999 resultados para super-heavy nucleus


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The use of high linear energy transfer radiations in the form of carbon ions in heavy ion beam lines or alpha particles in new radionuclide treatments has increased substantially over the past decade and will continue to do so due to the favourable dose distributions they can offer versus conventional therapies. Previously it has been shown that exposure to heavy ions induces pan-nuclear phosphorylation of several DNA repair proteins such as H2AX and ATM in vitro. Here we describe similar effects of alpha particles on ex vivo irradiated primary human peripheral blood lymphocytes. Following alpha particle irradiation pan-nuclear phosphorylation of H2AX and ATM, but not DNA-PK and 53BP1, was observed throughout the nucleus. Inhibition of ATM, but not DNA-PK, resulted in the loss of pan-nuclear phosphorylation of H2AX in alpha particle irradiated lymphocytes. Pan-nuclear gamma-H2AX signal was rapidly lost over 24h at a much greater rate than foci loss. Surprisingly, pan-nuclear gamma-H2AX intensity was not dependent on the number of alpha particle induced double strand breaks, rather the number of alpha particles which had traversed the cell nucleus. This distinct fluence dependent damage signature of particle radiation is important in both the fields of radioprotection and clinical oncology in determining radionuclide biological dosimetry and may be indicative of patient response to new radionuclide cancer therapies.


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We present a simple model for a component of the radiolytic production of any chemical species due to electron emission from irradiated nanoparticles (NPs) in a liquid environment, provided the expression for the G value for product formation is known and is reasonably well characterized by a linear dependence on beam energy. This model takes nanoparticle size, composition, density and a number of other readily available parameters (such as X-ray and electron attenuation data) as inputs and therefore allows for the ready determination of this contribution. Several approximations are used, thus this model provides an upper limit to the yield of chemical species due to electron emission, rather than a distinct value, and this upper limit is compared with experimental results. After the general model is developed we provide details of its application to the generation of HO(•) through irradiation of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs), a potentially important process in nanoparticle-based enhancement of radiotherapy. This model has been constructed with the intention of making it accessible to other researchers who wish to estimate chemical yields through this process, and is shown to be applicable to NPs of single elements and mixtures. The model can be applied without the need to develop additional skills (such as using a Monte Carlo toolkit), providing a fast and straightforward method of estimating chemical yields. A simple framework for determining the HO(•) yield for different NP sizes at constant NP concentration and initial photon energy is also presented.


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High-energy irradiation of exoplanets has been identified to be a key influence on the stability of these planets' atmospheres. So far, irradiation-driven mass-loss has been observed only in two Hot Jupiters, and the observational data remain even more sparse in the super-Earth regime. We present an investigation of the high-energy emission in the CoRoT-7 system, which hosts the first known transiting super-Earth. To characterize the high-energy XUV radiation field into which the rocky planets CoRoT-7b and CoRoT-7c are immersed, we analyzed a 25 ks XMM-Newton observation of the host star. Our analysis yields the first clear (3.5σ) X-ray detection of CoRoT-7. We determine a coronal temperature of ≈ 3 MK and an X-ray luminosity of 3 × 1028 erg s-1. The level of XUV irradiation on CoRoT-7b amounts to ≈37 000 erg cm-2 s-1. Current theories for planetary evaporation can only provide an order-of-magnitude estimate for the planetary mass loss; assuming that CoRoT-7b has formed as a rocky planet, we estimate that CoRoT-7b evaporates at a rate of about 1.3 × 1011 g s-1 and has lost ≈4-10 earth masses in total.


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Stellar activity can produce large amounts of high-energy radiation, which is absorbed by the planetary atmosphere leading to irradiation-driven mass loss. We present the detection and an investigation of high-energy emission in a transiting super-Earth host system, GJ 1214, based on XMM-Newton observations. We derive an X-ray luminosity of LX = 7.4 × 1025 erg s-1 and a corresponding activity level of log (LX /L bol) ~ -5.3. Further, we determine a coronal temperature of about ~3.5 MK, which is typical for coronal emission of moderately active low-mass stars. We estimate that GJ 1214 b evaporates at a rate of 1.3× 1010 g s-1 and has lost a total of ≈2-5.6 M ⊕.


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The Richardson–Lucy algorithm is one of the most important in image deconvolution. However, a drawback is its slow convergence. A significant acceleration was obtained using the technique proposed by Biggs and Andrews (BA), which is implemented in the deconvlucy function of the image processing MATLAB toolbox. The BA method was developed heuristically with no proof of convergence. In this paper, we introduce the heavy-ball (H-B) method for Poisson data optimization and extend it to a scaled H-B method, which includes the BA method as a special case. The method has a proof of the convergence rateof O(K^2), where k is the number of iterations. We demonstrate the superior convergence performance, by a speedup factor off ive, of the scaled H-B method on both synthetic and real 3D images.


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BaH (and its isotopomers) is an attractive molecular candidate for laser cooling to ultracold temperatures and a potential precursor for the production of ultracold gases of hydrogen and deuterium. The theoretical challenge is to simulate the laser cooling cycle as reliably as possible and this paper addresses the generation of a highly accurate ab initio $^{2}\Sigma^+$ potential for such studies. The performance of various basis sets within the multi-reference configuration-interaction (MRCI) approximation with the Davidson correction (MRCI+Q)is tested and taken to the Complete Basis Set (CBS) limit. It is shown that the calculated molecular constants using a 46 electron Effective Core-Potential (ECP) and even-tempered augmented polarized core-valence basis sets (aug-pCV$n$Z-PP, n= 4 and 5) but only including three active electrons in the MRCI calculation are in excellent agreement with the available experimental values. The predicted dissociation energy De for the X$^2\Sigma^+$ state (extrapolated to the CBS limit) is 16895.12 cm$^{-1}$ (2.094 eV), which agrees within 0.1$\%$ of a revised experimental value of <16910.6 cm$^{-1}$, while the calculated re is within 0.03 pm of the experimental result.


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O olival de regadio tem tido grande expansão nos últimos anos no Alentejo, sendo a administração da rega mais adequada às necessidades hídricas um dos fatores determinantes da sua boa gestão. No presente trabalho, avaliou-se a resposta de duas variedades de Olea europaea, Cobrançosa e Arbequina, em regime intensivo e super- intensivo, respetivamente, a duas dotações de rega, a normalmente utilizada pelo agricultor (RA) e outra experimental, com dotações acima (RA+) ou abaixo (RA−) das praticados em RA. Mediram-se os principais parâmetros hídricos das plantas e o teor em clorofilas, e registou-se a assinatura espectral em folhas adultas e jovens, ao meio- dia solar, em três épocas do ano, primavera, final do verão e inverno de 2011. Em Outubro foi feita a colheita, tendo-se quantificado a produção em termos de produção total e teor de óleo na matéria seca, e a qualidade do azeite em termos de acidez e oxidação. Face aos resultados, conclui-se que no olival intensivo de Cobrançosa, na rega experimental (RA+), acima da praticada pelo agricultor, não se verificou diferenças significativas na produção total nem no teor de óleo na matéria seca. Não se verificaram também diferenças significativas entre as regas nos parâmetros hídricos avaliados. Quanto ao olival super-intensivo de Arbequina, a rega experimental (RA−), deficitária relativamente à do agricultor (RA), acarretou menor produção, associada a menor teor relativo de água nas folhas, potenciais hídricos mais negativos e menor condutância estomática no final do verão e inverno, mantendo-se no entanto o teor de óleo nos frutos. O teor em clorofilas e alguns índices de vegetação foram influenciados pelo regime de rega apenas em algumas das datas. Nos dois olivais, as regas experimentais não influenciaram a qualidade do azeite, tendo-se obtido azeites extra virgem com propriedades semelhantes aos das modalidades RA. O estudo prossegue em 2012.


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A pegada hídrica de uma cultura representa o volume de água necessário para produzir, relacionando as necessidades hídricas da cultura com a produção. As suas componentes, pegadas hídricas azul, verde e cinzenta, referem-se respectivamente aos volumes de água superficial e subterrânea, precipitação e de água necessária para assimilar a poluição utilizados pela cultura. A determinação das pegadas hídricas azul e verde é normalmente conseguida através da estimativa da evapotranspiração cultural, aplicando coeficientes culturais a uma evapotranspiração de referência, calculada a partir de dados meteorológicos. No presente estudo foram utilizadas medições da evapotranspiração para estimar a pegada hídrica de um olival super-intensivo na região de Évora. As necessidades hídricas foram medidas utilizando um método de fluxo de seiva para determinar a transpiração e o método micrometeorológico das flutuações instantâneas para medir directamente a evapotranspiração. Esta técnica foi utilizada durante um período de tempo limitado, enquanto as medições do fluxo de seiva, que foram efectuadas para períodos alargados, permitiram a extensão dos registos. A evapotranspiração medida directamente apresentou valores de cerca de 3 mm d-1 e o quociente entre evapotranspiração real e evapotranspiração de referência é próximo de 0,6 para o mesmo período. Comparou-se a estimativa da pegada hídrica obtida com o procedimento habitual com a resultante de medições in-situ e utilizando técnicas de deteção remota. A pegada hídrica do olival sob estudo foi inferior às simulações encontradas na literatura, o que pode ser explicado por diferenças na densidade de plantação, produção e gestão da rega. O olival em estudo obteve uma produção elevada, com um azeite que preencheu as características essenciais à classificação de azeite extra virgem, o mais valorizado, o que contraria o efeito do elevado consumo de água, resultando numa pegada hídrica inferior à de olivais não regados ou com menor densidade de plantação.


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Indústrias metalúrgicas de produção de ligas metálicas podem por em risco toda a área envolvente, nomeadamente a qualidade das águas (superficiais e subterrâneas), dos solos e do ar, sempre que não existam infraestruturas e planos adequados de gestão destes resíduos. No caso em estudo, a unidade industrial situa-se na bacia do rio São Francisco, no estado brasileiro de Minas Gerais, e nos mais de quarenta anos de funcionamento tem produzido inúmeros problemas ambientais. Este estudo baseia-se nos primeiros resultados referentes aos solos da envolvente, tendo como objetivos a identificação dos principais contaminantes e a definição da área contaminada, de forma a avaliar a eficácia de projetos futuros de recuperação.


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The main objective of this work was to monitor a set of physical-chemical properties of heavy oil procedural streams through nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, in order to propose an analysis procedure and online data processing for process control. Different statistical methods which allow to relate the results obtained by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy with the results obtained by the conventional standard methods during the characterization of the different streams, have been implemented in order to develop models for predicting these same properties. The real-time knowledge of these physical-chemical properties of petroleum fractions is very important for enhancing refinery operations, ensuring technically, economically and environmentally proper refinery operations. The first part of this work involved the determination of many physical-chemical properties, at Matosinhos refinery, by following some standard methods important to evaluate and characterize light vacuum gas oil, heavy vacuum gas oil and fuel oil fractions. Kinematic viscosity, density, sulfur content, flash point, carbon residue, P-value and atmospheric and vacuum distillations were the properties analysed. Besides the analysis by using the standard methods, the same samples were analysed by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The second part of this work was related to the application of multivariate statistical methods, which correlate the physical-chemical properties with the quantitative information acquired by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Several methods were applied, including principal component analysis, principal component regression, partial least squares and artificial neural networks. Principal component analysis was used to reduce the number of predictive variables and to transform them into new variables, the principal components. These principal components were used as inputs of the principal component regression and artificial neural networks models. For the partial least squares model, the original data was used as input. Taking into account the performance of the develop models, by analysing selected statistical performance indexes, it was possible to conclude that principal component regression lead to worse performances. When applying the partial least squares and artificial neural networks models better results were achieved. However, it was with the artificial neural networks model that better predictions were obtained for almost of the properties analysed. With reference to the results obtained, it was possible to conclude that nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy combined with multivariate statistical methods can be used to predict physical-chemical properties of petroleum fractions. It has been shown that this technique can be considered a potential alternative to the conventional standard methods having obtained very promising results.


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Report produced as part of the Green Logistics project (EPSRC and Department for Transport funded). This report provides estimates of the total external costs of LGV and HGV operations in London. In 2006, total LGV and HGV activity imposed external costs of approximately £1.75-£1.8 billion using low, medium and high emission cost values. About 27 per cent of these costs were internalised by duties and taxes paid by LGV operators, compared with 26% in the case of HGVs. If congestion costs are excluded, taxes and duties paid by LGV operators are estimated to be 155% of LGVs' allocated infrastructural and environmental costs, compared with 85% in the case of HGVs. When using the medium emission cost values, LGVs accounted for 56% of these external costs in London and HGVs for 44%.


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This report provides estimates of the total external costs of LGV and HGV operations in London. In 2006, total LGV and HGV activity imposed external costs of approximately £1.75-£1.8 billion using low, medium and high emission cost values. About 27 per cent of these costs were internalised by duties and taxes paid by LGV operators, compared with 26% in the case of HGVs. If congestion costs are excluded, taxes and duties paid by LGV operators are estimated to be 155% of LGVs' allocated infrastructural and environmental costs, compared with 85% in the case of HGVs. When using the medium emission cost values, LGVs accounted for 56% of these external costs in London and HGVs for 44%.


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The current epidemic of Hepatitis C infection in HIV-positive men who have sex with men is associated with increasing use of recreational drugs. Multiple HCV infections have been reported in haemophiliacs and intravenous drug users. Using ultra-deep sequencing analysis, we present the case of an HIV-positive MSM with evidence of three sequential HCV infections, each occurring during the acute phase of the preceding infection, following risk exposures. We observed rapid replacement of the original strain by the incoming genotype at subsequent time points. The impact of HCV super-infection remains unclear and UDS may provide new insights.


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Super-resolution refers to the process of obtaining a high resolution image from one or more low resolution images. In this work, we present a novel method for the super-resolution problem for the limited case, where only one image of low resolution is given as an input. The proposed method is based on statistical learning for inferring the high frequencies regions which helps to distinguish a high resolution image from a low resolution one. These inferences are obtained from the correlation between regions of low and high resolution that come exclusively from the image to be super-resolved, in term of small neighborhoods. The Markov random fields are used as a model to capture the local statistics of high and low resolution data when they are analyzed at different scales and resolutions. Experimental results show the viability of the method.