990 resultados para mielite transversa longitudinalmente extensa
Silicoflagellates ranging from middle Eocene to middle Miocene in age are present in Ocean Drilling Program Hole 1219A. The hole was drilled 250.8 meters below seafloor of which an ~120 m section primarily composed of nannofossil ooze with variable radiolarian and clay content is early Miocene and Oligocene in age, and a 95-m section is Eocene radiolarian and zeolithic clays, radiolarian and diatom oozes, and nannofossil oozes and chalks. A total of 150 samples were studied at a sample interval of one per section. Diversity of silicoflagellates is moderate, and the preservation is good. Abundance is generally low, with many samples barren of silicoflagellates, but 31 species and subspecies were identified. One new species, Naviculopsis trigeminus, is described.
Site 672 is located on the Atlantic abyssal plain to the east of the Lesser Antilles forearc region. It serves as a stratigraphic reference section for sediments entering the Barbados accretionary prism. A relatively complete Pliocene through lower Pleistocene section was recovered from Site 672 that contains a moderately well-preserved population of benthic foraminifers. Q-mode factor analysis of the benthic population data identified three Pliocene-Pleistocene assemblages that inhabited this site. The Factor 1 fauna, characterized by Nuttallides umboniferus, is commonly associated with the presence of Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW). The Factor 2 assemblage is characterized by Globocassidulina subglobosa, Epistominella exigua, and a combined category of unilocular species. The Factor 3 assemblage is characterized by Epistominella exigua, and Planulina wuellerstorfi. The Factor 2 and 3 faunas are associated with bottom water significantly warmer than that preferred by the Factor 1 assemblage. The distribution of these assemblages has been used to distinguish three climatic intervals in the abyssal environment during the Pliocene-Pleistocene. An early Pliocene warm interval occurred from the Ceratolithus rugosus Subzone to the middle of the Discoaster tamalis Subzone. The upper Pliocene is characterized by oscillations between the Factor 1 and Factor 2 assemblages, which suggests climatic deterioration and increased pulses of AABW flow. The persistence of an essentially modern (Factor 1) fauna throughout the early Pleistocene suggests full glacial development at both poles and a substantial volume of AABW production.
Deep-sea benthic foraminiferal faunas were studied from Sites 608 (depth 3534 m, 42°50'N, 23°05'W) and 610 (depth 2427 m, 53°13'N, 18°53'W). The sampling interval corresponded to 0.1 to 0.5 m.y. at Site 608 and in the sections of Site 610 from which core recovery was continuous. First and last appearances of benthic foraminiferal taxa are generally not coeval at the two sites, although the faunal patterns are similar and many species occur at both sites. Major periods of changes in the benthic faunas, as indicated by the numbers of first and last appearances and changes in relative abundances, occurred in the early Miocene (19.2-17 Ma), the middle Miocene (15.5-13.5 Ma), the late Miocene (7-5.5 Ma), and the Pliocene-Pleistocene (3.5-0.7 Ma). A period of minor changes in the middle to late Miocene (10-9 Ma) was recognized at Site 608 only. These periods of faunal changes can be correlated with periods of paleoceanographic changes: there was a period of sluggish circulation in the northeastern North Atlantic from 19.2 to 17 Ma, and the deep waters of the oceans probably cooled between 15.5 and 13.5 Ma, as indicated by an increase in delta18O values in benthic foraminiferal tests. The period between 10 and 9 Ma was probably characterized by relatively vigorous bottom-water circulation in the northeastern Atlantic, as indicated by the presence of a widespread reflector. The faunal change at 7 to 5.5 Ma corresponds in time with a worldwide change in delta13C values, and with the Messinian closing of the Mediterranean. The last and largest faunal changes correspond in time with the onset and intensification of Northern Hemisphere glaciation.
Si los trabajos en torno a la memoria se han focalizado en gran medida en las "víctimas" de dictaduras, genocidios o diversos sistemas de dominio y sometimiento que en América Central se vinculan con la extensa presencia de gobiernos militares o con el denominado "genocidio guatemalteco", así como en el Cono sur se centran en las dictaduras de la historia reciente, en cambio aquí proponemos indagar las "memorias perturbadoras" (Alessandro Portelli 2013) como una vía para explorar el universo de los movimientos revolucionarios, la entraña de los "buenos", de los "idealistas", de los "progresistas", de los que se convirtieron en "víctimas": de allí su carácter "perturbador". Se trata de una perspectiva que desde la posición de alguien vinculado a los movimientos de izquierda o que compartió las propuestas revolucionarias, ahora lleva a cabo una autocrítica desde el interior del universo de la izquierda. Abordamos algunos textos de la narrativa de Horacio Castellanos Moya para analizar las "memorias perturbadoras" de la izquierda revolucionaria centroamericana, lo que supone revisar desde una mirada autocrítica aquellos acontecimientos, ideales, valores, hábitos y mitos, así como ciertas figuras y perfiles subjetivos que caracterizaron sus propuestas y sus prácticas durante las últimas décadas del pasado siglo
O número de Instituições de ensino e alunos têm aumentado e a efetividade na gestão acadêmica torna-se assunto relevante. Simultaneamente ao aumento de estudantes, a tecnologia da informação tem evoluído rapidamente, o que tem propiciado novas oportunidades de ensino e profusão de informações. Infelizmente, no sentido oposto ao da qualidade de ensino, esse cenário tem propiciado o surgimento e crescimento de uma variedade de situações e oportunidades para que o comportamento academicamente desonesto se desenvolva. Uma possível associação entre desonestidade acadêmica e o comportamento antiético no ambiente de trabalho é defendida por vários autores, alertando que comportamentos éticos dos estudantes podem gerar melhores líderes de organizações no futuro e aconselhando que se estabeleçam universidades provedoras de princípios morais e íntegros. O objetivo deste trabalho é contribuir para o entendimento dos fatores antecedentes da atitude dos alunos em relação à desonestidade acadêmica, por meio da identificação das associações que possam existir entre aspectos individuais e de grupo. Fundamentado inicialmente na Theory of Planned Behavior TPB (Teoria do Comportamento Planejado) de AJZEN (1991), e com base em extensa revisão de literatura, criou-se um modelo de pesquisa instrumentalizado como um pré-teste a estudantes de uma IES particular como forma de operacionalizar os construtos, obtendo-se 116 respostas válidas. Os dados foram obtidos a partir de uma survey eletrônica e analisados por Modelagem com Equações Estruturais, em particular com base no algoritmo Partial Least Squares PLS. As estimativas de coeficientes foram feitas pela técnica Bootstrap, com 1000 reamostragens, com reposição. Com base no pré-teste os resultados indicaram que a percepção das práticas do grupo é especialmente influente no comportamento acadêmico desonesto do indivíduo (Beta = 0,39; p< 0,00), mas também que a idade do aluno é inversamente proporcional à intensidade com que essa desonestidade se manifesta (Beta = -0,24; p<0,00). Adicionalmente, a característica pessoal de idealismo mostrou ser provável um fator de contenção da atitude favorável à desonestidade (Beta =-0,25; p<0,05), mas mecanismos como o desengajamento moral indicam sua provável presença identificada (Beta = 0,25; p<0,05), desfavorecendo o processo de autorregulação do aluno, o que amplia a atitude de desonestidade acadêmica. Optou-se pela técnica de análise multivariada com Modelagem de Equações Estruturais, considerada adequada para análise simultânea de relações entre construtos, e considerada uma técnica de caráter confirmatório, utilizada para determinar a validade do modelo teórico diante dos dados observados. Com algumas reformulações no instrumento, foi aplicada uma nova survey, quanto à coleta de dados foi aplicado um questionário eletrônico operado na plataforma Surveymonkey. O link do questionário foi enviado á uma população de 2000 alunos obtendo como retorno 146 respostas válidas. Nos resultados apresentados na pesquisa final destacam-se a influência da Percepção Social no comportamento da desonestidade acadêmica com coeficiente altamente significante (0,446***), também o desengajamento Moral frente à atitude e a Intenção/Comportamento com resultados expressivos quanto a influência do fator idade, apresentando o coeficiente (-0,156***). O estudo indica a possível existência de várias implicações para o gestor e para a comunidade acadêmica, permitindo desdobramentos em pesquisas futuras
O presente estudo teve como objetivos avaliar cefalometricamente as alterações esqueléticas, dentárias e de tecidos moles, no sentido sagital e vertical em pacientes submetidos à expansão rápida da maxila assistida cirurgicamente. A amostra constituiu-se de 51 telerradiografias em norma lateral de 17 pacientes adultos, brasileiros, sendo 6 do sexo masculino e 11 do sexo feminino, com idade média de 24 anos e 1 mês e severa deficiência transversa da maxila. As telerradiografias foram obtidas no início do tratamento (T1), após o procedimento de ERMAC (T2), e após três meses de contenção com o próprio aparelho disjuntor (T3). A partir da análise e discussão dos resultados, observouse rotação da maxila e da mandíbula no sentido horário, havendo, como conseqüência, aumento da AFAI. Após 3 meses de contenção, houve recidiva considerando-se o aumento da AFAI. Houve extrusão dos incisivos superiores, na qual foi mantida no período de contenção. Durante a contenção, houve também retrusão dos incisivos superiores. Considerando-se aos molares superiores, houve extrusão após a expansão, acompanhada de uma recidiva com menor magnitude quando comparada ao efeito da expansão obtida. Não houve alteração dos tecidos moles quanto a espessura nasal e houve retrusão do lábio superior, lábio inferior e pogônio mole, acompanhando a parte esquelética. Houve aumento do ângulo nasolabial.
A presente dissertação de mestrado teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade de vida e a saúde mental de 154 professores do ensino fundamental da rede publica de São Bernardo do Campo. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo do tipo transversal e os dados foram coletados nas escolas onde lecionam nos horários de HTPC. Os instrumentos utilizados foram: WHOQOL-bref, Questionário sócio-demográfico, Questionário de avaliação de nível sócio-econômico, Questionário de Morbidade Psiquiátrica de adultos - QMPA e o SF-36. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a qualidade de vida dos professores (WHOQOL-bref) tende a ser regular, no SF-36 a qualidade de vida na capacidade funcional, aspecto físico e aspectos sociais tendem a ser positivas. Mas, os indicadores das facetas: dor, estado geral de saúde, aspectos emocionais, saúde mental e principalmente vitalidade tendem a ser negativos. Os dados obtidos no questionário de morbidade psiquiátrica indicaram morbidade psiquiátrica em 33% dos professores. As correlações estabelecidas mostraram que quanto maior os indicadores psicopatológicos (QMPA) pior a qualidade de vida (WHOQOL-bref e SF-36). Concluiu-se nesse estudo que um professor com a qualidade de vida e com saúde mental é um professor com uma jornada de trabalho não extensa, que garanta um tempo para o descanso e momentos de lazer. Os professores mais velhos que diminuíram sua carga de trabalho apresentam melhor qualidade de vida e ausência de morbidade psiquiátrica
Algunos trabajos han destacado el hecho de que a pesar de las inmensas ventajas asociadas a la implementación del Cuadro de Mando Integral (CMI) su uso no se ha generalizado en muchas organizaciones motivado sobre todo por un conjunto de barreras que pueden impedir o limitar sus posibilidades de éxito. Así, este artículo tiene como objetivo identificar y analizar un conjunto de aspectos críticos derivados de la implementación del CMI. Hemos recurrido a los datos obtenidos mediante una extensa revisión bibliográfica. Los resultados obtenidos indican que existe un conjunto de problemas asociados a la implementación del CMI, a la formulación y ejecución de la estrategia, al concepto de CMI, a la definición de los objetivos y de las medidas o indicadores, al establecimiento de relaciones causa-efecto, a la definición de los stakeholders, a la cultura empresarial y al establecimiento de metas.
The natural and anthropogenic changes that are occurring at the coastal zone around the world represent the greatest problem to society in this century. This problem becomes more evident due to high density of coastal cities, to growing tourist-estate speculation of those areas and to climate change that tend to trigger and accelerate the erosive processes that operating in the littoral. In this context, it‟s possible perceive ever more a significant increase of problems associated to the coastal erosion and retreat of cliffs in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, where this study area of this search is located. The area is located in the coastal zone of the city of Baía Formosa/RN, in south-eastern coast of Rio Grande do Norte, and has a extension of about 1200 meters along the Porto beach. The main objective of this study is to analyze the stability of these cliffs in this region. Through field investigations, testings and computational analysis using the Finite Element Method and Equilibrium Limit Methods. The area was divided into four sections, and were applied checklists, and also realized characterization tests and direct shear tests with materials obtained along these sections. In this manner, it was found that the segments of cliff in this coastal zone have heights around 4 meters to 14 meters and inclinations of approximately 40° to 90°.However the constituents soils of the cliffs were classified, in general terms in accordance to Unified Soil Classification System (USCS), as clayey sands or silty sands, clays of low plasticity, clayey gravels and poorly graduaded sands. The most variegated and clayey soils belong to base of the cliff. The stability analysis showed that the safety factors ranged in section 01, from 1.92 to 4.93, in the section 02, from 1.00 to 1.43, in the section 03, from 1.36 to 1.75 , and section 04, from 1.00 to 3.64. Thus, the sections 02 and 03 were considered more unstable. However, the section 03 can be considered as the most critical section due to the absence of coastal protection structures and the narrow strip of beach.
The teaching profession is often associated with extensive workload inside and outside the classroom, poor teaching conditions, among other challenges that can cause sleep problems. These problems may be even greater in women, due to the professional and domestic work hours and to the major sleep necessity. Considering that sleeping problems may result from the practice of poor sleep habits, sleep education programs are conducted with the aim to reduce sleep deprivation, irregularity on sleep schedules, daytime sleepiness and improve sleep quality. In this sense, the objective of this study is to evaluate the influence of working hours, gender and a sleep education program on sleeping habits, quality of sleep, daytime sleepiness and the level of stress in teachers of elementary and secondary education. For that, teachers filled the questionnaires that assessed: 1. Sleeping habits (Sleep & Health), 2. Chronotype (Horne & Ostberg), 3. Daytime sleepiness (Epworth Sleepiness Scale), 4. Sleep Quality (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index), 5. Level of stress (The Inventory of Stress for Adults of Lipp) and 6. Daily pattern of sleep/wake cycle (Sleep Diary). The questionnaires 1, 4, 5 and 6 were repeated 3 weeks after the sleep education program. Teachers who begin work in the morning (7:11 ± 0:11 h) wake up earlier in the week and often have poor sleep quality compared to those who start in the afternoon (13:04 ± 00:12 h). Among those who begin work in the morning, the intermediate types and those with an evening tendency were more irregular in the wake up time than morning types and increased sleep duration on weekend. In relation to gender, women had longer sleep duration than men, although the majority presented excessive daytime sleepiness and poor sleep quality. However, when work schedule and age are similar between genders, the difference in sleep duration becomes a tendency and the difference in the percentage of excessive daytime sleepiness disappears, but the poor sleep quality persists in women. With respect to teachers who have gone through the sleep education program, there was an increase in knowledge about the subject, which may have contributed to the reduction in the frequency of coffee consumption close to bedtime and to the sleep quality improved in 18 % of participants. In the control group, there were random differences in knowledge in 3rd stage, and sleep quality improved in only 9% of teachers. The participation in the sleep education program was not enough to change the hours of sleep and decrease stress of teachers. Therefore, the start time school in the morning was preponderant in determining the wake up time of teachers, especially for intermediates types and those with an evening tendency. Furthermore, the poor quality of sleep was more common in women, and the sleep education program contributed to increase knowledge on the subject and to improve sleep quality.
Metamaterials have attracted great attention in recent decades, due to their electromagnetic properties which are not found in nature. Since metamaterials are now synthesized by the insertion of artificially manufactured inclusions in a specified homogeneous medium, it became possible for the researcher to work with a wide collection of independent parameters, for example, the electromagnetic properties of the material. An investigation of the properties of ring resonators was performed as well as those of metamaterials. A study of the major theories that clearly explain superconductivity was presented. The BCS theory, London Equations and the Two-Fluid Model are theories that support the application of superconducting microstrip antennas. Therefore, this thesis presents theoretical, numerical and experimental-computational analysis using full-wave formalism, through the application of the Transverse Transmission Line – LTT method applied in the Fourier Transform Domain (FTD). The LTT is a full wave method, which, as a rule, obtains the electromagnetic fields in terms of the transverse components of the structure. The inclusion of the superconducting patch is performed using the complex resistive boundary condition. Results of resonant frequency as a function of antenna parameters are obtained. To validate the analysis, computer programs were developed using Fortran, simulations were created using the commercial software, with curves being drawn using commercial software and MATLAB, in addition to comparing the conventional patch with the superconductor as well as comparing a metamaterial substrate with a conventional one, joining the substrate with the patch, observing what improves on both cas