997 resultados para structured parallel computations


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Tendo em conta que a Universidade Eduardo Mondlane é a primeira instituição, em Moçambique, a oferecer cursos completamente baseados na Web, o presente estudo constitui uma das primeiras investigações com a qual se pretende perceber qual o impacto de um módulo assente na compreensão de conceitos e na resolução de tarefas, fortemente apoiadas por uma Folha de Cálculo, estruturado numa lógica de webquest e lecionado a distância, rentabilizando-se potencialidades da plataforma virtual Aulanet, no desenvolvimento de competências tecnológicas e de conhecimentos, capacidades e atitudes relacionados com a Estatística descritiva. Para dar resposta às questões de investigação formuladas, optou-se por uma abordagem qualitativa e por uma estratégia de estudo de caso que se desenvolveu num contexto próximo da lógica da investigação - ação. Os principais participantes foram alunos do Curso de Licenciatura em Gestão de Negócios da UEM em Moçambique, a frequentar a disciplina de Estatística Aplicada. Para a recolha de dados, privilegiaram-se as técnicas da inquirição, análise documental e observação direta e participante, e diversos instrumentos como questionários e entrevistas, produções dos alunos, intervenções no fórum de debate, no Chat, testes e trabalhos, diário de bordo e notas de campo, com vista à triangulação metódica. A análise estatística e de conteúdo dos dados recolhidos permite constatar que a aprendizagem, à distância, de Estatística Descritiva, explorando-se meios tecnológicos de informação e de comunicação online e folha de cálculo Excel, inscritos numa estratégia de webquest ,potencia o desenvolvimento de competências tecnológicas e de conhecimentos, capacidades e atitudes relacionados com o tema. Paralelamente, permitiu refletir sobre as condições de ensino e de aprendizagem que podem favorecer tais práticas.


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In this paper a parallel implementation of an Adaprtive Generalized Predictive Control (AGPC) algorithm is presented. Since the AGPC algorithm needs to be fed with knowledge of the plant transfer function, the parallelization of a standard Recursive Least Squares (RLS) estimator and a GPC predictor is discussed here.


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In this paper a parallel implementation of an Adaprtive Generalized Predictive Control (AGPC) algorithm is presented. Since the AGPC algorithm needs to be fed with knowledge of the plant transfer function, the parallelization of a standard Recursive Least Squares (RLS) estimator and a GPC predictor is discussed here.


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The Adaptive Generalized Predictive Control (AGPC) algorithm can be speeded up using parallel processing. Since the AGPC algorithm needs to be fed with the knowledge of the plant transfer function, the parallelization of a standard Recursive Least Squares (RLS) estimator and a GPC predictor is discussed here.


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Discrete optimization problems are very difficult to solve, even if the dimantion is small. For most of them the problem of finding an ε-approximate solution is already NP-hard.


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The Adaptive Generalized Predictive Control (GPC) algorithm can be speeded up using parallel processing. Since the GPC algorithm needs to be fed with knowledge of the plant transfer function, the parallelization of a standard Recursive Least Squares (RLS) estimator and a GPC predictor is discussed here.


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Least squares solutions are a very important problem, which appear in a broad range of disciplines (for instance, control systems, statistics, signal processing). Our interest in this kind of problems lies in their use of training neural network controllers.


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Least squares solutions are a very important problem, which appear in a broad range of disciplines (for instance, control systems, statistics, signal processing). Our interest in this kind of problems lies in their use of training neural network controllers.


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In this paper the parallelization of a new learning algorithm for multilayer perceptrons, specifically targeted for nonlinear function approximation purposes, is discussed. Each major step of the algorithm is parallelized, a special emphasis being put in the most computationally intensive task, a least-squares solution of linear systems of equations.


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A área de Extração da Informação tem como objetivo essencial investigar métodos e técnicas para transformar a informação não estruturada presente em textos de língua natural em dados estruturados. Um importante passo deste processo é a resolução de correferência, tarefa que identifica diferentes sintagmas nominais que se referem a mesma entidade no discurso. A área de estudos sobre resolução de correferência tem sido extensivamente pesquisada para a Língua Inglesa (Ng, 2010) lista uma série de estudos da área, entretanto tem recebido menos atenção em outras línguas. Isso se deve ao fato de que a grande maioria das abordagens utilizadas nessas pesquisas são baseadas em aprendizado de máquina e, portanto, requerem uma extensa quantidade de dados anotados.


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The work described here is part of a research program aiming to increase the sensitivity to disease detection using Doppler ultrasound by reducing the effects to the measurement procedure on the estimation of blood velocity and detection of flow disturbance.


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Cette étude qualitative porte sur l’expérience des intervenants dans l’accompagnement au rétablissement dans les unités d’hébergement et de soins de longue durée en psychiatrie de l’Institut universitaire en santé mentale de Québec, avec un intérêt particulier pour les difficultés et les éléments facilitant cette expérience. Neufs intervenants de différentes professions (infirmiers, professionnels, éducateurs spécialisés) ont été rencontrés entre février et juin 2014. Chacun a participé à une entrevue semi-dirigée et complété le Recovery Attitude Questionnaire, version à 7 items (RAQ-7). Les entrevues ont fait l’objet d’une analyse de contenu thématique, complétée par une analyse des pointages provenant du RAQ-7. Résultats : Trois composantes de l’expérience d’accompagnement sont inter-reliées et s’inter-influencent : l’espoir (croire), l’implication et l’attachement envers la personne aidée. Une attitude positive envers le rétablissement, la compréhension de ce concept comme processus personnel et le fait de côtoyer des collègues qui croient en la possibilité d’un rétablissement influencent positivement l’expérience. En parallèle, le fait d’être confronté à des usagers-résidents présentant des symptômes importants, une culture d’intervention orientée vers la stabilisation des symptômes et un vécu d’intervention marqué par l’échec influencent négativement l’expérience. Conclusions et implications : L’expérience d’accompagnement au rétablissement est donc influencée par différents facteurs individuels et environnementaux (voir : environnement organisationnel). La connaissance de ces facteurs peut favoriser une implantation réussie de modes d’intervention favorables au rétablissement des usagers dans les milieux d’hébergement et de soins de longue durée en psychiatrie. Mots clés : rétablissement, maladie mentale sévère, Centre d’hébergement et de soins de longue durée, vécu des intervenants, intervenants, interventions, pratiques orientées vers le rétablissement.


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Tese de mestrado, Educação (Administração e Organização Educacional), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2011


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This chapter compares recent policy on the use of English and Norwegian in Higher Education with earlier policies on the relationship between the two standard varieties of Norwegian, and it charts how and why English became a policy issue in Norway. Based on the experience of over a century of language planning, a highly interventionist approach is today being avoided and language policies in the universities of Norway seek to nurture a situation where English and Norwegian may be used productively side-by-side. However, there remain serious practical challenges to be overcome. This paper also builds on a previous analysis (Linn 2010b) of the metalanguage of Nordic language policy and seeks to clarify the use of the term ‘parallelingualism’.


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In order to accelerate computing the convex hull on a set of n points, a heuristic procedure is often applied to reduce the number of points to a set of s points, s ≤ n, which also contains the same hull. We present an algorithm to precondition 2D data with integer coordinates bounded by a box of size p × q before building a 2D convex hull, with three distinct advantages. First, we prove that under the condition min(p, q) ≤ n the algorithm executes in time within O(n); second, no explicit sorting of data is required; and third, the reduced set of s points forms a simple polygonal chain and thus can be directly pipelined into an O(n) time convex hull algorithm. This paper empirically evaluates and quantifies the speed up gained by preconditioning a set of points by a method based on the proposed algorithm before using common convex hull algorithms to build the final hull. A speedup factor of at least four is consistently found from experiments on various datasets when the condition min(p, q) ≤ n holds; the smaller the ratio min(p, q)/n is in the dataset, the greater the speedup factor achieved.