1000 resultados para electrochemical heterogeneity


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Although current research indicates that increasing the number of options has negative effects on the cognitive ability of consumers, little understanding has been given to the consequences on producers and their strategic behavior. This article tests whether a large portfolio of products is beneficial to producers by observing UK consumer response to price promotions. The article shows that discounts induce mainly segment switching (74% of the total impact), with a limited effect on stockpiling (26%) and no impact on purchase incidence. Consequently, consumers prefer to “follow the discount” rather than purchase multiple units of the same wine. This result seems to explain the current structure of the market, and suggests that discounts may conflict with segment loyalty, a situation that disfavors producers, particularly in very populated segments. Results also casts doubts on the economic sustainability of competition based on an intense product differentiation in the wine sector.


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The dinuclear complex [{Ru(CN)4}2(μ-bppz)]4− shows a strongly solvent-dependent metal–metal electronic interaction which allows the mixed-valence state to be switched from class 2 to class 3 by changing solvent from water to CH2Cl2. In CH2Cl2 the separation between the successive Ru(II)/Ru(III) redox couples is 350 mVand the IVCT band (from the UV/Vis/NIR spectroelectrochemistry) is characteristic of a borderline class II/III or class III mixed valence state. In water, the redox separation is only 110 mVand the much broader IVCT transition is characteristic of a class II mixed-valence state. This is consistent with the observation that raising and lowering the energy of the d(π) orbitals in CH2Cl2 or water, respectively, will decrease or increase the energy gap to the LUMO of the bppz bridging ligand, which provides the delocalisation pathway via electron-transfer. IR spectroelectrochemistry could only be carried out successfully in CH2Cl2 and revealed class III mixed-valence behaviour on the fast IR timescale. In contrast to this, time-resolved IR spectroscopy showed that the MLCTexcited state, which is formulated as RuIII(bppz˙−)RuII and can therefore be considered as a mixed-valence Ru(II)/Ru(III) complex with an intermediate bridging radical anion ligand, is localised on the IR timescale with spectroscopically distinct Ru(II) and Ru(III) termini. This is because the necessary electron-transfer via the bppz ligand is more difficult because of the additional electron on bppz˙− which raises the orbital through which electron exchange occurs in energy. DFT calculations reproduce the electronic spectra of the complex in all three Ru(II)/Ru(II), Ru(II)/Ru(III) and Ru(III)/Ru(III) calculations in both water and CH2Cl2 well as long as an explicit allowance is made for the presence of water molecules hydrogen-bonded to the cyanides in the model used. They also reproduce the excited-state IR spectra of both [Ru(CN)4(μ-bppz)]2– and [{Ru(CN)4}2(μ-bppz)]4− very well in both solvents. The reorganization of the water solvent shell indicates a possible dynamical reason for the longer life time of the triplet state in water compared to CH2Cl2.


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The protein antigen MPB70 is a major component of culture supernatants of Mycobacterium bovis and Is an active ingredient of bovine PPD used for skin-testing cattle for tuberculosis. we have shown that Mycobacterium kansasii possesses a similar gene that cross-reacts in a PCR test for M. bovis. Single strand conformational polymorphism analysis, and the DNA sequence of the PCR product, shows differences between M. kansasii strains, supporting the suggestion that M. kansasii is not a homogeneous species.


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This work reports the ligational behavior of the neutral bidentate chelating molecule 2-(3,5-dimethyl pyrazol-1-yl) benzothiazole towards the oxomolybdenum(V) center. Both mononuclear complexes of the type (MoOX3L)-O-V and binuclear complexes of the formula (Mo2O4X2L2)-O-V (where X = Cl, Br) are isolated in the solid state. The complexes are characterized by elemental analyses, various spectroscopic techniques (UV-Vis IR), magnetic susceptibility measurement at room temperature, and cyclic voltammetry for their redox behavior at a platinum electrode in CH3CN. The mononuclear complexes (MoOX3L)-O-V are found to be paramagnetic while the binuclear complexes Mo2O4X2L2 are diamagnetic. Crystal and molecular structure of the ligand and the dioxomolybdenum complex (MoO2Br2L)-O-VI (obtained from the complex MoOBr3L during crystallization) have been solved by single crystal X-ray diffraction technique. Relevant DFT calculations of the ligand and the complex (MoO2Br2L)-O-VI are also carried out.


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Reaction of a series of N-(aryl)picolinamide ligands (HL-R, where II denotes the acidic proton and R (R = OCH3, CH3, H, Cl and NO2) is the para substituent in the aryl fragment) with RhCl3 center dot 3H(2)O in refluxing ethanal in the presence of a base (NEt3) affords two groups of yellow complexes of type [Rh(H-R)(L-R)Cl-2] and [Rh(L-R)(2)(H2O)Cl]. In [Rh(HL-R)(L-R)Cl-2], HL-R is coordinated as neutral N,O-donor and L-R as monoanionic N,N-donor, and the two chlorides are mutually trans. In [Rh(L-R)(2)(H2O)CI] both the amide ligands are coordinated as monoanionic N,N-donor, and the chloro and aquo ligands are mutually cis. Structures of the [Rh(HL-OCH3)(L-CH3)Cl-2] and [Rh(L-Cl)(2)(H2O)CI] complexes have been determined by X-ray crystallography. All the complexes show characteristic H-1 NMR signals and intense LLCT transitions in the ultraviolet region. Cyclic voltammetry on the complexes shows an oxidation of the coordinated amide ligand within 0.78-1.80 V vs SCE and a reductive response within -0.20 to -0.75 V vs SCE. DFT calculations have been done to explain the electronic spectral and electrochemical properties.


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Reaction of salicylaldehyde thiosemicarbazone (L-1), 2-hydroxyacetophenone thiosemicarbazone (L-2) and 2-hydroxynapthaldehyde thiosemicarbazone (L-3) with [Ru(dmso)(4)Cl-2] affords a family of three dimeric complexes (1), (2) and (3) respectively. Crystal structure of the complex (3) has been determined. In these complexes, each monomeric unit consists of one ruthenium center and two thiosemicarbazone ligands, one of which is coordinated to ruthenium as O,N,S-donor and the other as N,S-donor forming a five-membered chelate ring. Two such monomeric units remain bridged by the sulfur atoms of the O,N,S-coordinated thiosemicarbazones. Due to this sulfur bridging, the two ruthenium centers become so close to each other, that a ruthenium-ruthenium single bond is also formed. All the complexes are diamagnetic in the solid state and in dimethylsulfoxide solution show intense absorptions in the visible and ultraviolet region. Origin of these spectral transitions has been established from DFT calculations. Cyclic voltammetry on the complexes shows two irreversible ligand oxidations on the positive side of SCE and two irreversible ligand reductions on the negative side.


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Reaction of five 4R-benzaldehyde thiosemicarbazones (R = OCH3, CH3, H, Cl and NO2) with [ Ru(PPh3)(3)(-CO)(H) Cl] in refluxing methanol in the presence of a base (NEt3) affords complexes of two different types, viz. 1-R and 2-R. In the 1-R complexes the thiosemicarbazone is coordinated to ruthenium as a dianionic tridentate C,N,S-donor via C-H bond activation. Two triphenylphosphines and a carbonyl are also coordinated to ruthenium. The tricoordinated thiosemicarbazone ligand is sharing the same equatorial plane with ruthenium and the carbonyl, and the PPh3 ligands are mutually trans. In the 2-R complexes the thiosemicarbazone ligand is coordinated to ruthenium as a monoanionic bidentate N, S-donor forming a four-membered chelate ring with a bite angle of 63.91(11)degrees. Two triphenylphosphines, a carbonyl and a hydride are also coordinated to ruthenium. The coordinated thiosemicarbazone ligand, carbonyl and hydride constitute one equatorial plane with the metal at the center, where the carbonyl is trans to the coordinated nitrogen of the thiosemicarbazone and the hydride is trans to the sulfur. The two triphenylphosphines are trans. Structures of the 1-CH3 and 2-CH3 complexes have been determined by X-ray crystallography. All the complexes show intense transitions in the visible region, which are assigned, based on DFT calculations, to transitions within orbitals of the thiosemicarbazone ligand. Cyclic voltammetry on the complexes shows two oxidations of the coordinated thiosemicarbazone on the positive side of SCE and a reduction of the same ligand on the negative side.


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The reduction path of the complex fac-[ReΙ(imH)(CO)3(bpy)]+ was studied in situ by UV-Vis-NIR-IR spectroelectrochemistry within an OTTLE cell. The complex undergoes 1e‒ reduction of the 2,2'-bipyridine (bpy) ligand and intramolecular electron transfer resulting in the conversion of the axial imidazole (imH) ligand to 3-imidazolate (3-im–). This step is followed by two bpy-based 1e– reductions producing ultimately the five-coordinate complex [Re(CO)3(bpy)]‒ and free 3-im‒. The identity of the reduction product fac-[Re(3-im–)(CO)3(bpy)] has been proven by partial chemical deprotonation of the parent complex followed by IR spectroelectrochemistry. This is the first time when an electrochemical conversion of metal-coordinated imidazole to terminal 3-imidazolate has been observed.


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An optically transparent thin-layer electrochemical (OTTLE) cell with a locally extended optical path has been developed in order to perform vibrational circular dichroism (VCD) spectroscopy on chiral molecules prepared in specific oxidation states by means of electrochemical reduction or oxidation. The new design of the electrochemical cell successfully addresses the technical challenges involved in achieving sufficient infrared absorption. The VCD-OTTLE cell proves to be a valuable tool for the investigation of chiral redox-active molecules.


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The interfacial behavior of the model amyloid peptide octamer YYKLVFFC (peptide 1) and two other amyloid peptides YEVHHQKLVFF (peptide 2) and KKLVFFA (peptide 3) at the metal|aqueous solution interface was studied by voltammetric and constant current chronopotentiometric stripping (CPS). All three peptides are adsorbed in a wide potential range and exhibit different interfacial organizations depending on the electrode potential. At the least negative potentials, chemisorption of peptide 1 occurs through the formation of a metal sulfur bond. This bond is broken close to −0.6 V. The peptide undergoes self-association at more negative potentials, leading to the formation of a “pit” characteristic of a 2D condensed film. Under the same conditions the other peptides do not produce such a pit. Formation of the 2D condensed layer in peptide 1 is supported by the time, potential and temperature dependences of the interfacial capacity and it is shown that presence of the 2D layer is reflected by the peptide CPS signals due to the catalytic hydrogen evolution. The ability of peptide 1 to form the potential-dependent 2D condensed layer has been reported neither for any other peptide nor for any protein molecule. This ability might be related to the well-known oligomerization and aggregation of Alzheimer amyloid peptides.


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An extensive off-line evaluation of the Noah/Single Layer Urban Canopy Model (Noah/SLUCM) urban land-surface model is presented using data from 15 sites to assess (1) the ability of the scheme to reproduce the surface energy balance observed in a range of urban environments, including seasonal changes, and (2) the impact of increasing complexity of input parameter information. Model performance is found to be most dependent on representation of vegetated surface area cover; refinement of other parameter values leads to smaller improvements. Model biases in net all-wave radiation and trade-offs between turbulent heat fluxes are highlighted using an optimization algorithm. Here we use the Urban Zones to characterize Energy partitioning (UZE) as the basis to assign default SLUCM parameter values. A methodology (FRAISE) to assign sites (or areas) to one of these categories based on surface characteristics is evaluated. Using three urban sites from the Basel Urban Boundary Layer Experiment (BUBBLE) dataset, an independent evaluation of the model performance with the parameter values representative of each class is performed. The scheme copes well with both seasonal changes in the surface characteristics and intra-urban heterogeneities in energy flux partitioning, with RMSE performance comparable to similar state-of-the-art models for all fluxes, sites and seasons. The potential of the methodology for high-resolution atmospheric modelling application using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model is highlighted. This analysis supports the recommendations that (1) three classes are appropriate to characterize the urban environment, and (2) that the parameter values identified should be adopted as default values in WRF.


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The INSIG2 rs7566605 polymorphism was identified for obesity (BMI> or =30 kg/m(2)) in one of the first genome-wide association studies, but replications were inconsistent. We collected statistics from 34 studies (n = 74,345), including general population (GP) studies, population-based studies with subjects selected for conditions related to a better health status ('healthy population', HP), and obesity studies (OB). We tested five hypotheses to explore potential sources of heterogeneity. The meta-analysis of 27 studies on Caucasian adults (n = 66,213) combining the different study designs did not support overall association of the CC-genotype with obesity, yielding an odds ratio (OR) of 1.05 (p-value = 0.27). The I(2) measure of 41% (p-value = 0.015) indicated between-study heterogeneity. Restricting to GP studies resulted in a declined I(2) measure of 11% (p-value = 0.33) and an OR of 1.10 (p-value = 0.015). Regarding the five hypotheses, our data showed (a) some difference between GP and HP studies (p-value = 0.012) and (b) an association in extreme comparisons (BMI> or =32.5, 35.0, 37.5, 40.0 kg/m(2) versus BMI<25 kg/m(2)) yielding ORs of 1.16, 1.18, 1.22, or 1.27 (p-values 0.001 to 0.003), which was also underscored by significantly increased CC-genotype frequencies across BMI categories (10.4% to 12.5%, p-value for trend = 0.0002). We did not find evidence for differential ORs (c) among studies with higher than average obesity prevalence compared to lower, (d) among studies with BMI assessment after the year 2000 compared to those before, or (e) among studies from older populations compared to younger. Analysis of non-Caucasian adults (n = 4889) or children (n = 3243) yielded ORs of 1.01 (p-value = 0.94) or 1.15 (p-value = 0.22), respectively. There was no evidence for overall association of the rs7566605 polymorphism with obesity. Our data suggested an association with extreme degrees of obesity, and consequently heterogeneous effects from different study designs may mask an underlying association when unaccounted for. The importance of study design might be under-recognized in gene discovery and association replication so far.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine whether the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)-gamma Pro12ala polymorphism modulates susceptibility to diabetes in South Asians. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: South Asians (n = 697) and Caucasians (n = 457) living in Dallas/Forth Worth, Texas, and South Asians living in Chennai, India (n = 1,619), were enrolled for this study. PPAR-gamma Pro12Ala was determined using restriction fragment-length polymorphism. Insulin responsiveness to an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) was measured in nondiabetic subjects. RESULTS: The Caucasian diabetic subjects had significantly lower prevalence of PPAR-gamma 12Ala when compared with the Caucasian nondiabetic subjects (20 vs. 9%, P = 0.006). However, there were no significant differences between diabetic and nondiabetic subjects with reference to the Pro12Ala polymorphism among the South Asians living in Dallas (20 vs. 23%) and in India (19 vs. 19.3%). Although Caucasians carrying PPAR-gamma Pro12Ala had lower plasma insulin levels at 2 h of OGTT than the wild-type (Pro/Pro) carriers (76 +/- 68 and 54 +/- 33 microU/ml, respectively, P = 0.01), no differences in either fasting or 2-h plasma insulin concentrations were found between South Asians carrying the PPAR-gamma Pro12Ala polymorphism and those with the wild-type genotype at either Chennai or Dallas. CONCLUSIONS: Although further replication studies are necessary to test the validity of the described genotype-phenotype relationship, our study supports the hypothesis that the PPAR-gamma Pro12Ala polymorphism is protective against diabetes in Caucasians but not in South Asians.


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Erythropoietic protoporphyria (EPP) is associated with a deficiency of protohaem ferrolyase. We have used a novel assay for this enzyme based on its ability to utilize zinc as a substrate to investigate the inheritance of EPP in nine affected families. Zinc chelatase activity was markedly reduced in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from 14 EPP patients (mean, 3.3 nmol Zn protohaem/h/mg protein; range, 0.3-8.0) when compared with 41 controls (16.8 +/- 3.6) p less than 0.01. In three families with parent-to-child transmission of disease, the asymptomatic parent had an enzymatic activity within the normal range. In three pedigrees where the parents were asymptomatic, enzymatic activities were below the 95% confidence limits in both. Zinc chelatase activity was below the mean control value in 17 of the 18 parents in nine affected pedigrees, and six of seven asymptomatic offspring of patients with protoporphyria. The findings suggest that EPP is not transmitted as a simple dominant trait and that inheritance of more than one gene may be required for disease expression.


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The centre of cities, characterised by spatial and temporal complexity, are challenging environments for micrometeorological research. This paper considers the impact of sensor location and heterogeneity of the urban surface on flux observations in the dense city centre of London, UK. Data gathered at two sites in close vicinity, but with different measurement heights, were analysed to investigate the influence of source area characteristics on long-term radiation and turbulent heat fluxes. Combining consideration of diffuse radiation and effects of specular reflections, the non-Lambertian urban surface is found to impact the measurements of surface albedo. Comparisons of observations from the two sites reveal that turbulent heat fluxes are similar under some flow conditions. However, they mostly observe processes at different scales due to their differing measurement heights, highlighting the critical impact of siting sensors in urban areas. A detailed source area analysis is presented to investigate the surface controls influencing the energy exchanges at the different scales