1000 resultados para economia florestal
The objective of this work is to compare how manifests the ideological positioning in the hegemonic media productions, according to Gramsci's conception, in relation to the radical alternative media, proposed by John Downing. The research has as opinionated content sample printed newspaper O Estado de s. Paulo, contrasting with the expressions of NON-PROFIT bauruense environmental “Instituto Ambiental Vidágua on the proposals of the new Brazilian forest Code. The analysis will hold in an interval between the adoption of the code by the Chamber of deputies in April 2012, and the provisional measure of President Dilma Rousseff with 32 modifications, after vetoing 12 articles proposed initially in may 2012. To support the study, will be crafted Gramsci hegemony; What is the alternative and radical media as it manifests itself; the relationship between the environmental journalism with the environmental NGOs; opinionated journalism and journalistic genres opinionated; theories of journalism and framing of matter
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The growing concern over deforestation of native forests from Brazil to the marketing of wood in various sectors had made greater attention from lawmakers. In this context, did the reforestation, which came into existence to meet the demand for forest raw material. This paper attempts to make a survey, focusing on the interplay between small and medium producers, consumers of forest products and reforestation associations. For this, we conducted a survey of legislation at the federal and state since the emergence, evolution and current context for understanding the legal basis on the subject. In addition, literature reviews have been made seeking to direct the concepts and importance of reforestation, reforestation, forest plantations and productive use of the species Eucalyptus sp for the supply of forest raw material. Approach was also sought on the structure of the system of reforestation of the state of Sao Paulo and their assignments. We also present an in loco study of Chairman Wenceslas municipality in order to analyze the participation of the municipality in the reforest the region of Pontal Paranapanema and actions of regulatory agencies. As a result presents a survey of consumers of timber enterprises in the municipality of President Wenceslas based on the resolution SMA No. 082/2008, which describes the characteristics of these companies and their fields of activity
Neste trabalho priorizou-se a visão da água enquanto bem público. No seu tratamento, dado que a economia neoclássica tradicional não nos oferece uma resposta desejável, pisamos o campo da Economia Institucional: da importância das instituições para o desenvolvimento até os diferentes arranjos institucionais, com o aparecimento de múltiplos agentes. Com isso procuramos atacar o problema do “carona”, e mostrar como pode haver cooperação entre os agentes para a produção de um bem público, no caso a água. Em posse desses argumentos, mostramos como é feita a atual gestão dos recursos hídricos no Brasil, descentralizada e participativa, através dos Comitês de Bacias Hidrográficas. Em seguida mostramos como a articulação regional, diante de um cenário de escassez hídrica para abastecimento antrópico, e seus consequentes conflitos, anterior à formação dos CBHs, contribuiu para pressionar um tradicional segmento da indústria na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo (RMSP), o Pólo Petroquímico, e como a opção pela reutilização da água tornou-se uma alternativa não só viável, como economicamente interessante, a ponto da Sabesp e da construtora Odebrecht iniciarem o projeto Aquapolo Ambiental
The goal of this paper is to critically analyze the practices developed by Solidarity Economy and to merge them with social technologies, aiming to achieve social transformation of popular groups. This transformation consists in the empowerment of those groups in means of work organization, considering their self-management and also the development of techniques and technologies utilized. Based on the understanding that technical development has no neutral character and it follows linearity within society, a discussion around the forms and uses of technology is conducted here, aiming at the perspective of changes in technologies’ development and also assigning social character to them. To think of social technology requires us to consider the space in which it is inserted, once it refers to a collective demand that belongs to self-managed groups. Therefore, to intent beyond self-management work, new productive forces are discussed here, and also the analysis and adhesion of an alternative technology for popular cooperatives
Neste trabalho propõe- se o debate de teorias econômicas sobre o terrorismo. Objetiva-se debater as diferentes abordagens da literatura bem como demonstrar suas influências e consequências na economia de um país. Mostram-se ainda dados e trabalhos empíricos dos efeitos do terrorismo na economia americana, espanhola e israelense
As tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TICs), em especial, o setor de telefonia passou e, ainda, passa por mudanças importantes: o aumento do número de características incorporadas aos aparelhos celulares. Isto moldou o ambiente competitivo de alta concentração, através de aquisições das empresas (e ativos tecnológicas) e da emergência de “novos” competidores. Buscou-se analisar a trajetória recente da indústria de telequipamentos, no que diz respeito às estratégias das empresas. Bem como identificar tendências tecnológicas e o desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias
The brazilian legislation has sufored changes by the law no 1876/99, without the scientific community consultation, causing grave consequences for the country natural patrimony. The goal of this research is to investigate what the professors and students community of a São Paulo University know about the theme, as much as a rural and urban portion of persons; what they consider important and which atributes are taken in consideration. By the elaboration of closed questionnaires, qualitative and quantitative datas were collected, organized and analysed. The datas showed a low schooling by the countrified people, which reflected the low forest law knowledge. The distance between the university and society was also noticed, which indicates the lack of extension activities, ethical commitment against knowledge, technology and the sustainable development of the country. Due to, highlight the importance of extension activities towards the university, community and a knowledge future of all
Com os avanços alcançados pela economia brasileira, considerada pela ONU uma economia de Desenvolvimento Humano Elevado, e pelos planos econômicos para galgar maiores patamares de desenvolvimento do país, como o PAC e Planos de Metas (para 2012), é necessário investigar se o desenvolvimento está sendo “engolfado” por toda a população - se os Estados e regiões mais atrasado, Norte e Nordeste, nesses primeiros anos do século 21, possuem condições de alcançar os Estados mais desenvolvidos do “Cone Sul”, ou seja, a integração da economia do país
In São Paulo state, deforestation and agriculture activities are increasing soil losses processes, especially in areas of susceptible soils where properties not adopt soil conservation practices. Environmental adequacy at property level regarding Permanent Protection Areas and Legal Reserves is considered a factor on reducing soil losses and considering that we assessed soil losses of different scenario of environmental adequacy. Simulations of erosive process were carried out in 15 catchments of Corumbataí river basin, according to different forest restoration scenarios, as well as the current situation of land use/land cover. The scenarios include the implementation of Permanent Preservation Areas (PPA), the reforestation of variable source areas, and two scenarios, the Legal Reserve installation in 20% of each catchment, being one of them for most critical areas in terms of erosion and the other at random. It was observed that the establishment of PPA and the reforestation of hydrologically sensitive areas, offered only a small contribution to the control of the erosive process, resulting in a reduction of 10% and 7,8%, respectively, while the legal reserve in critical areas has a significant reduction of 69,8%. The random scenario, in turn, resulted in a reduction of only 21,4%. Results show that reforestation could reduce soil losses, but previous studies of land prioritization and planning could increase significantly its efficiency at this process.
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The Inflation Targeting Regime was adopted in Brazil in 1999 and it aims at maintaining the price level in the interval set by the government. For such reason, the Central Bank makes use of variations in the interest rate, which causes the cost of the credit to be more expensive, reducing the investments, the jobs and, concomitantly, the inflation. Being aware that the country is subject to sudden reversals of the international capital flows which results in exchange rate and price instability, an econometric analysis of the adequation of the targerting regime to the Brazilian economy, especially concerned with the index price that is used as the parameter for the inflation calculus, is proposed
A anta brasileira Tapirus terrestris é o maior mamífero terrestre neotropical, sendo encontrada em todos os biomas brasileiros, com exceção da Caatinga, onde foi extinta. É capaz de carregar sementes de tamanhos variados por longas distâncias e em grandes quantidades, e depositá-las em locais distantes da plantamãe. Porém, seu potencial como dispersora é questionado, uma vez que o transporte para latrinas pode dificultar o estabelecimento pela grande quantidade de sementes. Os objetivos desse projeto foram (1) investigar a dieta da anta em um ambiente de Cerrado e (2) verificar, através de testes de germinação, se a passagem pelo seu trato digestivo modifica a taxa de germinação de araçá-docampo (Psidium guineense) e mutambo (Guazuma ulmifolia). O estudo foi realizado na fazenda Barra do Moeda, Três Lagoas/MS, onde a matriz é composta por talhões de eucalipto e cerrado em diversos estágios sucessionais. Os bolos fecais foram coletados em viagens trimestrais e, na triagem, tiveram as sementes separadas e contabilizadas. Foram utilizados os testes qui-quadrado e o de Mann-Whitney para as análises estatísticas. A triagem dos bolos fecais registrou 53 espécies vegetais, sendo 31 identificadas. As famílias com maior proporção foram Myrtaceae, Poaceae, Malvaceae e Rubiaceae, sendo verificada diferença significativa na dieta entre as duas estações. O fruto de Araçá-do-Campo (Psidium guineense) foi o mais consumido nos dois períodos, o que indica a importância desse item alimentar para a anta. Além disso, foi verificada uma redução significativa no sucesso germinativo do araçá-do-campo após a passagem pelo trato digestivo desse mamífero, sugerindo que apesar da grande quantidade de sementes, parte é inviabilizada. Foram também registradas sete espécies e dois gêneros novos, o que indica a importância da realização de novas pesquisas, com o intuito... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
The presented text aims to evaluate the causes that leading to the development of the informal sector and primarily its consequences for the registered economy (formal). Therefore, defines the concept of the shadow economy, and sets out its varied activities. The objective is to analyze the growth of this phenomenon in Brazil, since its supposed rise in the early 70's until recent days. Finally, it will be introduced some measurement methods that allow estimating the size of the shadow economy. Among these methods, in order to evaluate the behavior of the informal sector in Brazil, it was used the MIMIC model (Multiple Indicators and Multiple Causes) that consists of a statistical theory of unobserved variables, or also called latent, which considers multiple causes and multiple effects or indicators. Thus, it will be developed the analysis of results obtained
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