the skin type, the precise anatomical location and family history of melanoma in a reliable manner was demonstrated thanks to the collaboration of Swiss dermatologists. Use of a schematic body drawing improves the quality of the anatomical site data and facilitate the reporting task of doctors. Age and sex patterns of RMD paralleled general indicators of sun exposure and behaviour, except for the hand (RMD=0.2). These Swiss results support some site or sun exposure specificity in the aetiology of melanoma.
La forte teneur en elements siderophiles des sediments de la limite Cretace-Tertiaire suggere que les principaJes disparitions d'especes ont ete provoquees par des catastrophes cosmiques. Cette hypothese pourrait etre confirmee par la decouverte d'une anomaJie similaire it la limite Permien-Trias, caracterisee par la plus grave crise biologique du Phanerozoique. L'etude du site de Meishan, en Republique populaire de Chine, n'apporte aucune confirmation de ce scenario. Aucune trace d'iridium, Ie meilleur traceur de la matiere extraterrestre, n'a ete trouvee dans les 18 echantillons preleves au voisinage de la transition Permien-Trias. Toute relation entre la crise biologique du Permien-Trias et une catastrophe cosmique doit donc, pour l'instant, etre consideree comme hypothetique. The presence of siderophile-enriched material at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary suggests that the major extinctions of living species could result from cosmic catastrophes. The finding of the same kind of material at the Permian-Triassic boundary would be important to confirm the influence of cosmic phenomena on extinctions. The study of the M eishan section, in China, does not provide any support to this view. Iridium, the best tracer of cosmic material, has not been detected in any of the 18 samples collected around the boundary. A relation between the Permian-Triassic extinction and a cosmic collision therefore remains hypothetical.