996 resultados para domestic pig


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More pigs are being produced in bedded systems such as hoop barns due to the increase in demand for niche pork. Most of the current swine nutrition information has been generated in confinement settings without bedding. As omnivores, pigs ingest some bedding. There are questions about the effects of the ingested bedding on growth and feed utilization by the modern market pig. More knowledge in this area will allow for more accurate feed formulation in bedded systems.


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Si en las empresas recuperadas por sus trabajadores desaparece la figura del capitalista y de sus cuadros técnicos al interior del espacio productivo, disipándose el control directo del capital sobre el proceso de trabajo, éstas se ven en general presionadas a vincularse con el mercado para poder subsistir, debiendo entonces ajustarse a condiciones impuestas por la competitividad. Muchas empresas recuperadas se vinculan con el mercado como tercerizadoras, involucrándose en los extendidos procesos de descentralización y flexibilización de la producción que adoptan diversas empresas al subcontratar procesos para reducir costos. En ése marco, se analizará en profundidad el funcionamiento de la Cooperativa de Trabajo Textiles Pigüé, empresa proveniente de un proceso de recuperación por sus trabajadores. En este estudio se pretende examinar en qué sentido la autogestión posibilitaría que los trabajadores logren mayor autonomía frente al capital; considerando que autonomizarse no es despojarse de un capitalista particular sino lograr actuar con principios propios frente a los dictados/exigencias del capital. En relación con ello se platean los siguientes interrogantes: ¿Es posible que los trabajadores recobren la autonomía?, ¿hasta qué punto?, ¿qué posibilidad tienen de poder organizar su trabajo según criterios y necesidades propios?. Para dar cuenta de los objetivos de este trabajo, además de realizar una revisión bibliográfica sobre la temática, se recurrió a un abordaje metodológico cualitativo, utilizando las técnicas de entrevista, observación participante y análisis de fuentes secundarias


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Si en las empresas recuperadas por sus trabajadores desaparece la figura del capitalista y de sus cuadros técnicos al interior del espacio productivo, disipándose el control directo del capital sobre el proceso de trabajo, éstas se ven en general presionadas a vincularse con el mercado para poder subsistir, debiendo entonces ajustarse a condiciones impuestas por la competitividad. Muchas empresas recuperadas se vinculan con el mercado como tercerizadoras, involucrándose en los extendidos procesos de descentralización y flexibilización de la producción que adoptan diversas empresas al subcontratar procesos para reducir costos. En ése marco, se analizará en profundidad el funcionamiento de la Cooperativa de Trabajo Textiles Pigüé, empresa proveniente de un proceso de recuperación por sus trabajadores. En este estudio se pretende examinar en qué sentido la autogestión posibilitaría que los trabajadores logren mayor autonomía frente al capital; considerando que autonomizarse no es despojarse de un capitalista particular sino lograr actuar con principios propios frente a los dictados/exigencias del capital. En relación con ello se platean los siguientes interrogantes: ¿Es posible que los trabajadores recobren la autonomía?, ¿hasta qué punto?, ¿qué posibilidad tienen de poder organizar su trabajo según criterios y necesidades propios?. Para dar cuenta de los objetivos de este trabajo, además de realizar una revisión bibliográfica sobre la temática, se recurrió a un abordaje metodológico cualitativo, utilizando las técnicas de entrevista, observación participante y análisis de fuentes secundarias


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Si en las empresas recuperadas por sus trabajadores desaparece la figura del capitalista y de sus cuadros técnicos al interior del espacio productivo, disipándose el control directo del capital sobre el proceso de trabajo, éstas se ven en general presionadas a vincularse con el mercado para poder subsistir, debiendo entonces ajustarse a condiciones impuestas por la competitividad. Muchas empresas recuperadas se vinculan con el mercado como tercerizadoras, involucrándose en los extendidos procesos de descentralización y flexibilización de la producción que adoptan diversas empresas al subcontratar procesos para reducir costos. En ése marco, se analizará en profundidad el funcionamiento de la Cooperativa de Trabajo Textiles Pigüé, empresa proveniente de un proceso de recuperación por sus trabajadores. En este estudio se pretende examinar en qué sentido la autogestión posibilitaría que los trabajadores logren mayor autonomía frente al capital; considerando que autonomizarse no es despojarse de un capitalista particular sino lograr actuar con principios propios frente a los dictados/exigencias del capital. En relación con ello se platean los siguientes interrogantes: ¿Es posible que los trabajadores recobren la autonomía?, ¿hasta qué punto?, ¿qué posibilidad tienen de poder organizar su trabajo según criterios y necesidades propios?. Para dar cuenta de los objetivos de este trabajo, además de realizar una revisión bibliográfica sobre la temática, se recurrió a un abordaje metodológico cualitativo, utilizando las técnicas de entrevista, observación participante y análisis de fuentes secundarias


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China’s huge domestic market is constantly expanding, and is low-end demand oriented and highly dispersed. The domestic market-based development of China’s industrial cluster, however, is not only a quantitative expansion, but has also been accompanied with remarkable qualitative upgrading. Specialized markets are a microcosm that clearly indicate this paradoxical phenomenon. By analyzing three typical cases of industrial clusters that have specialized markets, this paper will make the case that under modern China’s market conditions, the local public sector is the crucial driving force for upgrading industrial clusters, which organize complicated transactions, promote quality control, and stimulate the division of labor.


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This is to analyzes the operational behavior and technical progress among Philippine domestic banks, using micro-level data on individual banks. First, we summarize their major business activities and gain insight on how the structure is changing. Then, we formally estimate the cost function of Philippine domestic banks using panel data covering a seven-year period (1990-96). The presence of economies of scale and economies of scope is investigated and technical progress in the banking industry is measured. In addition, the results of analysis for the Philippines are compared with those of similar studies on Thailand conducted by the author previously.


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One of the key factors behind the growth in global trade in recent decades is an increase in intermediate input as a result of the development of vertical production networks (Feensta, 1998). It is widely recognized that the formation of production networks is due to the expansion of multinational enterprises' (MNEs) activities. MNEs have been differentiated into two types according to their production structure: horizontal and vertical foreign direct investment (FDI). In this paper, we extend the model presented by Zhang and Markusen (1999) to include horizontal and vertical FDI in a model with traded intermediates, using numerical general equilibrium analysis. The simulation results show that horizontal MNEs are more likely to exist when countries are similar in size and in relative factor endowments. Vertical MNEs are more likely to exist when countries differ in relative factor endowments, and trade costs are positive. From the results of the simulation, lower trade costs of final goods and differences in factor intensity are conditions for attracting vertical MNEs.


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In this study, we apply the inter-regional input–output model to explain the relationship between China’s inter-regional spillover of CO2 emissions and domestic supply chains for 2002 and 2007. Based on this model, we propose alternative indicators such as the trade in CO2 emissions, CO2 emissions in trade, regional trade balances, and comparative advantage of CO2 emissions. The empirical results not only reveal the nature and significance of inter-regional environmental spillover within China’s domestic regions but also demonstrate how CO2 emissions are created and distributed across regions via domestic production networks. The main finding shows that a region’s CO2 emissions depend on not only its intra-regional production technique, energy use efficiency but also its position and participation degree in domestic and global supply chains.


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Vietnam’s garment industry has been loosely characterized by the duality based on market orientation: export and domestic. Export-oriented garment suppliers were typically SOEs and foreign invested firms, while those producing for the domestic market have been mostly small, private companies. With a booming economy, other industrial sectors have emerged, and the garment industry is no longer the sector most favored by workers. Wage rates have been increasing, and a supplier’s ability to cope with this through successful upgrading has been the key determinant of whether it can further grow and flourish. Those who fail to cope are finding themselves in an increasingly difficult position. This paper looks at both the export- and domestic-oriented garment suppliers, and attempts to highlight how the industry can further develop by examining the bottlenecks that vary depending on the type of supplier. It suggests that in the long run, upgrading and value addition in the domestic market will be the key strategy.


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Global value chains are supported not only directly by domestic regions that export goods and services to the world market, but also indirectly by other domestic regions that provide parts, components, and intermediate services to final exporting regions. In order to better understand the nature of a country’s position and degree of participation in global value chains, we need to more fully examine the role of individual domestic regions. Understanding the domestic components of global supply chains is especially important for large developing countries like China and India, where there may be large variations in economic scale and development between domestic regions. This paper proposes a new framework for measuring domestic linkages to global value chains. This framework measures domestic linkages by endogenously embedding a country’s domestic interregional input-output (IO) table in an international IO model. Using this framework, we can more clearly describe how global production is fragmented and extended through linkages across a country’s domestic regions. This framework will also enable us to estimate how value added is created and distributed in both domestic and international segments of global value chains. For examining the validity and usefulness of this new approach, some numerical results are presented and discussed based on the 2007 Chinese interregional IO table, China customs statistics at the provincial level, and World Input-Output Tables (WIOTs).


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Previous studies in the border-effect literature surprisingly found that domestic border effects are larger than international border effects (e.g., in the United States or Brazil). One interpretation of this result is that these estimates include the effects of producer agglomeration. Therefore, in this study, we estimate those border effects exclusively for transactions for final consumption, in which such agglomeration forces will be weak, in China and Japan. As a result, we found larger international border effects and could not find a significant role for producer agglomeration in the estimates of border effects. We also found that China's accession to the World Trade Organization reduces border effects in trading between China and Japan but does not decrease domestic border effects.


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Relatively high amounts of fats or oils (mayor que 40-50 g/kg diet) are frequently used in animal nutrition. Vegetables oils are richer in polyunsaturated fatty acids than animal fats. Most of the works studying the effect of different dietary fat sources are focused either on the existing differences on fat digestibility depending on their fatty acid composition (Wiseman et al., 1991) or on their effect on the carcass fat fatty acid profile (Sanz et al., 1999a). lnformation regarding the effect of dietary fat saturation on fat utilization and deposition it is more limited. lt is generally assumed that, apart from differences in digestion, fatty acids of different composition are equally used for metabolic purposes.