998 resultados para maalaustaide - 1600-luku
BACKGROUND & AIMS: The hepatitis C virus (HCV) NS3-4A protease is essential for the HCV life cycle and a prime target of antiviral treatment strategies. Protease inhibitors, however, are limited by emergence of resistance-associated amino acid variants (RAVs). The capacity to cleave and inactivate mitochondrial antiviral-signaling protein (MAVS) in the RIG-I-signaling pathway is a cardinal feature of NS3-4A, by which HCV blocks induction of interferon-(IFN)-β, thereby promoting viral persistence. Here, we aimed to investigate the impact of NS3-4A RAVs on MAVS cleavage. METHODS: The impact of NS3-4A RAVs on MAVS cleavage was assessed using immunoblot analyses, luciferase reporter assays and molecular dynamics simulations to study the underlying molecular principles. IFN-β was quantified in serum from patients with different NS3-4A RAVs. RESULTS: We show that macrocyclic NS3-4A RAVS with substitutions at residue D168 of the protease result in an increased capacity of NS3-4A to cleave MAVS and suppress IFN-β induction compared with a comprehensive panel of RAVs and wild type HCV. Mechanistically, we show the reconstitution of a tight network of electrostatic interactions between protease and the peptide substrate that allows much stronger binding of MAVS to D168 RAVs than to the wild-type protease. Accordingly, we could show IFN-β serum levels to be lower in patients with treatment failure due to the selection of D168 variants compared to R155 RAVs. CONCLUSIONS: Our data constitutes a proof of concept that the selection of RAVs against specific classes of direct antivirals can lead to the predominance of viral variants with possibly adverse pathogenic characteristics.
[S.l.] [1800-1820?]
Roma : Antonio Lafreri 1572
Järvimaisema Aulangolta. Vastarannalla puiden keskellä Karlbergin kartano ja linnanrauniot.
Helsingfors : A.W. Gröndahl & A.C. Öhman 1845 : Dresden, Adler u. Dietze
Åbo 1809, Frenckell
Tampere 1895
Sisällys/Contents: 1. ¿Andersen: ham-Mal¿ak. Targum: ¿Abi¿asap. 2. ¿Andersen: Be-¿aharit-jam. 3. ¿Andersen: Tippat ham-majim. & ha-Hol. 4-5. Andersen: Perah qatan. 6. H. Lewe: Perah nipla¿. & Qeren hash-shemesh. 7-8. Maqs Nordo: Siah hash-shoshannim. Targum: Sh.L. Gordon. 9. P. ¿Awwirpuk: ¿Ateret haz-zahab. 10. ¿A. Terje: he-Halil han-nipla¿. Targum: P. ¿Awwirpuk. 11-15. Ma¿asijjot liladim. Targum: Shelomo Berman. 16. Mika Josep Berditshevsqi: Ma¿asijjot we-¿aggadot. 17-18. Herodot: Hekal ra¿meses. ¿al jede: ¿A-S. 19. J.V. Levner: hab-Kotel ham-ma¿arabi. 20. ¿A.L. Ja¿aqubovis: ¿Abraham hak-Kaspi. 21-22. Sha¿ul Tshernihovsqi: Shirim. 23-25. Jishaq J. Qassenelson. Shirim.
Paris [1856]
Venezia : Presso Antonio Zatta 1782
Kuvalla nimeke myös ruotsiksi, saksaksi ja englanniksi.
Vanhin säilynyt Aleksis Kiveä esittävä kuva on tehty kevättalvella 1873. Piirtäjä on jokseenkin varmasti Albert Edelfelt, jolla on ollut käytettävänä Albert Forssellin Kiven hautajaisissa tekemät luonnokset. - Kuva on digitoitu Lintu-kustannuksen 1980-luvulla julkaisemasta postikortista.