1000 resultados para désert dtr Dt8 Dt1-3 Dt29
We prove that the fundamental group of any Seifert 3-manifold is conjugacy separable. That is, conjugates may be distinguished infinite quotients or, equivalently, conjugacy classes are closed in the pro-finite topology.
The paper is devoted to the study of a type of differential systems which appear usually in the study of some Hamiltonian systems with 2 degrees of freedom. We prove the existence of infinitely many periodic orbits on each negative energy level. All these periodic orbits pass near the total collision. Finally we apply these results to study the existence of periodic orbits in the charged collinear 3–body problem.
We study of noncompact Euclidean cone manifolds with cone angles less than c&2π and singular locus a submanifold. More precisely, we describe its structure outside a compact set. As a corol lary we classify those with cone angles & 2π/3 and those with cone angles = 2π/3.
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"Vegeu el resum a l'inici del document del fitxer adjunt."
Detail of Untitled 3, 2011, pastel on paper.
Detail of Untitled 3, 2011, pastel on paper.
Detail of Untitled 3, 2011, pastel on paper.
Untitled 3, 2011, pastel on paper, 10.5' x 6'.
Combined media on photographic paper. 80" x 55"
La catàstrofe mediambiental generada per l’enfonsament del petroler Prestige enfront de les costes gallegues al 2002 ha estat un dels majors desastres ecològics a Espanya i les seves conseqüències es van estendre al terreny polític i social, generant una situació de crisi sense precedents al territori espanyol. Aquest treball de recerca inclou el marc teòric, la metodologia i els primers resultats de l’estudi de la informació televisiva emesa per quatre cadenes generalistes de televisió durant tota la crisi. A més d’una revisió crítica de les teories de la comunicació i els seus mètodes d’investigació, s’ofereix un estudi sobre el concepte i l’estructura del noticiari televisiu, així com unes notes introductòries sobre la cobertura de cada cadena.
Let M be a compact hyperbolic 3-manifold with incompressible boundary. Consider a complete hyperbolic metric on int(M). To each geometrically finite end of int(M) are traditionnaly associated 3 different invariants : the hyperbolic metric associated to the conformal structure at infinity, the hyperbolic metric on the boundary of the convex core and the bending measured lamination of the convex core. In this note we show how invariants of different types can be realised in the different ends.
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Foi feito um estudo qualitativo e quantitativo dos megacariócitos da medula de camundongos inoculados no peritôneo com 0,5 ml de líquido ascítico do Sarcoma 180. Concluímos que: 1. Existe realmente um aumento do número total de megacariócitos durante o desenvolvimento da neoplasia. 2. Êste aumento já é bem aparente no 1º dia. 3. Esta megacariocitopoiese estabiliza-se, com valôres altos, a partir do 3º dia. 4. Os megacariócitos se apresentam muitas vêzes aumentados de volume e alguns formando agregados. Tecem-se considerações a respeito dos resultados.