989 resultados para spiders as prey


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The cuttlefish Sepia apama Gray (Mollusca: Cephalopoda) is a seasonally abundant food resource exploited annually by moulting albatrosses throughout winter and early spring in the coastal waters of New South Wales, Australia. To assess its nutritional value as albatross forage, we analysed S. apama for water, lipid protein, ash contents, energy density and amino acid composition. Because albatrosses consistently consume S. apama parts preferentially in the order of head, viscera and mantle, we analysed these sections separately, but did not identify any nutritional basis for this selective feeding behaviour. The gross energy value of S. apama bodies was 20.9 kJ/g dry mass, but their high water content (>83%; cf <70% for fish) results in a relatively low energy density of 3.53 kJ/g. This may contribute to a need to take large meals, which subsequently degrade flight performance. Protein content was typically >75% dry mass, whereas fat content was only about 1%. Albatrosses feed on many species of cephalopods and teleost fish, and we found the amino acid composition of S. apama to be comparable to a range of species within these taxa. We used S. apama exclusively in feeding trials to estimate the energy assimilation efficiency for Diomedea albatrosses. We estimated their nitrogen-corrected apparent energy assimilation efficiency for consuming this prey to be 81.82 ± 0.72% and nitrogen retention as 2.90 ± 0.11 g N kg-1 d-1. Although S. apama has a high water content and relatively low energy density, its protein composition is otherwise comparable to other albatross prey species. Consequently, the large size and seasonal abundance of this prey should ensure that albatrosses remain replete and adequately nourished on this forage while undergoing moult.


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The role of aquatic macrophytes in stimulating biodiversity and maintaining clear waters is currently undisputed. The management of (eutrophic) shallow waters is therefore often directed at (re-)establishing macrophyte domination. In contrast, the role of water birds has long been considered of minor importance for the functioning of fresh water ecosystems. Indeed, in terms of biomass and production, water birds constitute only a minor part of these systems. However, water birds may graze heavily on water plants under certain circumstances, and the question arises whether herbivorous water birds have an important indirect effect on shallow fresh water systems. Mainly illustrated with the interaction between Bewick’s Swans and Fennel Pondweed, we present data on the role that water plants may play in the life of water birds and how water birds may impact water plants’ fitness in terms of survival, production, dispersal and competitive ability. It appears that water plants may be crucial for water birds during periods of high-energy requirements, such as migration. Despite the plants’ costs associated with water bird grazing, the interaction between water birds and water plants varies in nature from an apparent predator–prey relationship to a mutually beneficial interaction depending on the context and the perspective. For the case of the Bewick’s Swan–Fennel Pondweed interaction, regular bird grazing is sustainable and may actually favour the plant’s dispersal. Thus, Bewick’s Swans themselves may in fact play a crucial role in establishing and maintaining the Fennel Pondweed rich staging sites between the swans’ wintering and breeding grounds, which are vital for the swans’ successful migration.


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This note documents a predation event on a juvenile Blotched Bluetongue Lizard (Tiliqua nigrolutea) by a Highlands Copperhead (Austrelaps ramsayi) in the Blue Mountains, Australia.  The diet of elapid snakes in the genus Austrelaps consists mainly of frogs and small skinks. Adults of the larger Tiliqua species may be too large for Austrelaps species to consume, and juveniles of these larger Tiliqua are possibly approaching the larger end of consumable prey items for Austrelaps.


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There is growing recognition of the important roles played by predators in regulating ecosystems and sustaining biodiversity. Much attention has focused on the consequences of predator-regulation of herbivore populations, and associated trophic cascades. However apex predators may also control smaller ‘mesopredators’ through intraguild interactions. Removal of apex predators can result in changes to intraguild interactions and outbreaks of mesopredators (‘mesopredator release’), leading in turn to increased predation on smaller prey. Here we provide a review and synthesis of studies of predator interactions, mesopredator release and their impacts on biodiversity. Mesopredator suppression by apex predators is widespread geographically and taxonomically. Apex predators suppress mesopredators both by killing them, or instilling fear, which motivates changes in behaviour and habitat use that limit mesopredator distribution and abundance. Changes in the abundance of apex predators may have disproportionate (up to fourfold) effects on mesopredator abundance. Outcomes of interactions between predators may however vary with resource availability, habitat complexity and the complexity of predator communities. There is potential for the restoration of apex predators to have benefits for biodiversity conservation through moderation of the impacts of mesopredators on their prey, but this requires a whole-ecosystem view to avoid unforeseen negative effects.

‘Nothing has changed since I began.

My eye has permitted no change.

I am going to keep things like this.’

From ‘Hawk Roosting’, by Ted Hughes.


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An understanding of pinniped haulout behaviour can provide information on how animals interact with their environment, their foraging strategies and the behaviour of their prey. For Weddell seals Leptonychotes weddelli, knowledge of haulout patterns and the environmental drivers of haulout is comprehensive for the austral spring and summer, but is poorly described outside this period. Pinniped behaviour is commonly examined using satellite telemetry; however, it is unclear whether the behavioural state of the seal can itself influence data acquisition. We examined haulout behaviour of female Weddell seals in eastern Antarctica over 3 winters (March to August, 2006–2008) using satellite-linked data loggers. Haulout behaviour followed a diel cycle with predominantly nocturnal haulouts. The environmental variables wind speed and temperature were influential on haulout, with seals tending to haul out more in lower winds and at higher temperatures. Haulout duration decreased across the winter, as did the number of satellite uplinks, suggesting that haulout duration played a role in data acquisition. There was no evidence of a decline in tag condition over this period, indicating that the decrease in uplinks was primarily the result of the winter behaviour of the seals. Overall, the number of haulout locations in the data set was over-represented, with more uplinks per hour occurring when the seals were hauled out than when they were at sea. For Weddell seals and other ice seals, tracking data that include haulout locations can bias spatial representations of foraging behaviour (e.g. haulout sites may be mistaken for regions of area-restricted search).


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The southern rock lobster Jasus edwardsii is a commercial species that has benefited from the complete protection offered by no-take reserves, with higher abundances and larger animals recorded in reserves than in adjacent fished areas. What remains unclear is whether there is any change in the diet of lobsters in reserves, for example, as a result of increased intraspecific competition for food. We used combined chemical tracers to examine the diet of lobsters in fished and reserve areas in 2 bioregions in eastern Tasmania. δ15N values of lobsters were richer in fished than in reserve areas, indicating that lobsters eat a greater proportion of food items from higher trophic levels in fished areas. Mixing models suggest that ascidians, sea urchins and the turbinid gastropod were all important food sources for lobsters, but the importance of these food items differed between bioregions. This spatial variability may suggest that the small size of the reserve in one bioregion is inadequate at ensuring the diet of lobsters is protected from fishing pressure. Fatty acid profiles of lobsters supported the importance of these food sources to lobsters. Differences between bioregions, or inside and outside of reserves, were not apparent using fatty acids. The present study highlights that lobster fishing has the capacity to alter the trophic status of prey for generalist predators and suggests that fatty acid analyses may be limited in detecting changes in the dietary composition of such generalist feeders.


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Evolved patterns of resource expenditure for reproduction have resulted in a life history continuum across species. A strictly capital-breeding strategy relies extensively on stored energy for reproduction, whereas income breeding uses energy acquired throughout the reproductive period. However, facultative income breeding has been shown in some classically capital-breeding animals, and was originally thought to provide a nutritional refuge for smaller females incapable of securing sufficient reserves during pre-partum foraging. We examined milk composition and milk output for the Weddell seal to determine to what degree lactation was aided by food intake, and what factors contributed to its manifestation. Milk composition was independent of maternal post-partum mass and condition, but did change over lactation. Changes were most likely in response to energetic and nutritional demands of the pup at different stages of development. During early lactation, females fasted and devoted 54.9% of total energy loss to milk production. Later in lactation 30.5% more energy was devoted to milk production and evidence suggested that larger females fed more during lactation than smaller females. It appears that Weddell seals may exhibit a flexible strategy to adjust reproductive investment to local resource levels by taking advantage of periods when prey are occasionally abundant, although it is restricted to larger females possessing the physiological capacity to dive for longer and exploit different resources during lactation. This supports the assumption that although body mass and phylogenetic history explain most of the variation in lactation patterns (20–69%), the remaining variation has likely resulted from physiological adaptations to local environmental conditions. Our study confirms that Weddell seals use a mixed capital–income breeding strategy, and that considerable intraspecific variation exists. Questions remain as to the amount of energy gain derived from the income strategy, and the consequences for pup condition and survival.


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We investigated the home-range size and habitat use of eight Sooty Owls (Tyto tenebricosa tenebricosa) in coastal forests in East Gippsland, Victoria, Australia, between November 2006 and January 2008. The size of home-ranges varied widely; based on 95% adaptive kernel estimates, the average size of home-ranges of males was 3025ha (±1194s.d., n=3), whereas that of females was 994ha (±654s.d., n=5). Sooty Owls utilised a broad range of ecological vegetation classes and topographical features for roosting and foraging at a greater scale than previously assumed. There was minimal selection for habitat types based on floristic composition, primarily only avoiding heathlands (for foraging and roosting) and selecting particular dense foliage (rainforest and riparian scrub) for foliage roosting. Two Owls maintained home-ranges close to logged areas, with logging regrowth (<45 years old) being strongly avoided by both individuals. We recommend that the size of individual reserves for Sooty Owls in commercial forests should be increased to more closely resemble the core spatial resource requirements needed by a pair. Reserves should be largest where they feed predominantly on hollow-dependent prey. Most importantly, rather than conservation measures just focussing on the spatial requirements of Sooty Owls, efforts should be directed towards retaining high densities of crucial resources, such as hollow-bearing trees and mammalian prey species throughout the landscape.


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Understanding the temporal and spatial variation of foraging habits of apex predators is central to understanding their role in marine ecosystems and how their populations may respond to environmental variability. In the present study, stable isotope analysis (C and N) of blood was used to investigate inter-individual and inter-annual differences in the diet of adult female Australian fur seals Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus. Positive correlations were observed between red cell and plasma values for δ13C and δ15N (r2 = 0.47 and r2 = 0.66, respectively, p < 0.001 in both cases), suggesting relatively consistent individual prey choices over 3 or 4 foraging trips. Mean δ15N values (12.8 to 17.5%) confirm the species occupies the highest marine trophic niche in the region. A significant decrease in plasma δ15N values, corresponding to two-thirds of a trophic level (ca. 2%), was observed between the 1998 to 2000 and 2003 to 2005 sampling periods. This was associated with a significant decrease in adult female body condition and is consistent with a decline, previously documented by faecal analysis, of the proportion of red cod Pseudophysis bachus, barracouta Thyrsites atun and Gould's squid Nototodarus gouldi in the diet and an increase in redbait Emmelichthys nitidus. While substantial variation in δ15N was observed within each age cohort, a significant decrease was observed with age, suggesting individual specialisation for particular prey types is evident early in adulthood, but that its composition changes as females age. In addition, generalized linear models indicated body mass had a negative influence on δ15N, which may reflect larger total body oxygen stores, facilitating individuals hunting cryptic prey of lower trophic level (e.g. octopus) on the sea floor.


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The Little Raven Corvus mellori is an omnivore that occasionally eats small birds. Most birds taken are thought to be eaten as carrion, though several records exist of ravens hunting and killing Budgerigars Melopsittacus undulates and a Spotted Turtle-Dove Streptopelia chinensis (Higgins et al. 2006). Both cases of bird depredation record Little Ravens attacking from above and stabbing prey to death with their beaks. Here, we report a pair of Little Ravens hunting, killing and eating a lone Sharp-tailed Sandpiper Calidris acuminita at Cheetham Wetlands, near Melbourne, Victoria (37° 53' 56"S, 144° 47' 33"E; 420 ha; see Antos et al. 2007 for a description). We also report an event which strongly implies they hunted and ate an adult Red-capped Plover Charadrius ruficapillus, and observations of hunting and eating eggs and chicks.


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Australian fur seals (Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus) are the most conspicuous and abundant marine mammal in shelf waters of south-eastern Australia. To successfully rear offspring, the females must encounter sufficient prey on each foraging trip out of a central place for periods up to11 months each year. We investigated foraging trip strategies and habitat use by the females in three winter–spring periods, 2001–03, from four colonies that span the species’ latitudinal range and contribute 80% of pup production. Trip durations of 37 females averaged 6.1±0.5 (s.e.) days, although >90% of the seal’s time at sea was spent <150 km travel (<2 days) away. Most females exhibited strong fidelities to individually preferred hotspots Females from colonies adjacent to productive shelf-edge waters generally had shorter trips, had smaller ranges, foraged closer to colonies and exhibited less diversity in trip strategies than did those from colonies more distant from a shelf-edge. From a management perspective, there was minimal overlap (<1%) between where females foraged and a system of marine reserves established in 2007, suggesting that habitats visited by lactating Australian fur seals currently receive minimal legislative protection


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We tested the fitness consequences of introgression of fast-growing domesticated fish into a wild population. Fry from wild and domesticated rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) crosses, F1 hybrids, and first- and second-generation backcrosses were released into two natural lakes. Parentage analysis using microsatellite loci facilitated the identification of survivors, so fitness was estimated in nature from the first-feeding stage. Results indicated that under certain conditions, domesticated fish survived at least as well as wild fish within the same environment. Relative growth and survival of the crosses, however, were highly dependent on environment. During the first summer, fastest-growing crosses had the highest survival, but this trend was reversed after one winter and another summer. Although the F1 hybrids showed evidence of outbreeding depression because of the disruption of local adaptation, there was little evidence of outbreeding depression in the backcrosses, and the second-generation backcrosses exhibited a wild-type phenotype. This information is relevant for assessing the multigenerational risk of escaped or released domesticated fish should they successfully interbreed with wild populations and provides information on how to minimize detrimental impacts of a conservation breeding and/or management programme. These data also further understanding of the selection pressures in nature that maintain submaximal rates of growth.


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Prey species often possess defences (e.g. toxins) coupled with warning signals (i.e. aposematism). There is growing evidence that the expression of aposematic signals often varies within species and correlates with the strength of chemical defences. This has led to the speculation that such signals may be 'honest', with signal reliability ensured by the costliness of producing or maintaining aposematic traits. We reared larval seven-spot ladybirds (Coccinella septempunctata) on a Low or High aphid diet and measured the effects on warning signal expression (elytral carotenoid pigmentation, conspicuousness, spot size), levels of defensive alkaloids (precoccinelline, coccinelline), and relationships between these traits. High-diet individuals had greater total precoccinelline levels, and elytra carotenoid concentrations at adulthood which was detectable to a typical avian predator. However, larval diet did not significantly affect adult body mass or size, spot size or coccinelline levels. Elytra carotenoid concentrations correlated positively with total precoccinelline levels in both diet groups and sexes. However, the relationship between elytra carotenoid concentrations and total levels of coccinelline depended on sex: in both diet groups, elytra carotenoids and coccinelline levels were positively correlated in females, but negatively correlated in males. Spot size and coccinelline levels correlated positively in Low-diet individuals, but negatively in High-diet individuals. These results point to physiological linkages between components of aposematism, which are modulated by resource (i.e. food) availability and affect the honesty of signals. Developmental diet, but also sex, influenced the relationships between signals and toxin levels. Ladybirds are sexually size dimorphic, and thus in comparison with males, females may be more susceptible to resource limitation and more likely to be honest signallers. © 2012 The Authors. Functional Ecology © 2012 British Ecological Society.


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The Nyirkai-Hany wetland reconstruction area in northwestern Hungary is now designated as a Ramsar and a Natura 2000 site. It was created in 2001–2002 by the Fertő-Hanság National Park Directorate to restore a part of the formerly drained large wetland called Hanság and to offer waterbirds a suitable habitat for feeding and breeding. We focused on this aim of the restoration project and studied the temporal and spatial variation in abundance of birds and their invertebrate prey in this newly created wetland. From April 2007 until May 2008, we sampled plankton, nekton and benthos of different habitats monthly and monitored waterbirds weekly on the three different areas of the Nyirkai-Hany. During our investigations, 135 invertebrate and 53 waterbird species were recorded. Benthos and macrophyte decomposition accelerating guilds were the most abundant waterbird guilds—besides the dominant grazing importer material transporter guild, represented primarily by geese—in the Nyirkai-Hany. Zooplankton assemblages primarily consisted of small species not easily used as a food by planktivorous waterbirds. The low density of zoobenthic biomass and the small extent of shallow water mudflats probably accounted for the scarcity of the bioturbing guild group of birds. Nektonic biomass varied greatly among locations having different vegetation types, was greatest in the shallow water areas dominated by Typha, Carex and Phragmites species and lowest at offshore vegetation-free sites. Chironomids, mayflies and odonates were especially abundant and their biomass significantly correlated with several waterbird species, mainly belonging to the macrophyte decomposition accelerating guild (e.g. Anas platyrynchos, Fulica atra). This guild itself, which has increased in abundance in recent years, showed an exceptionally strong correlation with odonate abundance. These results indicate the growing importance of the Nyirkai-Hany wetland area as a foraging site for waterbirds.