1000 resultados para efeito estacional


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OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste trabalho consiste em estudar a influência da resolução espacial da sonda gama Europrobe que é utilizada em cirurgia radioguiada. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Na técnica de cirurgia radioguiada, após a injeção de um radiotraçador no tumor primário, é utilizada uma sonda detectora de radiação gama a fim de determinar a localização do linfonodo sentinela. Para simular a região dos pontos de injeção do radiotraçador e o linfonodo sentinela, duas fontes de Tc-99m, com 20,42 MBq e 0,70 MBq, foram posicionadas no interior de um recipiente preenchido com água. Em seguida, com a janela de entrada da sonda coberta com um colimador, realizou-se varredura sobre a superfície da água. Assim, foi possível registrar a taxa de contagens variando-se a distância lateral da sonda em relação às duas fontes, as quais foram separadas por uma distância variando entre 30 mm e 60 mm. RESULTADOS: Os resultados mostraram que o uso do colimador contribui para melhorar a resolução espacial da sonda, permitindo a identificação do linfonodo sentinela distante até 30 mm do ponto de injeção. CONCLUSÃO: Esse estudo permite concluir que a sonda Europrobe, quando utilizada com capa colimadora com orifício central de 3,5 mm de diâmetro, é capaz de identificar o linfonodo sentinela posicionado a até 30 mm de distância em relação à região do ponto de injeção do radiotraçador.


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OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito imediato e tardio da teleterapia fracionada por cobalto-60 sobre o percentual médio de osteoplastos em mandíbula de ratos. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Os animais (n = 45) foram divididos em três grupos: grupo 1 (n = 15) - submetidos a teleterapia fracionada e sacrificados terminada a última dose de irradiação; grupo 2 - idêntico ao grupo 1, porém mortos 30 dias após a conclusão da teleterapia; grupo 3 (n = 15) - não-irradiado, servindo como grupo-controle. O protocolo radioterápico consistiu de 30 sessões de teleterapia, fracionadas em doses de 2 Gy/dia, totalizando 60 Gy. Após a perfusão dos animais com paraformaldeído a 4%, a hemimandíbula esquerda foi processada histologicamente. Secções seriadas (5 µm) foram coradas com hematoxilina-eosina. Selecionaram-se duas áreas próximas às raízes dos primeiros e segundos molares. O percentual médio de osteoplastos foi calculado nessa região, em duplicata, valendo-se do programa Image Tool. RESULTADOS: A análise de variância, complementada pelo teste de comparações múltiplas de Tukey, evidenciou que os grupos irradiados 1 e 2 não diferiram entre si, apresentando maiores percentuais de osteoplastos (p = 0,005) quando comparados com o grupo-controle. CONCLUSÃO: Concluiu-se que a teleterapia fracionada por cobalto-60, na dose estabelecida, provoca um aumento do número de osteoplastos em tecido ósseo mandibular de ratos.


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OBJETIVO: Investigar o efeito da adição de filtros de alumínio (1 mm) e cobre (0,4 mm) na redução das doses efetivas de radiação e na qualidade das imagens em exames videofluoroscópicos. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Ao tubo de raios X adicionou-se câmara de ionização conectada a um eletrômetro para medir o produto kerma-área, com técnica de 65 kVp e 0,7 mA, sem e com adição dos filtros. Foi medida resolução espacial, a de baixo contraste e tons de cinza, utilizando os objetos de teste de Leeds. Quinze voluntários tiveram o produto kerma-área/minuto do estudo faríngeo comparados, dez com filtração e base e cinco com adição dos filtros associados. RESULTADOS: A adição dos filtros separados ou associados produziu expressiva redução do produto kerma-área, com ganho na qualidade das imagens videofluoroscópicas determinado pela maior separação dos tons de cinza e aumento da relação brilho/contraste da curva de cinza. CONCLUSÃO: A interposição adicional de filtros de alumínio e cobre, em especial quando associados, melhora a qualidade das imagens, com expressiva redução das doses de radiação necessárias à sua geração.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos da radiação ionizante sobre o paladar, em pacientes que foram submetidos a radioterapia na região de cabeça e pescoço. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram selecionados 20 pacientes que possuíam diagnóstico de tumor na região de cabeça e pescoço, que iniciaram tratamento no Setor de Radioterapia da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil. Para testes do paladar, foram manipuladas quatro soluções (salgada - NaCl; doce - sacarose; azeda - ácido cítrico; amarga - ureia) em três concentrações diferentes (fraca, média e forte), administradas por meio de conta-gotas, três gotas de cada solução de maneira aleatória, respeitando a ordem das concentrações fracas, médias e fortes. Após a aplicação de cada solução, o paciente relatava o sabor que sentia. O procedimento foi realizado semanalmente durante as três primeiras semanas de radioterapia. RESULTADOS: Foi observada diferença estatisticamente significante na perda do paladar dos pacientes em tratamento radioterápico, quando se compararam a 1ª e 4ª semanas de tratamento na solução salgada, nas três concentrações, na solução doce nas concentrações fracas e médias e nas soluções azedas e amargas, apenas quando se testaram as concentrações fracas. CONCLUSÃO: A radiação ionizante altera o paladar de pacientes submetidos a radioterapia de cabeça e pescoço.


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In the oil industry, the paraffination phenomenon is a major problem during oil production, displacement and treatment. Paraffin deposition in subsea flowlines, surface equipment, production string or even in the reservoir, can cause significant and increasing oil losses. To minimize paraffin precipitation, the application of magnetic field in the petroleum path has been suggested based on empiric studies. In this study, we assembled a labscale magnetic conditioner to determine the influence of magnetic field on the physical-chemical properties of two fluids : oil and a paraffin mixture. We observed that magnetic field reduce sample aparent viscosity due to crystal morphology alteration.


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In the present work we reported the study of rice hull enzymatic hydrolysis using a commercial cellulase preparation. The results showed that previous treatment with light and sodium chlorite inhibits the enzymatic process (31.4 and 11.8%, respectively) while hydrogen peroxide and ozone favoured the enzymatic production of reducing sugars (5.9 and 54.9%, respectively). Studies performed by quimiluminescence showed that the chlorite treatment produced the most significant change in the structure of rice hull. Nevertheless, this treatment did not favour the subsequent enzymatic process. Photomicrographs obtained from rice hull hydrolysates showed that pre-treatment changed mainly the inner epidermis and parenchyma cell and that they did not change cellular organization of the hull.


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The aim of this work is to study the electrochromism and the reaction kinetics of lithium electrointercalation in anodic niobium oxide films. The oxide grown in an acid environment by application of an alternating potential shows interference colour (iridescence) and when reduced in lithium perclorate/PC solution, the intercalation of Li+ ions and electrons causes a reversible colour change (electrochromism), characterized here by electrochemical and optical measurements. A model where the reaction kinetics is dominated by diffusion of ionic pairs (Li+, e-) in the oxide film permitted the reproduction of current and absorbance temporal dependence, confirming the relationship between the electrochromic and electrochemical reactions. From the results obtained, a relation was established where the colour change is associated to the reduction of Nb+5 to Nb+4 ions with simultaneous cations injection.


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Glass-ceramic materials can be produced by the addition of LiO2 to fly ashes disposible in Southern Brazil. These glass-ceramics are based on the Al2O3-SiO2-Li 2O system. The high viscosity of the obtained glasses, however, makes forming useful articles with these materials difficult. In this study we investigate the effect of adding low cost Na2CO3 on the melt viscosity and on the nature of the developed crystalline phases. It was intended that the ultimate crystalline phase (LiAlSi3O8) should not be altered. With additions up to 3 wt. % Na2CO3, the viscosity was apparently lowered and no new crystalline phase were detected.


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Protonic offretite samples were modified by gamma-irradiation under different conditions of humidity. The results of infrared spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction reveal that the presence of water is essential to promote dealumination, as the samples irradiated in vacuum only show crystallinity loss. The degree of dealumination is, mainly, controlled by the gamma-irradiation dose while the textural modifications depend also on the percentage of water.


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The Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) effect was observed for the first time in 1974, but it was only considered a new effect three years later, hence, nearly twenty years ago. Since its discovery, a significant amount of investigations have been performed aiming at to clarify the nature of the observed enhancement, to improve the surface stability and to establish applications which nowadays range from the study of biomolecules to catalysis. Some of the more relevant aspects of this effect which have been examined across the last two decades are summarized in this paper which presents the introductory aspects of SERS alongside with several of its applications.


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Unusual chemical phenomenon associated with ultrasound is on account of cavitation effect. The ultrasound increase the rate and yield of chemical reaction on account of its ability to emulsify liquids. When the ultrasound is used in metallic catalyst reaction the activity of catalyst is increased because the ultrasound clean the surface of catalyst. Sonogels have a fine porosity and large specific surface improving different properties. This paper deals with ultrasound phenomenon and gives some examples of reactions and properties where this radiation takes an important role.


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Polyaddition of commercial monomers is easily performed on a domestic microwave oven. The rate of polymerization depends on the structure of the monomer, power and time of irradiation. This methodology can easily be used to demonstrate the acceleration of organic reactions promoted by microwaves.


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The catalytic combustion of methane on alumina supported palladium catalysts was studied. It has been reported that the activity of the catalyst increases with its time on line, despite of an increase of the palladium particle size. However, different preparation, pretreatment and testing conditions can be the reason for the observed different results. An experimental design, which allows to verify the influence of several parameters at the same time with a good statistical quality, was used. A Plackett-Burman design was selected for the screening of the variables which have an effect on the increase of the catalyst activity.


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Chalcone (1) and its fluorinated derivatives 2-4, as well as their cyclic analogues 5-10, were synthesized through an aldol condensation reaction between the corresponding ketone and aldehyde. These compounds were characterized by IR, EIMS and ¹H and 13C NMR spectral data. Modern NMR techniques allowed us to conclude that the compounds obtained show E configuration. These techniques were also employed to investigate the equilibrium involving the s-cis and s-trans conformations of 1-4, with this equilibrium being dependent on the fluorine substitution on both aromatic rings, A or B. IR studies indicated that the yield of the s-cis conformation in the fluorinated derivatives is 57.4±1.4; 88.1±0.4 and 66.4±0.7%, for 2, 3 and 4, respectively, based on previous ¹H NMR calculations for chalcone. Theoretical calculations, using the MMX method, were employed to justify the variation of chemical shifts for the fluorinated derivatives and cyclic analogues. These chemical shifts are consequence of the anisotropic effect showed by the carbonyl group on these compounds.


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Aluminum and copper doped hematite was evaluated in the high temperature shift (HTS) reaction at several temperatures in order to find catalysts that can work in different operational conditions. It was found that the catalysts work in kinetic regime in the range of 300-400 ºC. Both copper and aluminum increases the activity and selectivity. Aluminum acts as textural promoter whereas copper acts as structural one. The most promising catalyst is that with both copper and aluminum which showed higher activity and selectivity than a commercial sample. This catalyst has the advantages of being non toxic and can work at low temperatures.