1000 resultados para fechado


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Este trabalho apresenta o estudo de dois sistemas de liberação prolongada, microemulsão e lipossomas, contendo peptídeo regulatório de fatores de crescimento, “osteogenic growth peptide” OGP, para aplicação em regeneração óssea. A base de adsorção para estes sistemas de liberação foi a celulose bacteriana (CB) produzida pela bactéria Gluconacetobacter xylinus. Foi escolhida devido às suas propriedades físicas e químicas, tais como como alta resistência à corrosão química, bio absorção, biocompatibilidade, porosidade e ainda boa resistência mecânica, o que a torna um biopolímero com grande potencial a ser explorado pela ciência biomédica. Estudos in vitro foram realizados para avaliar o perfil de liberação do peptídeo dos diferentes sistemas de liberação prolongada. O peptídeo OGP foi sintetizado pelo método da fase sólida (estratégia SPFS Fmoc); foi purificado e caracterizado por HPLC, espectrometria de massas e análise de aminoácidos e, em seguida, marcados com 5,6 carboxifluoresceína (CF) para análise por espectroscopia de fluorescência. O peptídeo marcado foi incorporado aos sistemas de liberação no momento do respectivo preparo, foram adsorvidos na CB por um período de 72h, seguido de sua liberação prolongada em sistema fechado de fluxo constante contendo tampão PBS pH 7,4, por um período de 24h. Após a análise da liberação, observou se que o sistema que obteve melhor resultado foi a microemulsão, sendo sua liberação prolongada nas primeiras 6,5 h, liberando 21,5% do valor teórico de peptídeo incorporado, seguido de uma liberação constante a partir desse período. Dessa forma, tem se que a microemulsão pode ser um sistema promissor para liberação prolongada do OGP em processos de regeneração óssea


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The inclusive classroom, focused on individual differences, it is becoming more frequent and constant within mainstream schools. For this practice to be successful, there must be a different work by teachers, methodology, teaching procedures, adapted equipment and materials. Thus, the teacher who works directly with students with disabilities, find factors that facilitate and hinder this practice, making it essential to study of such factors, so we can understand and contribute to assessment and implementation of strategies to minimize the need that this pedagogical practice imposes. This varying needs, from the simple as using different materials to work in the classroom to the broader and more complex, as the reform in schools. Thus, these aimed to survey and analyze the conceptions of teachers on facilitating and hindering aspects of the schooling of students with disabilities in the regular classroom as well as check their training needs. The method used was ruled a quantitative approach to data collection was through a closed questionnaire containing 35 questions with Likert scale. The study included 904 teachers who underwent a course of Improvement in Inclusive Educational Practices, the same was applied when students entered the course, but had not had contact with the course content. The result showed that most teachers agree that all students with disabilities have behavior problem, dividing the assertion that the disabled student disrupts the class of the colleague who has a disability. It is also believed that in the view of most participants, students with disabilities are not able to study and that the inclusion of students with disabilities is hampered by...


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Odontologia - FOA


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEIS


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This article proposes a reflection on the “continuities of the process” in narratives, defined by the closure of the space and by the waiting in time (chronopoiesis), as well as on the “halts of the process” in narratives, defined by the opening of the space and by the repose in time (chronotrophy). In Claude Zilberberg?s proposal about the missive making (le faire missif ), it means, the profound making that governs the becoming of the narratives, temporality and spatiality are related to the categories of closure and opening. The terms chronopoiesis and chronotrophy, established by Zilberberg from the Greek stems, have etymologically in common the stem “krónos”, the time. The first term is added to “poiesis”, “creation”; the second comes together with “trophê”, the “feeding”, the “development”. The remissive making, that carries the “continuities of the process”, is chronopoietic (the expectant temporality, which creates the waiting time), and spatially closed. On the other hand, the emissive making, which carries the “halts of the process”, is chronotrophic (the “originating” temporality, because it is “fed”, creating the passing time) and spatially open. Our reflection on chronopoiesis and chronotrophy aims at verifying if these temporal operations of the missivity necessarily correspond to spatial closures and openings, respectively, as the Zilberberg’s model proposes, in verbo-visual narratives, specifically in comics.


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The curriculum is an important instrument, through which are outlined the main aspects to be achieved in the educational context . It can be real, occurs in the classroom as a result of the education program, and be hidden normally be transmitted without being mentioned by teachers. Sexuality although it is not integrated with the components of the formal curriculum, and is present in said prohibited school , the way you act, speak and articulate the school community , expressing itself through the hidden curriculum. Considering this, the present study based on qualitative and quantitative aimed to analyze the curriculum of a course in pedagogy of a State University located in the State of São Paulo, as well as giving voice to students of that course in order to analyze if sexuality is to clearly present the formal curriculum. Therefore , a study of the documents in that course , but precisely its curriculum process n º 342/89 , their volumes I to IX , the period extending from 1959 to 200, as well as the curriculum in force until the year 2007. In addition, we used a closed questionnaire containing 20 questions which included the participation of 70 students Pedagogy daytime and night of that educational institution. Since its initial curriculum to the latest nonexistent space for disciplines sexuality, and the ' progress ' that can be noted is the introduction of the limited elective courses that no longer exist in the current course. In the words of most students sexuality is not a matter encompassed in that course. These data show that both the real and the hidden curriculum does not give due importance to this issue. Therefore, it is imperative that this course, as well as the different undergraduate courses, should adhere to sexuality need to be part of the actual curriculum, in order to allow students access to this knowledge.


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Pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento Humano e Tecnologias - IBRC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This scientific research aimed at to analyse the susceptibility to debris flow of the watershed of Ribeirão do Roque (SP), focusing on the upstream areas of OSBRA pipeline. This is because, mass flow can cause damage to pipes, mainly due to conditioning hydro erosion of the land in the drainage crossings, including the undermining the banks of streams. Firstly, It was conducted a literature review, aiming to identify and understand the principal characteristics and conditions of debris flow. Secondly, the physical and anthropic factors and their respective weights of influence were selected and used to determine the mass flow susceptibility. It was selected the following physical factors: type and thickness of rocks, soil and unconsolidated materials; textural density; amplitude relief; relief slope; shaped valley; and shape of slopes. Such factors are present in the physiographic subdivision map of the study area. In addition, the anthropic attributes correspond to the classes contained in the land use map. Therefore, the physical and anthropic factors were integrated through the multi-criteria analysis in a GIS environment, generating a total susceptibility map of debris flow on the scale 1:50,000. The results showed that a significative part of the study area was classified as average susceptibility. However, it was identified areas with high susceptibility in the region in which the pipe cross the Ribeirão do Roque. Moreover, at which point the river presents a closed valley and a meander shape, without a fluvial plain that would be useful to attenuate the development of the process. Consequently, if a mass flow begins in any of these most susceptible regions located upstream of the pipe, the chances that the process develops by the river and causes the excavations of his bed are quite large. However, the pipelines cross these critical areas directly on the rock (diabase), which provides additional protection against possible ...


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Use of ring in Roux-en-Y gastric bypass is still a matter of controversy among bariatric surgeons. There is no consensus on its impact in relation to weight loss and weight maintenance in the long term. AIM: To evaluate the influence of the ring on the evolution of body weight over four years after bariatric surgery. METHODS: Retrospective analyzis of 143 women who underwent laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass paired on the use or not use of Silastic® ring. Follow-up time was 48 months. Inclusion criteria were age over 18 years, primary bariatric operation and regular attendance at the clinic during the period of interest for research. The technique kept small gastric reservoir estimated in a volume of 30 ml. The food limb had in average 150 cm and the bile one 40 cm from the duodenojejunal angle. The group "ring" used Silastic® device with length of 6.5 cm, placed 2 cm from gastrojejunal anastomosis. The ring was closed for five polypropylene surgical thread sutures. In the morning after surgery the patients received isotonic fluids; on the second day salty liquid diet and were discharged on the third day. Semisolid diet started from the 20th day and solid on the 30th, with daily tablet of polivitamins. RESULTS: The weight loss was larger on the ring than without ring groups in all periods, respectively 10% and only 5% in the third postoperative year. The proportion of not having reached the 50% excess weight loss expectative was significantly higher in the group without ring than in the group with the ring (31% and 8% respectively in the fourth year). There was no difference between groups in delayed recovery of weight lost with the operation. CONCLUSIONS: The results were favorable to use the ring exclusively when it is analyzed only the weight loss.


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O tema proposto para o 18º COLE é intrigante: “O mundo grita. Escuta?” Vale-se de uma afirmação e de uma interrogação com verbos de conotações diversas, num entrelace quiasmático da linguagem. Enfocando esta proposição, nosso objetivo é examinar conotações e atos de linguagem que perpassam o referido tema. Para tanto, utilizaremos como corpus a tela: “O grito”, de Munch; um capítulo de “Memórias póstumas de Brás Cubas”, de Machado de Assis; a crônica “Diálogo de todo dia”; de Carlos Drummond de Andrade; a música: “Sinal fechado”, de Paulinho da Viola; e cinco aulas do escritor argentino Jorge Luis Borges, in: “Borges oral & sete noites”, destacando que, apesar de o mundo pretender comunicar-se, o que resta é uma dúvida quanto à consecução de seu escopo. Os textos focados vão para a oralidade: pela representação iconográfica do grito, em Munch; pelo diálogo tipográfico, em Machado; pela conversa psitacista, em Drummond; pela conversa de tempo marcado, em Paulinho da Viola; e pela força da oralidade de um escritor cego, Nobel de Literatura. Várias linguagens representam o grito do mundo e outras escutam. Representações das artes plásticas e literárias fazem-nos refletir sobre a recusa de escutarmos os gritos de cada indivíduo, em solilóquios que se somam, mas continuam sendo, apenas, ouvidos, sem resposta concreta, pois, frequentemente, as redes sociais tomam lugar da oralidade. Embora haja diálogos, o grito individual está dentro do grito do mundo e o escutar resulta de um ato perlocutivo, impondo ao enunciatário uma resposta, uma ação.


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One tool that has been in evidence, especially among young people, is Facebook. It can be classified as a synchronous communication tool that allows communities of people with similar interests to discuss and exchange experiences in real time, promoting the sharing of information and the creation of collective knowledge, even if they being in different parts of the globe. In this paper we show that Facebook can be used as an educational tool to aid the work done in the classroom and the impact of creating closed groups in online social networking for educational purposes. The survey was conducted with a group of students at a private school in Bauru/SP. We investigated the interaction profile of students with a closed group created on Facebook and through a questionnaire analyzed whether students use virtual environments for personal or educational. The survey reveals students perceptions about relevant aspects and the potential use of this tool as teaching-learning strategy


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This paper presents aspects of Early Childhood Education in the perspective of Inclusive Education, considering collaborative teaching as a relevant strategy in this mode. Thus, had been aimed to review the literature on collaborative learning in kindergarten and verify the knowledge of teachers on this pedagogical strategy. The survey was conducted in Child Education Centers and Schools municipal daycare, totaling 4 units and 45 participants. Empirical data were collected through a closed questionnaire, tabulated and analyzed qualitative and qualitatively. The results indicate the recognition of preschool teachers in need of support and assistance regarding collaborative teaching, highlighting the need for continuous training in the performance of special education teacher in this context.