989 resultados para elect-displacement strength factor


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This paper details a bulk acoustic mode resonator fabricated in single-crystal silicon with a quality factor of 15 000 in air, and over a million below 10 mTorr at a resonant frequency of 2.18 MHz. The resonator is a square plate that is excited in the square-extensional mode and has been fabricated in a commercial foundry silicon-on-insulator (SOI) MEMS process through MEMSCAP. This paper also presents a simple method of extracting resonator parameters from raw measurements heavily buried in electrical feedthrough. Its accuracy has been demonstrated through a comparison between extracted motional resistance values measured at different voltage biases and those predicted from an analytical model. Finally, a method of substantially cancelling electrical feedthrough through system-level electronic implementation is also introduced. © 2008 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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This paper reports the design and electrical characterization of a micromechanical disk resonator fabricated in single crystal silicon using a foundry SOI micromachining process. The microresonator has been selectively excited in the radial extensional and the wine glass modes by reversing the polarity of the DC bias voltage applied on selected drive electrodes around the resonant structure. The quality factor of the resonator vibrating in the radial contour mode was 8000 at a resonant frequency of 6.34 MHz at pressure below 10 mTorr vacuum. The highest measured quality factor of the resonator in the wine glass resonant mode was 1.9 × 106 using a DC bias voltage of 20 V at about the same pressure in vacuum; the resonant frequency was 5.43 MHz and the lowest motional resistance measured was approximately 17 kΩ using a DC bias voltage of 60 V applied across 2.7 μm actuation gaps. This corresponds to a resonant frequency-quality factor (f-Q) product of 1.02 × 1013, among the highest reported for single crystal silicon microresonators, and on par with the best quartz crystal resonators. The quality factor for the wine glass mode in air was approximately 10,000. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report on the experimental characterization of a single crystal silicon square-plate microresonator. The resonator is excited in the square wine glass (SWG) mode at a mechanical resonance frequency of 2.065 MHz. The resonator displays quality factor of 9660 in air and an ultra-high quality factor of Q = 4.05 × 106 in 12 mtorr vacuum. The SWG mode may be described as a square plate that contracts along one axis in the fabrication plane, while simultaneously extending along an orthogonal axis in the same plane. The resonant structure is addressed in a 2-terminal configuration by utilizing equal and opposite drive polarities on surrounding capacitor electrodes, thereby decreasing the motional resistance of the resonator. The resonant micromechanical device has been fabricated in a commercial silicon-on-insulator process through the MEMSCAP foundry utilising a minimum electrostatic gap of 2 μm. © 2008 IEEE.


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Various vortex generators which include ramp, split-ramp and a new hybrid concept "ramped-vane" are investigated under normal shock conditions with a diffuser at Mach number of 1.3. The dimensions of the computational domain were designed using Reynolds Average Navier-Stokes studies to be representative of the flow in an external-compression supersonic inlet. Using this flow geometry, various vortex generator concepts were studied with Implicit Large Eddy Simulation. In general, the ramped-vane provided increased vorticity compared to the other devices and reduced the separation length downstream of the device centerline. In addition, the size, edge gap and streamwise position respect to the shock were studied for the ramped-vane and it was found that a height of about half the boundary thickness and a large trailing edge gap yielded a fully attached flow downstream of the device. This ramped-vane also provided the largest reduction in the turbulent kinetic energy and pressure fluctuations. Additional benefits include negligible drag while the reductions in boundary layer displacement thickness and shape factor were seen compared to other devices. © 2010 by Sang Lee.


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Various vortex generators which include ramp, split-ramp and a new hybrid concept "ramped-vane" are investigated under normal shock conditions with a diffuser at Mach number of 1.3. The dimensions of the computational domain were designed using Reynolds Average Navier-Stokes studies to be representative of the flow in an external-compression supersonic inlet. Using this flow geometry, various vortex generator concepts were studied with Implicit Large Eddy Simulation. In general, the ramped-vane provided increased vorticity compared to the other devices and reduced the separation length downstream of the device centerline. In addition, the size, edge gap and streamwise position respect to the shock were studied for the ramped-vane and it was found that a height of about half the boundary thickness and a large trailing edge gap yielded a fully attached flow downstream of the device. This ramped-vane also provided the largest reduction in the turbulent kinetic energy and pressure fluctuations. Additional benefits include negligible drag while the reductions in boundary layer displacement thickness and shape factor were seen compared to other devices. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.


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Very-High-Cycle Fatigue (VHCF) is the phenomenon of fatigue damage and failure of metallic materials or structures subjected to 108 cycles of fatigue loading and beyond. This paper attempts to investigate the VHCF behavior and mechanism of a high strength low alloy steel (main composition: C-1% and Cr-1.5%; quenched at 1108K and tempered at 453K). The fractography of fatigue failure was observed by optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The observations reveal that, for the number of cycles to fatigue failure between 106 and 4108 cycles, fatigue cracks almost initiated in the interior of specimen and originated at non-metallic inclusions. An “optical dark area” (ODA) around initiation site is observed when fatigue initiation from interior. ODA size increases with the decrease of fatigue stress, and becomes more roundness. Fracture mechanics analysis gives the stress intensity factor of ODA, which is nearly equivalent to the corresponding fatigue threshold of the test material. The results indicate that the fatigue life of specimens with crack origin at the interior of specimen is longer than that with crack origin at specimen surface. The experimental results and the fatigue mechanism were further analyzed in terms of fracture mechanics and fracture physics, suggesting that the primary propagation of fatigue crack within the fish-eye local region is the main characteristics of VHCF.


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We derive a relationship between the initial unloading slope, contact depth, and the instantaneous relaxation modulus for displacement-controlled indentation in linear viscoelastic solids by a rigid indenter with an arbitrary axisymmetric smooth profile. While the same expression is well known for indentation in elastic and in elastic–plastic solids, we show that it is also true for indentation in linear viscoelastic solids, provided that the unloading rate is sufficiently fast. When the unloading rate is slow, a “hold” period between loading and unloading can be used to provide a correction term for the initial unloading slope equation. Finite element calculations are used to illustrate the methods of fast unloading and “hold-at-the-maximum-indenter-displacement” for determining the instantaneous modulus using spherical indenters.


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Under the environment of seawater, durability of concrete materials is one of the chief factors considered in the design of structures. The decrease of durability of structures is induced by the evolution of micro-damage due to the erosion of chlorine and sulfate ions, which is characterized by the reduction of modulus, strength, and toughness of the material. In this paper, the variation of the flexural strength of cement mortar under sulfate erosion is investigated. The results obtained in present work indicate that the erosion time, concentration of sulfate solution, and water-to-cement ratio will significantly affect the flexural strength. Crown Copyright (c) 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Ceramic/metal interfaces were studied that fail by atomistic separation accompanied by plastic dissipation in the metal. The macroscopic toughness of the specific Ni alloy/Al2O3 interface considered is typically on the order of ten times the atomistic work of separation in mode I and even higher if combinations of mode I and mode II act on the interface. Inputs to the computational model of interface toughness are: (i) strain gradient plasticity applied to the Ni alloy with a length parameter determined by an indentation test, and (ii) a potential characterizing mixed mode separation of the interface fit to atomistic results. The roles of the several length parameters in the strain gradient plasticity are determined for indentation and crack growth. One of the parameters is shown to be of dominant importance, thus establishing that indentation can be used to measure the relevant length parameter. Recent results for separation of Ni/Al2O3 interfaces computed by atomistic methods are reviewed, including a set of results computed for mixed mode separation. An approximate potential fit to these results is characterized by the work of separation, the peak separation stress for normal separation and the traction-displacement relation in pure shearing of the interface. With these inputs, the model for steady-state crack growth is used to compute the toughness of the interface under mode I and under the full range of mode mix. The effect of interface strength and the work of separation on macroscopic toughness is computed. Fundamental implications for plasticity-enhanced toughness emerge.


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The fracture toughness and interfacial adhesion properties of a coating on its substrate are considered to be crucial intrinsic parameters determining performance and reliability of coating-substrate system. In this work, the fracture toughness and interfacial shear strength of a hard and brittle Cr coating on a normal medium carbon steel substrate were investigated by means of a tensile test. The normal medium carbon steel substrate electroplated with a hard and brittle Cr coating was quasi-statically stretched to induce an array of parallel cracks in the coating. An optical microscope was used to observe the cracking of the coating and the interfacial decohesion between the coating and the substrate during the loading. It was found that the cracking of the coating initiated at critical strain, and then the number of the cracks of the coating per unit axial distance increased with the increase in the tensile strain. At another critical strain, the number of the cracks of the coating became saturated, i.e. the number of cracks per unit axial distance became a constant after this critical strain. Based on the experiment result, the fracture toughness of the brittle coating can be determined using a mechanical model. Interestingly, even when the whole specimen fractured completely under an extreme strain of the substrate, the interfacial decohesion or buckling of the coating on its substrate was completely absent. The test result is different from that appeared in the literature though the identical test method and the brittle coating/ductile metal substrate system are taken. It was found that this difference can be attributed to an important mechanism that the Cr coating on the steel substrate has a good adhesion, and the ultimate interfacial shear strength between the Cr coating and the steel substrate has exceeded the maximum shear flow strength level of the steel substrate. This result also indicates that the maximum shear flow strength level of the ductile steel substrate can be only taken as a lower bound estimate on the ultimate shear strength of the interface. This estimation of the ultimate interfacial shear strength is consistent with the theoretical analysis and prediction presented in the literature.


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We present a model in this paper for predicting the inverse Hall-Petch phenomenon in nanocrystalline (NC) materials which are assumed to consist of two phases: grain phase of spherical or spheroidal shapes and grain boundary phase. The deformation of the grain phase has an elasto-viscoplastic behavior, which includes dislocation glide mechanism, Coble creep and Nabarro-Herring creep. However the deformation of grain boundary phase is assumed to be the mechanism of grain boundary diffusion. A Hill self-consistent method is used to describe the behavior of nanocrystalline pure copper subjected to uniaxial tension. Finally, the effects of grain size and its distribution, grain shape and strain rate on the yield strength and stress-strain curve of the pure copper are investigated. The obtained results are compared with relevant experimental data in the literature.


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The finite element method was used to simulate the conical indentation of elastic-plastic solids with work hardening. The ratio of the initial yield strength to the Young's modulus Y/E ranged from 0 to 0.02. Based on the calculation results, two sets of scaling functions for non-dimensional hardness H/K and indenter penetration h are presented in the paper, which have closed simple mathematical form and can be used easily for engineering application. Using the present scaling functions, indentation hardness and indentation loading curves can be easily obtained for a given set of material properties. Meanwhile one can use these scaling functions to obtain material parameters by an instrumented indentation load-displacement curve for loading and unloading if Young's modulus E and Poisson's ratio nu are known.