986 resultados para semi-constrained growing rods


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Flexible working conditions is used extensively in organizations today as a way to create flexibility for the employer. Recently we’ve been reading in the newspapers that this approach is a growing problem and the EU has warned Sweden twice that abuse of these forms of employment must be stopped. The Government has recently submitted a proposed rule change to reduce the possibility of stacking one temporary contract after another. Borlänge kommun makes themselves more flexible with the intermittent employments. This study aims to examine why infrequent employments, such as the intermittent employment is used and preferred by Borlänge kommun and how it’s perceived by affected employees in the organization. The questions related, besides why the intermittent employment is used by the organization and how its perceived by those involved, also includes the management of intermittent employment and how the organization is handling work contracts. The background information on the employment law implications gives the reader an insight into how the regulatory framework works surrounding the topic. The theory section highlights the main theories about flexibility and its different shapes and perspectives. For the study a qualitative approach is used. A case study with semi-structured interviews was performed. The respondents were employees involved in the staffing of intermittent employees and also members of the staff with an intermittent employment. The results show that the employment and contracts is correctly handled by labour law regulations. This study shows that Borlänge kommun uses intermittent employments extensively, with its 1 320 intermittently employees. If this is abuse, or not, is not clear from the result. The authors discuss, however, if that is the case. The intermittent employment is used mainly because of the great needs. This is because society is changing and the average age is increasing, both by those using the services and the employees. All respondents perceive the intermittent employment as most flexible for the employees. Respondents working in the staffing department say that they are not flexible enough. The intermittent employees’ working today does not cover the great need. Borlänge kommun think that the flexibility should benefit them more and is currently trying to become more flexible. The employees were generally satisfied with their work situation. Some tendencies of insecurity and uncertainty could be inferred from the intermittent employees answers. The author’s conclusions are that flexibility and the intermittent employment contracts mainly benefit the employer and the employees who actively choose this type of work, such as students. This kind of employment affects, however, the society and those who need a secure lifestyle. The necessary permanent contracts are becoming fewer and replaced by precarious and flexible employment conditions.


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Att medarbetare är av existentiell betydelse för en organisations överlevnad är sedan länge känt. Därmed är rekrytering en av de viktigaste funktionerna inom HR för att attrahera rätt kompetens till organisationen då en misslyckad rekrytering vanligen leder till bortkastad tid och dyra rekryteringsprocesser. Något som kommit att få allt större betydelse vid urvalet och bedömningen av nya medarbetare är kandidaters personlighet. Forskning visar att personlighetsdrag spelar en stor roll när det kommer till framtida arbetsprestationer och förmågan att göra rätt bedömningar av människor är därför central. Teorier om synen på personlighet, kompetens, kompetensbaserad rekrytering och urval samt bedömningsmetoder och personlighetsbedömning används för att analysera studiens resultat. Denna kvalitativa studies övergripande syfte var att öka förståelsen för hur rekryterare bedömer en kandidats personlighet vid en rekryteringsprocess inom bemanningsföretag. Bemanningsföretag är företag som ständigt arbetar med rekrytering och uthyrning av personal, varför ett proaktivt bemanningsarbete krävs för att skapa en konkurrensfördel på marknaden. Inför denna fallstudie kontaktades tre av den svenska bemanningsbranschens största aktörer varav två rekryterare på vardera företag deltog i semistrukturerade intervjuer. Personlighet ansågs generellt som något viktigt som samtliga rekryterare lade stor vikt vid under hela processens gång, från utformandet av kravprofilen till avslutande bedömning. Bedömningen skedde genom såväl test som intervju och referenstagning. Samtliga poängterade vikten av att alltid göra en helhetsbedömning av kandidaten och att det därmed var svårt att vikta exempelvis formella kompetenser mot personliga egenskaper. Resultatet visar att bemanningsbranschens arbete med personlighetsbedömning vid rekrytering utgår ifrån strukturerade bedömningsmetoder. Deras gedigna och proaktiva arbete med rekrytering lever upp till påståendet om att personalen är en organisations viktigaste resurs och vikten av att förstå innebörden av personlighetens betydelse i uttrycket ”rätt person på rätt plats”.


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Propremiar or pro-president? On the distinction between parliamentarism, presitentialism and semi-presidentialism. From comparative research on the constitutional development in Central and Eastern Europe and also from the longstanding debate on whether parliamentarism or presidentialism best facilitates democracy, it is apparent that there has been and continues to be, a certain degree of confusion concerning the concepts of semi-presidentialism and presidentialism. Different scholars mean different things by the terms and therefore classify countries differently. In this article I argue that the conceptual dichotomy between pro-premiär (premier-presidentialism) and pro-president systems (presidentparliamentary systems) provide the best solution to several of the problems related to categorising constitutional types, most importantly perhaps to the presidential power dilemma. I, furthermore, employ these concepts on the post-communist constitutional systems and try to reveal patterns with regard to presidential power, geographical region and democratisation.


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While authoritarian presidents prevail under heavily president-oriented constitutions throughout the post-Soviet region, democracy along parliamentary lines triumphs in Central Europe. This article discusses the constitutional pattern among the post-communist countries on the basis of two general questions: First, how can we explain why strong presidential constitutions dominate throughout the post-Soviet region whereas constrained presidencies and governments anchored in parliament have become the prevailing option in Central Europe? Second, and interlinked with the first question, why have so many post-communist countries (in the post-Soviet region as well as in Central Europe) chosen neither parliamentarism nor presidentialism, but instead semi-presidential arrangements whereby a directly elected president is provided with considerable powers and coexists with a prime minister? The analysis indicates that both historical-institutional and actor-oriented factors are relevant here. Key factors have been regime transition, pre-communist era constitutions and leaders, as well as short-term economic and political considerations. With differing strengths and in partly different ways, these factors seem to have affected the actors’ preferences and final constitutional compromises.


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In recent years there has been a significantly rising trend amongst consumers for health and environmental issues, which has resulted in greater attention for and sales of organic food. Organic food production strives to use natural resources, such as land, energy and water in a sustainable way and the products does not contain artificial fertilizers or chemical pesticides. However, organic food products are also often more expensive and less available in comparison to conventional food products. Despite this, interest for and sales of organic food products have increased around the globe, and in Sweden particularly, the increase in sales has grown largely from an international perspective. This thesis is of qualitative character and is focused on studying some consumers from the Swedish market of organic food. The purpose of this thesis is to contribute with a better understanding on the buying decision process regarding organic food purchase. To achieve this, the authors have studied some consumers that purchase organic food and have searched for patterns that could be identified in the decision process. The consumer buying decision process model has been used for portrayal of the chosen consumers’ decision to purchase organic food products. Interviews with six Swedish consumers were conducted, whereas each respondent continuously purchase organic food products. Results show that the purchase of organic food products begins with discovering an unsatisfied need state, which the consumers of this study desired to change with the purchase of organic food products. This study show how six consumers reason when passing through the stages of the buying decision process, in order to satisfy their desired need state. The authors found that the respondents feel satisfied with purchasing organic food products, which lead them in to continuously buying these products. Altogether, the findings contribute with knowledge that can come to be helpful when wanting to understand more about the consumer decision to purchase organic food.


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This article sets out to analyse recent regime developments in Ukraine in relation to semi-presidentialism. The article asks: to what extent and in what ways theoretical arguments against semi-presidentialism (premier-presidential and president-parliamentary systems) are relevant for understanding the changing directions of the Ukrainian regime since the 1990s? The article also reviews the by now overwhelming evidence suggesting that President Yanukovych is turning Ukraine into a more authoritarian hybrid regime and raises the question to what extent the president-parliamentary system might serve this end. The article argues that both kinds of semi-presidentialism have, in different ways, exacerbated rather than mitigated institutional conflict and political stalemate. The return to the president-parliamentary system in 2010 – the constitutional arrangement with the most dismal record of democratisation – was a step in the wrong direction. The premier-presidential regime was by no means ideal, but it had at least two advantages. It weakened the presidential dominance and it explicitly anchored the survival of the government in parliament. The return to the 1996 constitution ties in well with the notion that President Viktor Yanukovych has embarked on an outright authoritarian path.


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