989 resultados para superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticle


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The basement of Bougainville Guyot drilled at Site 831 consists of andesitic hyalobreccias derived from a submarine arc volcano. The volcanic sequence has been dated by K/Ar at approximately 37 Ma. The 121 m of andesitic hyalobreccias drilled in Hole 831B have been divided into five subunits of two types: one appears to be primary, and the other contains evidence of reworking and a subaerial clastic input. Variations are attributed to fluctuations in water depth. The distinctive hyalobreccias consist of andesitic blebs with chilled margins and peripheral fractures set in a chaotic greenish matrix that is mainly altered glass, with crystals similar to those in the blebs or clasts. Their formation is attributed to violent reaction of andesitic magma discharged into seawater, in perhaps the submarine equivalent of fire-fountaining. There was limited reworking by currents and debris flows on the flanks of the submarine volcano. The andesite shows no significant compositional variation in phenocryst phases throughout the drilled sequence and contains phenocrysts of plagioclase (An88-43), clinopyroxene (Ca44Mg46Fe10-Ca41Mg40Fe19), orthopyroxene (Ca4Mg79Fe17-Ca3Mg58Fe39), and titanomagnetite. There is a systematic change in volcanic composition with height in the section, from more mafic andesites at the base, to overlying more acid andesites, and strong evidence exists that magma mixing may have played a significant role in the genesis of these lavas. The andesites have affinities with the low-K arc tholeiite series. Trace element and isotopic systematics for these rocks indicate very minor involvement of a LILE- and 87Sr-enriched slab-derived fluid in their petrogenesis. This accords with the previous suggestion that Bougainville Guyot forms part of an Eocene proto-island arc developed along the southern side of the d'Entrecasteaux Zone, above a southward-dipping subduction zone.


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Mineralogical identification, glass chemistry, and instrumental neutron activation analyses of Quaternary volcanic ash layers from Leg 67 Holes 496, 497, and 499 are used to correlate the drill holes and on-land sources. We have identified two units at Hole 496 that correspond to the 23,000-yr.-old Pinos Altos ash (Samples 496-3-4, 55-57 cm and 496-3-5, 74-76 cm); the 84,000-yr.-old Los Chocoyos ash corresponds with Sample 496-5-4, 134-146 cm, but this latter correlation is less certain.


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Ag and Au are typically concentrated in phosphorites; they genetically related to organic matter of bottom sediments that extract these elements from seawater or interstitial water. Consequently, the phosphorites inherit Ag and Au from host sediments that are not always enriched in them. In contrast to other organic-rich sediments, analyzed sample of recent diatom ooze from the Namibian shelf is not enriched in Ag and Au, although some sediments from this region are enriched in Au. In addition to authigenic Au, allochthonous Au associated with quartz grains and micrograins can also be present in shelf phosphorites. This was observed in oceanic phosphorites of various types. Anomalous Au and Fe contents recorded in one seamount phosphorite sample can be related to extraction of Au and nonferrous metals by ferromanganese hydroxides from seawater. This process can serve as one of major mechanisms of Au supply to ferromanganese crusts on seamounts. Phosphorites and sediments are enriched in Ru simultaneously with U. Author's data show that U content varies from 17 (seamount phosphorite) to 887 ppm (Pleistocene phosphorite nodule from the Namibian shelf). This is probably caused by different types of behavior of light and heavy PGEs in the marine environment.