986 resultados para quantum well intermixing


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A technique is described for displaying distinct tissue layers of large blood vessel walls as well as measuring their mechanical strain. The technique is based on deuterium double-quantum-filtered (DQF) spectroscopic imaging. The effectiveness of the double-quantum filtration in suppressing the signal of bulk water is demonstrated on a phantom consisting of rat tail tendon fibers. Only intrafibrillar water is displayed, excluding all other signals of water molecules that reorient isotropically. One- and two-dimensional spectroscopic imaging of bovine aorta and coronary arteries show the characteristic DQF spectrum of each of the tissue layers. This property is used to obtain separate images of the outer layer, the tunica adventitia, or the intermediate layer, the tunica media, or both. To visualize the effect of elongation, the average residual quadrupole splitting <Δνq> is calculated for each pixel. Two-dimensional deuterium quadrupolar splitting images are obtained for a fully relaxed and a 55% elongated sample of bovine coronary artery. These images indicate that the strong effect of strain is associated with water molecules in the tunica adventitia whereas the DQF NMR signal of water in the tunica media is apparently strain-insensitive. After appropriate calibration, these average quadrupolar splitting images can be interpreted as strain maps.


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Senile plaques associated with Alzheimer's disease contain deposits of fibrils formed by 39- to 43-residue β-amyloid peptides with possible neurotoxic effects. X-ray diffraction measurements on oriented fibril bundles have indicated an extended β-sheet structure for Alzheimer's β-amyloid fibrils and other amyloid fibrils, but the supramolecular organization of the β-sheets and other structural details are not well established because of the intrinsically noncrystalline, insoluble nature of amyloid fibrils. Here we report solid-state NMR measurements, using a multiple quantum (MQ) 13C NMR technique, that probe the β-sheet organization in fibrils formed by the full-length, 40-residue β-amyloid peptide (Aβ1–40). Although an antiparallel β-sheet organization often is assumed and is invoked in recent structural models for full-length β-amyloid fibrils, the MQNMR data indicate an in-register, parallel organization. This work provides site-specific, atomic-level structural constraints on full-length β-amyloid fibrils and applies MQNMR to a significant problem in structural biology.


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The effect of copper on photoinhibition of photosystem II in vivo was studied in bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv Dufrix). The plants were grown hydroponically in the presence of various concentrations of Cu2+ ranging from the optimum 0.3 μm (control) to 15 μm. The copper concentration of leaves varied according to the nutrient medium from a control value of 13 mg kg−1 dry weight to 76 mg kg−1 dry weight. Leaf samples were illuminated in the presence and absence of lincomycin at different light intensities (500–1500 μmol photons m−2 s−1). Lincomycin prevents the concurrent repair of photoinhibitory damage by blocking chloroplast protein synthesis. The photoinhibitory decrease in the light-saturated rate of O2 evolution measured from thylakoids isolated from treated leaves correlated well with the decrease in the ratio of variable to maximum fluorescence measured from the leaf discs; therefore, the fluorescence ratio was used as a routine measurement of photoinhibition in vivo. Excess copper was found to affect the equilibrium between photoinhibition and repair, resulting in a decrease in the steady-state concentration of active photosystem II centers of illuminated leaves. This shift in equilibrium apparently resulted from an increase in the quantum yield of photoinhibition (ΦPI) induced by excess copper. The kinetic pattern of photoinhibition and the independence of ΦPI on photon flux density were not affected by excess copper. An increase in ΦPI may contribute substantially to Cu2+ toxicity in certain plant species.


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It is well known that quantum correlations for bipartite dichotomic measurements are those of the form (Formula presented.), where the vectors ui and vj are in the unit ball of a real Hilbert space. In this work we study the probability of the nonlocal nature of these correlations as a function of (Formula presented.), where the previous vectors are sampled according to the Haar measure in the unit sphere of (Formula presented.). In particular, we prove the existence of an (Formula presented.) such that if (Formula presented.), (Formula presented.) is nonlocal with probability tending to 1 as (Formula presented.), while for (Formula presented.), (Formula presented.) is local with probability tending to 1 as (Formula presented.).


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A photoexcited II-VI semiconductor quantum dots doped with a few Mn spins is considered. The effects of spin-exciton interactions and the resulting multispin correlations on the photoluminescence are calculated by numerical diagonalization of the Hamiltonian, including exchange interaction between electrons, holes, and Mn spins, as well as spin-orbit interaction. The results provide a unified description of recent experiments on the photoluminesnce of dots with one and many Mn atoms as well as optically induced ferromagnetism in semimagnetic quantum dots.


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Two-dimensional insulators with time-reversal symmetry can have two topologically different phases, the quantum spin Hall and the normal phase. The former is revealed by the existence of conducting edge states that are topologically protected. Here we show that the reaction to impurity, in bulk, is radically different in the two phases and can be used as a marker for the topological phase. Within the context of the Kane-Mele model for graphene, we find that strictly normalizable in-gap impurity states only occur in the quantum spin Hall phase and carry a dissipationless current whose chirality is determined by the spin and pseudospin of the residing electron.


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We model the quantum Hall effect in heterostructures made of two gapped graphene stripes with different gaps, Δ1 and Δ2. We consider two main situations, Δ1=0,Δ2≠0, and Δ1=−Δ2. They are different in a fundamental aspect: only the latter features kink states that, when intervalley coupling is absent, are protected against backscattering. We compute the two-terminal conductance of heterostructures with channel length up to 430 nm, in two transport configurations, parallel and perpendicular to the interface. By studying the effect of disorder on the transport along the boundary, we quantify the robustness of kink states with respect to backscattering. Transport perpendicular to the boundary shows how interface states open a backscattering channel for the conducting edge states, spoiling the perfect conductance quantization featured by the homogeneously gapped graphene Hall bars. Our results can be relevant for the study of graphene deposited on hexagonal boron-nitride, as well as to model graphene with an interaction-driven gapped phase with two equivalent phases separated by a domain wall.


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When individual quantum spins are placed in close proximity to conducting substrates, the localized spin is coupled to the nearby itinerant conduction electrons via Kondo exchange. In the strong coupling limit this can result in the Kondo effect — the formation of a correlated, many body singlet state — and a resulting renormalization of the density of states near the Fermi energy. However, even when Kondo screening does not occur, Kondo exchange can give rise to a wide variety of other phenomena. In addition to the well known renormalization of the g factor and the finite spin decoherence and relaxation times, Kondo exchange has recently been found to give rise to a newly discovered effect: the renormalization of the single ion magnetic anisotropy. Here we put these apparently different phenomena on equal footing by treating the effect of Kondo exchange perturbatively. In this formalism, the central quantity is ρJ, the product of the density of states at the Fermi energy ρ and the Kondo exchange constant J. We show that perturbation theory correctly describes the experimentally observed exchange induced shifts of the single spin excitation energies, demonstrating that Kondo exchange can be used to tune the effective magnetic anisotropy of a single spin.


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The so-called quantum spin Hall phase is a topologically nontrivial insulating phase that is predicted to appear in graphene and graphenelike systems. In this paper we address the question of whether this topological property persists in multilayered systems. We consider two situations: purely multilayer graphene and heterostructures where graphene is encapsulated by trivial insulators with a strong spin-orbit coupling. We use a four-orbital tight-binding model that includes full atomic spin-orbit coupling and we calculate the Z2 topological invariant of the bulk states as well as the edge states of semi-infinite crystals with armchair termination. For homogeneous multilayers we find that even when the spin-orbit interaction opens a gap for all possible stackings, only those with an odd number of layers host gapless edge states while those with an even number of layers are trivial insulators. For heterostructures where graphene is encapsulated by trivial insulators, it turns out that interlayer coupling is able to induce a topological gap whose size is controlled by the spin-orbit coupling of the encapsulating materials, indicating that the quantum spin Hall phase can be induced by proximity to trivial insulators.


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We study the quantum spin waves associated to skyrmion textures. We show that the zero-point energy associated to the quantum spin fluctuations of a noncollinear spin texture produce Casimir-like magnetic fields. We study the effect of these Casimir fields on the topologically protected noncollinear spin textures known as skyrmions. In a Heisenberg model with Dzyalonshinkii-Moriya interactions, chosen so the classical ground state displays skyrmion textures, we calculate the spin-wave spectrum, using the Holstein-Primakoff approximation, and the associated zero-point energy, to the lowest order in the spin-wave expansion. Our calculations are done both for the single-skyrmion case, for which we obtain a discrete set of skyrmion bound states, as well as for the skyrmion crystal, for which the resulting spectrum gives the spin-wave bands. In both cases, our calculations show that the Casimir magnetic field contributes up to 10% of the total Zeeman energy necessary to delete the skyrmion texture with an applied field.


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The scaling of decoherence rates with qubit number N is studied for a simple model of a quantum computer in the situation where N is large. The two state qubits are localized around well-separated positions via trapping potentials and vibrational centre of mass motion of the qubits occurs. Coherent one and two qubit gating processes are controlled by external classical fields and facilitated by a cavity mode ancilla. Decoherence due to qubit coupling to a bath of spontaneous modes, cavity decay modes and to the vibrational modes is treated. A non-Markovian treatment of the short time behaviour of the fidelity is presented, and expressions for the characteristic decoherence time scales obtained for the case where the qubit/cavity mode ancilla is in a pure state and the baths are in thermal states. Specific results are given for the case where the cavity mode is in the vacuum state and gating processes are absent and the qubits are in (a) the Hadamard state (b) the GHZ state.