985 resultados para eutrophic reservoir


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Applicaciò d'un model de hydrodinàmica i de qualitat de l'aigua als embassaments de Sau i Boadella


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Podeu escriure el text directament o arrossegar-lo des d'un altre document L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és contribuir a l'ús dels peixos continentals com a indicadors de l'estat ecològic a la conca Mediterrània. En el primer treball es va detectar que encara que tots els índex biològics estaven correlacionats significativament, els peixos integren i expressen els estressos de manera i a una escala diferents, aportant una informació complementària als altres índexs. Al segon article es van estudiar els cabals de sis conques catalanes. S'ha mostrat que els règims hídrics estan alterats amb una tendència a la disminució del cabal i del nivell dels aqüífers. S'ha detectat quatre mètriques de peixos que es troben significativament afectades en zones més castigades per manca d'aigua degut a l'activitat humana. Es discuteix la necessitat de conèixer en profunditat el règim hídric de cada conca abans d'utilitzar els índex biològics. Al tercer article es va detectar que la composició d'espècies capturades va variar significativament al llarg del buidat amb un augment de l'alburn (A. alburnus) a les aigües pelàgiques durant els dies de pitjor qualitat de l'aigua, confirmant que l'alburn és més tolerant a la mala qualitat de l'aigua que la madrilleta vera (R. rutilus) i suggereix el seu potencial com a bioindicador. La condició d'aquestes dues espècies va canviar significativament al llarg del buidat de manera molt estreta amb la qualitat de l'aigua. Al quart capítol es va estudiar la biologia dels peixos d'un embassament altament contaminat (Flix). El percentatge de DELT anomalies i la presència de paràsits externs era major en la zona impactada que als punts de control i els valors més alts de pes eviscerat i pes del fetge estaven als punts de control. Les respostes van ser diferents per cada espècie i la carpa va ser la que va mostrar més clarament els impactes.


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Entre 1999 i 2003 es va desenvolupar un projecte Life de restauració a la maresma de La Pletera, afectada per un pla urbanització, i a la llacuna del Ter Vell, amb un elevat grau d'eutròfia (aiguamolls del Baix Ter, NE Península Ibèrica). L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és establir el funcionament d'ambdós ecosistemes, analitzar-ne la problemàtica ambiental i avaluar els efectes de la restauració. A la maresma de la Pletera, es va analitzar el paper de la hidrologia en la composició i dinàmica dels nutrients i del zooplàncton en cinc llacunes, tres de les quals havien estat creades dins el projecte de restauració com a nous refugis per una espècie de peix amenaçada (Aphanius iberus). La hidrologia es va caracteritzar per un llarg període de confinament sense entrades d'aigua, interromput de manera irregular per inundacions puntuals. La dinàmica del nitrogen inorgànic es va relacionar amb les entrades d'aigua, mentre que la del fòsfor, del nitrogen total i de la matèria orgànica es va relacionar amb els processos d'acumulació i reciclatge intern durant el confinament. El zooplàncton es va analitzar mitjançant la combinació d'aproximacions taxonòmiques i de mides. L'estructura de mides de la comunitat es va veure més afectada per les interaccions tròfiques (depredació i competència) mentre que l'estructura taxonòmica va ser més sensible a factors abiòtics (nutrients). El ràpid creixement de la població A. iberus en les noves llacunes va suggerir que aquestes havien proporcionat l'hàbitat adequat per a l'espècie, almenys a curt termini. Les actuacions de restauració a la llacuna del Ter Vell es van centrar en la millora de la qualitat de l'aigua mitjançant (1) la construcció d'uns aiguamolls per depurar l'aigua d'entrada i (2) el dragat del sediment en diversos punts. Simultàniament a la restauració, però de forma independent, la gestió agrícola de l'aigua va reduir dràsticament el cabal d'entrada d'aigua dolça a la llacuna, provocant un canvi en el règim hídric. Es van analitzar els efectes a curt termini d'aquest canvi sobre la limnologia i el zooplàncton de la llacuna. Abans del canvi, la hidrologia era artificial ja que s'havia prolongat l'entrada d'aigua dolça d'acord amb la demanda agrícola, i per tant la llacuna presentava una elevada taxa de renovació de l'aigua i majors concentracions de nutrients. Després del canvi, la hidrologia va dependre més del clima, es van reduir les entrades d'aigua i es va allargar el període de confinament. La composició y dinàmica dels nutrients va tendir a assemblar-se a l'observada a les llacunes de la maresma, mentre que la comunitat del zooplàncton no ho va fer. L'estat ecològic de la llacuna va millorar després del canvi en el règim hídric.


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This study quantifies the influence of Poa alpina on the soil microbial community in primary succession of alpine ecosystems, and whether these effects are controlled by the successional stage. Four successional sites representative of four stages of grassland development (initial, 4 years (non-vegetated); pioneer, 20 years; transition, 75 years; mature, 9500 years old) on the Rotmoos glacier foreland, Austria, were sampled. The size, composition and activity of the microbial community in the rhizosphere and bulk soil were characterized using the chloroform-fumigation extraction procedure, phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis and measurements of the enzymes beta-glucosidase, beta-xylosidase, N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase, leucine aminopeptidase, acid phosphatase and sulfatase. The interplay between the host plant and the successional stage was quantified using principal component (PCA) and multidimensional scaling analyses. Correlation analyses were applied to evaluate the relationship between soil factors (C-org, N-t, C/N ratio, pH, ammonium, phosphorus, potassium) and microbial properties in the bulk soil. In the pioneer stage microbial colonization of the rhizosphere of P. alpina was dependent on the reservoir of microbial species in the bulk soil. As a consequence, the rhizosphere and bulk soil were similar in microbial biomass (ninhydrin-reactive nitrogen (NHR-N)), community composition (PLFA), and enzyme activity. In the transition and mature grassland stage, more benign soil conditions stimulated microbial growth (NHR-N, total amount of PLFA, bacterial PLFA, Gram-positive bacteria, Gram-negative bacteria), and microbial diversity (Shannon index H) in the rhizosphere either directly or indirectly through enhanced carbon allocation. In the same period, the rhizosphere microflora shifted from a G(-) to a more G(+), and from a fungal to a more bacteria-dominated community. Rhizosphere beta-xylosidase, N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase, and sulfatase activity peaked in the mature grassland soil, whereas rhizosphere leucine aminopeptidase, beta-glucosidase, and phosphatase activity were highest in the transition stage, probably because of enhanced carbon and nutrient allocation into the rhizosphere due to better growth conditions. Soil organic matter appeared to be the most important driver of microbial colonization in the bulk soil. The decrease in soil pH and soil C/N ratio mediated the shifts in the soil microbial community composition (bacPLFA, bacPLFA/fungPLFA, G(-), G(+)/G(-)). The activities of beta-glucosidase, beta-xylosidase and phosphatase were related to soil ammonium and phosphorus, indicating that higher decomposition rates enhanced the nutrient availability in the bulk soil. We conclude that the major determinants of the microllora vary along the successional gradient: in the pioneer stage the rhizosphere microflora was primarily determined by the harsh soil environment; under more favourable environmental conditions, however, the host plant selected for a specific microbial community that was related to the dynamic interplay between soil properties and carbon supply. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Carbonate rocks are important hydrocarbon reservoir rocks with complex textures and petrophysical properties (porosity and permeability) mainly resulting from various diagenetic processes (compaction, dissolution, precipitation, cementation, etc.). These complexities make prediction of reservoir characteristics (e.g. porosity and permeability) from their seismic properties very difficult. To explore the relationship between the seismic, petrophysical and geological properties, ultrasonic compressional- and shear-wave velocity measurements were made under a simulated in situ condition of pressure (50 MPa hydrostatic effective pressure) at frequencies of approximately 0.85 MHz and 0.7 MHz, respectively, using a pulse-echo method. The measurements were made both in vacuum-dry and fully saturated conditions in oolitic limestones of the Great Oolite Formation of southern England. Some of the rocks were fully saturated with oil. The acoustic measurements were supplemented by porosity and permeability measurements, petrological and pore geometry studies of resin-impregnated polished thin sections, X-ray diffraction analyses and scanning electron microscope studies to investigate submicroscopic textures and micropores. It is shown that the compressional- and shear-wave velocities (V-p and V-s, respectively) decrease with increasing porosity and that V-p decreases approximately twice as fast as V-s. The systematic differences in pore structures (e.g. the aspect ratio) of the limestones produce large residuals in the velocity versus porosity relationship. It is demonstrated that the velocity versus porosity relationship can be improved by removing the pore-structure-dependent variations from the residuals. The introduction of water into the pore space decreases the shear moduli of the rocks by about 2 GPa, suggesting that there exists a fluid/matrix interaction at grain contacts, which reduces the rigidity. The predicted Biot-Gassmann velocity values are greater than the measured velocity values due to the rock-fluid interaction. This is not accounted for in the Biot-Gassmann velocity models and velocity dispersion due to a local flow mechanism. The velocities predicted by the Raymer and time-average relationships overestimated the measured velocities even more than the Biot model.


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The transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) are caused by infectious agents whose structures have not been fully characterized but include abnormal forms of the host protein PrP, designated PrPSc, which are deposited in infected tissues. The transmission routes of scrapie and chronic wasting disease (CWD) seem to include environmental spread in their epidemiology, yet the fate of TSE agents in the environment is poorly understood. There are concerns that, for example, buried carcasses may remain a potential reservoir of infectivity for many years. Experimental determination of the environmental fate requires methods for assessing binding/elution of TSE infectivity, or its surrogate marker PrPSc, to and from materials with which it might interact. We report a method using Sarkosyl for the extraction of murine PrPSc, and its application to soils containing recombinant ovine PrP (recPrP). Elution properties suggest that PrP binds strongly to one or more soil components. Elution from a clay soil also required proteinase K digestion, suggesting that in the clay soil binding occurs via the N-terminal of PrP to a component that is absent from the sandy soils tested.


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Research into transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) diseases has become a high priority worldwide in recent years yet remarkably little is known about the behaviour of TSE infectivity in the environment. The resilience and stability of prion proteins could lead to soils becoming a potential reservoir of TSE infectivity as a result of contamination from activities such as infected carcass burial or the dispersion of effluents from slaughter houses, or by contamination of pastures by infected animals, (e.g. scrapie in sheep). Knowledge of the fate of prion proteins in soils, and associated physico-chemical conditions which favour migration, can be used to help prevent re-infection of animals through grazing, to protect watercourses and develop good management practices. In two consecutive experiments of 9 and 6 months, the migration of recombinant ovine PrP (recPrP) in soil columns was followed under contrasting levels of microbial activity (normal versus reduced), under varying regimes of soil water content and redox potential, and in two different soil types (loamy sand and clay loam). At each analysis time (1, 3, 6 or 9 months), in both soil types, full-length recPrP was detected in the original contaminated layer, indicating the resilience and stability of recPrP under varied soil conditions, even in the presence of active soil microbial populations. Evidence of protein migration was found in every soil column at the earliest analysis time (1 or 3 months), but was restricted to a maximum distance of 1 cm, indicative of limited initial mobility in soils followed by strong adsorption over the following days to weeks. The survival of recPrP in the soil over a period of at least 9 months was demonstrated. In this study, recPrP was used as an indicator for potential TSE infectivity, although infectivity tests should be carried out before conclusions can be drawn regarding the infection risk posed by prions in soil. However, it has been demonstrated that soil is likely to act as a significant barrier to the dispersion of contaminated material at storage or burial sites. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Banded sediments outcrop widely in the intertidal zone of the Severn Estuary and have been suggested, on the basis of textural analysis, to have formed in response to seasonal variations in sea temperature and windiness (Holocene, 14 (2004) 536). Here palynological and sedimentological analyses of banded sediments of mid-Holocene date from Gold Cliff, on the Welsh side of the Severn Estuary, are combined to test and further develop the hypothesis of seasonal deposition. Pollen percentage and concentration data are presented from a short sequence of bands to establish whether textural variations in the bands coincide with variations in pollen content reflecting seasonal flowering patterns. It is shown that fine-grained band parts contain higher total pollen concentrations, and a higher proportion of pollen from late spring- to summer-flowering plants, than coarse-grained band parts. Pollen in the coarser deposits appears primarily to reflect deposition from the buffering `reservoir' of suspended pollen in the estuarine water-body and from rivers, when there is little pollen in the air in winter, while the finer sediments contain pollen deposited from the atmosphere during the flowering season, superimposed on these `background' sources. The potential of such deposits for refining chronologies and identifying seasonality of coastal processes is noted, and the results of charcoal particle analysis of the bands presented as an example of how they have the potential to shed light on seasonal and annual patterns of human activity. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A collection of 24 seawaters from various worldwide locations and differing depth was culled to measure their chlorine isotopic composition (delta(37)Cl). These samples cover all the oceans and large seas: Atlantic, Pacific, Indian and Antarctic oceans, Mediterranean and Red seas. This collection includes nine seawaters from three depth profiles down to 4560 mbsl. The standard deviation (2sigma) of the delta(37)Cl of this collection is +/-0.08 parts per thousand, which is in fact as large as our precision of measurement ( +/- 0.10 parts per thousand). Thus, within error, oceanic waters seem to be an homogeneous reservoir. According to our results, any seawater could be representative of Standard Mean Ocean Chloride (SMOC) and could be used as a reference standard. An extended international cross-calibration over a large range of delta(37)Cl has been completed. For this purpose, geological fluid samples of various chemical compositions and a manufactured CH3Cl gas sample, with delta(37)Cl from about -6 parts per thousand to +6 parts per thousand have been compared. Data were collected by gas source isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) at the Paris, Reading and Utrecht laboratories and by thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS) at the Leeds laboratory. Comparison of IRMS values over the range -5.3 parts per thousand to +1.4 parts per thousand plots on the Y=X line, showing a very good agreement between the three laboratories. On 11 samples, the trend line between Paris and Reading Universities is: delta(37)Cl(Reading)= (1.007 +/- 0.009)delta(37)Cl(Paris) - (0.040 +/- 0.025), with a correlation coefficient: R-2 = 0.999. TIMS values from Leeds University have been compared to IRMS values from Paris University over the range -3.0 parts per thousand to +6.0 parts per thousand. On six samples, the agreement between these two laboratories, using different techniques is good: delta(37)Cl(Leeds)=(1.052 +/- 0.038)delta(37)Cl(Paris) + (0.058 +/- 0.099), with a correlation coefficient: R-2 = 0.995. The present study completes a previous cross-calibration between the Leeds and Reading laboratories to compare TIMS and IRMS results (Anal. Chem. 72 (2000) 2261). Both studies allow a comparison of IRMS and TIMS techniques between delta(37)Cl values from -4.4 parts per thousand to +6.0 parts per thousand and show a good agreement: delta(37)Cl(TIMS)=(1.039 +/- 0.023)delta(37)Cl(IRMS)+(0.059 +/- 0.056), with a correlation coefficient: R-2 = 0.996. Our study shows that, for fluid samples, if chlorine isotopic compositions are near 0 parts per thousand, their measurements either by IRMS or TIMS will give comparable results within less than +/- 0.10 parts per thousand, while for delta(37)Cl values as far as 10 parts per thousand (either positive or negative) from SMOC, both techniques will agree within less than +/- 0.30 parts per thousand. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Our understanding of the ancient ocean-atmosphere system has focused on oceanic proxies. However, the study of terrestrial proxies is equally necessary to constrain our understanding of ancient climates and linkages between the terrestrial and oceanic carbon reservoirs. We have analyzed carbon-isotope ratios from fossil plant material through the Valanginian and Lower Hauterivian from a shallow-marine, ammonite-constrained succession in the Crimean Peninsula of the southern Ukraine in order to determine if the Upper Valanginian positive carbon-isotope excursion is expressed in the atmosphere. delta(13)C(plant) values fluctuate around -23% to -22% for the Valanginian-Hauterivian, except during the Upper Valanginian where delta(13)C(plant) values record a positive excursion to similar to-18%. Based upon ammonite biostratigraphy from Crimea, and in conjunction with a composite Tethyan marine delta(13)C(carb) curve, several conclusions can be drawn: (1) the delta(13)C(plant) record indicates that the atmospheric carbon reservoir was affected; (2) the defined ammonite correlations between Europe and Crimea are synchronous; and (3) a change in photosynthetic carbon-isotope fractionation, caused by a decrease in atmospheric PCO2, occurred during the Upper Valanginian Positive delta(13)C excursion. Our new data, combined with other paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic information, indicate that the Upper Valanginian was a cool period (icehouse) and highlights that the Cretaceous period was interrupted by periods of cooling and was not an equable climate as previously thought. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.