999 resultados para drug elimination
Empirical antibiotic therapy of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) has been complicated by the worldwide emergence of penicillin resistance among Streptococcus pneumoniae. The impact of this resistance on the outcome of patients hospitalized for CAP, empirically treated with betalactams, has not been evaluated in a randomized study. We conducted a prospective, randomized trial to assess the efficacy of amoxicillin-clavulanate (2 g/200 mg/8 hr) and ceftriaxone (1 g/24 hr) in a cohort of patients hospitalized for moderate-to-severe CAP. Three-hundred seventy-eight patients were randomized to receive amoxicillin-clavulanate (184 patients) or ceftriaxone (194 patients). Efficacy was assessed on Day 2, after completion of therapy and at long term follow-up. There were no significant differences in outcomes between treatment groups, both in intention-to-treat and per-protocol analysis. Overall mortality was 10.3% for amoxicillin-clavulanate and 8.8% for ceftriaxone (NS). There were 116 evaluable patients with proven pneumococcal pneumonia. Rates of high-level penicillin resistance (MIC of penicillin ≥2 µg/mL) were similar in the two groups (8.2 and 10.2%). Clinical efficacy at the end of therapy was 90.6% for amoxicillin-clavulanate and 88.9% for ceftriaxone (95% C.I. of the difference: -9.3 to +12.7%). No differences in outcomes were attributable to differences in penicillin susceptibility of pneumococcal strains. Sequential i.v./oral amoxicillin-clavulanate and parenteral ceftriaxone were equally safe and effective for the empirical treatment of acute bacterial pneumonia, including penicillin and cephalosporin-resistant pneumococcal pneumonia. The use of appropriate betalactams in patients with penumococcal pneumonia and in the overall CAP population, is reliable at the current level of resistance
The use by police services and inquiring agencies of forensic data in an intelligence perspective is still fragmentary and to some extent ignored. In order to increase the efficiency of criminal investigation to target illegal drug trafficking organisations and to provide valuable information about their methods, it is necessary to include and interpret objective drug analysis results already during the investigation phase. The value of visual, physical and chemical data of seized ecstasy tablets, as a support for criminal investigation on a strategic and tactical level has been investigated. In a first phase different characteristics of ecstasy tablets have been studied in order to define their relevance, variation, correlation and discriminating power in an intelligence perspective. During 5 years, over 1200 cases of ecstasy seizures (concerning about 150000 seized tablets) coming from different regions of Switzerland (City and Canton of Zurich, Cantons Ticino, Neuchâtel and Geneva) have been systematically recorded. This turned out to be a statistically representative database including large and small cases. During the second phase various comparison and clustering methods have been tested and evaluated, on the type and relevance of tablet characteristics, thus increasing knowledge about synthetic drugs, their manufacturing and trafficking. Finally analytical methodologies have been investigated and formalised, applying traditional intelligence methods. In this context classical tools, which are used in criminal analysis (like the I2 Analyst Notebook, I2 Ibase, ?) have been tested and adapted to address the specific need of forensic drug intelligence. The interpretation of these links provides valuable information about criminal organisations and their trafficking methods. In the final part of this thesis practical examples illustrate the use and value of such information.
Abstract Imatinib (Glivec~ has transformed the treatment and prognosis of chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) and of gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST). However, the treatment must be taken indefinitely and is not devoid of inconvenience and toxicity. Moreover, resistance or escape from disease control occurs. Considering the large interindividual differences in the function of the enzymatic and transport systems involved in imatinib disposition, exposure to this drug can be expected to vary widely among patients. Among those known systems is a cytochrome P450 (CYI'3A4) that metabolizes imatinib, the multidrug transporter P-glycoprotein (P-gp; product of the MDR1 gene) that expels imatinib out of cells, and al-acid glycoprotein (AGP), a circulating protein binding imatinib in the plasma. The aim of this observational study was to explore the influence of these covariates on imatinib pharmacokinetics (PK), to assess the interindividual variability of the PK parameters of the drug, and to evaluate whether imatinib use would benefit from a therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) program. A total of 321 plasma concentrations were measured in 59 patients receiving imatinib, using a validated chromatographic method developed for this study (HPLC-LTV). The results were analyzed by non-linear mixed effect modeling (NONMEM). A one-compartment pharmacokinetic model with first-order absorption appropriately described the data, and a large interindividual variability was observed. The MDK> polymorphism 3435C>T and the CYP3A4 activity appeared to modulate the disposition of imatinib, albeit not significantly. A hyperbolic relationship between plasma AGP levels and oral clearance, as well as volume of distribution, was observed. A mechanistic approach was built up, postulating that only the unbound imatinib concentration was able to undergo first-order elimination. This approach allowed determining an average free clearance (CL,~ of 13101/h and a volume of distribution (Vd) of 301 1. By comparison, the total clearance determined was 141/h (i.e. 233 ml/min). Free clearance was affected by body weight and pathology diagnosis. The estimated variability of imatinib disposition (17% for CLu and 66% for Vd) decreased globally about one half with the model incorporating the AGP impact. Moreover, some associations were observed between PK parameters of the free imatinib concentration and its efficacy and toxicity. Finally, the functional influence of P-gp activity has been demonstrated in vitro in cell cultures. These elements are arguments to further investigate the possible usefulness of a TDM program for imatinib. It may help in individualizing the dosing regimen before overt disease progression or development of treatment toxicity, thus improving both the long-term therapeutic effectiveness and tolerability of this drug. Résumé L'imatinib (Glivec ®) a révolutionné le traitement et le pronostic de la leucémie myéloïde chronique (LMC) et des tumeurs stromales d'origine digestive (GIST). Il s'agit toutefois d'un traitement non dénué d'inconvénients et de toxicité, et qui doit être pris indéfiniment. Par ailleurs, une résistance, ou des échappements au traitement, sont également rencontrés. Le devenir de ce médicament dans l'organisme dépend de systèmes enzymatiques et de transport connus pour présenter de grandes différences interindividuelles, et l'on peut s'attendre à ce que l'exposition à ce médicament varie largement d'un patient à l'autre. Parmi ces systèmes, on note un cytochrome P450 (le CYP3A4) métabolisant l'imatinib, la P-glycoprotéine (P-gp ;codée par le gène MDR1), un transporteur d'efflux expulsant le médicament hors des cellules, et l'atglycoprotéine acide (AAG), une protéine circulante sur laquelle se fixe l'imatinib dans le plasma. L'objectif de la présente étude clinique a été de déterminer l'influence de ces covariats sur la pharmacocinétique (PK) de l'imatinib, d'établir la variabilité interindividuelle des paramètres PK du médicament, et d'évaluer dans quelle mesure l'imatinib pouvait bénéficier d'un programme de suivi thérapeutique (TDM). En utilisant une méthode chromatographique développée et validée à cet effet (HPLC-UV), un total de 321 concentrations plasmatiques a été dosé chez 59 patients recevant de l'imatinib. Les résultats ont été analysés par modélisation non linéaire à effets mixtes (NONMEM). Un modèle pharmacocinétique à un compartiment avec absorption de premier ordre a permis de décrire les données, et une grande variabilité interindividuelle a été observée. Le polymorphisme du gène MDK1 3435C>T et l'activité du CYP3A4 ont montré une influence, toutefois non significative, sur le devenir de l'imatinib. Une relation hyperbolique entre les taux plasmatiques d'AAG et la clairance, comme le volume de distribution, a été observée. Une approche mécanistique a donc été élaborée, postulant que seule la concentration libre subissait une élimination du premier ordre. Cette approche a permis de déterminer une clairance libre moyenne (CLlibre) de 13101/h et un volume de distribution (Vd) de 301 l. Par comparaison, la clairance totale était de 141/h (c.à.d. 233 ml/min). La CLlibre est affectée par le poids corporel et le type de pathologie. La variabilité interindividuelle estimée pour le devenir de l'imatinib (17% sur CLlibre et 66% sur Vd) diminuait globalement de moitié avec le modèle incorporant l'impact de l'AAG. De plus, une certaine association entre les paramètres PK de la concentration d'imatinib libre et l'efficacité et la toxicité a été observée. Finalement, l'influence fonctionnelle de l'activité de la P-gp a été démontrée in nitro dans des cultures cellulaires. Ces divers éléments constituent des arguments pour étudier davantage l'utilité potentielle d'un programme de TDM appliqué à l'imatinib. Un tel suivi pourrait aider à l'individualisation des régimes posologiques avant la progression manifeste de la maladie ou l'apparition de toxicité, améliorant tant l'efficacité que la tolérabilité de ce médicament. Résumé large public L'imatinib (un médicament commercialisé sous le nom de Glivec ®) a révolutionné le traitement et le pronostic de deux types de cancers, l'un d'origine sanguine (leucémie) et l'autre d'origine digestive. Il s'agit toutefois d'un traitement non dénué d'inconvénients et de toxicité, et qui doit être pris indéfiniment. De plus, des résistances ou des échappements au traitement sont également rencontrés. Le devenir de ce médicament dans le corps humain (dont l'étude relève de la discipline appelée pharmacocinétique) dépend de systèmes connus pour présenter de grandes différences entre les individus, et l'on peut s'attendre à ce que l'exposition à ce médicament varie largement d'un patient à l'autre. Parmi ces systèmes, l'un est responsable de la dégradation du médicament dans le foie (métabolisme), l'autre de l'expulsion du médicament hors des cellules cibles, alors que le dernier consiste en une protéine (dénommée AAG) qui transporte l'imatinib dans le sang. L'objectif de notre étude a été de déterminer l'influence de ces différents systèmes sur le comportement pharmacocinétique de l'imatinib chez les patients, et d'étudier dans quelle mesure le devenir de ce médicament dans l'organisme variait d'un patient à l'autre. Enfin, cette étude avait pour but d'évaluer à quel point la surveillance des concentrations d'imatinib présentes dans le sang pourrait améliorer le traitement des patients cancéreux. Une telle surveillance permet en fait de connaître l'exposition effective de l'organisme au médicament (concept abrégé par le terme anglais TDM, pour Therapeutic Drag Monitoring. Ce projet de recherche a d'abord nécessité la mise au point d'une méthode d'analyse pour la mesure des quantités (ou concentrations) d'imatinib présentes dans le sang. Cela nous a permis d'effectuer régulièrement des mesures chez 59 patients. Il nous a ainsi été possible de décrire le devenir du médicament dans le corps à l'aide de modèles mathématiques. Nous avons notamment pu déterminer chez ces patients la vitesse à laquelle l'imatinib est éliminé du sang et l'étendue de sa distribution dans l'organisme. Nous avons également observé chez les patients que les concentrations sanguines d'imatinib étaient très variables d'un individu à l'autre pour une même dose de médicament ingérée. Nous avons pu aussi mettre en évidence que les concentrations de la protéine AAG, sur laquelle l'imatinib se lie dans le sang, avait une grande influence sur la vitesse à laquelle le médicament est éliminé de l'organisme. Ensuite, en tenant compte des concentrations sanguines d'imatinib et de cette protéine, nous avons également pu calculer les quantités de médicament non liées à cette protéine (= libres), qui sont seules susceptibles d'avoir une activité anticancéreuse. Enfin, il a été possible d'établir qu'il existait une certaine relation entre ces concentrations, l'effet thérapeutique et la toxicité du traitement. Tous ces éléments constituent des arguments pour approfondir encore l'étude de l'utilité d'un programme de TDM appliqué à l'imatinib. Comme chaque patient est différent, un tel suivi pourrait aider à l'ajustement des doses du médicament avant la progression manifeste de la maladie ou l'apparition de toxicité, améliorant ainsi tant son efficacité que son innocuité.
Background and aims: Few studies have examined whether subjective experiences during first cannabis use are related to other illicit drug (OID) use. This study investigated this topic. Methods: Baseline data from a representative sample of young Swiss men was obtained from an ongoing Cohort Study on Substance Use Risk Factors (N ¼ 5753). Logistic regressions were performed to examine the relationships between cannabis use and of subjective experiences during first cannabis use with 15 OID. Results: Positive experiences increased the likelihood of using hallucinogens (hallucinogens, salvia divinorum, spice; p50.015), stimulants (speed, ecstasy, cocaine, amphetamines/methamphetamines; p50.006) and also poppers, research chemicals, GHB/GBL, and crystal meth (p50.049). Sniffed drugs (poppers, solvents for sniffing) and ''hard'' drugs (heroin, ketamine, research chemicals, GHB/GBL and crystal meth) were more likely to be used by participants who experienced negative feelings on first use of cannabis (p50.034). Conclusion: Subjective feelings seemed to amplify the association of cannabis with OID. The risk increased for drugs with effects resembling feelings experienced on first cannabis use. Negative experiences should also be a concern, as they were associated with increased risk of using the ''hardest'' illicit drugs.
Transmission of drug-resistant pathogens presents an almost-universal challenge for fighting infectious diseases. Transmitted drug resistance mutations (TDRM) can persist in the absence of drugs for considerable time. It is generally believed that differential TDRM-persistence is caused, at least partially, by variations in TDRM-fitness-costs. However, in vivo epidemiological evidence for the impact of fitness costs on TDRM-persistence is rare. Here, we studied the persistence of TDRM in HIV-1 using longitudinally-sampled nucleotide sequences from the Swiss-HIV-Cohort-Study (SHCS). All treatment-naïve individuals with TDRM at baseline were included. Persistence of TDRM was quantified via reversion rates (RR) determined with interval-censored survival models. Fitness costs of TDRM were estimated in the genetic background in which they occurred using a previously published and validated machine-learning algorithm (based on in vitro replicative capacities) and were included in the survival models as explanatory variables. In 857 sequential samples from 168 treatment-naïve patients, 17 TDRM were analyzed. RR varied substantially and ranged from 174.0/100-person-years;CI=[51.4, 588.8] (for 184V) to 2.7/100-person-years;[0.7, 10.9] (for 215D). RR increased significantly with fitness cost (increase by 1.6[1.3,2.0] per standard deviation of fitness costs). When subdividing fitness costs into the average fitness cost of a given mutation and the deviation from the average fitness cost of a mutation in a given genetic background, we found that both components were significantly associated with reversion-rates. Our results show that the substantial variations of TDRM persistence in the absence of drugs are associated with fitness-cost differences both among mutations and among different genetic backgrounds for the same mutation.
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Recent advances in nanotechnology have addressed some of the issues related to lack of selectivity and nonspecific toxicities associated with conventional chemotherapy. Nanoparticles are therapeutic carriers that can be fine tuned for specific application and for passive or active tumor targeting. RECENT FINDINGS: Although the nanoparticle field is rapidly expanding, there are to date only six nanoparticle-based drug delivery platforms and two antibody-drug conjugates that are clinically approved for cancer therapy. Here, we review the clinical data of liposomal anthracyclines, nanoparticle formulations of paclitaxel and trastuzumab emtansine. We then briefly comment on efficacy and safety issues of nanoparticles, as well as on the next-generation nanoparticles for cancer therapy. SUMMARY: The emerging development of cancer nanotechnology offers the opportunity of reinvestigating the potential of cytotoxic agents, improving tumor targeting and drug delivery, leading to better safety profile and antitumor activity. Adding specificity to nanoparticles may allow personalization of cancer therapy using chemotherapy.
Although pharmaceutical metabolites are found in the aquatic environment, their toxicity on living organisms is poorly studied in general. Endoxifen and 4-hydroxy-tamoxifen (4OHTam) are two metabolites of the widely used anticancer drug tamoxifen for the prevention and treatment of breast cancers. Both metabolites have a high pharmacological potency in vertebrates, attributing prodrug characteristics to tamoxifen. Tamoxifen and its metabolites are body-excreted by patients, and the parent compound is found in sewage treatment plan effluents and natural waters. The toxicity of these potent metabolites on non-target aquatic species is unknown, which forces environmental risk assessors to predict their toxicity on aquatic species using knowledge on the parent compounds. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the sensitivity of two generations of the freshwater microcrustacean Daphnia pulex towards 4OHTam and endoxifen. Two chronic tests of 4OHTam and endoxifen were run in parallel and several endpoints were assessed. The results show that the metabolites 4OHTam and endoxifen induced reproductive and survival effects. For both metabolites, the sensitivity of D. pulex increased in the second generation. The intrinsic rate of natural increase (r) decreased with increasing 4OHTam and endoxifen concentrations. The No-Observed Effect Concentrations (NOECs) calculated for the reproduction of the second generation exposed to 4OHTam and endoxifen were <1.8 and 4.3μg/L, respectively, whereas the NOECs that were calculated for the intrinsic rate of natural increase were <1.8 and 0.4μg/L, respectively. Our study raises questions about prodrug and active metabolites in environmental toxicology assessments of pharmaceuticals. Our findings also emphasize the importance of performing long-term experiments and considering multi-endpoints instead of the standard reproduction outcome.
Factors modifying drug and placebo responses in randomized trials for bipolar mania. Yildiz A, Vieta E, Tohen M, Baldessarini RJ. Source Department of Psychiatry, Dokuz Eylül University, Izmir, Turkey. agul_yildiz@hotmail.com Abstract Randomized placebo-controlled trials (RCTs) are standard for assessing efficacy and safety of treatments. We pursued preliminary indications that some factors are associated differentially with responses to placebo or drugs in RCTs for bipolar mania. We meta-analysed data from RCTs to assess influences of study-site count, subjects' age, sex distribution, diagnostic subgroups, clinical features, trial-completion rates, and publication year on mean difference (MD) in mania ratings between intake and final assessments. In 38 RCTs involving 3812 placebo-treated and 6988 drug-treated patients, symptomatic improvement was similar in placebo arms of trials of effective (6.77, 95% CI 5.77-7.76) and ineffective (7.61, 95% CI 5.47-8.75) drugs. Lesser placebo responses (MD) and greater drug-placebo differences (Hedges' g) were associated with fewer study sites, younger patients' age, and male sex. More patients with initial psychotic features and more trial completion in drug arms were associated with greater drug-associated improvement (MD) and drug-placebo contrast (Hedges' g), whereas more mixed-state diagnoses decreased both measures. Identifying modifying factors can support more efficient and cost-effective designs of therapeutic trials. In trials for mania, fewer sites may limit placebo response and enhance drug-placebo contrasts.
Background Efforts to identify novel therapeutic options for human pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) have failed to result in a clear improvement in patient survival to date. Pancreatic cancer requires efficient therapies that must be designed and assayed in preclinical models with improved predictor ability. Among the available preclinical models, the orthotopic approach fits with this expectation, but its use is still occasional. Methods An in vivo platform of 11 orthotopic tumor xenografts has been generated by direct implantation of fresh surgical material. In addition, a frozen tumorgraft bank has been created, ensuring future model recovery and tumor tissue availability. Results Tissue microarray studies allow showing a high degree of original histology preservation and maintenance of protein expression patterns through passages. The models display stable growth kinetics and characteristic metastatic behavior. Moreover, the molecular diversity may facilitate the identification of tumor subtypes and comparison of drug responses that complement or confirm information obtained with other preclinical models. Conclusions This panel represents a useful preclinical tool for testing new agents and treatment protocols and for further exploration of the biological basis of drug responses.
Background Efforts to identify novel therapeutic options for human pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) have failed to result in a clear improvement in patient survival to date. Pancreatic cancer requires efficient therapies that must be designed and assayed in preclinical models with improved predictor ability. Among the available preclinical models, the orthotopic approach fits with this expectation, but its use is still occasional. Methods An in vivo platform of 11 orthotopic tumor xenografts has been generated by direct implantation of fresh surgical material. In addition, a frozen tumorgraft bank has been created, ensuring future model recovery and tumor tissue availability. Results Tissue microarray studies allow showing a high degree of original histology preservation and maintenance of protein expression patterns through passages. The models display stable growth kinetics and characteristic metastatic behavior. Moreover, the molecular diversity may facilitate the identification of tumor subtypes and comparison of drug responses that complement or confirm information obtained with other preclinical models. Conclusions This panel represents a useful preclinical tool for testing new agents and treatment protocols and for further exploration of the biological basis of drug responses.