993 resultados para glycine-rich


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The myristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate (MARCKS) is a prominent protein kinase C (PKC) substrate in brain that is expressed highly in hippocampal granule cells and their axons, the mossy fibers. Here, we examined hippocampal infrapyramidal mossy fiber (IP-MF) limb length and spatial learning in heterozygous Macs mutant mice that exhibit an ≈50% reduction in MARCKS expression relative to wild-type controls. On a 129B6(N3) background, the Macs mutation produced IP-MF hyperplasia, a significant increase in hippocampal PKCɛ expression, and proficient spatial learning relative to wild-type controls. However, wild-type 129B6(N3) mice exhibited phenotypic characteristics resembling inbred 129Sv mice, including IP-MF hypoplasia relative to inbred C57BL/6J mice and impaired spatial-reversal learning, suggesting a significant contribution of 129Sv background genes to wild-type and possibly mutant phenotypes. Indeed, when these mice were backcrossed with inbred C57BL/6J mice for nine generations to reduce 129Sv background genes, the Macs mutation did not effect IP-MF length or hippocampal PKCɛ expression and impaired spatial learning relative to wild-type controls, which now showed proficient spatial learning. Moreover, in a different strain (B6SJL(N1), the Macs mutation also produced a significant impairment in spatial learning that was reversed by transgenic expression of MARCKS. Collectively, these data indicate that the heterozygous Macs mutation modifies the expression of linked 129Sv gene(s), affecting hippocampal mossy fiber development and spatial learning performance, and that MARCKS plays a significant role in spatial learning processes.


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Neuronal and glial glutamate transporters remove the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate from the synaptic cleft. The proteins belong to a large family of secondary transporters, which includes bacterial glutamate transporters. The C-terminal half of the glutamate transporters is well conserved and thought to contain the translocation path and the binding sites for substrate and coupling ions. A serine-rich sequence motif in this part of the proteins is located in a putative intracellular loop. Cysteine-scanning mutagenesis was applied to this loop in the glutamate transporter GltT of Bacillus stearothermophilus. The loop was found to be largely intracellular, but three consecutive positions in the conserved serine-rich motif (S269, S270, and E271) are accessible from both sides of the membrane. Single-cysteine mutants in the serine-rich motif were still capable of glutamate transport, but modification with N-ethylmaleimide blocked the transport activity in six mutants (T267C, A268C, S269C, S270C, E271C, and T272C). Two milimolars l-glutamate effectively protected against the modification of the cysteines at position 269–271 from the periplasmic side of the membrane but was unable to protect cysteine modification from the cytoplasmic side of the membrane. The results indicate that the conserved serine-rich motif in the glutamate transporter forms a reentrant loop, a structure that is found in several ion channels but is unusual for transporter proteins. The reentrant loop is of crucial importance for the function of the glutamate transporter.


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The differentiation of neurons and the outgrowth of neurites depends on microtubule-associated proteins such as tau protein. To study this process, we have used the model of Sf9 cells, which allows efficient transfection with microtubule-associated proteins (via baculovirus vectors) and observation of the resulting neurite-like extensions. We compared the phosphorylation of tau23 (the embryonic form of human tau) with mutants in which critical phosphorylation sites were deleted by mutating Ser or Thr residues into Ala. One can broadly distinguish two types of sites, the KXGS motifs in the repeats (which regulate the affinity of tau to microtubules) and the SP or TP motifs in the domains flanking the repeats (which contain epitopes for antibodies diagnostic of Alzheimer’s disease). Here we report that both types of sites can be phosphorylated by endogenous kinases of Sf9 cells, and that the phosphorylation pattern of the transfected tau is very similar to that of neurons, showing that Sf9 cells can be regarded as an approximate model for the neuronal balance between kinases and phosphatases. We show that mutations in the repeat domain and in the flanking domains have opposite effects. Mutations of KXGS motifs in the repeats (Ser262, 324, and 356) strongly inhibit the outgrowth of cell extensions induced by tau, even though this type of phosphorylation accounts for only a minor fraction of the total phosphate. This argues that the temporary detachment of tau from microtubules (by phosphorylation at KXGS motifs) is a necessary condition for establishing cell polarity at a critical point in space or time. Conversely, the phosphorylation at SP or TP motifs represents the majority of phosphate (>80%); mutations in these motifs cause an increase in cell extensions, indicating that this type of phosphorylation retards the differentiation of the cells.


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Integrin receptors play a central role in the biology of lymphocytes, mediating crucial functional aspects of these cells, including adhesion, activation, polarization, migration, and signaling. Here we report that induction of activation of the β2-integrin lymphocyte function-associated antigen 1 (LFA-1) in T lymphocytes with divalent cations, phorbol esters, or stimulatory antibodies is followed by a dramatic polarization, resulting in a characteristic elongated morphology of the cells and the arrest of migrating lymphoblasts. This cellular polarization was prevented by treatment of cells with the specific tyrosine kinase inhibitor genistein. Furthermore, the interaction of the activated integrin LFA-1 with its ligand intercellular adhesion molecule 1 induced the activation of the cytoplasmic tyrosine kinases focal adhesion kinase (FAK) and proline-rich tyrosine kinase 2 (PYK-2). FAK activation reached a maximum after 45 min of stimulation; in contrast, PYK-2 activation peaked at 30 min, declining after 60 min. Upon polarization of lymphoblasts, FAK and PYK-2 redistributed from a diffuse localization in the cytoplasm to a region close to the microtubule-organizing center in these cells. FAK and PYK-2 activation was blocked when lymphoblasts were pretreated with actin and tubulin cytoskeleton-interfering agents, indicating its cytoskeletal dependence. Our results demonstrate that interaction of the β2-integrin LFA-1 with its ligand intercellular adhesion molecule 1 induces remodeling of T lymphocyte morphology and activation and redistribution of the cytoplasmic tyrosine kinases FAK and PYK-2.


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Various proteins with different biological activities have been observed to be translocated from the nucleus to the cytoplasm in an energy- and signal-dependent manner in eukaryotic cells. This nuclear export is directed by nuclear export signals (NESs), typically characterized by hydrophobic, primarily leucine, amino acid residues. Moreover, it has been shown that CRM1/exportin 1 is an export receptor for leucine-rich NESs. However, additional NES-interacting proteins have been described. In particular, eukaryotic initiation factor 5A (eIF-5A) has been shown to be a critical cellular cofactor for the nuclear export of the HIV type 1 (HIV-1) Rev trans-activator protein. In this study we compared the nuclear export activity of NESs of different origin. Microinjection of export substrates into the nucleus of somatic cells in combination with specific inhibitors indicated that specific nuclear export pathways exist for different NES-containing proteins. In particular, inhibition of eIF-5A blocked the nuclear export of NESs derived from the HIV-1 Rev and human T cell leukemia virus type I Rex trans-activators, whereas nucleocytoplasmic translocation of the protein kinase inhibitor-NES was unaffected. In contrast, however, inhibition of CRM1/exportin 1 blocked the nuclear export of all NES-containing proteins investigated. Our data confirm that CRM1/exportin 1 is a general export receptor for leucine-rich NESs and suggest that eIF-5A acts either upstream of CRM1/exportin 1 or forms a complex with the NES and CRM1/exportin 1 in the nucleocytoplasmic translocation of the HIV-1 Rev and human T cell leukemia virus type I Rex RNA export factors.


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Signal transducer and activator of transcription (Stat) proteins are latent transcription factors that reside in the cytoplasm before activation. On cytokine-induced tyrosine phosphorylation, these molecules dimerize and accumulate transiently in the nucleus. No specific signals mediating these processes have been identified to date. In this report, we examine the nuclear export of Stat1. We find that treatment of cells with the export inhibitor leptomycin B does not affect steady-state localization of Stat1 but impedes nuclear export after IFNγ-induced nuclear accumulation. We identify a conserved leucine-rich helical segment in the coiled-coil domain of Stat1, which is responsible for the efficient nuclear export of this protein. Mutation of two hallmark leucines within this segment greatly attenuate the back transport of Stat1 in the cytoplasm. When fused to a carrier protein, the Stat1 export sequence can mediate nuclear export after intranuclear microinjection. We show that prolonging the nuclear presence of Stat1 by inhibiting nuclear export reduces the transcriptional response to stimulation with IFNγ. These data suggest that Stats are actively exported from the nucleus via several separate pathways and link this activity to transcriptional activation.


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We have carried out conformational energy calculations on alanine-based copolymers with the sequence Ac-AAAAAXAAAA-NH2 in water, where X stands for lysine or glutamine, to identify the underlying source of stability of alanine-based polypeptides containing charged or highly soluble polar residues in the absence of charge–charge interactions. The results indicate that ionizable or neutral polar residues introduced into the sequence to make them soluble sequester the water away from the CO and NH groups of the backbone, thereby enabling them to form internal hydrogen bonds. This solvation effect dictates the conformational preference and, hence, modifies the conformational propensity of alanine residues. Even though we carried out simulations for specific amino acid sequences, our results provide an understanding of some of the basic principles that govern the process of folding of these short sequences independently of the kind of residues introduced to make them soluble. In addition, we have investigated through simulations the effect of the bulk dielectric constant on the conformational preferences of these peptides. Extensive conformational Monte Carlo searches on terminally blocked 10-mer and 16-mer homopolymers of alanine in the absence of salt were carried out assuming values for the dielectric constant of the solvent ɛ of 80, 40, and 2. Our simulations show a clear tendency of these oligopeptides to augment the α-helix content as the bulk dielectric constant of the solvent is lowered. This behavior is due mainly to a loss of exposure of the CO and NH groups to the aqueous solvent. Experimental evidence indicates that the helical propensity of the amino acids in water shows a dramatic increase on addition of certain alcohols, such us trifluoroethanol. Our results provide a possible explanation of the mechanism by which alcohol/water mixtures affect the free energy of helical alanine oligopeptides relative to nonhelical ones.


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Coelomocytes, the heterogeneous population of sea urchin putative immune cells, were found to express a complex set of transcripts featuring scavenger receptor cysteine-rich (SRCR) repeats. SRCR domains define a metazoan superfamily of proteins, many of which are implicated in development and regulation of the immune system of vertebrates. Coelomocytes transcribe multiple SRCR genes from among a multigene family encoding an estimated number of 1,200 SRCR domains in specific patterns particular to each individual. Transcription levels for given SRCR genes may range from pronounced to undetectable, yet all tested animals harbor the genomic loci encoding these genes. Analysis of several SRCR genes revealed multiple loci corresponding to each type. In the case of one SRCR type, a cluster of at least three genes was detected within a 133-kb bacterial artificial chromosome insert, and conserved as well as unique regions were identified in sequences of three genomic clones derived from a single animal. Array hybridizations with repeated samples of coelomocyte messages revealed substantial alterations in levels of expression of many SRCR genes, with fluctuations of up to 10-fold in 1 week and up to 30-fold over a period of 3 months. This report is the first demonstration of genomic and transcriptional complexity in molecules expressed by invertebrate coelomocytes. The mechanisms controlling SRCR gene expression and the functional significance of this dynamic system await elucidation.


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Alcohols in the homologous series of n-alcohols increase in central nervous system depressant potency with increasing chain length until a “cutoff” is reached, after which further increases in molecular size no longer increase alcohol potency. A similar phenomenon has been observed in the regulation of ligand-gated ion channels by alcohols. Different ligand-gated ion channels exhibit radically different cutoff points, suggesting the existence of discrete alcohol binding pockets of variable size on these membrane proteins. The identification of amino acid residues that determine the alcohol cutoff may, therefore, provide information about the location of alcohol binding sites. Alcohol regulation of the glycine receptor is critically dependent on specific amino acid residues in transmembrane domains 2 and 3 of the α subunit. We now demonstrate that these residues in the glycine α1 and the γ-aminobutyric acid ρ1 receptors also control alcohol cutoff. By mutation of Ser-267 to Gln, it was possible to decrease the cutoff in the glycine α1 receptor, whereas mutation of Ile-307 and/or Trp-328 in the γ-aminobutyric acid ρ1 receptor to smaller residues increased the cutoff. These results support the existence of alcohol binding pockets in these membrane proteins and suggest that the amino acid residues present at these positions can control the size of the alcohol binding cavity.


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The recent discovery of glycine transporters in both the central nervous system and the periphery suggests that glycine transport may be critical to N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) function by controlling glycine concentration at the NMDAR modulatory glycine site. Data obtained from whole-cell patch–clamp recordings of hippocampal pyramidal neurons, in vitro, demonstrated that exogenous glycine and glycine transporter type 1 (GLYT1) antagonist selectively enhanced the amplitude of the NMDA component of a glutamatergic excitatory postsynaptic current. The effect was blocked by 2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid and 7-chloro-kynurenic acid but not by strychnine. Thus, the glycine-binding site was not saturated under the control conditions. Furthermore, GLYT1 antagonist enhanced NMDAR function during perfusion with medium containing 10 μM glycine, a concentration similar to that in the cerebrospinal fluid in vivo, thereby supporting the hypothesis that the GLYT1 maintains subsaturating concentration of glycine at synaptically activated NMDAR. The enhancement of NMDAR function by specific GLYT1 antagonism may be a feasible target for therapeutic agents directed toward diseases related to hypofunction of NMDAR.


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The visual pigment rhodopsin is a prototypical G protein-coupled receptor. These receptors have seven transmembrane helices and are activated by specific receptor–ligand interactions. Rhodopsin is unusual in that its retinal prosthetic group serves as an antagonist in the dark in the 11-cis conformation but is rapidly converted to an agonist on photochemical cis to trans isomerization. Receptor–ligand interactions in rhodopsin were studied in the light and dark by regenerating site-directed opsin mutants with synthetic retinal analogues. A progressive decrease in light-dependent transducin activity was observed when a mutant opsin with a replacement of Gly121 was regenerated with 11-cis-retinal analogues bearing progressively larger R groups (methyl, ethyl, propyl) at the C9 position of the polyene chain. A progressive decrease in light activity was also observed as a function of increasing size of the residue at position 121 for both the 11-cis-9-ethyl- and the 11-cis-9-propylretinal pigments. In contrast, a striking increase of receptor activity in the dark—i.e., without chromophore isomerization—was observed when the molecular volume at either position 121 of opsin or C9 of retinal was increased. The ability of bulky replacements at either position to hinder ligand incorporation and to activate rhodopsin in the dark suggests a direct interaction between these two sites. A molecular model of the retinal-binding site of rhodopsin is proposed that illustrates the specific interaction between Gly121 and the C9 methyl group of 11-cis-retinal. Steric interactions in this region of rhodopsin are consistent with the proposal that movement of transmembrane helices 3 and 6 is concomitant with receptor activation.


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Na+/Cl−-dependent neurotransmitter transporters form a superfamily of transmembrane proteins that share 12 membrane-spanning regions. To gain information about the quaternary structure of these transporter proteins, we heterologously expressed the glial glycine transporter GlyT1 and its neuronal homolog GlyT2 in Xenopus oocytes. By using metabolic labeling with [35S]methionine or surface labeling with a plasma membrane impermeable reagent followed by affinity purification, we separately analyzed the total cellular pools of newly synthesized GlyTs and its functional plasma membrane-bound fractions. Upon blue native gel electrophoresis, the surface-localized transporter proteins were found to exist exclusively in complex-glycosylated monomeric form, whereas a significant fraction of the intracellular GlyT1 and GlyT2 was core-glycosylated and oligomeric. In contrast, even after treatment with the crosslinker glutaraldehyde, surface GlyTs failed to migrate as oligomeric proteins. These results indicate that plasma membrane-bound GlyT1 and GlyT2 are monomeric proteins. Thus, Na+/Cl−-dependent neurotransmitter transporters do not require oligomerization for substrate translocation.


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The adenylate uridylate-rich elements (AREs) mediate the rapid turnover of mRNAs encoding proteins that regulate cellular growth and body response to exogenous agents such as microbes, inflammatory and environmental stimuli. However, the full repertoire of ARE-containing mRNAs is unknown. Here, we explore the distribution of AREs in human mRNA sequences. Computational derivation of a 13-bp ARE pattern was performed using multiple expectation maximization for motif elicitations (MEME) and consensus analyses. This pattern was statistically validated for the specificity towards the 3′-untranslated region and not coding region. The computationally derived ARE pattern is the basis of a database which contains non-redundant full-length ARE-mRNAs. The ARE-mRNA database (ARED; http://rc.kfshrc.edu.sa/ared) reveals that ARE-mRNAs encode a wide repertoire of functionally diverse proteins that belong to different biological processes and are important in several disease states. Cluster analysis was performed using the ARE sequences to demonstrate potential relationships between the type and number of ARE motifs, and the functional characteristics of the proteins.


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A study was made of glycine (Gly) and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptors expressed in Xenopus oocytes injected with rat mRNAs isolated from the encephalon, midbrain, and brainstem of 18-day-old rat embryos. In oocytes injected with encephalon, midbrain, or brainstem mRNAs, the Gly-current amplitudes (membrane current elicited by Gly; 1 mM Gly) were respectively 115 ± 35, 346 ± 28, and 389 ± 22 nA, whereas the GABA-currents (1 mM GABA) were all ≤40 nA. Moreover, the Gly-currents desensitized faster in oocytes injected with encephalon or brainstem mRNAs. The EC50 for Gly was 611 ± 77 μM for encephalon, 661 ± 28 μM for midbrain, and 506 ± 18 μM for brainstem mRNA-injected oocytes, and the corresponding Hill coefficients were all ≈2. Strychnine inhibited all of the Gly-currents, with an IC50 of 56 ± 3 nM for encephalon, 97 ± 4 nM for midbrain, and 72 ± 4 nM for brainstem mRNAs. During repetitive Gly applications, the Gly-currents were potentiated by 1.6-fold for encephalon, 2.1-fold for midbrain, and 1.3-fold for brainstem RNA-injected oocytes. Raising the extracellular Ca2+ concentration significantly increased the Gly-currents in oocytes injected with midbrain and brainstem mRNAs. Reverse transcription–PCR studies showed differences in the Gly receptor (GlyR) α-subunits expressed, whereas the β-subunit was present in all three types of mRNA. These results indicate differential expression of GlyR mRNAs in the brain areas examined, and these mRNAs lead to the expression of GlyRs that have different properties. The modulation of GlyRs by Ca2+ could play important functions during brain development.


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Efficient motility of the eukaryotic flagellum requires precise temporal and spatial control of its constituent dynein motors. The central pair and its associated structures have been implicated as important members of a signal transduction cascade that ultimately regulates dynein arm activity. To identify central pair components involved in this process, we characterized a Chlamydomonas motility mutant (pf6-2) obtained by insertional mutagenesis. pf6-2 flagella twitch ineffectively and lack the 1a projection on the C1 microtubule of the central pair. Transformation with constructs containing a full-length, wild-type copy of the PF6 gene rescues the functional, structural, and biochemical defects associated with the pf6 mutation. Sequence analysis indicates that the PF6 gene encodes a large polypeptide that contains numerous alanine-rich, proline-rich, and basic domains and has limited homology to an expressed sequence tag derived from a human testis cDNA library. Biochemical analysis of an epitope-tagged PF6 construct demonstrates that the PF6 polypeptide is an axonemal component that cosediments at 12.6S with several other polypeptides. The PF6 protein appears to be an essential component required for assembly of some of these polypeptides into the C1-1a projection.