992 resultados para proposals.


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This article stems from the statement that dialogical approaches to a study of the self face a double challenge: that of developing a conception of the self that both avoids social reductionism and accounts for the stability of the self. In discussing this double challenge, we identify three much debated issues: (a) To what does the notion of "Alter" exactly refer? (b) How could we conceptualize the fact that Subject-Alter interactions are not only interpersonal but entail larger social entities, in particular institutions? (c)What importance should we attach to the materiality of objects? We discuss these three questions from two standpoints - that of linguistics and that of psychology - and illustrate our theoretical proposals with an analysis of an excerpt taken from a focus-group discussion. In conclusion, we argue that the dialogism of discourse provides us with some clues about the dialogicality of the mind, whereas the latter invites us to develop a theory showing the importance of interactions in the construction of the self, to pay more attention to the transpersonal dimension of the social, and to consider that the material world contributes to the construction of the self.


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JRF has recently embarked on a major new programme: 'A Better Life', the central question of which is: 'How can we ensure a better life and better choices for older people who need high levels of support?' JRF now want to commission a project to work with older people with high support needs (current and future generations) and with JRF to ensure that older people with high support needs are at the heart throughout this programme.The deadline for receipt of full proposals is 12 noon on Tuesday 24 November 2009 for decision by 18 December.


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In November 2008, Professor Sir Michael Marmot was asked to advise the Secretary of State for Health on the future development of a health inequalities strategy in England post-2010. The consultation relates to the first phase of the review and is based on submissions from nine task groups, who considered the evidence base across the social determinants of health. This document discusses issues raised during this first phase of the review and identifies key questions for respondents. The consultation document is set out in the following sections: Section 1 The Review Consultation: Aims and consultation questions Section 2 The Strategic Review of Health inequalities: The Background to the Review, the remit, structure, context and the social determinants approach to health inequalities. Section 3 Key Strategic Themes: A summary of a thematic analysis of proposals made by the Review task groups. Each task group was asked to assess national and international evidence about interventions and policies from within their policy area, which would likely lead to reductions in health inequalities. Section 4 Cross-Cutting Challenges for the Review: A summary of challenges currently under consideration by the Review.


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In January 2012, in a direct response to specific skills shortages for people with high-level ICT skills, the Department of Education and Skills published a joint Government–industry ICT Action Plan aimed at building the supply of high-level ICT graduates. One of the key measures in the Plan was the roll-out, from March 2012, of more than 800 places on intensive NFQ level 8 higher diploma ICT skills conversion programmes by higher education providers in partnership with industry. In recognition of the ICT and software development skills shortages that continue to exist, a second phase of the ICT Skills Programme was rolled-out in late 2012, with the Higher Education Authority requesting proposals from higher education providers for a further round of specialist programmes aimed at addressing identified ICT and software development skills gaps. From spring 2013, a number of higher education providers are again offering a number of Level 8 Conversion Programmes, in collaboration with industry partners, which will provide graduates from other skills areas with the opportunity to up-skill or re-skill through a 1 year full-time HDip Conversion Programme in core computing/programming, software and data analysis.


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Part One explores the background factors relating to new school establishment, outlines the views received as a result of consultation with the public and the New Schools Advisory Committee (NSAC) and reviews international practice in relation to establishment of new schools. The population of the country experienced an unprecedented increase in the past ten years. Despite the current economic downturn, the effect of this recent population increase is that growth in demand for school places is set to increase over the short to medium term. The overriding objective is to ensure that a school place is available to every child. Part Two explores issues around planning for new schools in the future. It discusses patron selection, the mechanism for identifying the need for a new school and proposals for cost effectiveness, including campus arrangements. A school is of central importance to a local community and therefore the establishment of a new school must be carried out with reference to the overall plan of the local authority for any given area. Guidelines published under Section 28 of the Planning Act entitled “The Provision of Schools and the Planning System” (July 2008) establish a 7 framework for co-operation between the Department and planning authorities to ensure the timely and cost-effective provision of school facilities.


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The Bamford review of mental health and learning disabilities identified the need for research to help with service and policy development in a number of areas. We worked with key stakeholders, gaining significant input from service users and carers along with professionals and researchers, to agree five top priorities. Research reviews were funded by HSC R&D Division, Public Health Agency (PHA) to set out current knowledge about policies and care services relevant to Children and Young People; Patient Outcomes; Intellectual Disability; Psychological Therapies and Primary Care.The reviews which can be accessed below will serve as accessible, high quality sources of up-to-date knowledge for commissioners, policy-makers, academics and providers of health or social care services as well as service users. We hope that the reviews will help to inform future development and delivery of Mental Health and Intellectual Disability services and so achieve the best outcomes for service users and their families. The reviews have also identified a number of important areas for further research.A Call for research proposalsto these areas is announced today. Further information on this Call can be found by clicking hereA further Rapid review in personality disorders has been commissioned in conjunction with HSCB and DHSSPS and is now available to download here.


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The Chief Executive is accountable to the Minister for Health, Social Services and Public Safety for the performance of the Public Health Agency and its staff.The Chief Executive is required to appoint a senior professional at Board level to provide leadership in relation to Personal Public Involvement.� In the Public Health Agency this role is undertaken by the Director of Nursing and Allied Health Professions supported by the Assistant Director for Allied Health Professions and Personal Public Involvement. The Public Health Agency has also appointed a Regional Lead Officer for PPI.This document sets out the PHA's commitment to PPI and�recognises the importance of proper and timely consultation as an integral part of fulfilling its statutory obligation to make arrangements with a view to securing involvement and consultation with service users, their carers, the public and the Patient Client Council on decisions on planning and proposals for change affecting the provision of the health and social care services for which the PHA is responsible the�PHA will endeavour to conduct consultations in a timely, open and inclusive way.


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This report presents data on alcohol consumption and related harms in both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. The report sets out a framework for considering alcohol availability, under which the current policy landscape is presented as well as evidence from nation and international studies. The report concludes with policy implications and proposals to consolidate North South cooperation.


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La Generalitat de Catalunya ha decidit obrir concurs públic per rebre propostes sobre el disseny d'una BD que els hi serveixi de magatzem d'informació per a la futura aplicació de gestió d'amonestacions i sancions en centres educatius d'ensenyament secundari. El marc de la col·laboració se centrarà només en el disseny de la BD en una primera fase del pla de sistemes d'informació de la Generalitat de Catalunya. A nivell general, aquest projecte pretén guardar la informació dels alumnes matriculats (núm. expedient, dades personals i de contacte, etc.), dels cursos on estan matriculats i dels professors que imparteixen aquests cursos (incloent la informació sobre quins són els tutors de cada grup i els horaris d'atenció als pares). Tota aquesta informació es gestionarà a través de cadascú dels diferents instituts d'ensenyament de Catalunya. Amb la informació abans esmentada, el sistema ha de permetre introduir les incidències o amonestacions dels alumnes, indicant-ne les seves dades necessàries (alumne, data, hora, tipus d'incidència, professor, si s'ha comunicat als pares, etc.). En cas de tenir una amonestació prou greu o una acumulació d'amonestacions s'ha de poder introduir una sanció indicant els motius i la resolució de la mateixa. El sistema a dissenyar ha de permetre emmagatzemar tota la informació comentada anteriorment i permetre generar les consultes més habituals que es realitzen. Adicionalment a aquest funcionament, la base de dades s'haurà d'encarregar de precalcular i emmagatzemar diversa informació estadística, tal i com es detalla més endavant en els requisits del mòdul estadístic.


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Background: Respiratory care is universally recognised as useful, but its indications and practice vary markedly. In order to improve appropriateness of respiratory care in our hospital, we developed evidence-based local guidelines in a collaborative effort involving physiotherapists, physicians, and health services researchers. Methods: Recommendations were developed using the standardised RAND appropriateness method. A literature search was performed for the period between 1995 and 2008 based on terms associated with guidelines and with respiratory care. Publications were assessed according to the Oxford classification of quality of evidence. A working group prepared proposals for recommendations which were then independently rated by a multidisciplinary expert panel. All recommendations were then discussed in common and indications for procedures were rated confidentially a second time by the experts. Each indication for respiratory care was classified as appropriate, uncertain, or inappropriate, based on the panel median rating and the degree of intra-panel agreement. Results: Recommendations were formulated for the following procedures: non-invasive ventilation, continuous positive airway pressure, intermittent positive pressure breathing, intrapulmonary percussive ventilation, mechanical insufflation-exsufflation, incentive spirometry, positive expiratory pressure, nasotracheal suctioning, noninstrumental airway clearance techniques. Each recommendation referred to a particular medical condition, and was assigned to a hierarchical category based on the quality of evidence from literature supporting the recommendation and on the consensus of experts. Conclusion: Despite a marked heterogeneity of scientific evidence, the method used allowed us to develop commonly agreed local guidelines for respiratory care. In addition, this work fostered a closer relationship between physiotherapists and physicians in our institution.


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Els objectius d'aquest treball es concreten en les aportacions que es poden fer des de la psicopedagogia per a definir els criteris que han de guiar el procés d'elaboració del currículum de les TIC en l'ensenyament obligatori i en la manera com el psicopedagog col·labora en aquesta tasca amb altres professionals (tècnics i docents). Així, concretant més les meves intencions, la tasca per a aquest pràcticum consistirà en la revisió de diferents models curriculars sobre les TIC (models d'altres països i propostes parcials dels PCC d'alguns centres d'educació primària de Catalunya), analitzant-los des del punt de vista psicopedagògic i segons un model constructivista de l'ensenyament i de l'aprenentatge, per tal d'arribar a la proposta d'un model propi emmarcat en els principis del currículum prescriptiu marcat per la LOGSE, referits a educació infantil i primària.


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A Espanya encara tenim pendent la transposició de la Directiva 2001/29/CE "relativa a la armonización de determinados aspectos de los derechos de autor y derechos afines a los derechos de autor en la sociedad de la información", la qual suposarà una modificació del marc legal que regula aquesta matèria. En aquest article s'analitzen els aspectes de la Directiva que més poden afectar el desenvolupament dels serveis que ofereixen les biblioteques i centres similars, prestant atenció als punts que poden ser més conflictius a la llum de les dues propostes que fins al moment s'han plantejat.


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S'exposa la relació entre els conceptes d'accés obert i accés universal. A partir dels seus punts de nexe s'argumenta la necessitat de potenciar l'accessibilitat en els dipòsits institucionals d'accés obert per motius legals, de compliment d'objectius i d'ètica professional. Aquesta accessibilitat s'ha de complir tant a nivell d'interfície de consulta com a nivell de continguts. Es fa un breu anàlisi de la situació actual, constatant el baix compliment dels criteris més bàsics d'accessibilitat. Finalment es conclou la presentació amb algunes propostes organitzatives i tècniques per millorar aquesta situació.


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L'acostament entre el professional de la salut i el qui necessita els seus serveis és un tema d'interès per a la psicologia de la salut des que va començar com a disciplina. En el context de la societat de la informació i el coneixement apareix un nou escenari d'intervenció d'aquests dos col·lectius que és necessari conèixer. Per això s'han començat diferents propostes, però la que presenta el grup d'investigació de Psicologia de la Salut i Xarxa (PSINET) de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya s'encamina a potenciar la creació d'espais virtuals de trobada entre ambdós col·lectius (professionals de la salut i usuaris de serveis de salut). L'establiment de plataformes digitals de serveis sanitaris per als ciutadans del segle XXI passa primer per conèixer la realitat dels diferents col·lectius implicats en la relació salut i xarxa. L'objectiu que es planteja en aquest estudi se centra en el primer col·lectiu i en el descobriment del que hi ha sobre salut a Internet. Per a això, seguint una metodologia de recerca exhaustiva per Internet, s'han recollit webs sobre salut en català i castellà, i s'ha fet una anàlisi de dades textuals de la informació que contenien els webs en català. Aquesta anàlisi ha permès conèixer i descriure el prototip de web sobre salut que hi ha a la xarxa en el moment de fer l'estudi.


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This article is a reflection on the social uncertainty caused by Influenza A and on the consequences that it can have on decision making in health promotion policies. We use concepts and metaphors of the Rational Choice Theory, among them, the “ingratitude effect” or the “distrust effect”, as we analyse how these can become obstacles for the efficiency of prevention policies. Then, we focus on the information asymmetry of the principal-agent relationship, and we propose measures to diminish the “moral risk” that they cause. We finish by advancing some proposals for designing lines and strategies of action in health promotion policies.