985 resultados para density function theory


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Investigations of the vibrational spectra of cyclo(Gly-Gly), cyclo(L-Ala-L-Ala) and cyclo(t-Ala-Gly) are reported. Raman scattering and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra of solid-state and aqueous protonated samples, as well as their corresponding N-deuterated isotopomers, have been examined. In addition, density functional theory (DFT) (B3-LYP/cc-pVDZ) calculations of molecular structures and their associated vibrational modes were carried out. In each case, the calculated structures of lowest energy for the isolated gas-phase molecules have boat conformations. Assignments have been made for the observed Raman and FTIR vibrational bands of the cyclic di-amino acid peptides (CDAPs) examined. Raman polarization studies of aqueous phase samples are consistent with C-2 and C-1 symmetries for the six-membered rings of cyclo(L-Ala-L-Ala) and cydo(L-Ala-Gly), respectively. There is a good correlation between experimental and calculated vibrational bands for the three CDAPs. These data are in keeping with boat conformations for cydo(L-Ala-L-Ala) and cyclo(L-Ala-Gly) molecules, predicted by the ab initio calculations, in both the solid and aqueous solution states. However, Raman spectroscopic results might infer that cyclo(L-AlaGly) deviates only slightly from planarity in the solid state. The potential energy distributions of the amide I and II modes of a cis-peptide linkage are shown to be significantly different from those of the trans-peptides. For example, deuterium shifts have shown that the cis-amide I vibrations found in cyclo(Gly-Gly), cyclo(L-Ala-L-Ala), and cyclo(L-Ala-Gly) have larger N-H contributions compared to their trans-amide counterparts. Compared to trans-amide II vibrations, cis-amide II vibrations show a considerable decrease in N-H character.


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The study of catalytic behavior begins with one seemingly simple process, namely the hydrogenation of O to H2O on platinum. Despite the apparent simplicity its mechanism has been much debated. We have used density functional theory with,gradient corrections to examine microscopic reaction pathways for several elementary steps implicated in this fundamental catalytic process. We find that H2O formation from chemisorbed O and H atoms is a highly activated process. The largest barrier along this route, with a value of similar to1 eV, is the addition of the first H to O to produce OH. Once formed, however, OH groups are easily hydrogenated to H2O with a barrier of similar to0.2 eV. Disproportionation reactions with 1:1 and 2:1 stoichiometries of H2O and O have been examined as alternative routes for OH formation. Both stoichiometries of reaction produce OH groups with barriers that are much lower than that associated with the O + H reaction. H2O, therefore, acts as an autocatalyst in the overall H O formation process. Disproportionation with a 2:1 stoichiometry is thermodynamically and kinetically favored over disproportionation with a l:I stoichiometry. This highlights an additional (promotional) role of the second H2O molecule in this process. In support of our previous suggestion that the key intermediate in the low-temperature H2O formation reaction is a mixed OH and H2O overlayer we find that then is a very large barrier for the dissociation of the second H2O molecule in the 2:1 disproportionation process. We suggest that the proposed intermediate is then hydrogenated to H2O through a very facile proton transfer mechanism.


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A combined experimental and theoretical investigation of the nature of the active form of gold in oxide-supported gold catalysts for the water gas shift reaction has been performed. In situ extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) and X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) experiments have shown that in the fresh catalysts the gold is in the form of highly dispersed gold ions. However, under water gas shift reaction conditions, even at temperatures as low as 100 degrees C, the evidence from EXAFS and XANES is only 14 consistent with rapid, and essentially complete, reduction of the gold to form metallic clusters containing about 50 atoms. The presence of Au-Ce distances in the EXAFS spectra, and the fact that about 15% of the gold atoms can be reoxidized after exposure to air at 150 degrees C, is indicative of a close interaction between a fraction (ca. 15%) of the gold atoms and the oxide support. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations are entirely consistent with this model and suggest that an important aspect of the active and stable form of gold under water gas shift reaction conditions is the location of a partially oxidized gold (Audelta+) species at a cerium cation vacancy in the surface of the oxide support. It is found that even with a low loading gold catalysts (0.2%) the fraction of ionic gold under water gas shift conditions is below the limit of detection by XANES (<5%). It is concluded that under water gas shift reaction conditions the active form of gold comprises small metallic gold clusters in intimate contact with the oxide support.


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We use molecular statics and dynamics to study the stability of L-aspartic acid both in vacuo and solvated by polar and non-polar molecules using density functional theory in the generalized gradient approximation. We find that structures stable in vacuo are unstable in aqueous solution and vice versa. From our simulations we are able to come to some conclusions about the mechanism of stabilisation of zwitterions by polar protic solvents, water and methanol.


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We review the current state of the art in EELS fingerprinting by computer simulation, focusing on the bandstructure approach to the problem. Currently calculations are made using a one electron theory, but we describe in principle the way to go beyond this to include final state effects. We include these effects within the one electron framework using the Slater transition state formula and assess the errors involved. Two examples are then given which illustrate the use of the one electron approximation within density functional theory. Our approach is to combine predicted atomic structure with predicted electronic structure to assist in fingerprinting of complex crystal structures.


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We investigate the ability of the local density approximation (LDA) in density functional theory to predict the near-edge structure in electron energy-loss spectroscopy in the dipole approximation. We include screening of the core hole within the LDA using Slater's transition state theory. We find that anion K-edge threshold energies are systematically overestimated by 4.22 +/- 0.44 eV in twelve transition metal carbides and nitrides in the rock-salt (B1) structure. When we apply this 'universal' many-electron correction to energy-loss spectra calculated within the transition state approximation to LDA, we find quantitative agreement with experiment to within one or two eV for TiC, TiN and VN. We compare our calculations to a simpler approach using a projected Mulliken density which honours the dipole selection rule, in place of the dipole matrix element itself. We find remarkably close agreement between these two approaches. Finally, we show an anomaly in the near-edge structure in CrN to be due to magnetic structure. In particular, we find that the N K edge in fact probes the magnetic moments and alignments of ther sublattice.


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Ab initio molecular dynamics simulations have been performed for the first time on the room-temperature organic ionic liquid dimethyl imidazolium chloride [DMIM][Cl] using density functional theory. The aim is to compare the local liquid structure with both that obtained from two different classical force fields and from neutron scattering experiments. The local structure around the cation shows significant differences compared to both the classical calculations and the neutron results. In particular, and unlike in the gas-phase ion pair, chloride ions tend to be located near a ring C-H proton in a position suggesting hydrogen bonding. The results are used to suggest ways in which the classical potentials may be improved.


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Fixed-node diffusion Monte Carlo computations are used to determine the ground state energy and electron density for jellium spheres with up to N = 106 electrons and background densities corresponding to the electron gas parameter 1 less than or equal to r(s)less than or equal to5.62. We analyze the density and size dependence of the surface energy, and we extrapolate our data to the thermodynamic limit. The results agree well with the predictions of density functional computations using the local density approximation. In the case of N = 20, we extend our computation to higher densities and identify a transition between atomic- and jelliumlike nodal structures occurring at the background density corresponding to r(s)=0.13. In this case the local density approximation is unable to reproduce the changes in the correlation energy due to the discontinuous transition in the ground state nodal structure. We discuss the relevance of our results for nonlocal approximations to density functional theory.


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We report results of classical molecular-dynamics simulations of bcc and beta-Ta thin films. Thermal PVD film growth, surface roughness, argon ion bombardment, phase stability and transformation, vacancy and adatom diffusion, and thermal relaxation kinetics are discussed. Distinct differences between the two structures are observed, including a complex vacancy diffusion mechanism in beta-Ta. Embedded atom method potentials, which were fitted to bcc properties, have been used to model the Ta-Ta interactions. In order to verify the application of these potentials to the more complex beta-Ta structure, we have also performed density functional theory calculations. Results and implications of these calculations are discussed.


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CO oxidation on TiO2 supported Au has been studied using density functional theory calculations. Important catalytic roles of the oxide have been identified: (i) CO oxidation occurs at the interface between Au and the oxide with a very small barrier; and (ii) O-2 adsorption at the interface is the key step in the reaction. The physical origin of the oxide promotion effect has been further investigated: The oxide enhances electron transfer from the Au to the antibonding states of O-2, giving rise to (i) strong ionic bonding between the adsorbed O-2, Au, and the Ti cation; and (ii) a significant activation of O-2 towards CO oxidation.