985 resultados para gnetophytic affinity


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We tested for antigen recognition and T cell receptor (TCR)-ligand binding 12 peptide derivative variants on seven H-2Kd-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) clones specific for a bifunctional photoreactive derivative of the Plasmodium berghei circumsporozoite peptide 252-260 (SYIPSAEKI). The derivative contained iodo-4-azidosalicylic acid in place of PbCS S-252 and 4-azidobenzoic acid on PbCS K-259. Selective photoactivation of the N-terminal photoreactive group allowed crosslinking to Kd molecules and photoactivation of the orthogonal group to TCR. TCR photoaffinity labeling with covalent Kd-peptide derivative complexes allowed direct assessment of TCR-ligand binding on living CTL. In most cases (over 80%) cytotoxicity (chromium release) and TCR-ligand binding differed by less than fivefold. The exceptions included (a) partial TCR agonists (8 cases), for which antigen recognition was five-tenfold less efficient than TCR-ligand binding, (b) TCR antagonists (2 cases), which were not recognized and capable of inhibiting recognition of the wild-type conjugate, (c) heteroclitic agonists (2 cases), for which antigen recognition was more efficient than TCR-ligand binding, and (d) one partial TCR agonist, which activated only Fas (C1)95), but not perforin/granzyme-mediated cytotoxicity. There was no correlation between these divergences and the avidity of TCR-ligand binding, indicating that other factors than binding avidity determine the nature of the CTL response. An unexpected and novel finding was that CD8-dependent clones clearly incline more to TCR antagonism than CD8-independent ones. As there was no correlation between CD8 dependence and the avidity of TCR-ligand binding, the possibility is suggested that CD8 plays a critical role in aberrant CTL function.


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Abstract : The maintenance of genome stability is a challenge for all living organisms. DNA is regularly subjected to chemical alterations by both endogenous and exogenous DNA damaging agents. If left unrepaired, these lesions will create mutations or lead to chromosomal instability. DNA crosslinking agents probably bring about the most toxic lesions. By linking covalently the two strands of DNA, crosslinking agents will impede essential cellular processes such as replication and transcription. Cells from Fanconi anaemia patients are extremely sensitive to these agents. Fanconi anaemia (FA) is a rare chromosomal instability disorder that leads to developmental defects, pancytopenia and cancer susceptibility. FA is a genetically heterogeneous disease with thirteen complementation groups identified. Proteins encoded by the FA genes work together in the FA pathway. Eight of these proteins form the FA core complex (FANC-A, B, C,E, F, G, L and -M), whose integrity is required to monoubiquitinate FANCD2 and FANCI in response to DNA damage. The hypersensitivity of FA cells to crosslinking agents, which perturb the progression of replication forks, has led to the hypothesis that FA proteins play a crucial role in the response to replication stress. However, at the molecular level, the functions of the FA pathway remain largely unknown. Our efforts were first focused on the characterization of FANCD2, "the key effector of the FA pathway". Using different substrates, we found that in vitro, purified hFANCD2 preferentially binds single strand DNA and double strand DNA extremities. Concomitantly, FANCM was identified as a new component of the FA core complex. Moreover FANCM was shown to have specific branch migration activities and probably a role as a "landing platform" on DNA for the other components of the core complex. By using FANCM mutants carrying deletions within the internal domain, we investigated the role of FANCM as a DNA anchor protein for the core complex. We observed that indeed, a specific part of the internal domain of FANCM interacts with components of the core complex. Finally, in collaboration with Weidong Wang's lab we characterized two new components of the FA pathway: FAAP10 and FAAP16. As a heterodimer these two proteins show affinity for dsDNA, and anneal complementary oligonucleotides in vitro. Moreover these proteins can associate with FANCM via a part of its internal domain. We find that FANCM, FAAP 10 and FAAP 16 can co-exist on the branch point of replication and recombination intermediates, and that FAAP10 and FAAP16 stimulate replication fork reversal by FANCM. These results suggest that FANCM may function as a landing platform for the core complex. After loading on DNA, the core complex can activate FANCD2 through monoubiquitination leading to its recruitment to the site of damage. Since ssDNA and double strand breaks are intermediates that are generated as a consequence of collapsed replication forks, FANCD2 by binding to ds DNA ends and ssDNA could protect such structures from the recombination repair machinery and prevent unscheduled recombination events. Alternatively, FANCD2 could avoid nucleases from gaining access to collapsed forks, preserving the DNA in state that can be used as a starting point for resumption of DNA synthesis. The overall comprehension of the FA pathway is far from been complete. Our results unravel new aspects of Fanconi Anaemia, which hopefully in the near future will address keys questions leading to a better understanding of the fascinating Fanconi Anaemia. Résumé : Le maintien de l'intégrité du génome est fondamentale chez tous les organismes vivants. L'ADN est constamment altéré par des composés aussi bien endogènes qu'exogènes. Si ces altérations ne sont pas réparées, elles peuvent conduire à l'apparition de mutations, ainsi qu'à une instabilité génomique accrue. Les lésions les plus sévères qui peuvent survenir sur l'ADN, sont les pontages inter caténaires. Des agents pontants en liant de façon covalente les deux brins d'ADN, vont empêcher le déroulement normal de processus cellulaires essentiels tels que la réplication ou la transcription. La compréhension des mécanismes permettant à la cellule de tolérer et réparer ces lésions est primordiale, notamment dans le cas des patients atteints de l'anémie de Fanconi qui présentent une très grande sensibilité à ces composés pontants. L'anémie de Fanconi est une maladie génétique rare appartenant à un groupe de pathologies associées à une grande instabilité chromosomique. Les patients atteints de l'anémie de Fanconi présentent des malformations du squelette, une pancytopénie et une forte propension à la survenue de cancer. L'anémie de Fanconi est génétiquement très hétérogène. À ce jour, 13 gènes codant pour 13 protéines FANC différentes ont été identifiés. Huit de ces protéines fonctionnent ensemble au sein d'un complexe (nommé le complexe FANC) ayant pour but de monoubiquitiner FANCD2 et FANCI en réponse à la formation de lésions sur l'ADN. L'extrême sensibilité des cellules de patients atteints de l'anémie de Fanconi à ces agents pontant l'ADN suggère l'implication des protéines FANC dans la réponse cellulaire suite à une stress réplicatif. Cependant, le rôle moléculaire exact de ces protéines demeure encore inconnu. Après purification, nous avons observé que FANCD2 était capable de lier l'ADN simple brin, ainsi que les extrémités d'ADN in vitro. Dans le même temps, FANCM fut identifié comme appartenant au complexe FANC. FANCM est décrit comme une translocase capable de promouvoir le déplacement de point de jonction dans des structures d'ADN spécifiques in vitro. De plus, en se liant à l'ADN, FANCM peut agir comme une plateforme pour les autres protéines FANC, leur permettant ainsi d'être adressées à l'ADN. En créant des protéines FANCM recombinantes ayant des délétions dans le domaine interne, nous avons pu observer que certaines protéines du complexe FANC se fixent à des sites spécifiques sur le domaine interne de FANCM. Enfin, au travers d'une collaboration, nous avons été amenés à caractériser deux nouvelles protéines appartenant au complexe FANC : FAAP 10 et FAAP16. Elles s'associent à FANCM par l'intermédiaire du domaine interne, et forment ainsi un hétérotrimére. La présence de FAAP10 et FAAP16 n'affecte pas la liaison de FANCM à l'ADN, mais semble potentialiser son activité de régression in vitro. FANCM semble donc fonctionner comme une plateforme pour les autres composants du complexe FANC. Ces derniers, une fois liés à l'ADN permettent la monoubiquitination de FANCD2 et son recrutement au site lésé de l'ADN. FANCD2 en se liant de façon préférentielle à l'ADN simple brin et aux extrémités d'ADN qui sont générés lors de l'arrêt et du démantèlement d'une fourche de réplication, pourrait protéger ces même fourches de réplication arrêtées, d'évènements de recombinaison aléatoires. Nos résultats apportent de nouveaux éléments concernant les mécanismes moléculaires de l'anémie de Fanconi. Enfin, l'étude de l'anémie de Fanconi permet aussi de mieux comprendre les mécanismes mis en place par la cellule pour tolérer des lésions survenant lors de la réplication.


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The Cerro Quema district, located on the Azuero Peninsula, Panama, is part of a large regional hydrothermal system controlled by regional faults striking broadly E-W, developed within the Río Quema Formation. This formation is composed of volcanic, sedimentary and volcano-sedimentary rocks indicating a submarine depositional environment, corresponding to the fore-arc basin of a CretaceousPaleogene volcanic arc. The structures observed in the area and their tectono-stratigraphic relationship with the surrounding formations suggest a compressive and/or transpressive tectonic regime, at least during Late CretaceousOligocene times. The igneous rocks of the Río Quema Formation plot within the calc-alkaline field with trace and rare earth element (REE) patterns of volcanic arc affinity. This volcanic arc developed on the Caribbean large igneous province during subduction of the Farallon Plate. Mineralization consists of disseminations of pyrite and enargite as well as a stockwork of pyrite and barite with minor sphalerite, galena and chalcopyrite, hosted by a subaqueous dacitic lava dome of the Río Quema Formation. Gold is present as submicroscopic grains and associated with pyrite as invisible gold. A hydrothermal alteration pattern with a core of advanced argillic alteration (vuggy silica with alunite, dickite, pyrite and enargite) and an outer zone of argillic alteration (kaolinite, smectite and illite) has been observed. Supergene oxidation overprinted the hydrothermal alteration resulting in a thick cap of residual silica and iron oxides. The ore minerals, the alteration pattern and the tectono-volcanic environment of Cerro Quema are consistent with a high sulfidation epithermal system developed in the Azuero peninsula during pre-Oligocene times.


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Immunogenicity of a long 20-mer NY-ESO-1f peptide vaccine was evaluated in a lung cancer patient TK-f01, immunized with the peptide with Picibanil OK-432 and Montanide ISA-51. We showed that internalization of the peptide was necessary to present CD8 T-cell epitopes on APC, contrasting with the direct presentation of the short epitope. CD8 T-cell responses restricted to all five HLA class I alleles were induced in the patient after the peptide vaccination. Clonal analysis showed that B*35:01 and B*52:01-restricted CD8 T-cell responses were the two dominant responses. The minimal epitopes recognized by A*24:02, B*35:01, B*52:01 and C*12:02-restricted CD8 T-cell clones were defined and peptide/HLA tetramers were produced. NY-ESO-1 91-101 on A*24:02, NY-ESO-1 92-102 on B*35:01, NY-ESO-1 96-104 on B*52:01 and NY-ESO-1 96-104 on C*12:02 were new epitopes first defined in this study. Identification of the A*24:02 epitope is highly relevant for studying the Japanese population because of its high expression frequency (60%). High affinity CD8 T-cells recognizing tumor cells naturally expressing the epitopes and matched HLA were induced at a significant level. The findings suggest the usefulness of a long 20-mer NY-ESO-1f peptide harboring multiple CD8 T-cell epitopes as an NY-ESO-1 vaccine. Characterization of CD8 T-cell responses in immunomonitoring using peptide/HLA tetramers revealed that multiple CD8 T-cell responses comprised the dominant response.


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The high-affinity siderophore salicylate is an intermediate in the biosynthetic pathway of pyochelin, another siderophore and chelator of transition metal ions, in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The 2.5-kb region upstream of the salicylate biosynthetic genes pchBA was sequenced and found to contain two additional, contiguous genes, pchD and pchC, having the same orientation. The deduced amino acid sequence of the 60-kDa PchD protein was similar to those of the EntE protein (2,3-dihydroxybenzoate-AMP ligase) of Escherichia coli and other adenylate-forming enzymes, suggesting that salicylate might be adenylated at the carboxyl group by PchD. The 28-kDa PchC protein showed similarities to thioesterases of prokaryotic and eukaryotic origin and might participate in the release of the product(s) formed from activated salicylate. One potential product, dihydroaeruginoate (Dha), was identified in culture supernatants of iron-limited P. aeruginosa cells. The antifungal antibiotic Dha is thought to arise from the reaction of salicylate with cysteine, followed by cyclization of cysteine. Inactivation of the chromosomal pchD gene by insertion of the transcription and translation stop element omega Sm/Sp abolished the production of Dha and pyochelin, implying that PchD-mediated activation of salicylate may be a common first step in the synthesis of both metabolites. Furthermore, the pchD::omega Sm/Sp mutation had a strong polar effect on the expression of the pchBA genes, i.e., on salicylate synthesis, indicating that the pchDCBA genes constitute a transcriptional unit. A full-length pchDCBA transcript of ca. 4.4 kb could be detected in iron-deprived, growing cells of P. aeruginosa. Transcription of pchD started at tandemly arranged promoters, which overlapped with two Fur boxes (binding sites for the ferric uptake regulator) and the promoter of the divergently transcribed pchR gene encoding an activator of pyochelin biosynthesis. This promoter arrangement allows tight iron-mediated repression of the pchDCBA operon.


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Summary Prevalence of type 2 diabetes is increasing worldwide at alarming rates, probably secondarily to that of obesity. As type 2 diabetes is characterized by blood hyperglycemia, controlling glucose entry into tissues from the bloodstream is key to maintain glycemia within acceptable ranges. In this context, several glucose transporter isoforms have been cloned recently and some of them have appeared to play important regulatory roles. Better characterizing two of them (GLUT8 and GLUT9) was the purpose of my work. The first part of my work was focused on GLUT8, which is mainly expressed in the brain and is able to transport glucose with high affinity. GLUT8 is retained intracellularly at basal state depending on an N-terminal dileucine motif, thus implying that cell surface expression may be induced by extracellular triggers. In this regard, I was interested in better defining GLUT8 subcellular localization at basal state and in finding signals promoting its translocation, using an adenoviral vector expressing a myc epitope-tagged version of the transporter, thus allowing expression and detection of cell-surface GLUT8 in primary hippocampal neurons and PC 12 cells. This tool enabled me to found out that GLUT8 resides in a unique compartment different from lysosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, endosomes and the Golgi. In addition, absence of GLUT8 translocation following pharmacological activation of several signalling pathways suggests that GLUT8 does not ever translocate to the cell surface, but would rather fulfill its role in its unique intracellular compartment. The second part of my work was focused on GLUT9, which -contrarily to GLUT8 - is unable to transport glucose, but retains the ability to bind glucose-derived cross-linker molecules, thereby suggesting that it may be a glucose sensor rather than a true glucose transporter. The aim of the project was thus to define if GLUT9 triggers intracellular signals when activated. Therefore, adenoviral vectors expressing GLUTS were used to infect both ßpancreatic and liver-derived cell lines, as GLUTS is endogenously expressed in the liver. Comparison of gene expression between cells infected with the GLUTS-expressing adenovirus and cells infected with a GFP-expressing control adenovirus ended up in the identification of the transcription factor HNF4α as being upregulated in aGLUT9-dependent manner. Résumé La prévalence du diabète de type 2 augmente de façon alarmante dans le monde entier, probablement secondairement à celle de l'obésité. Le diabète de type 2 étant caractérisé par une glycémie sanguine élevée, l'entrée du glucose dans les tissus depuis la circulation sanguine constitue un point de contrôle important pour maintenir la glycémie à des valeurs acceptables. Dans ce contexte, plusieurs isoformes de transporteurs au glucose ont été clonées récemment et certaines d'entre elles sont apparues comme jouant d'importants rôles régulateurs. Mieux caractériser deux d'entre elles (GLUT8 et GLUT9) était le but de mon travail. La première partie de mon travail a été centrée sur GLUT8, qui est exprimé principalement dans le cerveau et qui peut transporter le glucose avec une haute affinité. GLUT8 est retenu intracellulairement à l'état basal de façon dépendante d'un motif dileucine N-terminal, ce qui implique que son expression à la surface cellulaire pourrait être induite par des stimuli extracellulaires. Dans cette optique, je me suis intéressé à mieux définir la localisation subcellulaire de GLUT8 à l'état basal et à trouver des signaux activant sa translocation, en utilisant comme outil un vecteur adénoviral exprimant une version marquée (tag myc) du transporteur, me permettant ainsi d'exprimer et de détecter GLUT8 à la surface cellulaire dans des neurones hippocampiques primaires et des cellules PC12. Cet outil m'a permis de montrer que GLUT8 réside dans un compartiment unique différent des lysosomes, du réticulum endoplasmique, des endosomes, ainsi que du Golgi. De plus, l'absence de translocation de GLUT8 à la suite de l'activation pharmacologique de plusieurs voies de signalisation suggère que GLUT8 ne transloque jamais à la membrane plasmique, mais jouerait plutôt un rôle au sein même de son compartiment intracellulaire unique. La seconde partie de mon travail a été centrée sur GLUT9, lequel -contrairement à GLUT8 -est incapable de transporter le glucose, mais conserve la capacité de se lier à des molécules dérivées du glucose, suggérant que ce pourrait être un senseur de glucose plutôt qu'un vrai transporteur. Le but du projet a donc été de définir si GLUT9 active des signaux intracellulaires quand il est lui-même activé. Pour ce faire, des vecteurs adénoviraux exprimant GLUT9 ont été utilisés pour infecter des lignées cellulaires dérivées de cellules ßpancréatiques et d'hépatocytes, GLUT9 étant exprimé de façon endogène dans le foie. La comparaison de l'expression des gènes entre des cellules infectées avec l'adénovirus exprimant GLUT9 et un adénovirus contrôle exprimant la GFP a permis d'identifier le facteur de transcription HNF4α comme étant régulé de façon GLUT9-dépendante. Résumé tout public Il existe deux types bien distincts de diabète. Le diabète de type 1 constitue environ 10 des cas de diabète et se déclare généralement à l'enfance. Il est caractérisé par une incapacité du pancréas à sécréter une hormone, l'insuline, qui régule la concentration sanguine du glucose (glycémie). Il en résulte une hyperglycémie sévère qui, si le patient n'est pas traité à l'insuline, conduit à de graves dommages à divers organes, ce qui peut mener à la cécité, à la perte des membres inférieurs, ainsi qu'à l'insuffisance rénale. Le diabète de type 2 se déclare plus tard dans la vie. Il n'est pas causé par une déficience en insuline, mais plutôt par une incapacité de l'insuline à agir sur ses tissus cibles. Le nombre de cas de diabète de type 2 augmente de façon dramatique, probablement à la suite de l'augmentation des cas d'obésité, le surpoids chronique étant le principal facteur de risque de diabète. Chez l'individu sain, le glucose sanguin est transporté dans différents organes (foie, muscles, tissu adipeux,...) où il est utilisé comme source d'énergie. Chez le patient diabétique, le captage de glucose est altéré, expliquant ainsi l'hyperglycémie. Il est ainsi crucial d'étudier les mécanismes permettant ce captage. Ainsi, des protéines permettant l'entrée de glucose dans la cellule depuis le milieu extracellulaire ont été découvertes depuis une vingtaine d'années. La plupart d'entre elles appartiennent à une sous-famille de protéines nommée GLUT (pour "GLUcose Transporters") dont cinq membres ont été caractérisés et nommés selon l'ordre de leur découverte (GLUT1-5). Néanmoins, la suppression de ces protéines chez la souris par des techniques moléculaires n'affecte pas totalement le captage de glucose, suggérant ainsi que des transporteurs de glucose encore inconnus pourraient exister. De telles protéines ont été isolées ces dernières années et nommées selon l'ordre de leur découverte (GLUT6-14). Durant mon travail de thèse, je me suis intéressé à deux d'entre elles, GLUT8 et GLUT9, qui ont été découvertes précédemment dans le laboratoire. GLUT8 est exprimé principalement dans le cerveau. La protéine n'est pas exprimée à la surface de la cellule, mais est retenue à l'intérieur. Des mécanismes complexes doivent donc exister pour déplacer le transporteur à la surface cellulaire, afin qu'il puisse permettre l'entrée du glucose dans la cellule. Mon travail a consisté d'une part à définir où se trouve le transporteur à l'intérieur de la cellule, et d'autre part à comprendre les mécanismes capables de déplacer GLUT8 vers la surface cellulaire, en utilisant des neurones exprimant une version marquée du transporteur, permettant ainsi sa détection par des méthodes biochimiques. Cela m'a permis de montrer que GLUT8 est localisé dans une partie de la cellule encore non décrite à ce jour et qu'il n'est jamais déplacé à la surface cellulaire, ce qui suggère que le transporteur doit jouer un rôle à l'intérieur de la cellule et non à sa surface. GLUT9 est exprimé dans le foie et dans les reins. Il ressemble beaucoup à GLUT8, mais ne transporte pas le glucose, ce qui suggère que ce pourrait être un récepteur au glucose plutôt qu'un transporteur à proprement parler. Le but de mon travail a été de tester cette hypothèse, en comparant des cellules du foie exprimant GLUT9 avec d'autres n'exprimant pas la protéine. Par des méthodes d'analyses moléculaires, j'ai pu montrer que la présence de GLUT9 dans les cellules du foie augmente l'expression de HNF4α, une protéine connue pour réguler la sécrétion d'insuline dans le pancréas ainsi que la production de glucose dans le foie. Des expériences complémentaires seront nécessaires afin de mieux comprendre par quels mécanismes GLUT9 influence l'expression de HNF4α dans le foie, ainsi que de définir l'importance de GLUT9 dans la régulation de la glycémie chez l'animal entier.


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In the metabolic syndrome, glucocorticoid activity is increased, but circulating levels show little change. Most of blood glucocorticoids are bound to corticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG), which liver expression and circulating levels are higher in females than in males. Since blood hormones are also bound to blood cells, and the size of this compartment is considerable for androgens and estrogens, we analyzed whether sex or eating a cafeteria diet altered the compartmentation of corticosterone in rat blood. The main corticosterone compartment in rat blood is that specifically bound to plasma proteins, with smaller compartments bound to blood cells or free. Cafeteria diet increased the expression of liver CBG gene, binding plasma capacity and the proportion of blood cell-bound corticosterone. There were marked sex differences in blood corticosterone compartmentation in rats, which were unrelated to testosterone. The use of a monoclonal antibody ELISA and a polyclonal Western blot for plasma CBG compared with both specific plasma binding of corticosterone and CBG gene expression suggested the existence of different forms of CBG, with varying affinities for corticosterone in males and females, since ELISA data showed higher plasma CBG for males, but binding and Western blot analyses (plus liver gene expression) and higher physiological effectiveness for females. Good cross- reactivity to the antigen for polyclonal CBG antibody suggests that in all cases we were measuring CBG.The different immunoreactivity and binding affinity may help explain the marked sex-related differences in plasma hormone binding as sex-linked different proportions of CBG forms.


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In an attempt to improve tumor targeting and tumor retention time of monoclonal antibodies (MAbs), we prepared biparatopic antibodies (BpAbs) having the capability of binding 2 different non-overlapping epitopes on the same target antigen molecule, namely, the carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA). Six BpAbs were constructed by coupling 2 different Fab' fragments from 4 different specific anti-CEA MAbs recognizing 4 CEA epitopes (Gold 1-4). Demonstration of the double paratopic binding of these antibodies for CEA was confirmed in vitro by inhibition radioimmunoassay and cross-inhibition analysis by surface plasmon resonance (SPR; BIACORE) technology. Using the latter technique, the affinity constants for CEA immobilized onto the sensor chip were found to range from 0.37 to 1.54 x 10(9) M(-1) for the 4 parental F(ab')2 fragments and from 1.88 to 10.14 x 10(9) M(-1) for the BpAbs, demonstrating the advantage of biparatopic binding over conventional F(ab')2 binding. The Ka improvement was particularly high for BpAb F6/35A7 and BpAb F6/B17 with a 9.5- and 8.1-fold increase, respectively, as compared with the parental F(ab')2. In vivo, the 6 BpAbs were compared with their 2 respective parental F(ab')2 by injection of 131I-BpAb/125I-F(ab')2 parental fragments into nude mice xenografted with the human colon carcinoma T380. Dissection 72 hr post-injection demonstrated that BpAb B17/CE25 and BpAb F6/B17 gave higher tumor uptake than that of their parental F(ab')2. This finding is particularly interesting for BpAb F6/B17, which compared favorably with the F6 F(ab')2, one of the best parental F(ab')2 fragments used in our study.


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Recognition by the T-cell receptor (TCR) of immunogenic peptides presented by class I major histocompatibility complexes (MHCs) is the determining event in the specific cellular immune response against virus-infected cells or tumor cells. It is of great interest, therefore, to elucidate the molecular principles upon which the selectivity of a TCR is based. These principles can in turn be used to design therapeutic approaches, such as peptide-based immunotherapies of cancer. In this study, free energy simulation methods are used to analyze the binding free energy difference of a particular TCR (A6) for a wild-type peptide (Tax) and a mutant peptide (Tax P6A), both presented in HLA A2. The computed free energy difference is 2.9 kcal/mol, in good agreement with the experimental value. This makes possible the use of the simulation results for obtaining an understanding of the origin of the free energy difference which was not available from the experimental results. A free energy component analysis makes possible the decomposition of the free energy difference between the binding of the wild-type and mutant peptide into its components. Of particular interest is the fact that better solvation of the mutant peptide when bound to the MHC molecule is an important contribution to the greater affinity of the TCR for the latter. The results make possible identification of the residues of the TCR which are important for the selectivity. This provides an understanding of the molecular principles that govern the recognition. The possibility of using free energy simulations in designing peptide derivatives for cancer immunotherapy is briefly discussed.


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We have explored the threshold of tolerance of three unrelated cell types to treatments with potential cytoprotective peptides bound to Tat(48-57) and Antp(43-58) cell-permeable peptide carriers. Both Tat(48-57) and Antp(43-58) are well known for their good efficacy at crossing membranes of different cell types, their overall low toxicity, and their absence of leakage once internalised. Here, we show that concentrations of up to 100 microM of Tat(48-57) were essentially harmless in all cells tested, whereas Antp(43-58) was significantly more toxic. Moreover, all peptides bound to Tat(48-57) and Antp(43-58) triggered significant and length-dependent cytotoxicity when used at concentrations above 10 microM in all but one cell types (208F rat fibroblasts), irrespective of the sequence of the cargo. Absence of cytotoxicity in 208F fibroblasts correlated with poor intracellular peptide uptake, as monitored by confocal laser scanning fluorescence microscopy. Our data further suggest that the onset of cytotoxicity correlates with the activation of two intracellular stress signalling pathways, namely those involving JNK, and to a lesser extent p38 mitogen-activated protein kinases. These responses are of particular concern for cells that are especially sensitive to the activation of stress kinases. Collectively, these results indicate that in order to avoid unwanted and unspecific cytotoxicity, effector molecules bound to Tat(48-57) should be designed with the shortest possible sequence and the highest possible affinity for their binding partners or targets, so that concentrations below 10 microM can be successfully applied to cells without harm. Considering that cytotoxicity associated to Tat(48-57)- and Antp(43-58) bound peptide conjugates was not restricted to a particular type of cells, our data provide a general framework for the design of cell-penetrating peptides that may apply to broader uses of intracellular peptide and drug delivery.