994 resultados para operação de Ross
Tesis (Zootecnista). -- Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Programa de Zootecnia, 2015
The petroleum production pipeline networks are inherently complex, usually decentralized systems. Strict operational constraints are applied in order to prevent serious problems like environmental disasters or production losses. This paper describes an intelligent system to support decisions in the operation of these networks, proposing a staggering for the pumps of transfer stations that compose them. The intelligent system is formed by blocks which interconnect to process the information and generate the suggestions to the operator. The main block of the system uses fuzzy logic to provide a control based on rules, which incorporate knowledge from experts. Tests performed in the simulation environment provided good results, indicating the applicability of the system in a real oil production environment. The use of the stagger proposed by the system allows a prioritization of the transfer in the network and a flow programming
Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental, 2016.
A self-flotator vibrational prototype electromechanical drive for treatment of oil and water emulsion or like emulsion is presented and evaluated. Oil production and refining to obtain derivatives is carried out under arrangements technically referred to as on-shore and off-shore, ie, on the continent and in the sea. In Brazil 80 % of the petroleum production is taken at sea and area of deployment and it cost scale are worrisome. It is associated, oily water production on a large scale, carrier 95% of the potential pollutant of activity whose final destination is the environment medium, terrestrial or maritime. Although diversified set of techniques and water treatment systems are in use or research, we propose an innovative system that operates in a sustainable way without chemical additives, for the good of the ecosystem. Labyrinth adsor-bent is used in metal spirals, and laboratory scale flow. Equipment and process patents are claimed. Treatments were performed at different flow rates and bands often monitored with control systems, some built, other bought for this purpose. Measurements of the levels of oil and grease (OGC) of efluents treaty remained within the range of legal framework under test conditions. Adsorbents were weighed before and after treatment for obtaining oil impregna-tion, the performance goal of vibratory action and treatment as a whole. Treatment technolo-gies in course are referenced, to compare performance, qualitatively and quantitatively. The vibration energy consumption is faced with and without conventional flotation and self-flotation. There are good prospects for the proposed, especially in reducing the residence time, by capillary action system. The impregnation dimensionless parameter was created and confronted with consecrated dimensionless parameters, on the vibrational version, such as Weber number and Froude number in quadratic form, referred to as vibrational criticality. Re-sults suggest limits to the vibration intensity
Face à Directiva 2007/60/CE relativa à avaliação e gestão do risco de inundações, ao Decreto-Lei nº 344/2007 que aprova o Regulamento de Segurança de Barragens, ao aumento de áreas urbanizadas e às projecções dos modelos de clima para o fim do século, que apontam para o aumento da frequência e da intensidade da ocorrência de inundações causadas por eventos de precipitação intensa de curta duração, é crucial a definição de regras de operação nos reservatórios com controlo de cheias. O Reservatório de Magos pertence à bacia hidrográfica do rio Tejo, está situado no Concelho de Salvaterra de Magos e tem como usos principais a rega e o controlo de cheias. Este trabalho tem como objecto de estudo a definição das regras de operação (restrição no caudal descarregado) do Reservatório de Magos para controlo de cheias no troço a jusante. São aplicados o modelo hidrológico HEC-HMS 3.1.0, o modelo hidráulico HEC-RAS 3.1.3 e o modelo de simulação de reservatórios HEC-ResSim 3.O para o cálculo do hidrograma de cheia, da zona inundável e para simulação do balanço de água no reservatório, respectivamente. Como resultado são apresentadas as regras de operação (caudal máximo e mínimo a descarregar) do Reservatório de Magos para controlo da zona inundável a jusante, no caso de um evento de cheia. /ABSTRACT: Based on the Directive 2007/60/CE related to the Assessment and Management of Flood Risks, on the Decree-Law n. o 344/2007 which approves the Regulation for Dam Safety, the increased urban areas and to the projections of climate models by the end of the century which is pointing to an increased frequency and intensity of occurrence of floods caused by intense rainfall events of short duration, establishing rules of operation for flood control in reservoirs becomes crucial. The Magos Reservoir belongs to the river Tagus basin, located in the county of Salvaterra de Magos and has as its main uses the irrigation and flood control. This study aims to establish the rules of operation (flow discharged restriction) of the Reservoir of Magos for flood control in the downstream reach. The methodology used in the present work includes the application of the Hydrological model HEC-HMS 3.1.0, the Hydraulic model HEC-RAS 3.1.3 and a reservoir simulation model HEC-ResSim 3.0 to calculate the hydrograph of peak discharge, floodplain zone and simulate reservoir operations, respectively. As a result, the rules of operation (maximum flow and minimum discharge) of Magos Reservoir for flood control in a downstream reach in case of flood event are presented.
Rapidity-odd directed flow (v1) measurements for charged pions, protons, and antiprotons near midrapidity (y=0) are reported in sNN=7.7, 11.5, 19.6, 27, 39, 62.4, and 200 GeV Au+Au collisions as recorded by the STAR detector at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. At intermediate impact parameters, the proton and net-proton slope parameter dv1/dy|y=0 shows a minimum between 11.5 and 19.6 GeV. In addition, the net-proton dv1/dy|y=0 changes sign twice between 7.7 and 39 GeV. The proton and net-proton results qualitatively resemble predictions of a hydrodynamic model with a first-order phase transition from hadronic matter to deconfined matter, and differ from hadronic transport calculations.
We report the STAR measurements of dielectron (e(+)e(-)) production at midrapidity (|y(ee)|<1) in Au+Au collisions at √[s(NN)]=200 GeV. The measurements are evaluated in different invariant mass regions with a focus on 0.30-0.76 (ρ-like), 0.76-0.80 (ω-like), and 0.98-1.05 (ϕ-like) GeV/c(2). The spectrum in the ω-like and ϕ-like regions can be well described by the hadronic cocktail simulation. In the ρ-like region, however, the vacuum ρ spectral function cannot describe the shape of the dielectron excess. In this range, an enhancement of 1.77±0.11(stat)±0.24(syst)±0.33(cocktail) is determined with respect to the hadronic cocktail simulation that excludes the ρ meson. The excess yield in the ρ-like region increases with the number of collision participants faster than the ω and ϕ yields. Theoretical models with broadened ρ contributions through interactions with constituents in the hot QCD medium provide a consistent description of the dilepton mass spectra for the measurement presented here and the earlier data at the Super Proton Synchrotron energies.
Local parity-odd domains are theorized to form inside a quark-gluon plasma which has been produced in high-energy heavy-ion collisions. The local parity-odd domains manifest themselves as charge separation along the magnetic field axis via the chiral magnetic effect. The experimental observation of charge separation has previously been reported for heavy-ion collisions at the top RHIC energies. In this Letter, we present the results of the beam-energy dependence of the charge correlations in Au+Au collisions at midrapidity for center-of-mass energies of 7.7, 11.5, 19.6, 27, 39, and 62.4 GeV from the STAR experiment. After background subtraction, the signal gradually reduces with decreased beam energy and tends to vanish by 7.7 GeV. This implies the dominance of hadronic interactions over partonic ones at lower collision energies.
We report measurements of single- and double-spin asymmetries for W^{±} and Z/γ^{*} boson production in longitudinally polarized p+p collisions at sqrt[s]=510 GeV by the STAR experiment at RHIC. The asymmetries for W^{±} were measured as a function of the decay lepton pseudorapidity, which provides a theoretically clean probe of the proton's polarized quark distributions at the scale of the W mass. The results are compared to theoretical predictions, constrained by polarized deep inelastic scattering measurements, and show a preference for a sizable, positive up antiquark polarization in the range 0.05
We report the first measurements of the moments--mean (M), variance (σ(2)), skewness (S), and kurtosis (κ)--of the net-charge multiplicity distributions at midrapidity in Au+Au collisions at seven energies, ranging from sqrt[sNN]=7.7 to 200 GeV, as a part of the Beam Energy Scan program at RHIC. The moments are related to the thermodynamic susceptibilities of net charge, and are sensitive to the location of the QCD critical point. We compare the products of the moments, σ(2)/M, Sσ, and κσ(2), with the expectations from Poisson and negative binomial distributions (NBDs). The Sσ values deviate from the Poisson baseline and are close to the NBD baseline, while the κσ(2) values tend to lie between the two. Within the present uncertainties, our data do not show nonmonotonic behavior as a function of collision energy. These measurements provide a valuable tool to extract the freeze-out parameters in heavy-ion collisions by comparing with theoretical models.
We report the first measurement of charmed-hadron (D(0)) production via the hadronic decay channel (D(0) → K(-) + π(+)) in Au+Au collisions at sqrt[s(NN)] = 200 GeV with the STAR experiment. The charm production cross section per nucleon-nucleon collision at midrapidity scales with the number of binary collisions, N(bin), from p+p to central Au+Au collisions. The D(0) meson yields in central Au + Au collisions are strongly suppressed compared to those in p+p scaled by N(bin), for transverse momenta p(T) > 3 GeV/c, demonstrating significant energy loss of charm quarks in the hot and dense medium. An enhancement at intermediate p(T) is also observed. Model calculations including strong charm-medium interactions and coalescence hadronization describe our measurements.
We present ΛΛ correlation measurements in heavy-ion collisions for Au+Au collisions at sqrt[s_{NN}]=200 GeV using the STAR experiment at the Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider. The Lednický-Lyuboshitz analytical model has been used to fit the data to obtain a source size, a scattering length and an effective range. Implications of the measurement of the ΛΛ correlation function and interaction parameters for dihyperon searches are discussed.
There is an urgent need to make drug discovery cheaper and faster. This will enable the development of treatments for diseases currently neglected for economic reasons, such as tropical and orphan diseases, and generally increase the supply of new drugs. Here, we report the Robot Scientist 'Eve' designed to make drug discovery more economical. A Robot Scientist is a laboratory automation system that uses artificial intelligence (AI) techniques to discover scientific knowledge through cycles of experimentation. Eve integrates and automates library-screening, hit-confirmation, and lead generation through cycles of quantitative structure activity relationship learning and testing. Using econometric modelling we demonstrate that the use of AI to select compounds economically outperforms standard drug screening. For further efficiency Eve uses a standardized form of assay to compute Boolean functions of compound properties. These assays can be quickly and cheaply engineered using synthetic biology, enabling more targets to be assayed for a given budget. Eve has repositioned several drugs against specific targets in parasites that cause tropical diseases. One validated discovery is that the anti-cancer compound TNP-470 is a potent inhibitor of dihydrofolate reductase from the malaria-causing parasite Plasmodium vivax.
This paper presents two techniques to evaluate soil mechanical resistance to penetration as an auxiliary method to help in a decision-making in subsoiling operations. The decision is based on the volume of soil mobilized as a function of the considered critical soil resistance to penetration in each case. The first method, probabilistic, uses statistical techniques to define the volume of soil to be mobilized. The other method, deterministic, determines the percentage of soil to be mobilized and its spatial distribution. Both cases plot the percentage curves of experimental data related to the soil mechanical resistance to penetration equal or larger to the established critical level and the volume of soil to be mobilized as a function of critical level. The deterministic method plots showed the spatial distribution of the data with resistance to penetration equal or large than the critical level. The comparison between mobilized soil curves as a function of critical level using both methods showed that they can be considered equivalent. The deterministic method has the advantage of showing the spatial distribution of the critical points.
Sugarcane holds an important place in the Brazilian economy. Grate part of the sugarcane harvested still accomplished largely manually. Sugarcane harvesters available in Brazil use the technology to chop the cane into 200 to 300 mm billets to allow on the go cane transferring to transport, contradicting the traditional method of whole stalk sugarcane harvesting system. In order to make whole stalk mechanical harvesting system possible, one of the barriers to be expired is the mechanical removal of the straw. The design of a mechanism that accomplishes this operation depends directly on the knowledge of the mechanical properties of the sugarcane related to its resistance to compression and the forces necessary to remove the leaves from the stalk. Compression tests were conducted using the universal testing machine. For leaves removal test by friction, a special apparatus was designed to allow the registration of the normal and traction force. The sugarcane stalk can resist up to 4.9 MPa. With a normal pressure of 0.8 MPa, which correspond to a friction force of 315 N, it is possible to remove the leaves, independent of its location in the sugarcane stalk.