991 resultados para pentetate indium in 111


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Background: Patients with Barrett's oesophagus have an increased risk of oesophageal adenocarcinoma but this cancer only accounts for a small proportion of deaths in these patients. Other causes of death are reportedly raised in this group. We examined cause specific mortality among individuals in a population based Barrett's oesophagus register. Methods: We constructed a register of all patients diagnosed with columnar mucosa (including specialised intestinal metaplasia) of the oesophagus within Northern Ireland between 1993 and 1999. Deaths occurring within this cohort until 31 December 2000 were identified and mortality rates were compared with the general population. Results: Overall mortality was not raised in Barrett's patients. During 7413 person years of follow up in 2373 patients there were 253 deaths (standardised mortality ratio (SMR) 96 (95% confidence interval (CI) 84-107)). Mortality from oesophageal cancer was raised in patients with specialised intestinal metaplasia (SMR 774 (95% CI 317-1231 )) but only 4.7% of patients died from this cancer. Mortality from stroke (SMR 65 (95% CI 37-93)) was significantly lower than the general population while mortality from non-cancerous digestive system diseases was significantly higher (SMR 211 (95% CI 111-311)). Mortality rates from all other causes were similar to those of the general population. Conclusions: This study demonstrates that the overall mortality rate in patients with Barrett's oesophagus is closely similar to that of the general population. Oesophageal cancer mortality was raised but is an uncommon cause of death in these patients who also appear to have a reduced risk of death from stroke.


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Fabricated one-dimensional (1D) materials often have abundant structural defects. Experimental observation and numerical calculation indicate that the broken translation symmetry due to structural defects may play a more important role than the quantum confinement effect in the Raman features of optical phonons in polar semiconductor quantum wires such as SiC nanorods, (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Low-energy electron diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, high-resolution electron energy-loss spectroscopy, scanning tunneling microscopy, and temperature-programmed reaction spectrometry results are reported for the structural and reactive behavior of alumina films grown on Pt(111) as a function of thickness and oxidation temperature. Submonolayer Al films undergo compete oxidation at 300 K, annealing at 1100 K resulting in formation of somewhat distorted crystalline gamma-alumina, Thicker deposits require 800 K oxidation to produce Al2O3, and these too undergo crystallization at 800 K, yielding islands of apparently undistorted gamma-alumina on the Pt(111) surface. Oxidation of a p(2 x 2) Pt3Al surface alloy occurs only at>800 K, resulting in Al extraction, These alumina films on Pt(lll) markedly increase the coverage of adsorbed SO4 resulting from SO2 chemisorption onto oxygen-precovered surfaces. This results in enhanced propane uptake and subsequent reactivity relative to SO4/Pt(111). A bifunctional mechanism is proposed to account for our observations, and the relevance of these to an understanding of the corresponding dispersed systems is discussed.


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The structural, thermal, chemisorptive, and electronic properties of Ce on Pt{111} are studied by photoemission, Auger spectroscopy, scanning tunnel microscope (STM), and low-energy electron diffraction (LEED). Stranski-Krastanov-like growth of low-density Ce layers is accompanied by substantial valence charge transfer from Ce to Pt: in line with this, the measured dipole moment and polarizability of adsorbed Ce at low coverages are 7.2 x 10(-30) C m and similar to 1.3x10(-29) m(3), respectively. Pt-Ce intermixing commences at similar to 400 K and with increasing temperature a sequence of five different ordered surface alloys evolves. The symmetry, periodicities, and rotational epitaxy observed by LEED are in good accord with the STM data which reveal the true complexity of the system. The Various bimetallic surface phases are based on growth of crystalline Pt5Ce, a hexagonal layer structure consisting of alternating layers of Pt2Ce and Kagome nets of Pt atoms. This characteristic ABAB layered arrangement of the surface alloys is clearly imaged, and chemisorption data permit a distinction to be made between the more reactive Pt2Ce layer and the less reactive Pt Kagome net. Either type of layer can appear at the surface as the terminating structure, thicker films exhibiting unit mesh parameters characteristic of the bulk alloy.


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The structure, thermal stability, and catalytic behavior of a novel highly dispersed silica-supported Pd/Sn catalyst prepared by an organometallic route have been examined by X-ray photoelectron, X-ray diffraction, and X-ray absorption, fine structure spectroscopies, the latter two measurements being carried outwith an in situ reaction cell. Additional reactor measurements were performed on a more Sn-rich catalyst and on a pure Pd catalyst. Varying the temperature of reduction induced large variations in catalytic performance toward ethyne-coupling reactions. These changes are understandable in terms of the destruction of SnO2-like structures surrounding the Pd core, yielding a skin of metallic Sn which subsequently undergoes intermixing with Pd. The overall thermal and catalytic behavior of these highly dispersed materials accords well with the analogous single-crystal model system.


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XPS, TPD and HREEL results indicate that molecular pyrrole is a fragile adsorbate on clean Pd{111}. At 200 K and for low coverages, the molecule remains intact and adopts an almost flat-lying geometry. With increasing coverage, pyrrole molecules tilt away from the surface and undergo N-H bond cleavage to form strongly tilted pyrrolyl (C4H4N) species. In addition, a weakly bound, strongly tilted form of molecular pyrrole is observed at coverages approaching saturation. Heating pyrrole monolayers results in desorption of similar to 15% of the overlayer as molecular pyrrole and N-a+ C4H4Na recombination with formation of hat-lying pyrrole molecules. This strongly bound species undergoes decomposition to adsorbed CN, CHx and H, leading ultimately to desorption of HCN and H-2. The implications of these results for the production of pyrrole by a heterogeneously catalysed route are discussed.


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We report a seedless synthetic method of gold octahedral nanoparticles in an aqueous phase. Eight facets with {111} crystalline structures of octahedral nanoparticles could be formed in an aqueous medium when the gold salt was reduced by ascorbic acid at room temperature in the presence of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide as a shape-inducing agent, and hydrogen peroxide as a reaction promoter. The growth kinetics and surface crystalline structures were characterized by UV–vis spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.


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A simple, non-seeding and high-yield synthesis of convex gold octahedra with size of ca. 50 nm in aqueous solution is described. The octahedral nanoparticles were systematically prepared by reduction of HAuCl4 using ascorbic acid (AA) in the presence of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) as the stabilizing surfactant while concentrations of Au3+ were fixed. The synthesizing process is especially different to other wet synthesis of metallic nanoparticles because it is mediated by H2O2. Mechanism of the H2O2 – mediated process will be described in details. The gold octahedra were shown to be single crystals with all 8 faces belonging to {111} family. Moreover, the single crystalline particles also showed attractive optical properties towards LSPR that should find uses as labels for microscopic imaging, materials for colorimetric biosensings, or nanosensor developments.


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Type 1 diabetes mellitus is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) that is not fully explained by conventional risk factors. The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT) showed that intensive diabetes therapy reduced levels of LDL cholesterol and triglycerides but increased the risk of major weight gain, which might adversely affect CVD risk. The present study examined the effect of intensive therapy on levels of several markers of inflammation that have been linked to risk of CVD.


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The electrochemical deposition of Ru on Pt(111) electrodes has been investigated by electron diffraction, Auger spectroscopy, and cyclic voltammetry in a closed UHV transfer system. At small coverages Ru formed a monatomic commensurate layer, at higher coverage mostly small islands with a bilayer height were detected. When the Pt was almost completely covered by Ru, three-dimensional clusters developed. The island structure of Ru changed upon electrooxidation of CO, reflecting an enhanced mobility of Ru. Adsorption and electrooxidation of CO have been studied on such Ru-modified Pt(111) electrodes using cyclic voltammetry and in situ FTIR spectroscopy. Compared to the pure metals, the Ru-CO bond is weakened, the Pt-CO bond strengthened on the modified electrodes. The catalytic activity of the Ru/Pt(111) electrode toward CO adlayer oxidation is higher than that of pure Ru and a PtRu alloy (50:50). It is concluded that the electrooxidation of CO takes place preferentially at the Ru islands, while CO adsorbed on Pt migrates to them. © 1999 American Chemical Society.


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The structure of a Pt(111) electrode after treatment in an electrolyte and subsequent transfer to an UHV chamber was investigated ex situ by combined low energy electron diffraction (LEED), reflection high energy electron diffraction (RHEED), and Auger electron spectroscopy (AES). Treatment of the sample in a CO saturated 0.1 M HClO solution at potentials between -0.2 and 0.2 V versus Ag/AgCl caused a maximum CO coverage of about 0.75 as probed by cyclic voltammetry, which dropped by partial desorption to about 0.25 upon transfer to the UHV chamber. This adlayer exhibited a (distorted) 3×3 R30° pattern by RHEED (but not with LEED) exhibiting an average domain size of 2.3 nm at room temperature. This is identified with the same phase reported before from gas phase studies, as also corroborated by the similarities of the vibrational spectroscopic data. The same structure (albeit even more poorly ordered) was found after dissociative adsorption of methanol.


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Purpose: To evaluate the clinical and histological side effects of a prototype stereotactic radiotherapy system delivering microcollimated external beam radiation through pars plana in porcine eyes.

Methods: Five Yucatan mini-swine (10 eyes) were randomized to five treatment groups. Eight eyes were dosed with X-ray radiation on Day 1, and two eyes served as untreated controls. Treated eyes received doses up to 60 Gy to the retina and up to 130 Gy to the sclera using single or overlapping beams. The treatment beams were highly collimated such that the diameter was approximately 2.5 mm on the sclera and 3 mm on the retinal surface. Fundus photography, fluorescein angiography (FA), and spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) were obtained on days 7, 30, 60, and 110. Images were examined by a masked grader and evaluated for abnormalities. Animals were sacrificed on day 111 and gross and histopathological analysis was conducted.

Results: Histological and gross changes to eye structures including conjunctiva and lens were minimal at all doses. Fundus, FA, and SD-OCT of the targeted region failed to disclose any abnormality in the control or 21 Gy treated animals. In the 42 and 60 Gy animals, hypopigmented spots were noted after treatment on clinical exam, and corresponding hyperfluorescent staining was seen in late frames. No evidence of choroidal hypoperfusion was seen. The histological specimens from the 60 Gy animals showed photoreceptor loss and displacement of cone nuclei.

Conclusion: Transcleral stereotactic radiation dosing in porcine eyes can be accomplished with no significant adverse events as doses less than 42 Gy.


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Freestanding BaTiO3 nanodots exhibit domain structures characterized by distinct quadrants of ferroelastic 90 domains in transmission electron microscopy (TEM) observations. These differ significantly from flux-closure domain patterns in the same systems imaged by piezoresponse force microscopy. Based upon a series of phase field simulations of BaTiO3 nanodots, we suggest that the TEM patterns result from a radial electric field arising from electron beam charging of the nanodot. For sufficiently large charging, this converts flux-closure domain patterns to quadrant patterns with radial net polarizations. Not only does this explain the puzzling patterns that have been observed in TEM studies of ferroelectric nanodots, but also suggests how to manipulate ferroelectric domain patterns via electron beams.


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Evidence is presented from three estuarine tide gauges located in the
Sundarban area of southwest Bangladesh of relative sea level rise
substantially in excess of the generally accepted rates from altimetry, as
well as previous tide-gauge analyses. It is proposed that the difference
arises from the use of relative mean sea level (RMSL) to characterise the
present and future coastal flood hazard, since RMSL can be misleading in
estuaries in which tidal range is changing. Three tide gauges, one located in
the uninhabited mangrove forested area (Sundarban) of southwest
Bangladesh, the others in the densely populated polder zone north of the
present Sundarban, show rates of increase in RMSL ranging from 2.8 mm
a-1 to 8.8 mm a-1. However, these trends in RMSL disguise the fact that high
water levels in the polder zone have been increasing at an average rate of
15.9 mm a-1 and a maximum of 17.2 mm a-1. In an area experiencing tidal
range amplification, RMSL will always underestimate the rise in high water
levels; consequently, as an alternative to RMSL, the use of trends in high
water maxima or ‘Effective Sea Level Rise’ (ESLR) is adopted as a more
strategic parameter to characterise the flooding hazard potential. The rate
of increase in ESLR is shown to be due to a combination of deltaic
subsidence, including sediment compaction, and eustatic sea level rise, but
principally as a result of increased tidal range in estuary channels recently
constricted by embankments. These increases in ESLR have been partially
offset by decreases in fresh water discharge in those estuaries connected
to the Ganges. The recognition of increases of the effective sea level in the
Bangladesh Sundarban, which are substantially greater than increases in
mean sea level, is of the utmost importance to flood management in this
low-lying and densely populated area.


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Green oil, which leads to the deactivation of the catalysts used for the selective hydrogenation of acetylene, has long been observed but its formation mechanism is not fully understood. In this work, the formation of 1,3-butadiene, known to be the precursor of green oil, on both Pd(111) and Pd(211) surfaces is examined using density functional theory calculations. The pathways containing C-2 + C-2 coupling reactions as well as the corresponding hydrogenation reactions are studied in detail. Three pathways for 1,3-butadiene production, namely coupling plus hydrogenation and further hydrogenation, hydrogenation plus coupling plus hydrogenation, and a two step hydrogenation followed by coupling, are determined. By comparing the effective barriers, we identify the favored pathway on both surfaces. A general understanding toward the deactivation process of the industrial catalysts is also provided. In addition, the effects of the formation of subsurface carbon atoms as well as the Ag alloying on the 1,3-butadiene formation on Pd-based catalysts are also investigated and compared with experimental results.