981 resultados para smoke filling


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A neural network model of 3-D visual perception and figure-ground separation by visual cortex is introduced. The theory provides a unified explanation of how a 2-D image may generate a 3-D percept; how figures pop-out from cluttered backgrounds; how spatially sparse disparity cues can generate continuous surface representations at different perceived depths; how representations of occluded regions can be completed and recognized without usually being seen; how occluded regions can sometimes be seen during percepts of transparency; how high spatial frequency parts of an image may appear closer than low spatial frequency parts; how sharp targets are detected better against a figure and blurred targets are detector better against a background; how low spatial frequency parts of an image may be fused while high spatial frequency parts are rivalrous; how sparse blue cones can generate vivid blue surface percepts; how 3-D neon color spreading, visual phantoms, and tissue contrast percepts are generated; how conjunctions of color-and-depth may rapidly pop-out during visual search. These explanations arise derived from an ecological analysis of how monocularly viewed parts of an image inherit the appropriate depth from contiguous binocularly viewed parts, as during DaVinci stereopsis. The model predicts the functional role and ordering of multiple interactions within and between the two parvocellular processing streams that join LGN to prestriate area V4. Interactions from cells representing larger scales and disparities to cells representing smaller scales and disparities are of particular importance.


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Air Force Office of Scientific Research (90-0175); Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (90-0083); Office of Naval Research (N00014-91-J-4100)


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This PhD thesis investigates the application of hollow core photonic crystal fibre for use as an optical fibre nano litre liquid sensor. The use of hollow core photonic crystal fibre for optical fibre sensing is influenced by the vast wealth of knowledge, and years of research that has been conducted for optical waveguides. Hollow core photonic crystal fibres have the potential for use as a simple, rapid and continuous sensor for a wide range of applications. In this thesis, the velocity of a liquid flowing through the core of the fibre (driven by capillary forces) is used for the determination of the viscosity of a liquid. The structure of the hollow core photonic crystal fibre is harnessed to collect Raman scatter from the sample liquid. These two methods are integrated to investigate the range of applications the hollow core photonic crystal fibre can be utilised for as an optical liquid sensor. Understanding the guidance properties of hollow core photonic crystal fibre is forefront in dynamically monitoring the liquid filling. When liquid is inserted fully or selectively to the capillaries, the propagation properties change from photonic bandgap guidance when empty, to index guidance when the core only is filled and finally to a shifted photonic bandgap effect, when the capillaries are fully filled. The alterations to the guidance are exploited for all viscosity and Raman scattering measurements. The concept of the optical fibre viscosity sensor was tested for a wide range of samples, from aqueous solutions of propan-1-ol to solutions of mono-saccharides in phosphate buffer saline. The samples chosen to test the concept were selected after careful consideration of the importance of the liquid in medical and industrial applications. The Raman scattering of a wide range of biological important fluids, such as creatinine, glucose and lactate were investigated, some for the first time with hollow core photonic crystal fibre.


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In this thesis, we present the unique properties of hollow-core photonic crystal fibres (HC-PCFs) for sensing applications in terms of viscosity detection and DNA sensing using a special poly(ethylene) glycol (PEGDA) hydrogel. The low loss HC-PCFs ensure a long interaction length between the sample and the optical signals. Thus in this thesis, we report the characterisation of filled HC-PCFs and the development of a selective filling process. For the first time, we report the investigation of a new viscometer device, and a new device for DNA sensing development, and also the chemical process for hydrogel growth was adapted to the fibres. By combining HC-PCFs with the hydrogel we enable 3D volumetric sample confinement within the HC-PCF, further increasing the interaction between the sample and the optical signal. However, the hydrogel has a large influence on the guidance properties of the HC-PCF and the HC-PCF has a strong influence on the growth process for the hydrogel itself. When we integrate the hydrogel and HC-PCFs we detect concentration levels as low as 400 nM of labelled DNA. However, using our technology for fluorescence detection we can achieve results two orders of magnitude better than those previously reported.


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It is difficult to overstate the importance of Juan Rulfo’s two major pieces of fictional narrative work—his haunting, enigmatic novel Pedro Páramo (1955) and his unrelenting depictions of the failures of post-revolutionary Mexico in his short story collection El Llano en llamas (1953). In her foreword to the Margaret Sayers Peden English translation, Susan Sontag hails Pedro Páramo as ‘not only one of the masterpieces of 20th Century world literature, but one of the most influential of the century’s books’. García Márquez has compared the influence of Rulfo on 20th Century world literature to that of Sophocles: ‘No son más de 300 páginas, pero son casi tantas y creo tan perdurables como las que conocemos de Sófocles’ and, completing this oftrepeated triumvirate of recommendations, Jorge Luis Borges has referred to Pedro Páramo as: ‘una de las mejores novelas de las literaturas de lengua hispánica, y aun de la literatura.’ Despite the praise heaped upon Rulfo’s two most famous books, when his third book of fiction, El gallo de oro y otros textos para cine, was finally published in 1980, just six years before his death, it was greeted with almost critical silence. It is precisely this publication that provides the focus of this investigation. The collection contains three texts—El despojo, La fórmula secreta and El gallo de oro. Constituting a third of the fictional work he published in his lifetime, expanding upon themes present in El Llano en llamas and Pedro Páramo while, at the same time, examining new ground, no thematic discussion of Rulfo’s written output is complete without including these texts. Yet they are frequently dismissed. In this way this investigation attempts to go some way towards filling this critical gap in the work of one of the most influential writers of the twentieth century


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While there are many reasons to continue to smoke in spite of its consequences for health, the concern that many smoke because they misperceive the risks of smoking remains a focus of public discussion and motivates tobacco control policies and litigation. In this paper we investigate the relative accuracy of mature smokers' risk perceptions about future survival, and a range of morbidities and disabilities. Using data from the survey on smoking (SOS) conducted for this research, we compare subjective beliefs elicited from the SOS with corresponding individual-specific objective probabilities estimated from the health and retirement study. Overall, consumers in the age group studied, 50-70, are not overly optimistic in their perceptions of health risk. If anything, smokers tend to be relatively pessimistic about these risks. The finding that smokers are either well informed or pessimistic regarding a broad range of health risks suggests that these beliefs are not pivotal in the decision to continue smoking. Although statements by the tobacco companies may have been misleading and thus encouraged some to start smoking, we find no evidence that systematic misinformation about the health consequences of smoking inhibits quitting.