997 resultados para slow science


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Science Bound is Iowa State University’s premier pre-college program to increase the number of ethnically diverse Iowa students who pursue ASTEM (agricultural, scientific, technical, engineering and mathematics) degrees. The program draws students with potential from middle and high schools.


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Science Bound is Iowa State University’s premier pre-college program to increase the number of ethnically diverse Iowa students who pursue ASTEM (agricultural, scientific, technical, engineering and mathematics) degrees. The program draws students with potential from middle and high schools.


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Abstract De nature interdisciplinaire, ma thèse de doctorat porte sur les récits littéraires traditionnellement nommés de «science-fiction» - peu étudiés dans le milieu universitaire jusqu'à maintenant - et, plus particulièrement, sur le dialogue critique que ce genre littéraire peut instituer entre tout lecteur et la société technoscientifique au sein de laquelle il évolue au quotidien. Afin que cette tâche puisse être menée de manière rigoureuse, j'ai été conduit à faire entrer en résonance divers champs cognitifs non nécessairement liés a priori, à savoir les études littéraires (théorie de la mimèsis, théorie de la réception, théorie schaefferienne de la fiction et situations-limites sartriennes), anthropologiques (fonction du récit chez Jean Molino et Jérôme Brunner), économiques (histoire et théories du libéralisme), philosophiques (méditations heisenbergienne et heideggérienne sur la technique) et épistémologiques (liens entre technologies, sciences et société). En débutant par une réflexion historique sur l'émergence de la science moderne et du libéralisme économique, il s'agissait pour moi de montrer qu'entre ces deux savoirs, une alliance originale s'est nouée et ce, dès la fin du XVIIIe siècle : l'un a besoin de l'autre, et réciproquement. Il est ensuite mis en lumière qu'à la naissance de la science-fiction à la fin du XIXe siècle, correspond la nécessité, pour certains écrivains du moins, de réfléchir à l'évolution technoscientifique prise par la société de leur temps, ainsi qu'aux conséquences que ce progrès pourrait induire sur l'être humain en tant que sujet moral - une problématisation du rapport homme/technoscience par le biais de la fiction, donc. Lors de cette partie, je discute, d'une part, des éléments fondamentaux qui sont essentiels pour établir une poétique originale de la science-fiction - la conjecture, la structure des univers et les thèmes - et, d'autre, part, des distinctions génériques qu'il est important de discerner - j'en délimite trois : science-fiction «apologétique », «neutre » et «critique ». Finalement, mon travail se conclut par une réflexion, à partir de la pensée de Hans Jonas et de Jean-Pierre Dupuy, sur la fonction active que peuvent jouer les romans de science-fiction au niveau éthique. Pour le dire autrement, la fin de mon étude propose, en premier lieu, d'esquisser une «pragmatique de la science-fiction» ; puis, en second lieu, mon enquête stipule que la prise en charge sérieuse de ces récits conduit à la possibilité de concevoir une forme particulière de «catastrophisme éclairé », que j'appelle «heuristique du catastrophisme éclairé » conjurer les dangers et les périls qui pourraient éventuellement nous menacer, c'est avant tout croire qu'ils pourraient se réaliser si on ne les pense pas ou si on n'agit pas. Cette étape, souhaitée par les éthiciens, est justement celle qui me semble caractériser les récits de science-fiction critique. En ce sens, je montre que si la science-fiction écrit «demain », ce n'est en tout cas pas pour le fantasmer ou le prédire, mais, au contraire, pour mieux penser ce qui lui donne forme : l'« aujourd'hui ».


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Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) Program is to expand and improve educational and professional opportunities for women in all fields of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) by facilitating individual, institutional, and social change.


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Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) Program is to expand and improve educational and professional opportunities for women in all fields of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) by facilitating individual, institutional, and social change.


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Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) Program is to expand and improve educational and professional opportunities for women in all fields of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) by facilitating individual, institutional, and social change.


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Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) Program is to expand and improve educational and professional opportunities for women in all fields of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) by facilitating individual, institutional, and social change.


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Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) Program is to expand and improve educational and professional opportunities for women in all fields of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) by facilitating individual, institutional, and social change.


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Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) Program is to expand and improve educational and professional opportunities for women in all fields of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) by facilitating individual, institutional, and social change.


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Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) Program is to expand and improve educational and professional opportunities for women in all fields of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) by facilitating individual, institutional, and social change.


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The motivation for this research initiated from the abrupt rise and fall of minicomputers which were initially used both for industrial automation and business applications due to their significantly lower cost than their predecessors, the mainframes. Later industrial automation developed its own vertically integrated hardware and software to address the application needs of uninterrupted operations, real-time control and resilience to harsh environmental conditions. This has led to the creation of an independent industry, namely industrial automation used in PLC, DCS, SCADA and robot control systems. This industry employs today over 200'000 people in a profitable slow clockspeed context in contrast to the two mainstream computing industries of information technology (IT) focused on business applications and telecommunications focused on communications networks and hand-held devices. Already in 1990s it was foreseen that IT and communication would merge into one Information and communication industry (ICT). The fundamental question of the thesis is: Could industrial automation leverage a common technology platform with the newly formed ICT industry? Computer systems dominated by complex instruction set computers (CISC) were challenged during 1990s with higher performance reduced instruction set computers (RISC). RISC started to evolve parallel to the constant advancement of Moore's law. These developments created the high performance and low energy consumption System-on-Chip architecture (SoC). Unlike to the CISC processors RISC processor architecture is a separate industry from the RISC chip manufacturing industry. It also has several hardware independent software platforms consisting of integrated operating system, development environment, user interface and application market which enables customers to have more choices due to hardware independent real time capable software applications. An architecture disruption merged and the smartphone and tablet market were formed with new rules and new key players in the ICT industry. Today there are more RISC computer systems running Linux (or other Unix variants) than any other computer system. The astonishing rise of SoC based technologies and related software platforms in smartphones created in unit terms the largest installed base ever seen in the history of computers and is now being further extended by tablets. An underlying additional element of this transition is the increasing role of open source technologies both in software and hardware. This has driven the microprocessor based personal computer industry with few dominating closed operating system platforms into a steep decline. A significant factor in this process has been the separation of processor architecture and processor chip production and operating systems and application development platforms merger into integrated software platforms with proprietary application markets. Furthermore the pay-by-click marketing has changed the way applications development is compensated: Three essays on major trends in a slow clockspeed industry: The case of industrial automation 2014 freeware, ad based or licensed - all at a lower price and used by a wider customer base than ever before. Moreover, the concept of software maintenance contract is very remote in the app world. However, as a slow clockspeed industry, industrial automation has remained intact during the disruptions based on SoC and related software platforms in the ICT industries. Industrial automation incumbents continue to supply systems based on vertically integrated systems consisting of proprietary software and proprietary mainly microprocessor based hardware. They enjoy admirable profitability levels on a very narrow customer base due to strong technology-enabled customer lock-in and customers' high risk leverage as their production is dependent on fault-free operation of the industrial automation systems. When will this balance of power be disrupted? The thesis suggests how industrial automation could join the mainstream ICT industry and create an information, communication and automation (ICAT) industry. Lately the Internet of Things (loT) and weightless networks, a new standard leveraging frequency channels earlier occupied by TV broadcasting, have gradually started to change the rigid world of Machine to Machine (M2M) interaction. It is foreseeable that enough momentum will be created that the industrial automation market will in due course face an architecture disruption empowered by these new trends. This thesis examines the current state of industrial automation subject to the competition between the incumbents firstly through a research on cost competitiveness efforts in captive outsourcing of engineering, research and development and secondly researching process re- engineering in the case of complex system global software support. Thirdly we investigate the industry actors', namely customers, incumbents and newcomers, views on the future direction of industrial automation and conclude with our assessments of the possible routes industrial automation could advance taking into account the looming rise of the Internet of Things (loT) and weightless networks. Industrial automation is an industry dominated by a handful of global players each of them focusing on maintaining their own proprietary solutions. The rise of de facto standards like IBM PC, Unix and Linux and SoC leveraged by IBM, Compaq, Dell, HP, ARM, Apple, Google, Samsung and others have created new markets of personal computers, smartphone and tablets and will eventually also impact industrial automation through game changing commoditization and related control point and business model changes. This trend will inevitably continue, but the transition to a commoditized industrial automation will not happen in the near future.


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Audit report of Debt Service and Coverage for Iowa State University of Science and Technology as of June 30, 2014