990 resultados para proton-transfer compounds


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Three new phosphonoacetate hybrid frameworks based on the actinide elements uranium and thorium have been synthesized. The compounds [C4N2H14][(UO2)(2)(O3PCH2COO)(2)]center dot H2O, I,[C4N2H14][(UO2)(2)(C2O4)(O3PCH2COOH)(2)], II, and Th(H2O)(2)(O3PCH2COO)(C2O4)(0.5). H2O, III, are built up from the connectivity between the metal polyhedra and the phosphonoacetate/oxalate units. Compound II has been prepared using a solvent-free approach, by a solid state reaction at 150 degrees C. It has been shown that II can also be prepared through a room temperature mechanochemical (grinding) route. The layer arrangement in III closely resembles to that observed in I. The compounds have been characterized by powder X-ray diffraction, IR spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, and fluorescence studies.


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The simplified model of human tear fluid (TF) is a three-layered structure composed of a homogenous gel-like layer of hydrated mucins, an aqueous phase, and a lipid-rich outermost layer found in the tear-air interface. It is assumed that amphiphilic phospholipids are found adjacent to the aqueous-mucin layer and externally to this a layer composed of non-polar lipids face the tear-air interface. The lipid layer prevents evaporation of the TF and protects the eye, but excess accumulation of lipids may lead to drying of the corneal epithelium. Thus the lipid layer must be controlled and maintained by some molecular mechanisms. In the circulation, phospholipid transfer protein (PLTP) and cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) mediate lipid transfers. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the presence and molecular mechanisms of lipid transfer proteins in human TF. The purpose was also to study the role of these proteins in the development of dry eye syndrome (DES). The presence of TF PLTP and CETP was studied by western blotting and mass spectrometry. The concentration of these proteins was determined by ELISA. The activities of the enzymes were determined by specific lipid transfer assays. To study the molecular mechanisms involved in PLTP mediated lipid transfer Langmuir monolayers and asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation (AsFlFFF) was used. Ocular tissue samples were stained with monoclonal antibodies against PLTP to study the secretion route of PLTP. Heparin-Sepharose affinity chromatography was used for PLTP pull-down experiments and co-eluted proteins were identified with MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry or Western blot analysis. To study whether PLTP plays any functional role in TF PLTP-deficient mice were examined. The activity of PLTP was also studied in dry eye patients. PLTP is a component of normal human TF, whereas CETP is not. TF PLTP concentration was about 2-fold higher than that in human plasma. Inactivation of PLTP by heat treatment or immunoinhibition abolished the phospholipid transfer activity in tear fluid. PLTP was found to be secreted from lacrimal glands. PLTP seems to be surface active and is capable of accepting lipid molecules without the presence of lipid-protein complexes. The active movement of radioactively labeled lipids and high activity form of PLTP to acceptor particles suggested a shuttle model of PLTP-mediated lipid transfer. In this model, PLTP physically transports lipids between the donor and acceptor. Protein-protein interaction assays revealed ocular mucins as PLTP interaction partners in TF. In mice with a full deficiency of functional PLTP enhanced corneal epithelial damage, increased corneal permeability to carboxyfluorescein, and decreased corneal epithelial occludin expression was demonstrated. Increased tear fluid PLTP activity was observed among human DES patients. These results together suggest a scavenger property of TF PLTP: if the corneal epithelium is contaminated by hydrophobic material, PLTP could remove them and transport them to the superficial layer of the TF or, alternatively, transport them through the naso-lacrimal duct. Thus, PLTP might play an integral role in tear lipid trafficking and in the protection of the corneal epithelium. The increased PLTP activity in human DES patients suggests an ocular surface protective role for this lipid transfer protein.


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The 1,2-shift observed during oxidation of organic substrates can arise by involvement of cation radicals.


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Thirteen host guest compounds of 3,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid (DHBA) have been structurally characterized. Water molecules occupy the peripheries of a hexagonal void, created with DHBA molecules, and act as ``hooks'' to connect the guest molecules with the host-framework via hydrogen bonding. The ``water hook'' is an OH group acting as a donor. Consequently, the guest molecules were chosen so that they contain good hydrogen bond acceptor functionalities. A number of multicomponent hydrates were isolated with stoichiometries (DHBA)(x)(H2O). (guest),. Of these, compounds with the following as guests were obtained as crystals that were good enough for single crystal work: ethyl acetate (EtOAc), diethyl oxalate, dimethyl oxalate, di(n-propyl) oxalate, diethyl malonate, diethyl succinate, chloroacetonitrile, N,N-dimethyl formamide (DMF), acetone, dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), 1-propanol, and 2-butanol. From 2-butanol, a hemihydrate, (DHBA)(2)(H2O), was also obtained concomitantly. Further to guest stabilization, water acts as a good mediator of effective crystal packing and also determines the topology of the host framework. En the present series of compounds, the role of water is wide ranging, and it is not easy to classify it specifically as a host or as a guest.


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Active preparations of tRNA and aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases have been isolated from exponentially growing cells of Mycobacterium smegmatis and Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv. Though the aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases of older cells retain their activity, the tRNAs seem to undergo modification and show poorer activity. The mycobacterial enzyme preparations catalyse homologous and heterologous aminoacylation between tRNA from the two species (M. smegmatis and M. tuberculosis H37Rv) or from Escherichia coli, with equal efficiency; tRNA samples from eukaryotic cells (yeast and rat liver) do not serve as substrates for the mycobacterial synthetases. The analytical separation of the different amino acid specific tRNAs from M. smegmatis resembles the pattern found in other bacteria. Purification of valine- (three species) and methionine-specific tRNA (two species) to 70-80% purity has been accomplished by using column-chromatographic techniques. Of the two species of tRNAMet, one can be formylated in the presence of formyl tetrahydrofolate and the transformylase from mycobacteria.


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Results of cw wide-line proton magnetic resonance investigations on ammonium sulphate and rubidium ammonium sulphate are presented. The pressure and temperature dependence of some of the properties of ammonium sulphate are explained stressing the importance of the role of the ammonium ions.


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By employing X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), we have been able to establish the occurrence of charge-transfer doping in few-layer graphene covered with electron acceptor (TCNE) and donor (TTF) molecules. We have performed quantitative estimates of the extent of charge transfer in these complexes and elucidated the origin of unusual shifts of their Raman G-bands and explained the differences in the dependence of conductivity on n- and p-doping. The study unravels the cause of the apparent difference between the charge-transfer doping and electrochemical doping. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The axisymmetric steady laminar compressible boundary layer swirling flow of a gas with variable properties in a nozzle has been investigated. The partial differential equations governing the non-similar flow have been transformed into new co-ordinates having finite ranges by means of a transformation which maps an infinite range into a finite one. The resulting equations have been solved numerically using an implicit finite-difference scheme. The computations have been carried out for compressible swirling flow through a convergent conical nozzle. The results indicate that the swirl exerts a strong influence on the longitudinal skin friction, but its effect on the tangential skin friction and heat transfer is comparatively small. The effect of the variation of the density-viscosity product across the boundary layer is appreciable only at low-wall temperature. The results are in good agreement with those of the local-similarity method for small values of the longitudinal distance.


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The effect of surface mass transfer velocities having normal, principal and transverse direction components (�vectored� suction and injection) on the steady, laminar, compressible boundary layer at a three-dimensional stagnation point has been investigated both for nodal and saddle points of attachment. The similarity solutions of the boundary layer equations were obtained numerically by the method of parametric differentiation. The principal and transverse direction surface mass transfer velocities significantly affect the skin friction (both in the principal and transverse directions) and the heat transfer. Also the inadequacy of assuming a linear viscosity-temperature relation at low-wall temperatures is shown.


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A human primary lung carcinoma cell line (HPL-R1) established from the tumor biopsy of a lung cancer patient, lacking in cytochrome P1-450 [aryl hydrocarbon (benzo[a]pyrene) hydroxylase (AHH)], was cloned and used to obtain variants deficient in the expression of thymidine-kinase via treatment with 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine, and selection for drug resistance phenotype. The variant cell line, precharacterized for thymidine kinase negative phenotype, was transfected with the thymidine kinase gene bearing p R-tk and px1-tk plasmids. Transfections from both the plasmids, demonstrated a frequency of 5.5 X 10(-5). The transfectants showed a 76-100% retention of the transferred phenotype. These data suggest that transfection in variant human cells can approach significant levels of stability observed with rodent cell recipients.


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Electronic structures of nicotinic, isonicotinic and 2-picolinic acids and their amides have been investigated, using the variable-? Pariser-Parr-Pople (PPP), iterative extended Hückel and MINDO/2 methods. In addition, PPP and MINDO/2 treatments have also been applied to 3-acetylpyridine and protonated nicotinamide. Based on these calculations, dipole moments, electronic transitions, chemical and biological activity are discussed. Comparison is made with experimental results where available.


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This dissertation deals with the design, fabrication, and applications of microscale electrospray ionization chips for mass spectrometry. The microchip consists of microchannel, which leads to a sharp electrospray tip. Microchannel contain micropillars that facilitate a powerful capillary action in the channels. The capillary action delivers the liquid sample to the electrospray tip, which sprays the liquid sample to gas phase ions that can be analyzed with mass spectrometry. The microchip uses a high voltage, which can be utilized as a valve between the microchip and mass spectrometry. The microchips can be used in various applications, such as for analyses of drugs, proteins, peptides, or metabolites. The microchip works without pumps for liquid transfer, is usable for rapid analyses, and is sensitive. The characteristics of performance of the single microchips are studied and a rotating multitip version of the microchips are designed and fabricated. It is possible to use the microchip also as a microreactor and reaction products can be detected online with mass spectrometry. This property can be utilized for protein identification for example. Proteins can be digested enzymatically on-chip and reaction products, which are in this case peptides, can be detected with mass spectrometry. Because reactions occur faster in a microscale due to shorter diffusion lengths, the amount of protein can be very low, which is a benefit of the method. The microchip is well suited to surface activated reactions because of a high surface-to-volume ratio due to a dense micropillar array. For example, titanium dioxide nanolayer on the micropillar array combined with UV radiation produces photocatalytic reactions which can be used for mimicking drug metabolism biotransformation reactions. Rapid mimicking with the microchip eases the detection of possibly toxic compounds in preclinical research and therefore could speed up the research of new drugs. A micropillar array chip can also be utilized in the fabrication of liquid chromatographic columns. Precisely ordered micropillar arrays offer a very homogenous column, where separation of compounds has been demonstrated by using both laser induced fluorescence and mass spectrometry. Because of small dimensions on the microchip, the integrated microchip based liquid chromatography electrospray microchip is especially well suited to low sample concentrations. Overall, this work demonstrates that the designed and fabricated silicon/glass three dimensionally sharp electrospray tip is unique and facilitates stable ion spray for mass spectrometry.