995 resultados para foreign trade execution


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Since late 1999, ECLAC has maintained an international transport database (BTI) containing statistics on foreign trade and associated transport modes for 11 Latin American countries. Although BTI was originally designed for internal use at ECLAC, it is now in a position to respond to external queries—something we expect to be of interest to FAL Bulletin readers.BTI was developed by consultant Joachim Fuchsluger, with cooperation from Gastón Rigollet of the ECLAC Statistics and Economic Projections Division. The work was supervised by Jan Hoffmann, of the Transport Unit. At the present time, consultant Gabriel Pérez is in charge of maintaining and updating it.


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Includes bibliography.


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The devious maze of the international order: the importation of reforms / David Ibarra. -- Foreign banks in Latin America: a paradoxical result / Graciela Moguillansky, Rogerio Studart and Sebastián Vergara. -- A proposal for unitary taxes on the profits of transnational corporations / Andrew Mold. -- Regional integration and macroeconomic coordination in Latin America / Hubert Escaith. -- Import substitution in high-tech industries: Prebisch lives in Asia! / Alice H. Amsden. -- Industrial competitiveness in Brazil ten years after economic liberalization / João Carlos Ferraz, David Kupfer and Mariana Iootty. -- The influence of capital origin on Brazilian foreign trade patterns / Célio Hiratuka and Fernanda De Negri. -- Information and knowledge: the diffusion of information and communication technologies in the Argentine manufacturing sector / Gabriel Yoguel, Marta Novick, Darío Milesi, Sonia Roitter and José Borello. -- Local economic development and decentralization in Latin America / Francisco Alburquerque, in memory of Gabriel Aghón. -- Migrations, the labour market and poverty in Greater Buenos Aires / Rosalía Cortés and Fernando Groisman. -- Households, poverty and policy in times of crisis. Mexico, 1992-1996 / Benjamin Davis, Sudhanshu Handa and Humberto Soto. -- CEPAL Review on the Internet. -- Recent ECLAC publications.


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This article analyses the dual functioning of the Mexican electromechanical sector between 1994 and 2008, as distinct from other globalized activities. An estimation of labour productivity in 52 industrial classes finds that structural heterogeneity increased particularly in the 1994-2001 subperiod, alongside technical and organizational improvements that were increasingly concentrated in a small number of subsidiary companies of transnational automotive-assembly enterprises. The application of a shift-share technique also revealed the absence of any significant structural change. Lastly, an extension of the methodology to evaluate competitiveness —developed by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (eclac)— and its application to a second database that reclassifies 1,345 foreign trade products, makes it possible to contrast these changes with the dynamism of the global production networks in which the leading firms of the sector in Mexico are engaged.


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Democracia y desarrollo / Femando H. Cardoso. -- ¿Es posible crecer con equidad? / Joseph Ramos. -- Estabilidad y estructura: Interacciones en el crecimiento económico / José María Fanelli y Roberto Frenkel. -- Reforma a los sistemas de pensiones en América Latina / Andras Vthoff. -- Tendencias económicas en China: significado para el comercio con América Latina y el Caribe / Mikio Kuwayama. -- El Intercambio económico entre América Latina y las economías dinámicas dé Asia / Ronald Sprout. -- La relación económica entre la América Latina y la Unión Europea / Roberto Smith Perera. -- Nuevas Implicaciones de las reglas de origen / Eduardo Gitli. -- Globalización y reestructuración energética en América Latina / Femando Sánchez Albavera. -- El caleidoscopio de la competitividad / Geraldo Mailer. -- La privatización de los servicios públicos del agua / Miguel Solones. -- ¿Cuánto se puede gastar en educación? / Guillermo Labarca. -- Mujeres y migrantes: desigualdades en el mercado laboral de Santiago de Chile / Ivonne Szasz.


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Democracy and development / Fernando H. Cardoso. -- Can growth and equity go hand in hand? / Joseph Ramos. -- Stability and structure: interactions in economic growth / José Maria Fanelli and Roberto Frenkel. -- Pension system reform in Latin America / Andras Uthoff. -- Recent economic trends in China and their implications for trade with Latin America and the Caribbean / Mikio Kuwayama. -- Economic relations between Latin America and the high-performing Asian developing economies / Ronald Sprout. -- Economic relations between Latin America and the European Union / Roberto Smith Perera. -- Rules of origin: new implications / Eduardo Gitli. -- Globalization and restructuring the energy sector in Latin America / Femando Sánchez Albavera. -- The kaleidoscope of competitiveness / Geraldo Müller. -- The privatization of public water utilities / Miguel Solones. -- How much can we spend on education? / Guillermo Labarca. -- Women and migrants: inequalities in the labour market of Santiago, Chile / Ivonne Szasz.