989 resultados para noise level


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A variant upstream of human leukocyte antigen C (HLA-C) shows the most significant genome-wide effect on HIV control in European Americans and is also associated with the level of HLA-C expression. We characterized the differential cell surface expression levels of all common HLA-C allotypes and tested directly for effects of HLA-C expression on outcomes of HIV infection in 5243 individuals. Increasing HLA-C expression was associated with protection against multiple outcomes independently of individual HLA allelic effects in both African and European Americans, regardless of their distinct HLA-C frequencies and linkage relationships with HLA-B and HLA-A. Higher HLA-C expression was correlated with increased likelihood of cytotoxic T lymphocyte responses and frequency of viral escape mutation. In contrast, high HLA-C expression had a deleterious effect in Crohn's disease, suggesting a broader influence of HLA expression levels in human disease.


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We provide evidence on the dynamics in firms’ R&D cooperation behaviour. Our main objective is to analyse if R&D collaborative agreements are persistent at the firm level, and in such a case, to study what are the main drivers of this phenomenon. R&D cooperation activities at the firm level can be persistent due to true state dependence, this implying that cooperating in a given period enhances the probability of doing it in the subsequent period and it can also be a consequence of firms’ individual heterogeneity, so that certain firms have certain characteristics that make them more likely to carry out technological alliances.


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We provide evidence on the dynamics in firms’ R&D cooperation behaviour. Our main objective is to analyse if R&D collaborative agreements are persistent at the firm level, and in such a case, to study what are the main drivers of this phenomenon. R&D cooperation activities at the firm level can be persistent due to true state dependence, this implying that cooperating in a given period enhances the probability of doing it in the subsequent period and it can also be a consequence of firms’ individual heterogeneity, so that certain firms have certain characteristics that make them more likely to carry out technological alliances.


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Korkeasaatavuus on olennainen osa nykyaikaisissa, integroiduissa yritysjärjestelmissä. Yritysten kansainvälistyessä tiedon on oltava saatavissa ympärivuorokautisesti, mikä asettaa yhä kovempia vaatimuksia järjestelmän yksittäisten osien saatavuudelle. Kasvava tietojärjestelmäintegraatio puolestaan tekee järjestelmän solmukohdista kriittisiä liiketoiminnan kannalta. Tässä työssä perehdytään hajautettujen järjestelmien ominaisuuksiin ja niiden asettamiin haasteisiin. Esiteltyjä teknologioita ovat muun muassa väliohjelmistot, klusterit ja kuormantasaus. Yrityssovellusten pohjana käytetty Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) -teknologia käsitellään olennaisilta osiltaan. Työssä käytetään sovelluspalvelinalustana BEA WebLogic Server -ohjelmistoa, jonka ominaisuudet käydään läpi hajautuksen kannalta. Työn käytännön osuudessa toteutetaan kahdelle erilaiselle olemassa olevalle yrityssovellukselle korkean saatavuuden sovelluspalvelinympäristö, joissa sovellusten asettamat rajoitukset on otettu huomioon.


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Several lines of research have documented early-latency non-linear response interactions between audition and touch in humans and non-human primates. That these effects have been obtained under anesthesia, passive stimulation, as well as speeded reaction time tasks would suggest that some multisensory effects are not directly influencing behavioral outcome. We investigated whether the initial non-linear neural response interactions have a direct bearing on the speed of reaction times. Electrical neuroimaging analyses were applied to event-related potentials in response to auditory, somatosensory, or simultaneous auditory-somatosensory multisensory stimulation that were in turn averaged according to trials leading to fast and slow reaction times (using a median split of individual subject data for each experimental condition). Responses to multisensory stimulus pairs were contrasted with each unisensory response as well as summed responses from the constituent unisensory conditions. Behavioral analyses indicated that neural response interactions were only implicated in the case of trials producing fast reaction times, as evidenced by facilitation in excess of probability summation. In agreement, supra-additive non-linear neural response interactions between multisensory and the sum of the constituent unisensory stimuli were evident over the 40-84 ms post-stimulus period only when reaction times were fast, whereas subsequent effects (86-128 ms) were observed independently of reaction time speed. Distributed source estimations further revealed that these earlier effects followed from supra-additive modulation of activity within posterior superior temporal cortices. These results indicate the behavioral relevance of early multisensory phenomena.


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Työssä analysoidaanprosessin vaikutusta paperikoneen stabiiliuteen. Kaksi modernia sanomalehtipaperikonetta analysoitiin ja sen perusteella molemmista prosesseista rakennettiin fysiikan lakeihin perustuvat simulointimallit APROS Paper simulointiohjelmistolla. Työn tavoitteena on selvittää, miten kyseisten koneiden prosessit eroavat toisistaan ja arvioida, miten havaitut erot vaikuttavat prosessien stabiiliuteen. Työssä tarkastellaan periodisten häiriöiden vaimenemista prosessissa. Simuloinnissa herätteenä käytettiin puhdasta valkoista kohinaa, jonka avulla eri taajuistenperiodisten häiriöiden vaimenemista analysoitiin. Prosessien häiriövasteet esitetään taajuuskoordinaatistossa. Suurimmat erot prosessien välillä löytyivät viirakaivosta ja sen sekoitusdynamiikasta. Perinteisen viirakaivon todettiin muistuttavan käyttäytymiseltään sarjaan kytkettyjä ideaalisekoittimia, kun taas pienempitilavuuksisen fluumin todettiin käyttäytyvän lähes kuin putkiviive. Vaikka erotprosessitilavuudessa sekä viirakaivon sekoitusdynamiikassa olivat hyvin selkeät, havaittiin vain marginaalinen ero prosessin välillä periodisten häiriöiden vaimenemisessa, koska erot viiraretentiotasoissa vaikuttivat eniten simulointituloksia. Matalammalla viiraretentiolla operoivan paperikoneen todettiin vaimentavan tehokkaammin prosessihäiriöitä. Samalla retentiotasolla pienempitilavuuksisen prosessin todettiin vaimentavan hitaita prosessihäiriöitä marginaalisesti paremmin. Tutkituista paperikoneista toisella simuloitiin viiraosan vedenpoistomuutoksenvaikutusta viiraretentioon ja paperin koostumukseen. Lisäksi arvioitiin viiraretention säädön toimivuutta. Viiraosan listakengän vedenpoiston todettiin aiheuttavan merkittäviä sakeus- ja retentiohäiriöitä, mikäli sen avulla poistettavan kiintoaineen virtaus tuplaantuisi. Viiraretention säädön todettiin estävän häiriöiden kierron prosessissa, mutta siirtävän ne suoraan rainaan. Retention säädön eikuitenkaan todettu olevan suoranainen häiriön lähde.


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While equal political representation of all citizens is a fundamental democratic goal, it is hampered empirically in a multitude of ways. This study examines how the societal level of economic inequality affects the representation of relatively poor citizens by parties and governments. Using CSES survey data for citizens' policy preferences and expert placements of political parties, empirical evidence is found that in economically more unequal societies, the party system represents the preferences of relatively poor citizens worse than in more equal societies. This moderating effect of economic equality is also found for policy congruence between citizens and governments, albeit slightly less clear-cut.


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The -function and the -function are phenomenological models that are widely used in the context of timing interceptive actions and collision avoidance, respectively. Both models were previously considered to be unrelated to each other: is a decreasing function that provides an estimation of time-to-contact (ttc) in the early phase of an object approach; in contrast, has a maximum before ttc. Furthermore, it is not clear how both functions could be implemented at the neuronal level in a biophysically plausible fashion. Here we propose a new framework the corrected modified Tau function capable of predicting both -type ("") and -type ("") responses. The outstanding property of our new framework is its resilience to noise. We show that can be derived from a firing rate equation, and, as , serves to describe the response curves of collision sensitive neurons. Furthermore, we show that predicts the psychophysical performance of subjects determining ttc. Our new framework is thus validated successfully against published and novel experimental data. Within the framework, links between -type and -type neurons are established. Therefore, it could possibly serve as a model for explaining the co-occurrence of such neurons in the brain.


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La théorie de l'autocatégorisation est une théorie de psychologie sociale qui porte sur la relation entre l'individu et le groupe. Elle explique le comportement de groupe par la conception de soi et des autres en tant que membres de catégories sociales, et par l'attribution aux individus des caractéristiques prototypiques de ces catégories. Il s'agit donc d'une théorie de l'individu qui est censée expliquer des phénomènes collectifs. Les situations dans lesquelles un grand nombre d'individus interagissent de manière non triviale génèrent typiquement des comportements collectifs complexes qui sont difficiles à prévoir sur la base des comportements individuels. La simulation informatique de tels systèmes est un moyen fiable d'explorer de manière systématique la dynamique du comportement collectif en fonction des spécifications individuelles. Dans cette thèse, nous présentons un modèle formel d'une partie de la théorie de l'autocatégorisation appelée principe du métacontraste. À partir de la distribution d'un ensemble d'individus sur une ou plusieurs dimensions comparatives, le modèle génère les catégories et les prototypes associés. Nous montrons que le modèle se comporte de manière cohérente par rapport à la théorie et est capable de répliquer des données expérimentales concernant divers phénomènes de groupe, dont par exemple la polarisation. De plus, il permet de décrire systématiquement les prédictions de la théorie dont il dérive, notamment dans des situations nouvelles. Au niveau collectif, plusieurs dynamiques peuvent être observées, dont la convergence vers le consensus, vers une fragmentation ou vers l'émergence d'attitudes extrêmes. Nous étudions également l'effet du réseau social sur la dynamique et montrons qu'à l'exception de la vitesse de convergence, qui augmente lorsque les distances moyennes du réseau diminuent, les types de convergences dépendent peu du réseau choisi. Nous constatons d'autre part que les individus qui se situent à la frontière des groupes (dans le réseau social ou spatialement) ont une influence déterminante sur l'issue de la dynamique. Le modèle peut par ailleurs être utilisé comme un algorithme de classification automatique. Il identifie des prototypes autour desquels sont construits des groupes. Les prototypes sont positionnés de sorte à accentuer les caractéristiques typiques des groupes, et ne sont pas forcément centraux. Enfin, si l'on considère l'ensemble des pixels d'une image comme des individus dans un espace de couleur tridimensionnel, le modèle fournit un filtre qui permet d'atténuer du bruit, d'aider à la détection d'objets et de simuler des biais de perception comme l'induction chromatique. Abstract Self-categorization theory is a social psychology theory dealing with the relation between the individual and the group. It explains group behaviour through self- and others' conception as members of social categories, and through the attribution of the proto-typical categories' characteristics to the individuals. Hence, it is a theory of the individual that intends to explain collective phenomena. Situations involving a large number of non-trivially interacting individuals typically generate complex collective behaviours, which are difficult to anticipate on the basis of individual behaviour. Computer simulation of such systems is a reliable way of systematically exploring the dynamics of the collective behaviour depending on individual specifications. In this thesis, we present a formal model of a part of self-categorization theory named metacontrast principle. Given the distribution of a set of individuals on one or several comparison dimensions, the model generates categories and their associated prototypes. We show that the model behaves coherently with respect to the theory and is able to replicate experimental data concerning various group phenomena, for example polarization. Moreover, it allows to systematically describe the predictions of the theory from which it is derived, specially in unencountered situations. At the collective level, several dynamics can be observed, among which convergence towards consensus, towards frag-mentation or towards the emergence of extreme attitudes. We also study the effect of the social network on the dynamics and show that, except for the convergence speed which raises as the mean distances on the network decrease, the observed convergence types do not depend much on the chosen network. We further note that individuals located at the border of the groups (whether in the social network or spatially) have a decisive influence on the dynamics' issue. In addition, the model can be used as an automatic classification algorithm. It identifies prototypes around which groups are built. Prototypes are positioned such as to accentuate groups' typical characteristics and are not necessarily central. Finally, if we consider the set of pixels of an image as individuals in a three-dimensional color space, the model provides a filter that allows to lessen noise, to help detecting objects and to simulate perception biases such as chromatic induction.


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The purpose of this dissertation is to increase the understanding and knowledge of field sales management control systems (i.e. sales managers monitoring, directing, evaluating and rewarding activities) and their potential consequences on salespeople. This topic is important because research conducted in the past has indicated that the choice of control system type can on the other hand have desirable consequences, such as high levels of motivation and performance, and on the other hand leadto harmful unintended consequences, such as opportunistic or unethical behaviors. Despite the fact that marketing and sales management control systems have been under rigorous research for over two decades, it still is at a very early stage of development, and several inconsistencies can be found in the research results. This dissertation argues that these inconsistencies are mainly derived from misspecification of the level of analysis in the past research. These different levels of analysis (i.e. strategic, tactical, and operational levels) involve very different decision-making situations regarding the control and motivation of sales force, which should be taken into consideration when conceptualizing the control. Moreover, the study of salesperson consequences of a field sales management control system is actually a cross-level phenomenon, which means that at least two levels of analysis are simultaneously involved. The results of this dissertation confirm the need to re-conceptualize the field sales management control system concept. It provides empirical evidence for the assertion that control should be conceptualized with more details atthe tactical/operational level of analysis than at the strategic levelof analysis. Moreover, the results show that some controls are more efficiently communicated to field salespeople than others. It is proposed that this difference is due to different purposes of control; some controls aredesigned for influencing salespersons' behavior (aim at motivating) whereas some controls are designed to aid decision-making (aim at providing information). According to the empirical results of this dissertation, the both types of controls have an impact to the sales force, but this impactis not as strong as expected. The results obtained in this dissertation shed some light to the nature of field sales management control systems, and their consequences on salespeopl