993 resultados para location service


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O objeto do presente estudo trata das repercussões do trabalho na Central de Material e Esterilização (CME) para o processo saúde-doença dos trabalhadores de enfermagem, na perspectiva desse coletivo profissional. Através de conversas informais com os profissionais da CME e de minhas observações, identifiquei que os trabalhadores de enfermagem queixavam-se das sobrecargas física e mental, da inadequação dos recursos materiais, além do estresse advindo das exigências do posto de trabalho. Considerando a natureza do objeto de estudo e as questões norteadoras, pretende-se, como objetivo geral: discutir a situação de saúde dos trabalhadores de enfermagem em uma CME de um Hospital Geral, correlacionando com a organização do trabalho e processo laboral desses trabalhadores. Os objetivos específicos foram: descrever a organização e o processo de trabalho dos trabalhadores de enfermagem da CME de um Hospital Geral; analisar a configuração da organização e do processo de trabalho na CME, na perspectiva de interferência no processo saúde-doençados trabalhadores de enfermagem; e propor estratégias para melhorar a saúde e a segurança dos trabalhadores de enfermagem da CME. Para a realização desta pesquisa, optou-se pela abordagem qualitativa, de caráter descritivo e exploratório. O cenário do estudo foi CME de um hospital geral, de grande porte, do serviço público, situado no município do Rio de Janeiro. Os sujeitos foram 34 trabalhadores de enfermagem (vinte e cinco técnicos de enfermagem e nove enfermeiras). Utilizou-se a entrevista do tipo semiestruturada, associada à observação não participante no setor, sendo os dados obtidos nos meses de março a maio de 2013.Para o tratamento e a análise dos dados coletados recorreu-se à análise temática de conteúdo.O estudo foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Instituição e protocoladocom o n 081.3.2012. Na primeira categoria evidenciou-se que, em função de uma obra iniciada há cerca de dois anos, houve prejuízos para a condução do processo de trabalho nesta unidade, gerando improvisações na estrutura organizacional e no modo operatório do processo laboral. Outrasquestõesrelatadas foram a insuficiência de recursos materiais, a precariedade dos vínculos de trabalho e a escassez de recursos humanos.Na segunda categoria constatou-se queos trabalhadores salientaram a sobrecarga físicadecorrente da forma como está configurado a organização e o processo laboral, destacando-se a repetitividade das tarefas. Na terceira categoria, os sujeitos relataram que a CME é um excelente cenário para aprendizado, que sentem orgulho em trabalhar em um local imprescindível para a instituição, porém destacaram que sofrem por não terem o reconhecimento desejado. Por fim, na quarta categoria, os depoentes propuseram a retomada e a finalização das obras, além da regulamentação dos contratos precários de trabalho e a necessidade da realização de novos concursos públicos. Recomenda-se que se ampliem os espaços de discussão sobre Saúde do Trabalhador e sobre CME na formação de enfermagem, buscando-se a participação efetiva dos trabalhadores nas lutas políticas que envolvem a classe e a área da saúde, destacando-se a conquista por condições dignas de trabalho.


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In the North Pacific Ocean, an ecosystem-based fishery management approach has been adopted. A significant objective of this approach is to reduce interactions between fishery-related activities and protected species. We review management measures developed by the North Pacific Fishery Management Council and the National Marine Fisheries Service to reduce effects of the groundfish fisheries off Alaska on marine mammals and seabirds, while continuing to provide economic opportunities for fishery participants. Direct measures have been taken to mitigate known fishery impacts, and precautionary measures have been taken for species with potential (but no documented) interactions with the groundfish fisheries. Area closures limit disturbance to marine mammals at rookeries and haulouts, protect sensitive benthic habitat, and reduce potential competition for prey resources. Temporal and spatial dispersion of catches reduce the localized impact of fishery removals. Seabird avoidance measures have been implemented through collaboration with fishery participants and have been highly successful in reducing seabird bycatch. Finally, a comprehensive observer monitoring program provides data on the location and extent of bycatch of marine mammals and seabirds. These measures provide managers with the flexibility to adapt to changes in the status of protected species and evolving conditions in the fisheries. This review should be useful to fishery managers as an example of an ecosystem-based approach to protected species management that is adaptive and accounts for multiple objectives.


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The United States has managed and analyzed its marine fisheries since 1871, and since 1970 via NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). As the primary directive moved from aiding fishermen in expanding their operations emphasizing conservation, the government over time recognized that management involves influencing people not fish, and has hired social scientists to complement the biologists who assess fish populations. This change has not always been smooth. We use archival documents and oral histories to trace the development of sociocultural analytic capabilities within NMFS and describe future plans for growing the program. Four points are made. First, NMFS has created the best developed social science program in NOAA. Second, established institutions change slowly; achieving the social science presence in NMFS has taken over 25 years. Third, change needs visionaries and champions with both tenacity and opportunity. Fourth, social science data collection and research helps in making fishery management decisions, but they have also been useful in evaluating the impact and helping with the recovery from Hurricane Katrina. Good work finds other uses.


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Oysters, Crassostrea virginica, and softshell clams, Mya arenaria, along the Massachusetts coast were harvested by European colonists beginning in the 1600’s. By the 1700’s, official Commonwealth rules were established to regulate their harvests. In the final quarter of the 1800’s, commercial fishermen began harvesting northern quahogs, Mercenaria mercenaria, and northern bay scallops, Argopecten irradians irradians, and regulations established by the Massachusetts Legislature were applied to their harvests also. Constables (also termed wardens), whose salaries were paid by the local towns, enforced the regulations, which centered on restricting harvests to certain seasons, preventing seed from being taken, and personal daily limits on harvests. In 1933, the Massachusetts Legislature turned over shellfisheries management to individual towns. Local constables (wardens) enforced the rules. In the 1970’s, the Massachusetts Shellfish Officers Association was formed, and was officially incorporated in 2000, to help the constables deal with increasing environmental problems in estuaries where fishermen harvest mollusks. The constables’ stewardship of the molluscan resources and the estuarine environments and promotion of the fisheries has become increasingly complex.


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The U.S. Fish Commission was initiated in 1871 with Spencer Fullerton Baird as the first U.S. Fish Commissioner as an independent entity. In 1903 it became a part of the new U.S. Department of Commerce and Labor and was renamed the Bureau of Fisheries, a name it retained when the Departments of Commerce and Labor were separated in 1912. The Bureau remained in the Commerce Department until 1941 when it was merged with the Biological Survey and placed in the Department of Interior as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. It was a scientific agency with well conceived programs of action, and it provided knowledge, advice, and example to state governments and individuals with fisheries interests and needs. Its efforts were supported by timely international agreements which constituted the precedent for Federal interest in fishery matters. The Fisheries Service earned stature as an advisor through heavy emphasis on basic biological research. The lack of such knowledge was marked and universal in the 1870’s, but toward the end of that decade, strong steps had been taken to address those needs under Baird’s leadership. USFC research activities were conducted cooperatively with other prominent scientists in the United States and abroad. Biological stations were established, and the world’s first and most productive deepsea research vessel, the Albatross, was constructed, and its 40-year career gave a strong stimulus to the science of oceanography. Together, the agency’s scientists and facilities made important additions to the sum of human knowledge, derived principles of conservation which were the vital bases for effective regulatory legislation, conducted extensive fish cultural work, collected and disseminated fisheries statistics, and began important research in methods of fish harvesting, preservation, transportation, and marketing.


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Systematic surveys, along with opportunistic sightings, have provided important information on sea turtle (Cheloniidae and Dermochelydae) distributions, knowledge which can help reduce the risk of harmful human interaction. In 1991 and 1992, the Marine Recreational Fishery Sta- tistics Survey (MRFSS) of the National Ma- rine Fisheries Service, NOAA, provided a unique opportunity to gain additional, synoptic information on the spatial and temporal distribution of sea turtles along the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coasts by asking recreational anglers if they had observed a sea turtle on their fishing trip. During the spring and summer months of those years, as water temperatures warmed, the MRFSS documented an increase in sea turtle sightings in inshore waters and in a northward direction along the U.S. Atlantic Coast and in a westward direction along the northern Gulf of Mexico. This pattern reversed in the late summer and fall months as water temperatures cooled, with sea turtles concentrating along Georgia and both coasts of Florida. Although the MRFSS did not provide species or size composition of sea turtles sighted, and effort varied depending upon location of fishing activity and time of year anglers were queried, it did provide an additional and useful means of ascertaining spatial and temporal distributions of sea turtles along these coasts.


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Belugas, Delphinapterus leucas, in Cook Inlet, Alaska, represent a unique and isolated marine mammal population that has been hunted for a variety of purposes since prehistoric times. Archeological studies have shown that both Alutiiq Eskimos and Dena'ina Atabaskan Indians have long utilized many marine resources in Cook Inlet, including belugas. Over the past century, commercial whaling and sport hunting also occurred periodically in Cook Inlet prior to the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 (MMPA). During the 1990's, the hunting mortality by Alaska Natives apparently increased to 40-70 whales per year, which led to the decling of this stock and its subsequent designation in 2000 as depleted under the MMPA. Concerns about the decline of the Cook Inlet stock resulted in a voluntary suspension of the subsistenc hunt by Alaska Natives in 1999. The difficulty in obtaining accurate estimates for the harvest of these whales is due to the inability to identify all of the hunters and, in turn, the size of the harvest. Attempts to reconstruct harvest records based on hunters' recollections and interviews from only a few households have been subject to a wide degree of speculation. To adequately monitor the beluga harvest, the National Marine Fisheries Service established marking and reporting regulations in October 1999. These rules require that Alaska Natives who hunt belugas in Cook Inlet must collect the lowere left jaw from harvested whales and complete a report that includes date and time of the harvest, coloration of the whale, harvest location, and method of harvest. The MMPA was amended in 2000 to require a cooperative agreement between the National Marine Fisheries Service and Alaska Native organizations before hunting could be resumed.


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A preliminary study of reef fish and sharks was conducted at Navassa Island in the Caribbean Sea during a 24-h period beginning 9 September 1998. Conducting a study at Navassa Island was of particular interest because exploitation of Navassa Island’s fishery resources has been considered minimal due to its remote location (southwest of the Windward Passage, Caribbean Sea) and lack of human habitation. Reef fish (and associated habitats) were assessed with stationary underwater video cameras at 3 survey sites; sharks were assessed by bottom longlining at 5 survey sites. Fifty-seven reef fish identifications to lowest possible taxon were made from video footage. Longline catches produced 3 shark species and 3 incidental catch species. When results from the 1998 National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) project are combined with a previous 1977 NMFS survey of Navassa Island, 27 fish families, 79 fish identifications to lowest possible taxon, 4 invertebrate orders or families, 3 coraline families, and 2 macroalgae phyla are reported.


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Logbook set and trip summary data (containing catch and cost information, respectively) collected by NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) were analyzed for U.S. pelagic longline vessels that participated in Atlantic fisheries in 1996. These data were augmented with vessel information from the U.S. Coast Guard. Mean fish weights and ex-vessel prices from NMFS observers and licensed seafood dealers, respectively, were used to estimate gross revenues. Comparisons revealed that net returns varied substantially by vessel size and fishing behavior (i.e. sets per trip, fishing location, season, and swordfish targeting). While the calculated economic effects of proposed regulations will depend on the descriptive statistic chosen for analysis, which itself depends on the type of analysis being conducted, results show that considering heterogeneity within this fleet can have a significant effect on predicted economic consequences.